This morning I woke up and decided to take it considerably easier. I told myself I would relax, work calmly, and take breaks. And that’s exactly what I did. I did things more slowly than usual and I took my time. But I still got a lot done and I felt really good by the end of the day. My sciatica is still here and it sucks but I feel much better other than that. Amazing what a day of true rest without anticipated doom can do for you.
Here’s Nathaniel snacking:

And David giving me the “please please can we be done with this” look.

I love those eyes so much.

And these too.

And the boys that are behind each of those eyes. I love them so.
Plans for tonight and the rest of this week are the same. Slowly, calmly get stuff done and rest a lot. I will try to sleep early, too and see if I can restore myself back to good health. Let’s hope…
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a quiet, calm day.
2. I am grateful for kindness of strangers. People I’ve never met in person sending me kind words through email, comments, message boards. How wonderful this internet is….
3. I am grateful for finishing our book. David and I just finished an excellent one and I can’t wait to read more. I love reading with my boy.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i ate some candy (yes two days in a row!) {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I had music class today
3. I am grateful that mommy and i finished our book.

I excepted today to be stressful since the beta push was planned to happen today. The good news is that it all went through and appears to be ok so far. Jake came home really early today to help me and I really needed it. The little boy was a gem, too. He went exploring in the house.

And grabbed things out of drawers.

And looked at me when I said “No” so he could decide if I was serious. When he sees that I am, he puts it back.

David’s been a gem too.

I must say everyone in my family is so supportive and kind to me. I get very stressed often and need to really focus for moments and they are always understanding and kind and give me the space I need. They accept my apologies. They forgive me. They make me feel accepted and loved. And honestly, that’s what I’ve always sought in my life. I am also in a wonderful place with my parents and appreciate their kindness, generosity and wisdom, too. Just feeling a bit fragile today because I was so stressed that it spilled over and that always leaves me a bit spent. And then I step back and appreciate my life and loved ones in a different light.
I have a lot on my mind lately but haven’t been able to sit and think through it. Now that the beta is out I plan to make room for journaling and hope that it will help me. Guide me. All my classes are over now, too and maybe I need a little break but I do love the classes. So are you taking anything? Anything you love?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful the Beta push is out. My first. And so far, so good.
2. I am grateful for Jake coming home early again and for the kindness of all of my family today.
3. I am grateful for a few quieter days. I plan to rest and refresh so I can have a resurge of excitement and productivity in the next few weeks.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i got some candy {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy read to me
3. I am grateful that I got a game for the phone

OK! This morning I woke up and I decided to just snap out of it. I will admit that I am still trying to take it easy. I woke up, made the kids breakfast, checked my email, read to David and took him to the bus. Then I finished a layout I had started last night. Then it was time to exercise.
Once that was done, I went back to work (I’d started work last night just to make sure I wasn’t going to be caught by surprise this morning.) Then it was a little bit of rest with breakfast. And then back to work. Nathaniel napped, giving me some uninterrupted work time.
In the afternoon, Jake showed up early thankfully and got David while I kept working. The push went out and I spent a bit more time with David, reading. He did his other chores. Like writing his journal:

While the little boy played and read books.

Then I spent some time with both kids and hugged them and played. Then it was dinner time. Now the kids are sleeping and I am trying to finish my chores. I got some weird eye migraine earlier in the day so I have a big headache but I am still feeling better. I have some serious catching up to do. I haven’t even made a todo list for over a week. But I feel better. Or at least more comfortable faking it till I fully make it.
My plan is to take it slow. Do the things that really really matter: exercise, work, david reading, hug time, daily diary, gratitudes, and art journaling daily. And squeeze in more journaling. Then I can worry about sketching and the other things I am not doing. For now, I need to rest. And I am ok with that! Feeling happy even! So how about you?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a relatively productive day at work.
2. I am grateful for Jake coming home early. Makes it so much smoother not to stress right when the release is happening.
3. I am grateful for my mood improving. Still in pain but it’s all in the mind right? I am choosing to feel better and I am grateful for that.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i got a comic book from the library {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got to spend some time with daddy (they’re working on some interesting physics/math stuff)
3. I am grateful that I got to watch mommy play monkey island for a bit

I appreciate all the kindness you’ve sent my way so so much. It seems ungrateful and mean to not feel great in light of the terrible things happening in the world. I am actively working on my mood and yelling at myself to snap out of it, regularly. I am still in quite a bit of pain on my back and my nerves but honestly, my life is amazing and I have nothing at all to feel bad about. So I need to snap snap snap out of it!
I spent most of today relaxing as well. I didn’t yell at myself or feel bad for most of it. I did do a huge backup and was able to get back 200 gigabytes on my computer. That’s how much excess stuff was sitting there. For five minutes, David dared touch his Didj and Nathaniel immediately shouted “me me me” and melted down until David gave it to him. So here they are, both playing.

I love how hard he focuses on it.

I guess he’s leaning from his brother.

Jake went to the city to meet up with his relatives for breakfast and I exercised and attempted to put the baby down. Who, of course didn’t nap. By the time he came back, we were ready for family photos.

But everyone seemed distracted and antsy today.

Until tickle-time of course.

And I am posting this one despite my huge nose and how much it’s making me feel terrible. I love the joy in the photo and that matters more.

Then it was time for the little boy to eat and try one more attempt to nap. I read for a bit, read to David, organized photos to print, and then worked a little on my art journal. The plans for tonight include printing photos (to scrap) and doing a little work and checking in my class and then maybe scrapping a bit before bedtime. Let’s see. I am feeling better emotionally. More rested and calmer. And yet I know the next three days will be a bit stressful. That’s ok though. They will come and they will go and life is wonderful.
I must also admit that my plans to sketch daily have completely gone out the window. I have had several people email me with their plans to make daily layouts and to exercise daily. I hope you ladies are doing better than I am!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for another quiet day of resting.
2. I am grateful for family photos. I love love love taking these photos and seeing them.
3. I am grateful for all the backup work I did today. Backing up is really important. Not fun but really important.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that mommy got me a game {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got some candy
3. I am grateful that we played the dino math game for family night

Today was a good day! I did some art last night so I was feeling happy and took it really really easy. I did my exercise, read to david, and then spent the whole day reading my book. David colored for a while, wearing his Irish hat from school.

Then he asked me to take a photo of him with it.

Then he played Wii for a bit as I worked with Jake.

And then it was family photo time. Daddy and Nathaniel played as I set up.

Here we are in the middle of tickle-time.

Me attempting to get a shot while everyone else is completely disinterested.

And finally more tickling.

I read an entire book today and we’re now off to see the same book’s movie. Yey! After that I hope to do a bit more art. No pressure. A Lot of rest. That’s the plan for this weekend. So far, so good.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a day of quiet, relaxing reading.
2. I am grateful for my kids and how they just quietly played all day, too.
3. I am grateful for date night. Love my hubby. Love the movies. Love date night.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that tomorrow’s family night {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got extra time to stay up tonight
3. I am grateful that I played wii today

I won’t lie to you. I seem to be struggling lately. A lot of back pain and sciatica. I am also regularly beating myself up emotionally. A lot of craziness going on. I know it will all calm down soon, it always does. Just wish I could figure out what’s triggering this recent bout. Alas, it shall pass.
I love watching David play. All the faces he makes.

And then this one face, too, of course.

And here’s the little boy so in love with his brother and enamored with his daddy. You should hear the shrieks when Daddy comes home. It warms my heart so much.

Ah, so ready for this weekend. I plan to spend most of it lying down, healing my back. Wish me luck. I hope yours is absolutely wonderful!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a quick layout i finished this morning that I love
2. I am grateful for my health lately, despite the pain. I am watching all the suffering around the world and I am feeling so so so grateful for everything we have. Our safety and security and my loved ones. So deeply grateful.
3. I am grateful for the weekend. I need to rest this weekend and will make it a priority.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I get to spend time with daddy tonight {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got extra choice time at school
3. I am grateful that my friend was back in school today

Still getting on the path to feeling better here!! I think i am feeling much happier in general but now my body seems to be unhappy. I am achy and sore all over. Sciatica. Sore jaw. You name it. And Nathaniel woke up with a runny nose so I am wondering if we’re both on our way to being sick. Say it isn’t so!
This morning David was coloring so of course Nathaniel wanted to, too.

Then David was off to school and I got to work. Nathaniel ate, played and watched movies. Then David came back and wouldn’t really let me take any photos.

So I took some of Nathaniel.

Boys played, we read, did workbooks, I worked a bunch more and now they are sleeping and likely I will soon, too. I’ve noticed sleep really helps me emotionally and physically and since I am so worn out now, I think I need to focus on sleep more. I swear I haven’t forgotten to do the sketching post today, I’ve only sketched two things this week and so I didn’t even have the energy to post them yet. I promise, soon.
Thank you for bearing with me these last few weeks. It’s been more hectic than usual. But I must say I am still deeply grateful for my life and so very grateful for all of you. Deeply.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for an incredible incredible happy mail day!
2. I am grateful for my students in the Finding Your Way class. They are so kind, loving, supportive. I am a lucky gal.
3. I am grateful for another productive day at work. Things are progressing and that’s all I can ask for at this point.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had pistachio pudding at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got to sit and play with daddy
3. I am grateful that i didn’t get pinched ( he was supposed to wear green so he didn’t get pinched today. lol)

I woke up today, determined to be less grouchy, again. And I can tell you I am less grouchy but I am in quite a bit of pain for some reason. I feel sore all over and feel like all my muscles are black and blue. Work is also still at a pretty high tempo so I am trying to keep up with it all. Though I did exercise today, I didn’t manage to read to David. I will have to make up for it tomorrow.

I love love love that I caught this shot. Nathaniel does this often where he’ll look through the holes of his chair when he’s calling for me. Just two eyes peering out at me.

I love those eyes.

He’s eating saltine crackers and cream cheese. One of his favorite things ever.

And here’s David trying not to smile. Looks sort of a mix between sad and mad, doesn’t he?

but here he is a moment later. he wasn’t sad or mad.

I’ve already taken 3 advils and the pain is not any better in my jaw or back or head so I am thinking a little art journaling and I will crawl into bed early tonight. I hope you’re all well and march is treating you well so far.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that the bugs and crashes are looking better. Hooray!
2. I am grateful for a nice chat with my mom today. She’s been ill and I am so thankful to skype and getting to see her.
3. I am grateful for my hubby. i love him so. he’s patient, kind, loving and such a true joy to have in my life.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I built a playground for patty (their leprechaun) {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got a new game on the phone
3. I am grateful that i was allowed to play a bit extra today

I am a little less grouchy this morning but I will admit that it’s not by much. I am working on it though and getting closer to faking it till I make it. In the meantime I am operating on doing the absolute essentials which includes exercise, a lot of work and that’s about it. I took a photo of Nathaniel lining up his cars.

And a smile from David.

And I love this one cause it shows how Nathaniel always likes to play by David. He often plays in the chair right behind him. He likes the proximity. I am like that, too so I totally get it.

Tonight I am hoping to move forward a bit. I think getting some things done will help my mood. I will put some serious time into my classroom, write some posts, maybe even scrap a page. And there’s TV to watch with my hubby. I will also go to bed early so I can get some rest. I have noticed that it makes a considerable difference when I am well rested vs not.
I’m sorry I haven’t had a lot of pithy things to say lately. I am sure things will snap back to normal soon. They always do. Whatever “normal” means.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that the release was blessed and already out the door. I am hoping there’s some good news coming with this one.
2. I am grateful for a nice chat with my mom today. She’s been sick and I hope she gets well soon! It was wonderful to get to chat with her and have Nathaniel chat with her today.
3. I am grateful for some extra special Nathaniel time today. He came and sat next to me and we read his Thomas books together. It was such a joy.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had computer workstation at school today {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played with Julian during lunch
3. I am grateful that i get to sit with Daddy before bed

I tried to get some photos of the little boy but he would not accomodate me.

Nor would the big boy.

But then I caught a few good ones of Nathaniel while David played.

I especially like this one.

Nothing amazing going on here. I am exercising, volunteering in David’s class, working, and trying to keep things afloat here. I am not sketching or even doing my art journal really. I am moody. I am grouchy. I have no reason to be. Yet I am. Can’t seem to snap out of it. But you know what? Tomorrow is another day. Things have been quiet here lately too. I hope you’re all ok.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a bunch of happy mail this week.
2. I am grateful for a quick shopping trip to Anthropologie.
3. I am grateful that even though I dropped it on the ground, my phone did not break!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I made a chart of people who like to play games {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played with Julian during lunch
3. I am grateful that i got play time on the phone

Sunday meant another family shot day. I love the way Nathaniel is looking at David here.

Today’s session deteriorated quickly and it was tickle time.

I love how everyone’s laughing and happy and lost in the moment.

Before the photos, I exercised, read to David and did some art. Jake went to a Cory Booker event. He came home, we took photos, and then today’s family time was a special one where David and Daddy got to play Wii so they did that early since we’re going out tonight. And Nathaniel played with his stickers.

And then his legos while I just sort of lay on the couch thinking about reading my book but not actually reading it.

And in case you were wondering, David had a blast.

Now it’s the end of the weekend already and mine was super-unproductive. But I did the exercise. I read to my kid. I sketched a bit and did art a bit. So I am calling it a success. Especially after how hard the week was. I needed rest and I got it. Now it’s time to put the kids down and go to the movies. I am thankful.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am still going with the exercise. I still dread it but I do it.
2. I am grateful for a quiet weekend and big, huge hugs from the kids.
3. I am grateful for my big boy. He’s so kind and so funny and such a good soul.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got to play wii with daddy {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got a new game on the phone
3. I am grateful that i did workbooks with mommy

I had very few things on my todo list today. And as is typical with such days, I got none of it done! I did my exercise, read to David, sketched, and began a mixed media piece but I am not even feeling like finishing it. Oh and we took family shot, too, of course. Right as I was setting up, David said “Mommy take a picture of us.” So I did.

Then he wanted Nathaniel on his lap so Daddy helped him with that.

And when it was time for me to sit, he took them both on his lap so David could continue to have Nathaniel on his lap.

I love Nathaniel’s sneaky happy face here. He’s got the remote and he’s enjoying it.

All of us are fascinated by the remote clicker.

After photos, Jake went to his office, I went to exercise and David was playing Wii. Halfway through, he decided he’d rather play on the phone instead.

When I tried to snap one more photo, I was met with this stare. So I stopped.

Tonight I feel up to doing nothing. Maybe it’s a sign I need to rest. Some days are like this. I am hoping this is a sign tomorrow will be considerably more productive.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that even though I didn’t finish much this weekend so far, I am not behind in anything so I don’t really need to stress.
2. I am grateful Jake went grocery shopping. I love having fresh fruit at home.
3. I am grateful for a relaxing day with my boys. I love love love my boys.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got to a new level in my game {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I had some apple juice
3. I am grateful that i get to stay up tonight
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects