Catalyst seventy-one is: If I had one day to do over and over, what would I want to do with it?
Here are my words:
On this day that I’d like to live again and again, I wake up before everyone and enjoy a warm drink and some solitude. Then, slowly, my household wakes up and we have a delicious breakfast as a family. Then, we take a car trip to the beach or forest. We take photos, we have a picnic, and we play together and laugh. We drive back home and we take quiet time as we read and relax. For dinner, we cook together and eat something delicious and healthy. Then we snuggle up and read or watch TV together. After some kisses and bedtime words, the kids go to bed and we have some us time just my husband and I. That’s about it. Maybe it’s ordinary to you, but I can live this simple day over and over again and always be so so happy.

Catalyst seventy is: What’s the best advice you received that encouraged you to follow your dreams? (or advice you’d give to others so they can follow their dreams.)
my words: It may sound counter-intuitive but I have found that the best advice I ever got was someone telling me that I couldn’t do something. When I was in high school, I visited Israel and this gentleman told me that if I wanted to study computers (which I did since I was seven) I should attend Carnegie Mellon University. I had never heard of the school so I ran back to my room and wrote it down in my diary. When I went back home (to Turkey), I told my teacher that I wanted to go to Carnegie Mellon. She told me that there was no way I could get in. I didn’t have what it takes, she said. I was so mad that I made it my mission to get in to the school. Not only did I get in but I graduated with both an undergraduate and a graduate degree in four years and I graduated with honors. I have since then learned that nothing motivates me as much as someone telling me I can’t do something.

Catalyst sixty-nine is: What is your favorite thing about where you live?
My text: We just bought our very first home ever. I have wanted a home of my own for as long as I can remember and I love every corner of this little house. It’s my favorite place because it’s where all the people I love live. It’s ours. It’s going to be filled with our wonderful memories. I can’t ask for anything more.

Catalyst sixty-eight is: Did your life turn out how you imagined?
my words: Even in my wildest dreams and biggest hopes, I could never have predicted such an amazing life. Such incredible children. Such a loving husband. So much success. So much luck. I am so so so thankful and so blessed.
This week we also have the honor of being featured by scrapstreet.com magazine. Make sure to check it out and big thanks to Stacey.

Catalyst sixty-seven is: What’s your favorite part about being a woman or a man?
my words:
I am a firm believer that women are the better and stronger gender. Maybe because I’ve been lucky enough never to suffer any kind of discrimination as a woman so I only see the advantages. The ability to carry babies. The ability to multitask and to love unconditionally. To care. To feel. To cry. To communicate. To be soft and tender when needed and tough when needed. To be gentle. To be intelligent and emotional at the same time. To get things done.
I am not sure why but I’ve always felt that women are, in general, more capable and more intelligent then men. I hold women in the highest regard and feel like I’m honored and delighted to be one. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
Note: This digital layout uses: kenner road swallow field, VINTAGE FLORALS by Shabby Princess, foto blend by Anna Aspnes, Katie Pertiet color challenge 4/25, meredith fenwick – all u need.

Catalyst sixty-six is up: Create art around someone or something that you still have unfinished business with (something that’s been bothering you for a while.).
here’s my text:
Four years ago, when my son was born I had a falling out with a good friend. We haven’t spoken since. Over the years I’ve often wondered if it was worth it. The fight we had. Whether it was worth losing the friendship. I am not sure. Sometimes I think maybe it wasn’t…
This digital page uses the beautiful papers and elements from Kerry Lynn Yeary of Kenner Road.

This week’s catalyst is: Tell us about one thing you’d change about yourself (physical or otherwise).
Here’s my text (an old blog entry):
When I was younger, I used to travel in a crowd of beautiful women. I don’t know how it happened but all my female “friends” were drop dead gorgeous and within a few weeks, my self-image managed to wither away to nothing. At the time, I started playing a game where each time I caught myself wishing I had someone else’s something (like hair or eyes or nose or legs) I would force the issue.
I told myself that the rules were such that I wasn’t allowed to take body parts or personality traits and plug them into the rest of me. If I liked someone’s something, I had to completely change places with that person. Not only did I get their whole body, but I got all their personal issues, emotions, family, psychological state of mind, past, living status, job and anything else you can think of. I basically forced myself to choose between me and this random (or in some cases not so random) person. Yeah, I got to have their small nose or blue eyes, but was I ready to also have their eating disorder? How about the disinterested mom? Was I willing to give up all of who I am to look like this person? It was my way of forcing myself to face the fact that people don’t come in pieces. You want a part, you get the whole thing. How do you like them apples?
In fifteen years, I’ve never met one person I was willing to change places with. I don’t know if it was the fact that I wasn’t willing to give up certain aspects of who I am of my life or the fact that I tend to favor the known over the unknown. Looking at a woman walking down the street, I can see she has pretty hair or a size-2 figure, but I can’t see what goes on in her head or how much she suffers daily. With me, at least I know the hand I am dealt and I know how to live within its limits, when to push it, when to enjoy it. The game’s done a lot to improve my self-esteem.

Catalyst sixty-four is: Create art about a time when something that then seemed small happened but then it ended up changing your life.
Here’s my text:
Years ago, I was sitting at school with a friend who told me that a friend of hers (someone I only knew as an acquaintance) had had a really bad day. I am not sure what prompted me, but I emailed her friend that day and asked him if he was ok. Next thing I know, we were hanging out, becoming friends. And then dating. And then we got married. And now we have two kids. It all started with one single email. Amazing what can change in a moment.

Catalyst sixty-three is: Tell us about your perfect day (either one you’ve had or one you imagine.)
Here are my words:
There are some days that are meant to be perfect. Like a wedding day, a graduation, a birth, a honeymoon. But then there are those other days that start out absolutely ordinary. Never promising more. On rare occasions, one of these days turn out magnificent. Unexpected. Perfect. Those are the extraordinary moments life is made out of. Joshua Tree was one of those days for me. I will never, ever forget it.

Catalyst Sixty-Two is: What’s a personality trait you admire/seek in others? Why?.
Here are my words:
The trait I admire most in others is what I call “being comfortable in your skin.” I have a few friends who are just like that. They know who they are and they are comfortable with themselves. It’s not confidence as much as just a level of self-comfort. When I hang out with them, I always find myself wishing I were like that too. It’s something I am working on: loving myself the way I am.

Catalyst sixty-one is: Tell us about something that you always put off doing. Why?
Here are my words:
Despite the fact that I like clean and tidy houses, it’s the one thing I always and always put off. I wish I were tidier. I wish I had one of those perfect houses that look so organized and tidy. I don’t think it’s in the cards for me.

Catalyst sixty is: What’s the best vacation you ever had? Where was is to and why is it the best?
Here’s my text:
I thought about this one for a long time. Honestly, I’ve had two “best vacation” experiences. The one I decided to highlight here is our honeymoon to the Seychelles islands.
Coincidentally, this was the number one choice for both of us and while the trip was obscenely long and they lost our luggage when we got there, it was worth every single minute. The beaches, the nature and the wildlife at the Seychelles is absolutely breathtaking. We were relaxed, happy, and loved everything about this paradise on earth. I will never, ever forget this trip.
The one I didn’t highlight here was our cross-country trip. In 2003, we both quit our jobs and decided to move across the county. We bought a car and visited 40 states. We camped, we visited all the national parks, we ate both good and really bad food. We spent the whole summer in our little Civic and had a total blast. Another vacation I will never, ever forget.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects