I am growing more and more fond of our empty weekends. It means we can take our time, relax, and do things at our own pace. I started this morning with my exercise and then of course some family shots.

As always Nathaniel was running the show (even if he wasn’t looking at the camera himself).

He got devastated when I took the remote.

But not for long since it was tickle time!

then we all hung out and played and relaxed. I worked on my art journal on and off. I just got the pan pastels and I am officially in love.

Nathaniel napped, I worked to help Jake, read some of my book, and did some more art. Then it was time for all of us to go to Sunset Celebration Weekend since we had comped tickets. We walked around for a bit, ate some yummy food and then came back home. Nathaniel tackled David’s books to find all the car and train ones. His eye is much better, thankfully.

And David played Wii, of course.

That was pretty much our day. I’ve already started another art journal page. My fourth this week. They seem to take a long time and I am always unsure of whether it’s finished or whether i should add more. But I am learning. I am going to keep going until it feels more comfortable and I’ve tried lots of mediums.
Tonight I plan to rest and read. And then early sleep. Tomorrow, we rinse and repeat! yey!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for art journaling. For getting to play with and learning to use new mediums.
2. I am grateful for Nathaniel’s eye getting better so glad not to see it tearing up anymore.
3. I am grateful that I have another weekend day!!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we went to sunset celebration weekend. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played with Daddy.
3. I am grateful that I played Wii.

Happy Friday! Today was one of those “i don’t know where the time went” kind of days for me. I did a bunch and had a friend over briefly even but I still feel like the day got away from me. When I put Nathaniel down for his nap he wasn’t happy. He then said ouch ouch after a while so I went back up and he was pointing to his eye. But when I took him out, he seemed better so I thought maybe he was faking it to not nap. I put him back in and he finally fell asleep.
When he woke up 45 minutes later he was still super cranky and would not relax for a long time. As we went to get David, I noticed his eye was still watery and I couldn’t tell if it was because he kept rubbing it or cause he was hurt. I called the doctor and they said to come in so they could check. So I picked up David and we went in. And I am so glad we did!! It turned out that the little boy had somehow managed to scratch his cornea. No wonder he was so grouchy and frustrated. My poor poor boy.
When we got back home, I snapped some super quick photos.

But none of us were in the mood really.

We read David’s book, ate some dinner and Jake came home so David and I took a walk just the two of us cause I didn’t want to risk any dirt getting in Nathaniel’s eye. We gave him his medicine and he’s finally asleep. I feel so bad for the little boy and how much pain he must have been in without being able to express himself.
No plans for the weekend. Sunset magazine is nearby to us and they’re having their celebration weekend so we might stop by there but we’re expecting a lot of rain here so I plan to sit at home, curl up with books, play with my wonderful new art supplies and just cuddle up with my kids. To me, that’s the best kind of weekend.
Hope yours is great, too.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I called the doctor and took Nathaniel in. I am glad I didn’t ignore it. I am glad it’s a small scratch and it will heal very soon.
2. I am grateful for a quiet weekend with no major todo list items.
3. I am grateful that I did a little art journaling today. Even though I didn’t like how the page turned out, I love that I tried, experimented and I will keep doing so.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a Pokemon card and two lollipops. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I get a notebook tomorrow. I told him he could bring one to school to write in during lunchtime.
3. I am grateful that I got to have a lollipop.

Well, today’s exercise was super-hard, too but I did it. I powered through it and I was very thankful when it was done! Then I made a layout and sketched and spent some time with Nathaniel. At his insistence, his little table is now right next to mine so he can color as I scrap and we can be physically close to each other. I love that!

And then he napped, I worked and worked. Then it was time to get David. He was wearing a green shirt with blue jeans and looked so handsome so I asked him to pose for some photos. Nathaniel got jealous right away so he ran to give him a hug.

Then he made some goofy faces for me.

then Nathaniel interrupted again and they laughed and laughed.

and hugged some more.

Then David fake-fell on the floor so Nathaniel did too.

He said a fake “ouch!”

So David did, too!

and then Nathaniel sat on him and they hugged some more.

Aren’t they wonderful!! I love my kids and feel so blessed.
I am off to do some more scrapbooking. When I have things due, I can’t seem to stop myself from wanting to finish them so I will not rest easy until these are done. But just two more to go so I can see the light. I have also begun to art journal a bit (as well as my weeklong one) but I can’t figure out which day to post them since I have too many posts already. I don’t want to overwhelm anyone. Maybe during the weekend?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for happy happy colors. My current layouts are filled with super happy colors and I love that.
2. I am grateful for pinterest. I haven’t been using it as much lately but it still makes me deeply happy.
3. I am grateful that I got my new fitbit. My old one has battery problems so they sent me a replacement. I am hoping it will fix my problems and I am so happy to have the new one.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played on the computer. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I did word searches at school.
3. I am grateful that Daddy came home early.

Thankfully, this morning I woke up considerably less cranky and whiny. I got right to work which was to exercise first thing. Today’s goal was 3.12miles and I think likely cause I was nervous about that, I forgot to take my ipod off the pause and it was 20 minutes in that I realized my mistake. I could have just assumed a mile (likely more) and done only 2.12 more but it was the first day doing 3.12 so I wanted the record to be straight. So I started as if I hadn’t walked at all and made it all the way to 3.12 and it was hard. By the end I was not a happy camper. But I did it!
I snapped this shot of David before he left for school. I rarely take AM shots during the week but I love snapping some while he talks to me.

Then I snapped one of the busy little boy, too.

He loves to color but he’s not so great about putting the caps back on.

The rest of the morning was sketching, writing, working, working, working and then going to get David. We did our walk and then read our book. Right after that Jake and David went to a robot factory right across from our house. Which they loved!! Then I got to take some nicer shots of my big boy.

He’s so pretty.

I tried to snap some of Nathaniel too but he wasn’t cooperating. Here he is looking up cause I told him there was a spider behind me.

And here is another unsuccessful attempt.

Then I gave up and went back to working on a layout. I got another happy mail today so I have a few layouts to make and then I should have a quiet period for a while. This package was full of bright, happy goodies. A perfect way to start the summer.
After that I did some art journaling as I’d neglected my journal last night out of grumpiness. And now I am trying to work on getting some content written for a class but honestly I am not feeling it so I am likely to walk away and just surf a bit and go to sleep and read my book. I consider this a good and happy day and hope for another productive day tomorrow.
I hope your Wednesday was good, too!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for some lovely happy mail and for a happy layout created with it.
2. I am grateful for Skype time with my mom and dad. I love getting to talk to them so often. Love you mom and dad!!.
3. I am grateful for some quiet time at work so I can catch up on all the work that I got behind these last few hectic months.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I went to the robot factory. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played spies with Julian at school.
3. I am grateful that I built an aquarium at school.

Even though I woke up relatively ok, I spent most of today cranky so I will keep it short. I did finally get the little table back out from the garage. thank you for the comment Dawn, it’s what made me do it and the little boy was so happy!

Even though the colors are off, big boy was happy today, too.

We sat and read our book together which made little boy jealous so he acted out:

The funniest part was that he kept looking through his fingers to make sure we were watching him be sad. Love the little actor.
Ok I am off to help my husband with his work and then off to bed and maybe tomorrow i’ll wake up from the right side of the bed.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I used my cricut to make a bunch of stencils and masks.
2. I am grateful for everyone’s patience with me here in the house today as i was super grouchy.
3. I am grateful for a night without todo lists. Just resting is what I need.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played with Julian. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I will ride my bike after dinner.
3. I am grateful that next Thursday is pajama day.

And the long weekend is sadly almost over. I had such a lovely weekend that I really didn’t want it to end. I relaxed, exercised, did art, took a nice walk with my kids, sketched, made a layout, took photos, and then relaxed some more. Lovely. David spent some of his morning looking through my layouts of him.

He read all the titles and even some of the journaling. He really really enjoys looking at his pages and I love seeing his joy.

We then put Nathaniel down for his nap and while I sketched and made my layout, he colored with watercolors outside.

Then Nathaniel woke up and we took a long walk together and he played around the room. He even cleaned up some spilled water.

I took what might be my most favorite recent shot of him.

He’s still coloring like crazy and when he can’t reach the table, he does it on the chair. He’s so so so cute though which is why I let him do it. And also because he knows to write only on paper.

We all had some food and then Daddy came home!! which was wonderful. He hung out with the kids, went biking with David, gave them baths and now we’re both relaxing. I have to still journal and work on my art journal. I feel so full after such a wonderful weekend. I hope yours was, too.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I made another layout and sketched today but then also relaxed a lot.
2. I am grateful Jake’s back. Nothing is the same without him here.
3. I am grateful for this long, wonderful, relaxing weekend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that daddy came back. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we took a bike ride.
3. I am grateful that I read my layout pages.
4. I am grateful that I watercolored.

Jake left town for a super short trip early this morning. We decided to snap photos right before he left. Here’s me setting the camera up.

David was really sad when we started but took the photo even though he was almost crying. Nathaniel is complaining because he wants the remote.

We then had to stop briefly cause David was really crying but then things were better and Nathaniel had the remote so everyone was feeling happier.

After the photos, Daddy left, I exercised and we all had breakfast. As I scrapped a layout for summer CHA, the kids colored. I love how they’re sitting at two ends of the table.

While Nathaniel napped, David got to play a bit of wii and some on the computer. Here’s the “let’s get this over with” smile.

When Nathaniel woke up, we all went for a walk and took lots of flower photos and then the kids colored more as I sketched and we all relaxed. A lovely quiet day.

They are now both in bed and I am starting to put together my downloadables for June newsletter. If you’re not subscribed, you can do so from the right side of my main page. All my layouts are done until Tuesday so tomorrow I get to relax and do art journaling. And sketching. And hug my kids!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I made eleven layouts last week. That’s a lot even for me. Eight of them are for CHA.
2. I am grateful for movies and podcasts that have been keeping me entertained while I work.
3. I am grateful for the beautiful weather here which means David and I can take long walks and chat.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played wii. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we took a walk.
3. I am grateful that I drew a beautiful tree with apples.

As expected, today was a lovely, quiet, and art-ful day. I woke up well-rested and happy so I exercised immediately and it was time for family photos.
nathaniel was in charge and took most of them.

He managed to capture a few great ones.

He enjoyed the process so much.

Except for those few seconds when David had the remote.

Then it was tickle time.

Which I’ve come to love love love.

Then David and Jake went to Berkeley to play soccer with Jake’s friend and Nathaniel and I made art. He drew with his pencils and I scrapped while we listened to Paperclipping Roundtable and he watched Thomas (on mute.)

He loved the pencils. Until he started breaking the lead and I had to take them away!!

When David came back, it was Wii time for him.

I did my sketching and then some truth cards. Then we all went on a family dinner and now the kids are down so I am scrapping once more. Lovely, full, wonderful day!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a few hours of pure quiet.
2. I am grateful for my wonderful family and these awesome family shots.
3. I am grateful for a new great book to read and devour.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I went to play soccer. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played wii.
3. I am grateful that I got some candy.

Happy Friday everyone! It was a relatively quiet day around here. I worked, worked and worked. The little boy was in a good mood and gave me a smile.

Love those big eyes.

Big boy gave me a smile, too.

And then some more.

I still can’t believe I have a son with blue eyes. How did that happen?

This weekend promises to be a quiet one. Nothing major planned. Jake has a brief trip and I have some scrapping to do. Otherwise it’s a lot of rest and playing with the kids. Yey for quiet weekends!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finally signed up for some summer courses for the kids. I’d been putting that off even though it was on my list.
2. I am grateful for some wonderful scrappy time.
3. I am grateful for a peaceful weekend (fingers crossed).
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a pencil from Mihika. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I went and did a swimming test.
3. I am grateful that I get to stay up super-late tonight.

Amazingly my headache was still around when I woke up today. But, even more amazingly, it completely cleared after I exercised. I didn’t even want to admit it but I know it did. Which made me so happy. I did all my list items today and did a layout and had a friend come over and did a solid amount of work. Which makes this day a success in my book.
David and I took our walk and then he was allowed to play on the computer. Of course, I needed a smile first.

And here he is focusing on the game.

I love watching his hands on the computer.

And how well he concentrates.

Little boy was happy most of the day even though he tumbled down the stairs (only a few steps but still!) as he crawled down them and got slight rugburn on his face. Made me cry more than him.

I love watching him and capturing him. Especially in the quieter moments.

And the funny ones.

And the smiles he gives me knowing I am there but not looking at the camera.

He’s still into drawing nonstop and asks to sit on the chair several times a day.

And I love that he loves it!

I am off to rest a little bit now and then maybe attempt to make one more layout. Things generally go badly when I try to make two in a day but I am going to be gentle with myself and see where it goes. I might also make a truth card or two. The headache is sort of back so I will also go to bed early and see if that helps. Thank you for all your kind comments in the last few days, they truly mean the world to me.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a lovely day of productivity, friendship and lack of stress.
2. I am grateful for happy mail for Maya Road goodies and for shopping for some art supplies I’ve been coveting for some time.
3. I am grateful for Christy’s class and all the videos that make my morning exercise go so quickly.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a Pokéman card. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I did more tracing at school.
3. I am grateful that summer is coming soon.
One Thing Jake’s Grateful For:
That the Stanford track has lights and that we live somewhere where it’s still warm enough to go running at 9pm. (He told me this tonight and I said that now he’s going to have to tell me one thing every day!)

Today begun badly and has yet to improve. I woke up tired and then took way too long with each of my daily tasks. I have had a headache all day and it just will not go away. I really prefer not to have days like this. Especially the jaw pain. I can do without the jaw pain.
The little boy spent his time coloring.

And enjoyed every minute of it.

David and I read our book and then he read the blurb at the back. He’s a champion reader.

And he’s so so wonderful.

Even when he’s grouchy.

Here’s Nathaniel dropping one of the crayons and saying “oh uh.” He does that about 27 times an hour. If it’s not that, it’s “done” as in “I’m done with this one give me another color.”

His favorite thing though is having his big brother watch him.

They were definitely the highlight of my day.
Today is our ninth wedding anniversary. I cannot believe we’ve been married so long already. We dated for 7 years before we got married so our dating time was always longer compared to the time we spent married. But alas, we’ve completely crossed that bridge. Next year we’ll be married for ten years. I know most people write about how wonderful their husbands are etc. etc. The thing is, my husband and I have our ups and downs and sometimes we’re short with each other. Sometimes we don’t assume the best of each other. Sometimes we know exactly what to say to hurt/annoy/frustrate the other one. But even with all that, he’s my best friend. He’s always been my biggest cheerleader. I look up to him so much and I know he does to me, too. He’s the first person who truly made me feel like it’s ok to be me. And I truly, honestly feel like he’s a part of my soul. I love him so much and I am grateful for all the sunshine he’s brought into my life. I am grateful for our 9 years of marriage and I hope that we will get to be together all the way into our very old age.
Thank you for marrying me Jake. Thank you for everything that you’ve given me and for your patience and love and acceptance. I love and cherish you with all my heart. I am a lucky girl.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for nine wonderful years of marriage and for my husband.
2. I am grateful for Advil today, it’s keeping me sane.
3. I am grateful for my routine. Had I not had one, nothing would have not gotten done on a rough day like this.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I wrote a letter to Hassen. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the computer.
3. I am grateful that I traced different pieces of art at school.

Last night we had guests over and we ended up staying up until midnight which is many hours past my bedtime. Which meant I woke up totally worn out but I was amazed to see that I recovered pretty quickly and my day ended up being productive and pleasant. I even managed to catch Nathaniel making funny faces.

And then David encouraged Nathaniel to sit on him and enjoyed every moment of it.

So did Nathaniel of course.

He just sat on him and played as if it was nothing.

Love my boys so much.
I’ve been scrapping again. Putting together layouts for CHA summer already. I’ve made two in the last 24 hours and hope to possibly make one more tonight. I tend to get burned out if I make more than one a day so I might just rest and then make more tomorrow. Trying to make sure I can pace myself because there are quite a few more I will have to do between now and July. Slow and steady wins the race.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a little scrappy time today.
2. I am grateful for a nice night of good conversation last night.
3. I am grateful for my routine. It works so well for me and keeps me going from task to task so I don’t sit idly which I would otherwise do.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we had P.E. at school. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I watched TV.
3. I am grateful that I traded some of my silly bands for new ones at school.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects