A much, much better day here today which involved some art:

I love how colorful and thick my moleskine is becoming, it makes me so happy to be doing so much art everyday. We took a walk, watched some TV, cuddled, laughed:

Here’s Nathaniel telling me to photograph David, too.

And then giving me a great smile:

and a laugh.

and one from the big brother:

and it involved hugs:

writing gratitude journal:

new goggles:


and more silliness:

and a lot of work and a new dev channel push and reading together and a brief trip to the bank. Full, productive and lovely day. We started summer in the greatest way possible.
I am grateful.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had no headache or jaw ache today.
2. I am grateful that I got solid work done and finished off some todo list items.
3. I am grateful that I slept in until 7:30 this morning. It was pure bliss.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I didn’t have to use eyedrops. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the computer.
3. I am grateful that next week is lego camp.

I could tell you about today and about having four shots on my head at the doctor’s (jaw pain) or losing Nathaniel’s blankie and the resulting screaming, meltdown, tears and then finally finding it hours later. Or I could tell you about the six Advils I’ve taken in the last few hours. Or the poop explosion we had during dinner time.
But I will just tell you that I spent some time watching the little one play.

Making sounds and being happy.

Which always puts me in a good mood.

And then going to pickup David from his bus on his very last day of kindergarten. Looking at his reportcard and seeing how well he’s doing academically and socially.

and how he’s such a goofball and sweetheart and a kindhearted little boy who’s learning his way through life and social interactions.

all of those were part of my day. The headache seems to continue as if Advils are nothing but candy. Alas, it will dissipate eventually. I am going to take it easy tonight and do some art and a lot of resting. I might even take the day off tomorrow if this head-pounding continues.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I found Nathaniel’s blanket. So, so grateful.
2. I am grateful that I got a few more items off my todo list despite the rough day.
3. I am grateful that my husband’s home tonight. I love him so much.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I got some lego sets. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that summer started!
3. I am grateful that I ate a lollipop.

Today was David’s last full day of school. He has one more day but a super-short one and then it’s summer. I spent the day doing a lot of work and the little boy played and got to watch a little TV. Here he is smiling at me while he watches.

And closer. The light was bad since it was behind him and not me.

I still love them somehow but not the light and colors.

David got to play with his friend for a brief period tonight before Jake got home but then he had to do his gratitudes quickly.

and give me a smile, of course.

and there we are. I have a bunch of odds and ends to get done tonight so I am trying to go through my todo list and make it to-done! he hee. I apologize for not replying back to comments so quickly. I promise I will get on top of them this week!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I quit coffee today. In the middle of the day. I hope I have the fortitude to make it.
2. I am grateful that I am flying through my todo list now and getting some of these burdensome todos off my list.
3. I am grateful that summer is here in one more day. No more getting up at 6am!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I played with Ece. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that Daddy got me a Wii game.
3. I am grateful that I had popsicles at school.

It was a short but productive day today. I don’t remember much of it. I was tired in the morning but I am feeling considerably better now. After we picked up David today our neighbor called to see if we’d like to go to the playground. On the way home, David was super cranky but then we ran into Daddy and here’s Nathaniel running to give a hug.

And the hug.

And more hug. They love their daddy.

And finally I got a smile out of the big boy.

off to a meeting now more tomorrow I promise.
Here’s to a very fantastic week for all of us!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got more art supplies. I will stop, I swear.
2. I am grateful that I have some quiet time tonight so I can zoom through my todo list.
3. I am grateful that even though this is a rough-ish week I am trying to work on my attitude and mood and get through it with grace.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful school is almost over. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we had field day at school.
3. I am grateful that I have lego camp next week.

So this morning I woke up and exercised and as I was setting up the family shot, I got this gem. Little boy is torturing the big boy often lately. And the poor boy cannot really do anything about it since Nathaniel doesn’t get what he’s doing wrong at all.

Then it was time for all of us. Little boy in charge still, of course.

Here’s David asking for the remote and Nathaniel totally ignoring him.

And finally tickle time.

Then David went out to play with his watercolors.

Little one watched him the whole time.

But I did catch one sneak.

Then he went down for his nap, David got a tiny amount of Wii time and I worked on my sketching and art journal. By the time I was done, little one woke up and we all headed for Muir Woods, one of my top three favorite places on earth. Nathaniel absolutely adored it too. Here he is smiling for the camera.

David loves the forest, too and walked around, enjoying nature.

Some kind person snapped a photo of all of us. Even though it’s blurry, I love it.

Nathaniel held my hand most of the time but towards the end, he didn’t want to anymore but the ground was pretty uneven so I was worried about him walking alone, he decided he wanted to hold his brother’s hand and they walked around hand in hand and it made both Jake and me tear up. We felt so deeply grateful for our little boys.

After Muir Woods we stopped by Jake’s friend Geoff’s house and the kids played with their son and we all chatted and it was wonderful. By the time we got home it was two hours past bedtime so both kids went down right away and I am going to bed myself really soon. Fresh air does that to you. It also fixes your grouchy mood apparently!
Here’s to a very fantastic week for all of us!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for Muir Woods. That is my peaceful place. There are two spots I found in the United States where just being there makes me feel full of gratitude and peace. One is Torrey Pines State Reserve in San Diego and the other is Muir Woods. I am blessed and grateful to live relatively close to both.
2. I am grateful that while I feel exhausted, it’s the good kind of tired you feel after a day of sunshine, laughter, family and friends.
3. I am grateful that I am still doing art, sketching, and reading. These things truly make me happy and I am lucky to be able to make the time to do them daily.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we went to Muir Woods. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got to play with Nico.
3. I am grateful that I played Wii for a little bit.

Our weekends don’t seem much different than the weekdays here (with the exception of work, of course.) I still wake up at 6am and exercise. But on the weekends, we get to take family photos. Here’s me snapping a few while I set up.

And then one more.

Nathaniel was in charge again.

And he was really happy about it.

Really happy.

then it was tickle time.

I just love every single tickle time photo. All of them.

I can never seem to get enough of them.

I then did some art, journaling, sketching, and the kids played. I snapped a few photos of David whose eyes are finally less red.

He kept laughing as I took photos.

Nathaniel totally ignored me and wouldn’t let me take a photo.

And yelled a few times, of course.

And would NOT stop eating as I snapped.

But then I looked at him and remember how very very grateful I am for my little boy.

Rough week here for all of us. I feel spent and tired and overwhelmed and a bit broken. I need time to heal and rest. I hope to do some of both tonight. I hope your weekend is glorious.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for medicine today. I need some Advil to take the jaw pain away.
2. I am grateful that I did some more art today. I find it healing and relaxing to add all the color and play with the mediums.
3. I am grateful that despite my recent moodiness, life is really good to me and I have so so so much to be thankful for and I am sitting in that pool of gratitude right now and letting it wash over me so I can remember it better.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I feel better. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the computer for a bit.
3. I am grateful that I worked on my new workbook which is so fun.

So David stayed home from school today but it’s pretty clear to me that he doesn’t have pinkeye. He did, however, have a slight fever last night so he would have stayed home either way. His eye is still super-bloodshot but I have no idea what it is. The nurse said it might be allergies so tonight we put some allergy drops in his eye. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.
Little boy has been in a better mood (though still not eating his veggies.) He’s smiling at me here cause he knows I am taking his photo.

I love watching him play. Pretty much all the time.

Here’s David. If you look carefully, you can see his eye is really bloodshot.

And here’s the little boy having fun while David and I are busy doing things.

He’s quite good at entertaining himself.

I was grouchy most of today so when Jake came home, he took the kids upstairs and they danced and played while I waited on the phone with David’s doctor. Then we all went to the art store (because you know I had to buy just a few more supplies. yes, I appear to have a problem.) And we had a delicious dinner, bought David’s eye drop and came back home. Jake put the kids down and I settled in to make a layout which took most of the rest of the night. Now I am exhausted and the day’s over. But, I feel considerably less grouchy. So, yey!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for more art supplies. I bought a few more ink!s and some pastel sticks and a large watercolor journal. I also bought a watercolor set for David and some watercolor tubes for me.
2. I am grateful that we went out to dinner. It was so nice to sit as a family and eat and laugh.
3. I am grateful that I made a layout. I’ll admit I wasn’t in the mood but as soon as I started I loved the process and I loved how it turned out.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I was home today. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we went out to dinner.
3. I am grateful that I got some candy.

This morning David had a breakfast/show thing at school so I got up at 6 and did my exercise first thing so that we could all go to school together. The classroom was really beautiful and all the kids were wearing PJs (it was also pajama day) and they sang to us and got their kindergarten certificates and memory books. It was wonderful to watch. Then we came back home and Jake went to work and I got to work too. A few hours later David’s school called (which always scares me) and told me he had pinkeye and I had to come get him.
So I did. You can see it a bit here but I’m still not 100% sure it’s pinkeye. Nonetheless, it looks really red. (though he says it doesn’t itch or hurt at all.)

Little boy is still a bit cranky and his nose is still dripping like crazy. Here’s the I-m-watching-tv smile again.

And a few more.

Just for me.

I love him so.

I am still feeling worn out and a bit rough on the edges. Maybe it’s hormonal. No idea. Just wish it would go away. Also still art journaling like crazy. I’ve done 12 pages in less than two weeks. Truly enjoying the process. No plans for tonight. None of the todo list items are getting done cause I am too tired and don’t feel inspired to do anything (except art journal apparently.)
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my sister’s wedding anniversary. 17 years! That’s a long time to be married! I love you both so much.
2. I am grateful that I work at home. I was thinking about that as I drove to school to get David today and how flexible my schedule is that I could drop everything and go get him right away. I am deeply grateful.
3. I am grateful for my husband and my kids who always ground me and who are constant reminders of what I have to be grateful for in my life and that my life is so very full.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it was pajama day. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that daddy will spend some time with me.
3. I am grateful that it’s one more day to my wii day.

I am finding myself a little rough around the edges for the last few days. I am tired and worn out and this morning as I picked up Nathaniel from his crib, I injured my back a bit so that didn’t help. Nathaniel’s still super cranky and has a runny nose. That’s not helping either. But such is life. Some days are great and other days you just get by. I have so many things I want to say and write about but I find myself too exhausted.
Here’s the little one watching some Calliou. He’s been getting to watch TV only cause he’s sick. I am a bit more lenient cause it’s been a rough week but things will turn around.

Here he is giving the camera a smile as he watches.

And, David writing his journal.

And giving me a smile while watching TV, too.

I am still doing a lot of art journaling and I am enjoying it tremendously. More than just about anything else right now. All I can think of is making pages in my journal. I know I will slow down soon but I am making the most of playing with paint for now. Tonight’s a quiet night and I think I will curl up with my Soul Restoration 2 homework and a good book. And maybe, just maybe, a little art.
I hope you are doing well. Sorry I’ve been mopey lately. I’ve been thinking about the blog a bunch, too and not sure if I should add more, different content. Is there something you’d like to see here?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a quiet night. I need the rest.
2. I am grateful for public television. That it has good, high-quality shows for my kids to watch.
3. I am grateful for honesty and candidness and connection.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got some polished rocks at school because of Lia’s birthday. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I we finished our book.
3. I am grateful that tomorrow is pajama day!

Today was one of those days where I feel like the whole day was wasted away. Nathaniel was doing fine early morning and drew while I did the same.

I love watching him at his table.

Then I sketched and he played with the kitchen timer.

Then it was time for a nap and the whole world collapsed. He wailed and wailed and wailed. I finally got him to calm down and sleep and then it was super short-lived and he wailed for an hour when he was up. Finally his mood changed again and we could all breathe. Then it was time to get David, of course.

and by the time Daddy got home, everyone was rejoicing and life was good again.

Phew. Long long day here and nothing much to show for it. I think I will spend tonight relaxing and doing more of my Soul Restoration homework. Hope your day was less insane than mine.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for soul restoration 2. I love and adore that class deeply.
2. I am grateful for art journaling. I’ve managed to do nine pages in the last week and I can’t seem to stop. I just want to play play play.
3. I am grateful that, as of tomorrow, David has one week of school left. summer is almost here!.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I saw a talent show at school. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I read my book (called “one”) to the whole class.
3. I am grateful that daddy gave me a flashlight.

The little boy was super duper cranky today. I think he’s a little sick. His nose is super-drippy and he’s warm. I’ve been giving him a little medicine but mostly just trying to be nice and let him have his way more often than not. He’s been drawing a lot.

And going through David’s things.

David’s being quite nice to him, too. He seemed happy today and I think it’s funny that he’s wearing all those silly bands but he likes them.

And Nathaniel loves having the book basket on the couch. He goes through it several times a day.

He also loved that he got to watch TV today.

It was a quiet day here (except when Nathaniel was cranky). I did a little art, a lot of work, and now I am off to date night. So I will keep this short. more tomorrow.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for all the art I’ve been immersing myself into lately.
2. I am grateful that my watercolor class began today and soul restoration begins tomorrow. I am so looking forward to it.
3. I am grateful for date night. Love going to the movies.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a silly band from Lia. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I watched TV.
3. I am grateful that I played with one of Alec’s cars at school.

Well here’s to another fantastic weekend day! I woke up relatively early and Nathaniel was still sleeping though as soon as he woke up he started rummaging through the books.

I love how he checks out every single one to find what he likes.

Then I exercised, showered and set up for family photos. Nathaniel was in charge, of course.

Here’s David wishing he had the remote.

beginning of tickle time.

full-on tickle time. We all love tickle time. David’s been asking me if we can make the whole session tickle time.

Nathaniel was wearing pants that were too big on him so they fell off and here’s David helping him put shorts on. I love this photo even though it’s blurry.

And then we each did our own thing for a while. David did his workbooks. Nathaniel drew.

And drew more.

Then David was on the computer.

I love watching him type and use the laptop keyboard.

And while they played I did a lot of art.

I did more and more art pretty much the whole time. Art journal pages, background for my weeklong journal, truth cards, etc. Then it was family night so we played Blokus and it was a lot of fun. Now the kids are in their room and I am off to do a little more art. Then I have to send emails and prepare blog posts. I feel very happy and full at this moment. I really love all the art I immersed myself in this week. I promise there’s a post coming about all my pages. I just have to stop doing art and write about it. Just not yet.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for getting to do more art.
2. I am grateful for podcasts and hulu. Both of which have been keeping me company while I do art.
3. I am grateful that my exercise felt a lot more manageable today.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it’s family night. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played with Daddy.
3. I am grateful that there are eight more days of school left.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects