I promised myself that I would rest this weekend. I need downtime as usual. I seem to have gone into a long long funk but I will not whine cause I still get stuff done and I am proud of myself for learning to recognize that I need sleep or that I need rest. So this weekend, I have a bunch of deliverables and I will check in on my class but otherwise, I will relax and rest. So this morning I got up late and then took my time. When I got up to exercise finally, David was sharing some of his cheerios with Nathaniel.

He’s been in a really good mood, thankfully.

Then I finished my book, surfed a bit, looked up sketch inspiration, sketched and did some cleanup while Nathaniel finally napped. And then it was time for family shots.

The little one was not in the mood.

one of my favorite parts of these shots is how Jake and I hug and kiss.

David was in a good mood after the shoot, too. Always in a good mood my boy.

Then we finished our book, picked a new one and then it was dinner etc etc. Now we’re hoping to make a quick trip to Target and it’s time for bed. I plan to do some art, check in my classroom, and finally close all the tabs I have open. Love nights with no huge plans!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for another sketch. I am really working hard at them.
2. I am grateful I exercised. Still going.
3. I am grateful for a quiet night. Love those.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I watched TV {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played with my legos.
3. I am grateful I am building a game.

Both boys were at home today and I had a bunch of work to do so the morning was quiet as David colored and Nathaniel played. David then came to show me some of his creations and explained them to me, which I enjoyed so so much.

There he is telling me the stories.

Nathaniel took a a long nap while his friends came to play here. I finally woke him up but then he just wanted to eat. Only after everyone left did he dig into the lego box.

He found a little car.

made some car noises.

and acted just like a little boy! Made me smile as I snapped.

Soon after, David joined in too and they played while I worked.

I rarely do black and white now but I loved this shot so I tried.

Between David’s sickness last week and my allergies, we blow our noses a lot here and Nathaniel has started imitating us often.

I got a lot of work done today and even had an hour of playtime with the neighbors and their kids. Now we’re off to the movies and then I get to art journal for a bit. This weekend is looking to be fun, I hope. I hope yours is too!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my kids’ stories and imagination.
2. I am grateful I had a bit of social time today. It’s nice to have friends over.
3. I am grateful for the weekend!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I colored {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I told stories to mommy.
3. I am grateful for mommy and daddy and for playing with Nathaniel.

Wow are we really almost halfway through April? This month is flying by.
Little boy decided to wake up early today so I woke up disoriented and tired but then I was delighted to find out that a guess I made at work was right. I exercised and decided to just turn my attitude around for the rest of the day. David was sweet and he seems to be ok thankfully.

He played on the computer some as I worked.

Nathaniel took a nice nap and then was delighted to have some stickers.

Here he is trying to smile at me so I will go away.

I am posting early today cause I am soon leaving for the dentist and then I have a BPC chat and I promised I will spend tonight with my hubby so here we are. Life is good here, I am thankful and I am trying to keep a positive attitude and remember how lucky i am. Hope you’re doing well, too.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am still grateful my son is ok. So so grateful.
2. I am grateful I got a bunch of tasks done so I can feel less stressed.
3. I am grateful for things working out ok at work. I feel proud of myself.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that mommy got me stickers {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I get to play on the computer.
3. I am grateful for mommy and daddy.

Well today was going great….I did my exercise and sketched and went to the jaw doctor and even made a layout. I got work done, Nathaniel took his nap. He woke up at 1:30 and as we walked down the stairs, the phone rang. I picked it up and it was David’s school. He was twirling at lunch they said and got dizzy and hit his head on the metal bench. He’s bleeding from the head. You should come pick him up.
Not words a mom wants to hear. So I rushed over to his school and thankfully he was more ok than I’d imagined. They’d cleaned it off and he was smiling. I took him to the pediatrician and they cleaned it more and decided to put strong bandaids and let it close on its own. There was no need for stitches and they thought there was too much tissue for the dermabond to work.
So we came back home. Nathaniel was mostly oblivious of course.

But he hadn’t eaten in hours and was mostly well behaved at the doctor’s office, especially considering how hungry he must have been.

But we already know how blessed I am when it comes to my kids.

David was brave and sweet the whole time. He held my hand and i told him he could squeeze me as much as he needed. I also tried to explain to him everything that was happening so he understood. He was calm and wonderful.

When we got home, he got to play on the computer.

I tried to take a photo of his deep gash but it’s all covered and thankfully inside his hair.

I am just so glad he’s ok. I worried all the way to school and kept calming myself down. And I was just so grateful he was ok and didn’t injure his head or anything else permanently. Life’s like that, it can change in a second. And I am so so so grateful.
I had some work stress this afternoon but I am trying to keep it in perspective. Then my friends Jim and Dan came and it was fun for all of us to just sit and chat for a while. The kids are sleeping now and David’s doctor even called to check on him (she is so so nice. she’s not even our regular doctor but she was making sure he was ok.) and I will wake him in a few hours to make sure he’s ok. I am just going to sit still for a while tonight and let the gratitude wash all over me.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful my son is ok. So so grateful.
2. I am grateful he didn’t need stitches, I know he was really scared and I am thankful he didn’t have to go through that today.
3. I am grateful for friends coming over, it proved to be a wonderful distraction, just what i needed.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I didn’t need stitches {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I get to read my book in bed.
3. I am grateful mommy’s friends came over.

I think I’ve finally caught whatever David had last week. I am feeling achy and tired and worn out all over. I also have a sore throat which sucks. Well it shall pass, I spose. It was a nice day here so once we picked up David, I thought it might be nice to take a break and sit outside. I read to David outside.

While the little boy played.

I love the beauty of light. I love light. And I love this boy.

Then we went out to dinner but I was already feeling so achey and tired so we ate quickly and came back home.

The kids are in bed now and I do have a few items on my todo list for tonight but I think I will just return some emails, sketch a tiny bit, write in the art journal and snuggle in bed. I think a good night of sleep might likely heal me. (I can hope can’t i?)
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for another smooth release at work. So far, so good.
2. I am grateful for a delicious dinner with my family. I love sitting with them and enjoying our time together.
3. I am grateful for not having an overwhelming todo list so I can take the time to rest and sleep so I can get better quickly.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I read my book to the whole class {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I worked on my page for art show night for school.
3. I am grateful we went out to dinner.

It seems some days just sort of spiral out of nowhere and then the day is over and you are left wondering what you did. Today was sort of like that for me. It was productive in bursts all over the place. But I didn’t get to take photos so all I got was this.

And this.

Alas, some days are like that. I have things that are on my list for tonight so I have to get to work before the night gets away from me. I promise to be pithier later this week.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a good conversation today. It’s rare to meet new, kind, and inspiring people.
2. I am grateful for some happy mail I got!
3. I am grateful for my schedule. I really like having routines, they keep me sane and consistent.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a ladybug at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that daddy came to my school today.
3. I am grateful that all my classmates were happy to have me back at school (yey!).

So, this morning, I decided enough was enough. I got up much calmer (at the crack of dawn thanks to the little boy who wasn’t able to sleep. I spent the whole day peaceful and calm. I did a lot of browsing on pinterest and elsewhere. I got inspired to sketch again. I read my book. I exercised. I did nothing but I enjoyed it very much. I also exercised and here’s me setting up the camera for family shots. Nathaniel’s smiling at the camera.

I took a few shots with the kids before Jake came downstairs.

We were giggling.

And hugging.

I truly love my family and feel blessed.

I love the faces Nathaniel makes. He always uses a plethora of expressions to communicate.

And here’s an almost-perfect shot. If only David was looking at the camera, too.

tickle time. Look at how excited David is. He starts screaming before we even tickle him.

After the photos, David and I read and Nathaniel settled in the couch with one of his favorite toys.

To be fair, anything that makes noise is his favorite. Much to mommy’s dismay.

While I was at it, I snapped a photo of the big boy, too.

And then we all relaxed some more. I read. I surfed. We had family night. I wasn’t whiny at all. I am going to keep doing that all night. I am going to read more. I might try to sketch or even journal. I will make a todo list right before I go to bed but until then I will just enjoy this night. I hope you do the same.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for family photos. I love love love love looking at them.
2. I am grateful for flowers. They bring so much joy and beauty into my life.
3. I am grateful for true inspiration. I saw some sketches today that truly blew my mind.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played with my legos {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I spent time with daddy playing a new game.
3. I am grateful we played Monopoly Jr.

Yes, I am still in the blah mood. I am not sad, not depressed, but I still feel no motivation to get anything done. I’d just rather lie on the couch and surf pinterest or watch TV. Yes, it’s insane. It shall pass, likely when the todo lists pile up and I feel a sense of urgency again.
However, I am still exercising and we’re taking the family photos, of course. Even if the kids do not cooperate, I love how Jake and I look in this photo. I love how much I am still in love with him after seventeen years. Sure, we fight. Sure, he gets on my nerves (and I on his) and we’re far from perfect but I truly feel like he is a part of who I am. I love him so deeply, so authentically and I cannot imagine my life without him in it. He’s just a piece of my soul. Good or bad, I always want him near me. (And I am thankful for every day that he is and try to remind myself not to take it for granted.)

Tickle time comes quickly on days when the kids seem to have no patience.

And there’s always a lot of laughter.

David’s getting better. No more fever but his lips and nose are all dry from blowing his nose so much.

and right after photo-time, there was daddy and nathaniel fun time which Nathaniel loved.

And then it was nap time, quiet time, mommy-be-lazy time. I did some art in my weeklong journal during that time, too. Then we went to Whole Foods in an effort to peel myself off the couch. Groceries and lunch and reading to David came next. Then I went back to doing some art. And now I am processing flower photos I took today, finishing up my audio book, and getting ready for some more lazy time on the couch.
Tomorrow is more lazy time! (and maybe some art and reading.)
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that despite having the blahs, i got my exercise and my art time done.
2. I am grateful for pinterest today, too, it allowed me to be inspired for hours once again.
3. I am grateful for the patience of my family. They’ve been really kind about how whiny I’ve been lately.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I almost can ride my bike {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I spent time with daddy.
3. I am grateful family night is tomorrow.

Today was a day off. A total day off. I did absolutely nothing. I watched a lot of TV, surfed a lot of pinterest. And did nothing else at all. David was home sick and I let him play on the computer all morning, too. Day off for all of us, I decided.

Little boy made funny faces.

In the afternoon, David and I snuggled up but I was not in the mood to read because somehow I hurt my tongue (I have a cut) so it hurts to speak out loud.

The boys were in a good mood which always makes me happy.

He focused on working on his legos, which he loves and works on diligently.

I love this boy.

I love both my boys. I am in a bit of pain right now so I will just end quickly. Jaw and head hurting. I think I’ll go back to doing nothing and see if that fixes things!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I took the day off. I really needed it. I need more.
2. I am grateful that I didn’t feel any guilt today. I kept telling myself to let it go.
3. I am grateful for the many pieces of inspiration I found on pinterest during my aimless surfing.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I watched mommy do art {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the computer.
3. I am grateful for my mommy (aww!).

And the big boy woke up with a fever of 101.5 once again! I couldn’t figure out what was going on so I took him to the doctor and it turns out he’s ok. Just a cold, no infections. Thankfully. I’m still tired but chugging along. I’ve told David to take it easy so he read for a while.

While Nathaniel stuck and unstuck stickers on himself.

Then they played with the flower toy again.

And laughed and laughed. That toy’s a big hit. Thank you Cole!

Here’s the face little boy makes when he doesn’t get his way.

And then the tears well up. He’s so good at turning it on and off my boy.

Now they are off to bed. David’s going to be home tomorrow and I decided to take the day off. I need some time to relax and not stress about work and david and I’ve been exhausted and unmotivated all week so I am hoping having a 3-day weekend and resting a bunch will help.
Let’s see! And apologies for not posting the sketches earlier (see, i told you, not motivated!) I’m putting together a post right now.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I took David to the doctor and he really is ok.
2. I am grateful that I took tomorrow off. I will rest and relax and be kind to myself and hug my kids a bunch.
3. I am grateful that I have some good books to read and TV to watch, both of which will help me relax.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful the doctor said i am ok {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the computer.
3. I am grateful Daddy said he’ll spend some time playing with me tomorrow.

David woke up with a fever of 101.2 this morning so he was home once more. I told him that he was going to take it easy all day so he sat on the couch and read some books.

Nathaniel wanted to do the same right away, of course.

He found some choo-choo ones.

David then colored a bit.

While the little one kept “reading.”

Then David read out loud to him. It was so so cute.

They both went to their rooms after that. Nathaniel took his nap and David played quietly. I did some work. Nathaniel ended up taking a really long nap and woke up really rested.

My friend Nicholas gave me an electronic flower toy yesterday which the kids both loved and here’s Nathaniel when he hears the toy talk.

Listening closely.

Then he walked over to play with it more.

And laughed and laughed and laughed.

In a little while the kids will go down. David doesn’t seem to have a fever anymore and I am hoping he’s going to be ok tomorrow. I have a few friends coming over tonight and I am excited to see them even though I feel really tired.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that David does seem to be ok. The fever scared me but I think it’s just a little cold.
2. I am grateful that I have friends coming over tonight. Friends I really like.
3. I am grateful that it’s been a quieter week at work. With David sick and at home, it’s been busier than usual so I appreciate the lower stress at work.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I did my workbook {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I colored.
3. I am grateful I played with the flower toy.

I’ve been doing my exercise first thing in the morning lately. Which means I feel a big sense of accomplishment early in the day. However, it also means I am tired and worn out really early in the day, which is not so great. David was home sick today, too. He was still coughing a bit and I just wanted to play it safe.
The little boy’s been struggling lately, too. Not napping until he’s supremely tired.

But he was delighted to have his big brother at home.

And gave him a lot of kisses and hugs.

David played im his room quietly for a very long time this morning and then I told him he could play on the computer.

Nathaniel played with his legos and watched us read.

And watched his brother play.

David was really engrossed.

And so was Nathaniel. Both my kids are such great players, thankfully.

Kids are down now and I am resting for a while. I might go out to see a few friends tonight but I am not sure. I feel quite tired so we’ll see. This is a typical “i don’t have enough to do” week for me. When I am not overwhelmed with todo list items, i end up accomplishing nothing. It’s ok. Productivity will come back.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it was a quiet day. I needed it.
2. I am grateful that I got an email from a great long-lost friend whom I love so much!
3. I am grateful that I lost almost 5.5 lbs this week! I could not believe it so I tried twice. Whoa!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that mom got me a magic set {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got to play on the computer
3. I am grateful I did my workbook
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects