David woke up with a fever this morning, putting a dent in all my plans since I had scheduled to get a super duper amount of work done today. but alas, the boy was sick so he stayed home, got some love from mommy and was a total champ.

He always is such a champ. I adore this child. Adore.

The little one is becoming more and more of a handful.

He’s strongly opinionated and you need help if you decide you want to cross him.

So we rarely do.

In the end a lot did get done. I finished an album for CHA summer (yep already), did my exercise (and read), read to David, pushed out the Beta, did a bunch more work, finalized and sent in our 2011 taxes and checked in on my class. Phew. Tonight I am hoping to put together some blog posts and maybe even watch some TV as I work on my art journal. I am tired and I plan to sleep early. David seems to be feeling better thankfully so we’ll see how things go tomorrow.
I hope your Monday was well?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a wonderfully happy package that came a day early.
2. I am grateful the taxes are finished. I never ever enjoy those and always feel good when they are done.
3. I am grateful David is feeling better.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I was home all day {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got to play on the phone
3. I am grateful I get to read my magazine in bed.

Ok I have to admit that I spent most of today pouting. I did work on some projects but I also just lay on the couch, dead tired, for quite some time. But, some days just go like that. My todo list piled up but that’s ok, too. It will pass. Tomorrow I will catch up. I did my 2.9 miles early this morning and then we took our family shots. The kids weren’t really up for it though so we ended up doing tickle time pretty early.

And got lots of laughter shots.

Which I must admit, I love.

Jake and David went to learn to ride bikes while I was exercising (and Nathaniel was playing next to me.) so after family shots, Jake went to do some work, Nathaniel napped, and I worked on my minibook for CHA (yes, already working on summer CHA). When Nathaniel woke up, we all had lunch and I read to David. Then Daddy came home and they disappeared again, this time to ride scooters. While they were gone, Nathaniel tried on all his pairs of shoes.

He worked really hard at it.

Then he put stickers all over his shirt.

Then took them off his shirt and re-stuck them onto some paper. (after my explaining to him that sticking them to the couch was not ok.)

Then David said it was ok to snap a photo of him. (Daddy was mowing the lawn at this point.)

And finally it was family time but Mommy was feeling tired and super-grouchy so the boys played games on the computer while mommy sat next to them and read.

Then they went to bed, I worked some more on my minibook (still not done) and worked some on my art journal. Now it’s 9:30 and I am trying to decide between working more on my book and going to bed. But I am exhausted and I know if I stay up late, it will ruin tomorrow and I have a long day tomorrow so I am going to go sleep. The mini book will get finished in the morning.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake took David riding today. He said we’re almost there which makes me so so grateful.
2. I am grateful that I read a fun book and did some projects this weekend despite my hectic schedule and yucky mood.
3. I am grateful that this is an appointment-free week. A rare one for me.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I rode my bike with Daddy {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got to play video games with Daddy
3. I am grateful we rode the scooter

Today was scheduled to be a busy day so I exercised right after I woke up. Then, I showered and it was time for family photos. Here are my boys as I am setting the camera up.

And then all of us giving some love to Daddy. We all love Daddy so much.

Tickle time.

I love these moments so much.

And then there was some drama, of course. As the boys kicked balls around and laughed and laughed and laughed.

Then I worked on my layout (which too WAY WAY TOO LONG to complete) until it was time to go to the birthday party. Then we had to pick up the car and then we came home and I finished my layout and we had friends over and then they left and now I am trying to finish up all my dangling todo items. Too stressful a day if you ask me. I look forward to a relaxing day tomorrow.
As I was taking shots of my layout, David came down and asked me to take a photo so I happily obliged.

Now it’s time to relax. Maybe do some art journaling, too. Let’s see.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for some fun time with my boys at the birthday (and grateful I stayed away from the pizza and chocolate).
2. I am grateful I finished the layout. I am not a huge fan of it but i am still glad it’s done. Not all come so easily.
3. I am grateful I get one more day off before the chaos of work descends.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it’s Matthew’s birthday {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I get to stay up late and play a bit tonight
3. I am grateful that it was my wii day.

I spent most of this morning staring at the computer but not getting enough done. I felt so tired and worn out that my brain was just not functioning. On a positive side, I did walk/run the 2.9 miles now that April’s started. I then met a friend for breakfast. So both of those were great. I even sketched another angel. I’ve now made 5 angels in two days. Something is up. I had a meeting and did get some work done. But other than those, most of my morning was unproductive.
Little boy, took forever to nap. Then discovered one of David’s favorite toys from when he was little (the elmo phone.)

He’s been playing with it all day.

Then we got David, who was in a good mood.

Until I wouldn’t help him with his workbooks and told him he had to patiently do them.

Then it was reading time so Nathaniel played quietly while we read.

Oh yes, we skipped spring altogether this month and went right to summer, hence the shorts. It’s been extremely hot here.

As he always prefers to, Nathaniel came to be right near us while we were reading. He likes to make sure he plays or sits right next to his big brother.

I also got a huge box of amazing Maya Road goodies today so once the kiddos went to bed, I made a layout and now I am trying to decide between doing my art journal or going to bed. I’ve learned that while I get my second wind at night, staying up late often ruins the next day in a significant way. So I am trying to not do that anymore.
We have a full day tomorrow but a quiet one on Sunday so I expect this to be a productive and relaxing weekend. Here’s hoping I’m right.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my goody box from Maya Road.
2. I am grateful it’s weekend, I really enjoy my weekends.
3. I am grateful for my husband who is buying groceries at this very moment. He’s my favorite person on earth.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it’s April Fool’s day {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that tomorrow’s my wii day.
3. I am grateful that i got to play on the phone tonight.

Most of today was busy with performance evaluations at work. Which are absolutely no fun. To be even more precise, I hate doing them. But, alas, they had to get done so I buckled down and did them. Then I pushed another Beta because we had that ready. And the day was pretty much over. While I worked, Nathaniel played with the pencil case I recently gave him (for like a minute, but now he owns it of course):

He loves the zipper and putting things in and out.

And seeing them in there.

Then it was time to get David. While I waited for the bus, I drew two more angels. I am really enjoying them for now and playing and experimenting. When David cam home, I tried to get him to pose, but I was unsuccessful.

So I took some photos while he talked.

I cannot believe this stunningly beautiful (and kind and generous and loving) boy is my child. How lucky am I? Today was a big day for Daddy so David and I made a sign for him. I drew the letters and he colored.

Nathaniel wanted to be a part of it too, of course.

He’s my other stunning boy. I can’t believe I got lucky twice!

So finally I just sat him on the chair so he could watch his big brother color.

He sat there and watched with great interest for the most part. And I think David liked having him there, too.

When it was finished, we hung it up (in my extremely messy crafting area) for Daddy to find when he got home.

Today was Jake’s last day at work. Our lives, schedules are about to change. For the better. Endings mean new beginnings which are equal parts scary and exciting. Here’s to ours!
Tonight I have no plans. It’s kind of odd, but I feel like doing nothing and not in a bad way. I have some work coming tomorrow and a bunch of commitments this weekend so I will take this quiet evening, do a little of my daily art journal and maybe make some plans for April and then just rest the rest of the night.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake’s last day is finally here. It’s been a long time coming.
2. I am grateful for accomplishing a bunch at work and feeling like things are rolling forward.
3. I am grateful for another month of daily exercise: 86.8 miles in March. Not bad.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i built a castle with blocks with my friends {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I did my workbook.
3. I am grateful that i made a sign for daddy.

Today was a bunch of work and a bunch of rest. Nothing too much really to say. When I went to get David, he was working on his workbooks so I snapped a shot.

So he gave me a smile.

Little boy was talking to me through the little hole again.

So I went there to snap some shots.

Jake and David were out riding bikes so he was sad.

I am feeling good today. For no reason. I’ve been putting off doing performance reviews at work. Those are never fun but other than that I’m actually on top of everything so I feel calm and like it’s ok to rest. I am also calm about the drawing stuff for a while. I need to make a plan but I am not 100% ready yet.
By the way, it’s almost April and the newsletter is ready. So are new digital downloads. This is where I remind you to join my newsletter. It’s on the upper right corner to join. I hope you do!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I mailed off my layout, yey!
2. I am grateful for another relatively uneventful day at work.
3. I am grateful for people allowing me to help, it’s such an honor to get to help.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i wrote two letters at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we’re reading our book
3. I am grateful that i worked on my workbook (summer activities, today).

A lot of today was filled with frustration but then in the afternoon, I decided to take a little break and spent some time with David and Nathaniel and I am so glad I did. I feel so much better now. David and I were reading and Nathaniel was playing in the other room, each time I called him, I’d see this:

Then we went back to reading.

I realized afterwards that he was playing by the stairs.

He was having so much fun I didn’t want to stop him.

We read, worked, played and then David asked if we could go out to dinner. So we all went to dinner since it was the first non-rainy day in a long while. It was wonderful and relaxing. And tonight I might actually attempt to make a layout. Or not. Let’s see if the mood strikes. I’m thinking maybe I am too tired and might just have to relax on the couch instead.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we went out to dinner.
2. I am grateful for my mom. I love you, mom.
3. I am grateful for art and inspiration.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we’re reading our book {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we went out to dinner
3. I am grateful that we worked on our spelling workbook.

Well I expected today to be stressful so I sort of cornered myself before the day even began. And I made the mistake of staying up an hour longer than needed last night which made today even less bearable. While I worked all day (or pouted) the little boy played and grabbed things off my desk.

Jake came home early to get David who was a bit sad.

And didn’t really want to have photos.

So gave me a fake-ish smile.

But then the kids played and laughed together while I broke down a bit (quite stressed today). They giggled and laughed

Then little boy played with the toy David loved as a baby and it warmed my heart to see it out again.

Tonight I take it easy and rest. I will catch up in my class and be kind to myself. And go to bed early.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that beta is out. i can breathe a bit better now.
2. I am grateful for Jake’s help and patience with me.
3. I am grateful for my kids’ laughter which always reminds me what’s most important.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Mommy got flowers from the library – i volunteer for the library at his school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that i watched a soccer movie with Daddy
3. I am grateful that matthew, luke and i played star wars at school.

I can officially say this has been a great weekend. Much art, much family time, and laughter. What more can I ask from a weekend? I did three layouts and another page in my art journal. We took family shots:

Tickled a whole bunch.

Laughed and laughed.

Then it was quiet time (though Nathaniel never did nap.) where I did art, Jake worked and David did his workbook and played on the phone. After that we went to David’s new school (he’ll hopefully be starting a new school in the fall.).

It was quite chilly but we walked around a bit.

He played on the playground.

The little one watched.

Daddy pushed him on the swings.

the little one watched some more and kept saying “me, me, me.”

Then Jake joined David and swung some himself.

We then went to grab a bit at a bagel place and came home for family time. We played Perfection and dominoes. We laughed a lot. Now the kids are sleeping and I have a bunch of blog posts to write, emails to return and then it will be sleep time. Tomorrow is a stressful day at work and this week I have an appointment each morning so it will be more stressful than usual. But that’s ok. I feel calm right now so I am just going to enjoy that.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for another full, productive and yet relaxing day.
2. I am grateful for family time. The laughter and the joy.
3. I am grateful for my husband. I love love love him so.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we went out to dinner {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we played dominoes
3. I am grateful i get to read the lego magazine in bed.

I slept really fitfully last night and woke up with nightmares in the middle of the night. My heart was racing. Then I went back to sleep and Nathaniel started crying. So I ended up sleeping until 8:30 (thank you Jake!) and then I had to rush to exercise and take family shots. We rushed it a bit and the kids weren’t really in the mood.

At least not the little boy.

Even during tickle time, he made the most unpleasant faces.

But we did all laugh quite a bit.

Then I had my BPC chat which was great. Afterwards, Nathaniel looked at me and smiled, which is a sign he wanted me to take his shot. So I obliged of course.

he discovered this little car had doors.

that opened.

which brought much joy.

and then he tortured David for a while.

Who actually enjoyed the attention and was kind to his brother.

Then they came to attack me.

Love my boys. After that we walked over to a neighbor’s house cause she was having a bake sale to raise money for Japan. Then it was naptime for Nathaniel. David played Wii and I scrapped. Some more playing and then we went to Trader Joe’s for some shopping. Dinner and the kids are now in bed. Jake went running and I am trying to relac and decide if I might do one more layout or just some art.
That’s it from this quiet, peaceful day. Hope your Saturday was good as well.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a full, productive and yet relaxing day.
2. I am grateful for family photos. Love them.
3. I am grateful for movies which I watch as I make my layouts.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we went to Miho’s house for snacks. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that i got two new Wii games (a friend of Jake’s gave them to us).
3. I am grateful i got to play my new games.

I made a list last night of things I needed to get done first thing in the morning. I woke up at 6am and did each of them. I was done by 9am, even with the hourlong exercise break. So by 9, I was already feeling good about my day. I spent most of the rest of the day just getting more things done but slowly, and not stressfully.
Here are some faces Nathaniel makes when he’s told he can’t touch things.

So much drama from a little little boy.

We then went to get David who came home and quickly did his chores. Wrote his gratitudes.

Smiled for mommy.

Nathaniel, in the meantime, was playing this game where he ran to the door and faked falling flat on his butt.

my funny boy.

Early evening, we had our friends Jessica and Sam with their kids come to visit. They were in town from Los Angeles and they’re some of my favorite people ever. It was so wonderful to see all the kids playing and giggling together.

After they left, Jake went into the city to meet up with a friend and I have been slowly cleaning up, resting and relaxing. Then I got the best email ever. I think I might just relax a bit and then go to sleep early so I can start my weekend all rested.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for David’s wonderful news. I feel so thankful.
2. I am grateful for the time we spent with Jess and Sam and their wonderful kids.
3. I am grateful for the weekend. I have a chat tomorrow at BPC but that’s my only commitment for the weekend. I will play with my kids, read, relax and be thankful.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we have friends coming over. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that i had some mango ice cream.
3. I am grateful i got to stay up a little later than usual.

Another calm, productive day here. I did manage to exercise, read to david, journal (though only a few sentences), make a layout, and do a bunch of work. I also missed David’s bus for the first time ever. I want late by seconds but I felt terrible and like a horrible mom. I drove to school and got him, feeling horrible the whole time. He, of course, forgave me. He’s an angel like that.
Nathaniel’s started getting into everything. I have to watch him a lot more now and it’s going to be tough.

But he’s still super-cute so that doesn’t hurt.

Here’s the five second shot David will let me take.

And the highlight of Nathaniel’s day: daddy coming home. He loves spending time with Daddy. (So do the rest of us to be honest. We all love him so much.)

I am writing this early because I am off to get my roots colored. It’s been 3 months and it’s way way overdue. Might as well get it done. Then I come home and maybe if I am lucky I get to do some more art. I am blessed.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a wonderful layout that made me happy to make.
2. I am grateful for David’s forgiveness. He’s always so kind to me.
3. I am grateful for these two calmer days. Tomorrow will be hectic again but then it’s weekend so I will make it through and then get to rest again for a bit.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I get to work on my workbook. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that daddy’s home early
3. I am grateful i get to play on the phone for a while.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects