Today feels like one of those days where several days are rolled into one. Early morning, I exercised and work and then we went to David’s new school for a meet-and-greet which I suck at. Gave them the tuition check (ouch!) and then came back home for a lot more work. Thankfully Nathaniel napped for a long time so I did my work and took a brief lunch break to sketch/eat. And then back to work.
We picked up David and I did my routine with him and then did more work and then ran out to Anthro and bought a dress and a shirt for March and April (I know April’s not over just yet but tomorrow’s Nathaniel’s birthday celebration and now I can wear my new dress.) Then I rushed back home so we could go shopping and get Nathaniel’s cake. The boys sat in the little car in the cart for the first time ever and they both had such a blast and they were hugging and laughing and so so happy that I took a photo with the little camera in my bag. I want to remember that for ever.

When we got home, I still hadn’t taken a photo so I quickly snapped one of David.

But Nathaniel wasn’t nearly as accommodating.

Even when Daddy held him, he just would not let me have it.

So I gave up and Jake gave the kids baths and they went right to sleep. I am hurting all over and drained from a very long day. My plan is to rest and recuperate a little and then go to sleep. I’ve been working on getting more sleep. Tomorrow’s a quiet day with the exception of a brief celebration for Nathaniel. So I will do some art, writing, sketching and just enjoy the weekend. I hope you do the same!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that this long week is over and i really hope next week is quieter. And I am grateful for the weekend
2. I am grateful for my husband who is always patient and kind with me and who alway forgives me.
3. I am grateful for a fridge full of fresh fruit.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I worked on my workbook {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I sat in the car in the shopping cart.
3. I am grateful that I played soccer with daddy in the backyard.

Well last night’s issue meant working and working and then having another sleepless night and getting right back to work this morning. But thankfully, it all went ok. At least appears to be so far. One can never be sure.
Little boy is obsessed with David’s Didj. Loves it and tries to play with it.

And I love him.

Even with the way he scratched his face. Especially with that. And all his little boy stuff. I adore him. So much. So deeply.

And this one, too. I adore him. Just looking at the photo makes me feel like hugging him.

I love how excited he gets when he’s telling me a story.

And how he smiles and laughs so much. I’m so blessed.

We tried to cajole the little one to come but he was playing didj and would not leave. Laughed at us a bit, though.

I did finally get him near the light. look at this boy. my boy. my angel.

While I worked in the afternoon, David drew pictures for him. Choo choo, Nathaniel requested.

I love how they are head to head.

And here’s David’s masterpiece. It’s so awesome!

I am completely wiped. From head to toe. My plan for tonight is to work on my art journal and go right to bed. I really really need the rest. I’ve been thinking about summer planning lately. I think I might finally have an idea for my etsy shop and for some other things and I am working on plans for David, too. Too much to think of and I am so exhausted. So thankful tomorrow’s Friday.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that the stable push happened successfully (again!)
2. I am grateful that tomorrow is Friday. I need rest so much.
3. I am grateful for all the help i have around me, at work, at home. I am so blessed and lucky and people are so kind and generous and I am so grateful for that.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that mommy and i finished our book {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I am watching the Sound of Music.
3. I am grateful that I played on the phone for a little bit.

I had a big push at work early this morning so I was all worried and stressed out all night. I ended up not being able to sleep. I had weird dreams, tossed and turned and even woke up with a pounding headache at 4am. I took two Advils and went back to bed hoping to get one hour of sound sleep before it was time to start the day.
Thankfully I did. Then the alarm went off at 6am, I quickly made David’s lunch and breakfast and was on the treadmill by 6:25. by 7:30, I was showered and ready for the push. Nathaniel discovered the doodle toy upstairs and was showing his dad how to use it while I worked.

Thankfully the push went smoothly and then I rested for a short period and then had to rush out to Nathaniel’s two-year check up. The good news is he’s all great. Perfectly on track with just about everything. Bad news was the got really grouchy and the one shot he had to get didn’t help. By the time we came home he was grouchy grouchy. Would not eat, play, or nap. Whined and whined. Finally after several tries, he did fall asleep but then shortly after I had to wake him up to pick up David and he got super duper grouchy at that.
Meltdown after meltdown and finally he got back to his good mood from the morning, thanks to the toy.

when I asked him what he was doing, he signed “flower.” I guess he was drawing flowers.

this is the only shot I got of David today. Not sure why exactly.

And here’s the little boy playing with stickers as David and I read.

Well I’d write more but an emergency came up at work so it turns out I have to go. More tomorrow!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that the stable push happened successfully.
2. I am grateful that Jake helped me so much and it helped my stress tremendously.
3. I am grateful for advil today. I’ve been in a bunch of stress which always translates to a bunch of pain so i am grateful for a simple medicine that works for me each time.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played lego universe at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got my bandaids off.
3. I am grateful that I gave my friend a sticker at school.

Just like some days are good photo days, others not so much. I only got a few today and none are that great.

This is the kind of smile I get from David, now.

and here’s Nathaniel coming to get the lego box so he can go play near his dad in the other room.

thank you for your kind words on my art journal. I really am enjoying this process a lot. I am hoping to take some time later this week and fill up a few more backgrounds for the coming weeks. This week’s page is already making me happy.

I got a bunch of work done this morning and it made me feel significantly better than yesterday. Though I just ate a lot of food right now and it’s made me feel too full and too guilty. Emotions are so fickle. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get myself more motivated and I think (you might laugh) that maybe I don’t have enough to do. I work well when I have deadlines. I get a little stressed but I also get very motivated and inspired and productive and happy. So I think I might just sit down and create some deadlines for myself.
Yes, I do know it’s a bit crazy….but alas, it might just do the trick.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that today’s tasks went well at work. Hopefully tomorrow morning will go well too and I can breathe a bit better.
2. I am grateful that Jake will be around in the morning to help me while I work.
3. I am grateful for kindness and generosity of spirit today. I feel, in the end, kindness matters more than just about anything. Kindness and integrity.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Mr. Jun read the Mouse and the Motorcycle to me {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got a piece of chocolate after dinner.
3. I am grateful that I watched a little bit of the Sound of Music.

I woke up this morning to a bunch of work. A whole bunch more than I had intended to have but alas some mornings are like that. And the little boy took forever to nap and when he woke up he played that game with me where he had his back to me and acted like I wasn’t there.

And then turned around with a big smile (yes a blurry one but so so cute!).

And then his brother gave me a smile too.

and I got this sweet one of Nathaniel.

he was just in a good good mood.

There was much hugging as well.

Look at the joy on David’s face.

And then when David and I worked on his workbooks Nathaniel played with his stickers.

It was a stressful day but it’s almost over and I have a phone call scheduled for tonight and I plan to do some art and some journaling. I will relax and prepare for tomorrow. I will make sure I get a lot of sleep as well. I know that works. It always does.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that things to seem to be working out at work. Crossing fingers still.
2. I am grateful for some quiet time tonight, I need it.
3. I am grateful for today. I am grateful for every single day. Even when they are stressful. I am so grateful for everything I have.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I watched Nanny McPhee {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy got me a game on the phone.
3. I am grateful that there’s school tomorrow.

What a wonderfully full day we’ve had here. We started off our morning with some family shots (after I exercised of course). The kids were distracted with other things.

Like my watch. Or the remote.

We kept asking Nathaniel where the camera was (to get him to look at it.)

Tickle time.

Then we celebrated Nathaniel’s birthday with a little cupcake (we’re having a birthday celebration for him next weekend since his birthday happened to fall on easter.)

He was skeptical about the cupcake and the candles.

But once I gave him a spoonful of icing, he decided to give it another chance.

And even gave me a smile.

Then it was time for the egg hunt. I told David to leave the easy ones for Nathaniel.

Last year, Nathaniel sat on the grass and cried the whole time. This year, he seemed to get into the spirit of it.

He picked up the eggs.

And put them in his basket (which is a halloween one since David had the easter one and I didn’t have two.)

He even found a few David didn’t.

The last one was the trickiest for all of them, here’s David looking for it.

Our eggs had jelly beans in them this year and they got to eat only a few eggs each. We then watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang together (which I LOVED as a kid) and I sort of knew the sugar would get in the way of naptime but I tried anyway. While Nathaniel played in his bed, I sketched and David worked on his workbooks. We’d already read our book for the day so after we were done, we picked up the little boy who was still not sleeping and ate lunch. I did my leg lifts, etc and now we’re all relaxing. Family night began early tonight with The Wizard of Oz and a picnic in the living room.

All my boys are watching with great joy. And another Sunday is almost over. This week will be a bit rough but I am feeling rested and happy. So bring it on!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a full and wonderful day with my boys.
2. I am grateful that I got to watch two of my favorite childhood movies .
3. I am grateful for my simple but wonderful life.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I watched chitty chitty bang bang {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that family night is watching the Wizard of Oz tonight.
3. I am grateful for easter candy.

Happy Saturday. I didn’t have any plans today so I just woke up and did my usual things but I did them more slowly with more patience. I exercised and then we took family photos. Here’s David as I am setting up.

The boys both really want to use the remote.

Still looking for it while I’m trying to get a shot.

Today’s Nathaniel’s last day as a little boy. Tomorrow he will be a two-year-old.

After the shots, David and I read our book together. We gave Nathaniel a whole bunch of stickers to occupy himself with. Then it was time for Nathaniel to nap, David to play wii and mommy to sketch. We all did our work and then Nathaniel woke up and we all ate lunch and then there was more resting and relaxing.

Nathaniel kept hugging his brother again and again. I always seem to catch these a split second too late. He’s so cute, he opens his hands so they’re behind him before he hugs all big.

Then I worked on my art journal for a bit and now we’re going to go out to a family dinner. Something small and nearby. There’s been a lot of eating out this week and I am sure I will regret it when I get weighed next week but I am trying to be careful and eat as well as I can. The rest of the night will be hugging and snuggling up with Jake. Tomorrow’s a big day between the birthday and easter and family night and I am looking forward to it.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a quiet day and some snuggle time with both my kids (and Jake’s coming up too).
2. I am grateful for my family. I can’t believe the little boy’s going to be two tomorrow. How did time pass so quickly?
3. I am grateful for all the Tv I have saved up. I love having the TV on when I do art.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I will play Wii {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we’re going out to dinner.
3. I am grateful tomorrow’s Nathaniel’s birthday and easter.

So right before I went to bed last night, I realized I didn’t have my notebook. This is the notebook where I journal, sketch and write my daily todo lists. I live with this thing. I couldn’t possibly imagine having left it at home so I was sure I lost it. Let’s just say it put a sour end to a lovely day.
But I went to bed and despite Nathaniel waking up several times and a raging headache, I still woke up happy and after a bit of getting everyone settled, I went to the gym. And when I came back, we thought it would be fun to take a walk down to the beach. They had these golf carts that take you down to the beach and I knew David would want to ride one so we took it down to the beach.

Once we got there, everyone was happy. At least fascinated.

David was happy.

Nathaniel was watching the waves.

And his brother.

Who ran right into the sand.

And kicked around.

And laughed.

And went running.

The colors are off on this one but I still like it.

We walked all the way up the path and I took tons of flower photos on the way up. And then we went into the lobby and rested by the fire.

Then it was time to check out so we packed up and got out of there. We drove down to the Santa Cruz boulevard and Jake and David played video games while Nathaniel napped in the car and I sat with him and did my sketch. When he woke up I tried to get him to sit on the driver seat but he was mighty cranky.

They came back and we all walked to the boardwalk and the boys all had some food as we enjoyed the fresh air.

We walked back to the car and headed home and guess what? my notebook was here!! So it all worked out! The kids are now in bed (well David’s playing in his room but the little one’s in bed.) and we’re watching 30 Rock and I will then journal and do my art journal and blissfully go sleep. It was a truly sweet and wonderful vacation and, like always, it’s wonderful to be home.
I also wanted to say, thank you for your kind words about my “random thoughts” post this week. I didn’t mean to cause a ruckus. I actually feel much better inside than I ever remember feeling and I am not sad in any way. When I said “i might be a nobody” I meant that I am not a big name in the industry and thus a million opportunities don’t come my way each day which makes each of them harder to turn down. I didn’t mean for that to sound so out of proportion. Also, while I can feel not as talented as I wish I were, I don’t ever let it stop me and I still sketch and art journal and work on improving myself so I can be happy with me. I appreciate your kind words deeply but as you know it’s always more about how one feels about oneself. Which is why I am working on finding my way with art and sketching. I did it with scrapping and it’s been wonderful. I am also doing it with exercise/food so I can be more at peace with my body and that’s wonderful, too. So I know I can, I am just working on it.
Same goes for the “hang ups” from my childhood. I spent some time in a dark place over that but I am not anymore. For me, all these thoughts are coming out of paying attention and stepping back being more aware which is the first step to being free. I feel much more in a good place with all of this. Everyone has issues. These are some of mine. I am working on them and sharing them, analyzing them, thinking about them is all part of the process for me. I didn’t mean to worry anyone and like before I deeply appreciate your kindness but please know that I am in a good place. I have the most wonderful life. The best kids in the world and the most amazing, supportive and loving husband. I have a great job, friends, home, family and I love what I do in my free time. I couldn’t possibly ask for anything more. I am grateful every minute of every day and, it is because I feel so much happier that I can now notice these things, think about them and talk about them and work on them. Just wanted to make sure you knew not to worry.
But I am so touched by all your words. I am so so grateful. Thank you. It means the world to me.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for our sweet vacation. It was exactly what I hoped it would be.
2. I am grateful for another two days off to relax.
3. I am grateful I found my notebook!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I watched TV{* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played video games with daddy.
3. I am grateful that we walked on the boardwalk and went to the beach.

Today was a weird day where I was wildly unproductive for no reason. I did the basic stuff and that was it. I guess some days are just like that and thankfully we’re taking some time off the rest of the week, obviously I need it.
I know this photo is blurry but I love it. It’s Nathaniel’s “smile” to the camera.

And here’s the other boy smiling.

And here he is “really” smiling. See those eyes smiling?

Nathaniel watching his brother play on the computer.

And his brother focusing hard.

I have book club tonight and I am going even though I haven’t read the book, even though it was my pick and even though I really should be packing. I am going. That’s that.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for book club. I always enjoy it.
2. I am grateful for a quiet day when I obviously needed it.
3. I am grateful for fun art videos which I watch as I exercise.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am going on a trip tomorrow {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I finished one of my workbooks.
3. I am grateful for mommy and daddy.

This is the lego we built on Sunday night, David wanted me to take a photo so I can preserve it.

Have I mentioned that Nathaniel adores stickers? Have I also mentioned he sticks them all over himself?

After naps and work and meetings and some yelling over nose picking that resulted in a lot of bleeding, we decided to sit outside for reading time. So, I couldn’t resist taking some shots with the beautiful light.

He laughed.

And laughed funny. But he’s so handsome. His eyes are so stunning. I can never get enough of them. ever.

Nathaniel was scared of the grass but we walked him across gently and he played while we read.

He was also being his cute little self.

I couldn’t stop myself I just snapped.

and snapped.

Besides the drama with the nosepicking, it was a quiet day. I exercised, finished my book, sketched, worked, and spent time with the kids and booked a short holiday for us. I am feeling exceptionally tired today so chances are that after the kids are in bed I will work on my art journal for a bit and then go right to sleep. I have some emails to return so if you’ve been waiting for one I am so sorry I will try to reply tonight. Other than that I think I am pretty much caught up with life. Let me know if you’re waiting on me for anything.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we might be going on a nice, short, sweet vacation.
2. I am grateful that I can go to bed early tonight. I think I really need it.
3. I am grateful for my husband. I love love love him so.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that in five days it will be Easter {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the phone.
3. I am grateful that we read our book outside.

David’s on spring break so both boys have been home this week and while I work, they’re keeping busy. The little boy got creative with his toy fork.

Sticking it right inside the lego box.

And making as big a mess as possible in the smallest time possible. He’s great like that.

David worked on his workbooks.

And then made some faces for me.

He loves making faces.

And wearing funny glasses.

His brother asked him to put socks on him which he kindly obliged.

Then he put the glasses on him, too.

Which definitely made his day.

And then while David played, Nathaniel read his Thomas books.

All in all, a quiet day, I did all my daily work first thing in the morning and I will try to get some blog posts done tonight. We’re thinking of maybe taking a super short vacation later this week so I want to be ahead of the game this week. Oh and I did a lot of work work, too. I got another Beta out and actually caught up to my mail which is a miracle.
Plans for tonight include art journaling, blog posts, and possibly furthering my pinterest addiction. How was your Monday?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for how kind and quiet my kids can be and how they let me work when I need it.
2. I am grateful I got a lot done and feel ahead of my todo list. Phew.
3. I am grateful for kind comments. They always always always mean the world to me.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played chess with daddy on the phone {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy got a new phone game for me that has 80 games inside.
3. I am grateful that i will play robot odyssey for daddy.

Happy Sunday!! I am not a fan of Sundays but I went to bed last night with a specific list of tasks so I woke up and did two of them right away. Then I exercised and then I showered and sat outside with the kids for a bit. I read to David. I also snapped some photos while the light was good. David made a sad face when I told him he couldn’t run around (he’s still got the bandaids in his head.)

Nathaniel was pensive, too.

Then he tried to entertain David by pushing his chair.

And he spotted the dirty chair on the corner of the yard so i went and got the clean one for him and he said and made his funny smile.

He really enjoyed sitting there.

I then snapped what’s likely my favorite photo of David in recent history. Look at those eyes.

This little one is super cute, too.

I feel like hugging him pretty much all day long.

We then went inside and Nathaniel went down for his nap, David played and I sketched. Daddy came home soon after and we took family shots.

with tickle time, of course.

there was much much laughter.

Then we went out to lunch but couldn’t find the cafe in Stanford that we were trying to go to so we went to our regular hangout instead. Ran into some friends, had a lovely lunch/dinner and then came home. Some wind down time and now we’re off to play legos for family time. I feel happy and grateful. I still have a few todo items on my list and my art journal’s been neglected all weekend so I will work on that next. then some resting and we’re off to start another week. Phew.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a lovely day. Quiet and filled with laughter.
2. I am grateful for my family. My husband and kids are so amazing. They drive me crazy often but they are also the biggest joy in my life, bar none.
3. I am grateful for some art time tonight. I miss my journal.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had some candy {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I decorated my tooth brush (with stickers).
3. I am grateful we went out to lunch.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects