This was another productive week for Jake. He spent most of the week at the office getting clients and setting up paperwork for corporations. He’s made so much progress in the last two weeks that it’s exciting and rejuvenating to watch. He’s also been really a huge help to me this week. He went to volunteer at David’s school and stayed with the kids so I could go to both my doctor’s appointments alone. It was so nice to be able to have that freedom and calm.
This week was productive and stressful. I’ve been having more jaw pain than I’d like but I am trying to keep it in perspective. I’ve been specifically working on having more perspective and a more positive attitude. I am quite proud of myself for not completely freaking out with what happened to David and just doing the right thing and trying to stay calm so that he wouldn’t be scared. Now that the weekend is here all I want to do is rest and recover and do nothing productive. I guess that’s what weekends are for, right?
David went back to school after a week of being sick and then on Wednesday he was spinning around and hit his head on the lunch bench when he got dizzy. He made a pretty deep gash but thankfully he’s ok. They closed it up with bandaids and he’s been home the rest of the week. He’s been in good spirits but I am worried cause he doesn’t really understand the gravity of what happened and still jumps and bounces around unless I remind him to stay calm and let his wound heal. My sweet boy whose spirit is unbreakable. I love him.
Nathaniel is doing well, too. He’s thrilled to have David around and he’s been getting into every single thing. He opens drawers, burrows through things, has strong opinions and makes sure you know them. It’s lucky for him that he’s super-cute or I am not sure how we’d be putting up with all his antics.

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.