I must admit that writing these at the end of the day is harder because by around this time I feel worn out and my perpective on the day is paler than usual. However tired I might feel at this moment, today was a wonderful day. It was flower-day at school so we picked some flowers and made a cute little bouquet for David’s teacher which David took to school.

After David left for school, I exercised and then sketched for a little bit and then it was time to pick up my friend Caroline who happens to be in town for a day. She came back here and we chatted and hung out until it was time to pick up David. We picked him up and then I dropped off Caroline and came back home where David showed me his bookmark and “earth” (which is mostly covered with water, he tells me.)

Then I got a smile.

The little one has been obsessed with coloring at the table lately. Which would be just fine if he didn’t color with one color for a second before the said “done” and threw it on the floor. Again. Again. Again and again. One can quickly get tired of that game.

Now I am going to go take my walk with David and then it’s time to journal and do my leg exercises so I can go to book club. Hectic day. Tomorrow will be too but then I will have a quiet Friday and weekend. All the days are lovely in their own ways and challenging too. I am just thankful I get to pause a bit and take time for myself each day a bit. And be with my kids. And do work I love.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I spent the day with Caroline. She’s quite awesome and I am so thankful to have her as a friend.
2. I am grateful that I made a nutritionist appointment for next week.
3. I am grateful that I decided to take a few days off work. I need to rest a bit.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful we finished our book. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful Mommy and I took a walk.
3. I am grateful that I start a Junie B book tomorrow.

Happy Tuesday! My day was quite good even though it was no different than most days! I had two appointments this afternoon, though, so it meant the photo taking process was super fast and started with the typical silly faces.

And then me begging and some smiles.

But even the begging didn’t do it for the little one.

Who simply wasn’t in the mood.

So, alas, they are all blurry. But some days go like that.
I’ve been doing a lot of journaling lately and finding out things about myself. One of the things I did earlier this week was to focus on my word (free) and make a long list of things I wanted to be “free of” (from my past) and a list of things I wanted to feel “free to be” (future) so that I could asess progress a bit and also make some plans. And I’ve been working on the plans and already implemented a few. Free is a really important word for me so I am trying to make sure I keep it in the forefront of my mind all year and actively work on it.
I also did a lot of journaling on friendship. I’ve decided to drop some friends and cultivate other friendships. I’ve decided to listen closely to what makes me feel bad/small and what makes me feel good/empowered. And instead of beating myself up about feeling small, just focus on doing more of the latter. Being with people who make me feel good. Doing things that make me feel good. Visiting blogs/sites that excite me and get me motivated. Etc. etc.
So far. So good. I have some things I’ve been putting off working on. Like the class I mentioned and possibly another one. But I know the mood will strike and things will get done. They always do. In the meantime, I am sketching away and reading to my son, taking walks with my boys and enjoying every moment of the California sunshine.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that David took a walk with me, I love love love walking with my boy.
2. I am grateful that I went to the doctor and will hopefully see a nutritionist soon.
3. I am grateful my friend Caroline is in town and that I get to see her tomorrow!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that the open house is on Thursday. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful Mommy and I took a walk.
3. I am grateful that I get to stay up and play with my legos for a bit.

Today was one of those days that flew by pretty quickly. I did my morning routine and worked and worked and then it was time to get David. When we came back home, Nathaniel wanted to sit on the chair and color. I asked him to smile and this is what he gave me.

Then I snapped some photos as David told me about his day.

He has such an infectious smile.

Nathaniel colored all the while.

And ate the caps. And colored on his fingers. And high chair. And everywhere else, too.

David and I read our book. This was a very long one but it’s almost over. I have an incredible headache now and I am not sure if I am just exhausted or it’s my jaw. I have several types of chronic pain between my herniated back and my jaw, it’s hard on days when I am more tired than usual or have higher stress. And it’s been both lately. So I think this is a signal that I need to rest and take some time off. Maybe I’ll take tomorrow off work!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that David talked to me today. He was feeling sad and shared some of his innermost feelings with me. It broke my heart and I tried to make sure he felt my love but I am deeply grateful he felt like he could tell me.
2. I am grateful for people who exude happiness. People who make me feel happy to be around them. I am glad there are people like that in the world.
3. I am grateful for journaling. It’s been helping me a lot lately and I am now doing it daily. I am glad I took up the practice and the benefits are almost immediate to me.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we took a walk with mommy. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I made a fake head for open house (they are going to have faces and shirts to make it look like the kids are sitting at their chairs from what David tells me.)
3. I am grateful that the open house is coming in two days.

Happy Mother’s Day everyone! I woke up this morning and came downstairs to find this:

David tells me the banner was his idea and Daddy cut the hearts and he colored them. It says Happy Mother’s Day. Before anything else, I wanted to get my exercise out of the way so I worked out, showered and I then got to have some delicious yogurt and fruit breakfast with my boys. I got some beautiful pink tulips and lots and lots of love from my boys.
Then it was time for the family shoot. I always have to wait for Jake to sit cause when I am setting up the tripod, he’s always taller than I envision. Every now and then I catch these wonderful moments in the process.

Here’s Nathaniel looking at the camera (which he only does when he’s clicking.)

The rest of the shoot went something like this:

Then it was time to read to David so Jake got to rest and we read four chapters of our book while the little boy played. Then it was quiet time while nathaniel napped, Jake worked, I sketched and David played. After Nathaniel woke up, the boys ate their veggies:

And I took advantage of some nice light.

And the fact that Nathaniel was in the high chair and couldn’t run away.

Then we got to do part two of Mother’s Day celebrations which was to watch Bambi. None of us had seen it and I already told David that the mom died so he was prepared for it and didn’t take it badly. It was amazing to see how much Disney movies have changes since then. (And wow how many Disney movies don’t have a mom at all or have an evil one.)
Then Jake went to exercise and I read my book while the boys played. It’s been a while since I read a book for hours during the day and it was wonderful. Right as I was in the bathroom, David ran in and said I wanted to get a photo of “this!” When I came out, he was sitting at the table with Nathaniel and letting him color in his workbook.

I tried to get Nathaniel to look at me but he wouldn’t until I took the pencil away.

Which then made him super-sad.

So I gave it back, of course. Then it was dinner and family night. We played Atari together. Mostly the boys played and I worked on my photos and finished my book. Now the kids are down and I still have to do my art journaling, journaling and leg exercises. But, all in all, a truly wonderful and relaxing day. I didn’t make an art journal page which would have been nice and I didn’t cross off many items on my todo list. But I had a nice, relaxing weekend and I spent a lot of time with my boys and a lot of time alone, resting. So I am truly grateful and content.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had a wonderfully relaxing weekend.
2. I am grateful for all the inspiration out on the internet. For artists who share so I can get inspired to sketch. For writers who write books I can get lost in. I am so so grateful.
3. I am grateful for my boys who made my day so special. Who make all my days special. For my mom who’s extraordinary. For my sister who is absolutely the best person I know.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it’s Mother’s Day. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I made a banner for mommy.
3. I am grateful that we are playing atari for family night.

A lovely day here today. I woke up relatively early but only lay around for a short time before I exercised and got ready for our family shoot. I messed up the setup so Jake’s head got cut off more than I would have liked and the depth of field was a bit shallower than it should have been. But that’s just the way things go sometimes.
Nathaniel was still chasing after the remote. When he got it, he’d immediately say “Daddy” and give it to Jake. Each time. Here he is diving for it.

And laughing. Look at that laugh!

You can see my depth of field problem clearly here. David was out front so he got blurred.

tickle time.

After the shoot, David and I read our book as Nathaniel went through all the tupperware and got bored.

Here’s the obligatory “oh come on mom take the smiling shot already so I can be done” photo.

Then Nathaniel napped and David played wii. I sketched. It took a long time and just when I finished Nathaniel woke up so we went to the birthday of a neighbor’s daughter. When we got back, David played just a bit more and Nathaniel kept trying to get him to put the glasses on so I snapped a photo just for fun.

Then the boys went upstairs and played Atari (yes Atari!) with Dad while sketched once more. (yey for two sketches!!) Then we all went and got dinner, a bit more Atari and the boys went to bed. Jake and I worked together for a bit and then I did my art journal. Now I have to finish my leg exercises, journal and maybe I will read a bit or maybe I might sketch more. I am loving sketching so much. And I am grateful for such a full and wonderful day. Here’s to a tomorrow that’s just as good!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I did two sketches. They are different and they both make me happy.
2. I am grateful for feeling rested despite getting so much done.
3. I am grateful for all the little things: stickers on the toys from nathaniel’s obsession, nathaniel’s crazy laugh and the way he opens his arms all the way as he runs to hug you, his kisses. David’s excitement with Atari, his love of Star Wars, the way he likes to snuggle up with me. Jake’s tight, wonderful hugs, his beautiful smile, the way he plays with the boys and how much they all love him and he loves them. I am so grateful for so much today. Even the irritating moments are ones I look back upon with gratitude later so I am trying to enjoy them more and be grateful for them more. Life’s all about the little moments.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played Atari . {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we went out to dinner.
3. I am grateful that tomorrow is Mother’s Day.

Well the emergency that started Wednesday did not end so I went to bed stressed last night and woke up to even more bad news this morning so I ended up working non stop with a large number of stresses all day. Just about anything that could go wrong, did. I stressed and stressed and stressed pretty much all day. And now I am a heap of tired mass.
The highlight of my day was David coming home and giving me his Mother’s Day presents. I got a wonderful shrink-a-dink heart pin with David’s art on it and this great card that says “I love you mom because you are super nice to me.”

Love my boy.

I tried to get a few photos of the little boy, too but he wasn’t really up for it. I snapped anyway and the light was just magnificent.

So I snapped more.

I got his attention.

And those huge eyes stared at me.

Isn’t he so very beautiful?

And I love his laugh.

This one, too, he’s so magnificent. I am so blessed and lucky.

And here we are. I still have to do some exercises and work on my art journal and journal journal. I haven’t done any of my todo list items for today either. Work came and clobbered everything else.
Some days are just like that. Thankfully, tomorrow is another day! Happy Friday to all of you!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that the push is out and we’re done for the moment. Even if just briefly.
2. I am grateful for my family. I just adore my family so much. My kids, my husband, my sister and nephews and brother in law, my mom and dad. I really have a good family. Yes of course we have ups and downs but in general I have so much more good than bad and I know that’s nothing to take for granted.
3. I am grateful for the weekend. I really need rest this weekend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got to pick a prize from the prize box . {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got a new Star Wars book from the library at school and read it to my class.
3. I am grateful that I played connect four with dadddy.

Today was relatively uneventful up until the 11th hour. I worked while the little one played and just made a mess and had fun.

When his brother came home, he was feeling mischievous.

Gave him a lot of hugs.

And his brother was just as into it.

They played and laughed and then David and I read our book. Then he worked on his workbook. He’s in the math section, now.

here he is giving me the “ugh don’t want a photo now” look.

and then this super-weird look.

and finally a smile.

I wanted to capture the little one too but he got mad when I moved him toward the light.

And he still watched his movie anyway.

Alas, now there’s some last minute work at work. It’s been an interesting few weeks to say the least. But the weekend is almost here and I plan to relax. I’ve been thinking a lot about motivation and about what motivates me. Some days I get so much done and others I barely want to move from the couch. And inertia is so powerful so I am trying to dig a bit deeper here and see what’s making me poutier and less productive than usual.
I go back and forth between telling myself to just rest and not stress and telling myself to just get productive and the inertia will stop. Who knows which one is right…
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a mostly-quiet day.
2. I am grateful for support and kindness at work. I work with some great people.
3. I am grateful for the few hours of quiet time I have at night. Knowing my kids are well and in bed and the day is almost over but not just yet.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I touched sea life today (he had a scientist come to school with some fun sea animals and plants). {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got play with my legos a bit at bedtime.
3. I am grateful that my wii day is coming.
4. I am grateful for nathaniel and daddy and mommy.

I am still tired and whiny and unmotivated. But I finally decided to nip it in the bud. So I am going to write quickly today and go back to working hard so I can finish some nagging tasks. Today was relatively uneventful. The little boy played and I worked.

We went to get the big boy who had a nose bleed (from picking his nose!)

We read our book and the little one played and made a huge mess.

And here’s a much better looking big boy.

I exercised, I went to the TMJ doctor, I worked, I whined, I sat around trying to get myself motivated and I failed. I journaled and then I gave myself one more push. Some days are just like that. Going nowhere. It is what it is I suppose. Not fun but just part of life. Thank you for the feedback on the class. If you haven’t done so, feel free to still give feedback a few posts below this one. I am still thinking about it. But if I do it, it will be completely different than other courses. the point is not for you to have downloadables and for me to help you form a habit or to make pages about it. The goal will be to set a goal and achieve it. With hard work 🙂 and a bunch of other tools I hope to lay out. Let’s see if I can put it together and get organized a bit. More soon.
Sorry for the super short update today. More tomorrow.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a quick minute to sketch. Even if it’s not my favorite, I still did it.
2. I am grateful for my husband who made sure I was completely not disturbed as I worked really hard for an hour straight.
3. I am grateful for spring. I love to hear the birds chirping. It always always always makes me smile.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I did my workbook. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got a new game for the phone.
3. I am grateful that I sat with Alec on the bus.

We had a lot of fun with friends last night playing a game that one of my co-workers designed. It was called Startup Fever and it turned out to be super-fun. But it meant we played until late (for me) and I didn’t get a lot of sleep. I still tried to workout and got weighed and did my sketch and then got to work. After we picked up David, I wanted to keep Nathaniel entertained while we read and he was so sad not to watch Thomas on the big screen, so I put a new one on his ipod. And he was super happy.

I also snapped some shots of David. I particularly like this one but I am not even sure why.

He laughed and told me stories as always.

I love him so much.

Nathaniel, in the meantime, made a huge mess, too.

And when I told him no, all I got was this smile. Who can resist that?

I am going to take a quick break and grab some food with my family. It’s really nice here and I didn’t have lunch so I figure it’s ok. And then some time to do art and some planning and maybe even a layout.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my boys. They make me so deeply happy.
2. I am grateful for a quick break i hope to take with my family.
3. I am grateful for no plans tonight. I am hoping and planning to go to bed early and get some of that rest I need deeply.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played connect four by myself. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played Indiana Jones with Julian.
3. I am grateful that I drew and colored a map at school.

Well here’s Monday. Not at bad day but a longish one. I woke up and was obsessed with the news of course. I couldn’t sleep all night and I was so so thankful. I was in New York during September 11. Working on Wall Street and so was Jake. Either of us could have been killed. We were both extremely lucky. And I am deeply thankful for today. I know this is not the end but it’s such a big milestone.
So I had CNN on pretty much all day while I worked and the little boy played.

And lined up his cars.

Here’s me yelling “Nathaniel” and getting a “What?” look back. A blurry one apparently.

And then he plays again. Love the way he’s sitting.

I try to get his attention again and still blurry.

Then he naps. Then we go get David. And he is so so sweet.

I adore him.

And here we get the little one to laugh, too!

We did our reading, I sketched, he did his workbook, I worked, Jake came, they ate dinner, etc. Life. And now they are getting ready for bed and we will have friends come over tonight for games. Lovely, simple, lucky life. I am thankful today. For every breath I get to take. For every minute I have with my boys, with my parents, with my sister, with my husband. I am very lucky.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for the closure that comes today. At least in some form.
2. I am grateful that I still made the time to sketch. Even if a small one because today was too hectic.
3. I am grateful I did a layout last night. It had been a while since I scrapped and I really enjoyed the process so much.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I did my sharing at school of my sticker book. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I shared stickers with some of my friends.
3. I am grateful that I will take a lego class this summer.

Happy May! Ours was relatively quiet. We got up and then I exercised. Now that it’s May, I am up to 3.0 miles a day. It was a bit hard but I did it anyway. Then I showered and it was time for family photos. Lately the portraits have been harder and harder to get.

There’s the refusal from the little one and the funny faces from the big one.

The fight over the remote.

Looking anywhere but the camera.

But alas I still love taking them anyway. I love having these photos so much even if they are all taken at the same spot in our house. I love love love them. Then we went out to exchange some things and pickup other things. When we came home, we rested a bit and David watched Sound of Music. Not sure why he looks sad here or maybe just focused.

Then David and I read our new book while the little one played.

And played.

After David was done, they played and played and hugged so much.

And then it was time for game night.

We played and David won. And then David and Jake played connect four so I could process my photos. Now they’re both asleep and I hope to backup my stuff, do my leg lifts, art journal, read and relax. Tomorrow starts another stressful week.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for game night. I love game night.
2. I am grateful that I am still sketching. So far so good.
3. I am grateful for a quiet and peaceful day.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a star wars lego sticker book. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we had family night.
3. I am grateful that I played connect four with daddy.

We had Nathaniel’s little birthday get together scheduled for 10am this morning so I exercised soon after I woke up and by the time I showered and got dressed, it was already time to go. David was in a good mood and playing with his brother. He put the hat on and told me to take a photo.

Then he put it on himself.

These are the looks Nathaniel gives me when he knows he’s doing something wrong and he’s been caught (he was putting stickers on the stool.).

And David asked me to take a photo of this, too.

Since the boys were all dressed up nice I asked Jake to take a photo of me with them. They didn’t really want to accomodate though so this is the best we got.

Last night I found this dress on sale at Anthropologie. It is a size two. TWO! I have never been a size two in my life.

Nathaniel was not in a good mood when we gave him his cake.

He didn’t care for the candlelight and didn’t understand why everyone was staring at him.

And gave us all a good “nooooo!”

He played until 11am or so when he started having continual meltdowns and I knew it was bedtime. So we put him down and brought everything back inside. I was in quite a lot of backpain (still am) so I rested and sketched and did a bit of art. David played Wii. When Nathaniel woke up, they both had lunch and then it was time to open presents. David was super frustrated with how long Nathaniel was taking and how patient he had to be.

But they both loved all the presents and Nathaniel played with them immediately when David went back to the wii.

A lovely fulfilling day. For the first time since I started my project I didn’t like either of the weeklong pages I made in my journal today. I’m ok with that however because I think I can likely turn them around when the week comes and if not i’ll deal with them. That’s the great thing about a project like this: it’s the sum of the parts that counts, not each part.
Plans for tonight are small. A little time with my love, the April check-in, a little journaling, and bed. Btw, the newsletter goes out tonight with new digital downloads so last chance to subscribe to make sure you get the May one.
I hope your Saturday was peaceful and joyful.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that our neighbors showed up for Nathaniel’s little cake time and it was so nice to see everyone with their kids.
2. I am grateful that I did some art, even if I am not 100% pleased with it.
3. I am grateful for my size two dress. The numbers on the scale might go up and down and I know Anthro clothes run a bit big but it’s amazing to fit into a size two of anything.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had some of Nathaniel’s cake. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played wii and did my workbook.
3. I am grateful that I rode my bike, played soccer and chess with daddy.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects