In 2012, David and I did a project called “David’s Book of Good Memories.” Even though he whined about it often when we did it, he really loves looking through the book. He still looks through it regularly. And it makes him happy.
So when we were trying to decide what project to do in 2015, both of the kids said they wanted to do another Book of Happy Memories. Nathaniel wanted to do one of his own, too. And it’s David’s last year at this school this year so I thought it would be good timing.
Each of the boys got a Moleskine lego notebook. Blue one for Nathaniel and white one for David. David’s is lined and Nathaniel’s is plain.

The idea is to collect all their lovely memorabilia from school in one place and then to write a little bit about what’s special about each thing.
I am really looking forward to doing this project again. It was really fun for us last time.