This morning I woke up, I posted the catalyst, I snuggled up with my kid, I had my coffee. I was blissful and happy. I just decided this was it, I was going to relax. And i ended up getting much more than usual done and I am still relaxed.
Nathaniel is getting harder and more demanding but he also plays with his toys occasionally.
And he’s so wonderful so I cannot imagine doing anything else with my time. I cannot imagine leaving this one at home and going to work. I love him so.
And then I had to go to work so Jake came home and went to pick up David while I went to work. I was there for a little over two hours and it was incredibly useful and also great to get out a bit. I don’t get out much. While I was gone, Jake snapped this for me.
And now I am back, kids are tucked in and I am planning on doing more relaxing. Taking care of me day! I hope you make one too!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I went to work. I learned a lot.
2. I am grateful that I did actually take the time to relax today. I rarely let myself off the hook, so I am glad I did.
3. I am grateful that I feel calm now. That I am still walking and eating better and working on things. One day at a time….
4. Oh and i got this amazing email today. A reply I had long stopped expecting.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making my Y puppet
2. watching movies with daddy
3. playing roll and recorder at school ( no idea what this is!! )
I’m so close to the very end, I can almost see it. Working working working like mad. While i work the little boy explores in the house.
Sometimes quietly and sometimes with a lot of noise. Especially if he’s hungry. I waited too late to take photos today, too so they came out much more blurry than usual.
And here’s Nathaniel looking up to his brother. Look at that love in his eyes.
I know this photo is super blurry but I love the look he has here. It reminds me so much of me. Eerie.
And here we are at the end of another day. October 18. I can’t believe we’re past the halfway point of this month. I plan to plow through very hard in the next two days and then be totally done with my lists. Or at least ready to take a break. I am ready to relax more and scrap some. Mmmm. scrapping. yes!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I wrote three more lessons today. Off to record some audio.
2. I am grateful that things at work seem to be moving along well. Slowly, but well.
3. I am grateful that I spent another day drinking only one cup of coffee. So far, so good.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. helping Daddy take the training wheels of his bike
2. watching mommy do her art journal page
3. reading mommy my stories
4. doing my X puppet (xavier the fox!)
I’m back to that bad place of being paralyzed by too much work. I’m getting a lot of work done and when i make my todo list I can see that it’s actually manageable and i will definitely get it done yet I still feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start and then get all wound up and do nothing. Here’s my promise to myself and you can hold me accountable: no new commitments for November and December. I’ve already made some but other than those, i won’t take anything on for the rest of this year. Time to rest and rejuvenate.
Many people ask me how I get work done at home with Nathaniel. Well here’s what he does while I’m working.
And then here’s the face poor David makes when i tell him he has to clean it up.
He knows it’s not fair and tells me so often.
But then I remind him that he did this when he was little and i cleaned it up every time and that we look out for each other and that’s what it means to be a family. And he feels resigned. Nathaniel ends up sacrificing for him too, just in different ways.
And speaking of Nathaniel I’ve been trying to expand Nathaniel’s meal variety. So we’ve tried carrots, sweet peppers, broccoli, blakc-eyed peas, and heirloom tomatoes in the last two days. All with no interest. He’s gotten really good at shaking his head no.
I apologize for cutting it short and being so whiny. I am off to write some more lessons and once this set is finished, I will breathe a big sigh of relief and be so much more jovial. I promise.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that despite feeling low and overwhelmed i am still making time for giggling with my kids, walking, and the art journal.
2. I am grateful that my ability to be effective at work is increasing.
3. I am grateful that I’ve been working on some positive changes for my daily intake of food. Not just fewer calories but more nutritional food. One step at a time.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. bringing the books i made at school home
2. going to school!
3. doing the brainquest workbook with mommy
And our Sunday has come and gone. I snapped this photo relatively early in the day and it really speaks to me. He looks so much like me here. A face I make. It’s eerie.
A lot happened this morning. I got some work done. David and I did some vocabulary and phonics. We watched a little TV and I watched a movie. And then Daddy came home!! We all rejoiced. Then we went shopping. I’ve been thinking a lot about food and what to eat more and I will talk more about it this week. After a long shopping trip, we came home and I tried to snap some photos of David. Here’s what he gave me.
And then the smile.
Then I went on my walk and when I came back, nathaniel spent some time putting my socks on and taking them off.
While I was gone, David and Daddy had put together his legos. Some of the pieces had broken so Jake had ordered replacements. Now that they arrived, they could finally finish it.
I cooked dinner for the kids but neither ate it. So most of it went to trash or my belly. Thankfully Jake prepared them for bed so I could be at my desk by 6pm for Brene Brown‘s webinar which i was really looking forward to. I am listening to it right now so i will bid you good night. More tomorrow.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake is back. I miss him deeply. He’s the joy of our life.
2. I am grateful that did finish a lot of work this weekend.
3. I am grateful for my life. for getting to live it fully. for being more in the now than i’ve ever been. i need to cut myself more slack and think more about what i do and whether it’s where i want to spend my life. but i am really grateful for it.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. watching a little sprout.
2. coloring.
3. having daddy back
4. the gold coin daddy gave me
5. finishing the lego with daddy
I have a lot of photos today and I have a melting down baby and a long list of todos tonight so I am going to keep the words short and let the photos speak for themselves. 52 Things is ideally going to come some time today or possibly tomorrow, too.
This morning, the kids went under the curtains and looked out the window to the backyard. Watching the birds and squirrels.
I love watching them.
Or maybe I just love them.
In the afternoon, we went to the park by our house. Nathaniel watched his brother a lot and he must have loved that cause he gave him a hug all on his own.
Here’s Mr. Handsome.
And the little boy. Beautiful boy.
David went down the slide many times. On his tummy.
And Nathaniel kept watching him.
So he kept doing it and laughing.
Our friend Ece and one of the neighbor boys came out to play, too. He brought out his swords which made Nathaniel super-happy.
I made considerable progress in my class but i am now running behind in many things. I feel tired and worn out a bit. So this is something I am going to have to take a step back and think about so that I can learn not to wear myself out. The list keeps growing even as I tackle more and more items.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we got to play outside some with friends today. Five kids. It was fun.
2. I am grateful that I already wrote lesson one and two, six more to go.
3. I am grateful for that i am walking and making art journal pages. I am making progress this month, even though sometimes it doesn’t feel so.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. going to the park with Ece.
2. coloring.
3. playing wii
And finally friday is here. It’s been a fast week and a productive one both personally, work-wise, art-wise, and exercise-wise. All in all, pretty good. This morning, I was working on a project I’d promised someone and I thought I might want to use some of my stamps so I took a bunch out to go through them. As it turned out, I didn’t use them but they entertained Nathaniel for a good hour.
After lunch, he needed to be changed since he decided to smear his peanut butter sandwich all over himself. You can still see it in his pants. But he seemed to be in a good mood for the most part. This is the face he makes when I call him and he knows I want to take a photo.
And here he is posing for it.
He loves piling up David’s workbooks and going through them.
So while he did that, I worked and then we went out for my walk and then we picked up the big boy.
Who loves making faces.
And, I love him.
And then I snapped my one good photo of the day.
And decided to quit while I was ahead.
I finished most of my planned work for the weekend which means I can now work ahead and get started on my second BPC class for winter 2011. This one is an 8-week workshop so there’s quite a bit of work ahead of me. Sooner I start, sooner I can make progress.
I’ve been obsessing about whether I should break the blog into sections or not. Like photography, thoughts, scrapbooking, books, etc. Or to just leave it a jumble as it is now. Should i just list sections but still post it all here at once? No idea…. i will keep pondering, I spose. For now things stay the way they are until I find a solution I like.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake will be here in one more day. We miss him so.
2. I am grateful that making a list and organizing myself seems to really have helped. I already feel like some of the load is off my shoulders.
3. I am grateful for my new waterbrush pens. They are awesome.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making my W letter puppet (weasel).
2. coloring at home.
3. doing the phonics section in our workbook with mommy
Well this week is coming to an end really fast. But the listing of items has been working for me. I’m on a roll and getting stuff done. At a slower pace than I’d like and I haven’t read a page in my book all week but I have written most of my first class and I plan to finish it all tonight. It’s about perfectionism. Great topic. Then a few detours/commitments and onward to the second class!
David had a supershort day at school today so I had to get a lot done in the morning, including my walk and then run over to get him. I spent most of the afternoon working hard while Nathaniel slept and David colored. Both of the kids really love playing this game where they fall to the ground. Not sure why. They like doing it on the pillow, on each other, and on just nothing.
And David told me today that this is him doing ballet. I don’t think he’s going to have a career in ballet, do you?
Here’s Nathaniel grabbing the pillow (so he can fall on it.)
and his reaction to my saying no.
And more of it when he sees that it’s a firm no.
And, finally, full blown meltdown.
But my no stays no, so he goes and finds other adventures. Then he decides he’s hungry so he grabs the cinnamon crackers out of the pantry and brings them to me. And I get to snap what is likely my favorite shot of him.
And there we go.
An angel. that’s what my boy is. Both my boys. Even when they are melting down. Even when they are driving me literally insane. David lost two sweaters in school in two days. I was beside myself. I need to learn to be calmer. It’s better for him and for me. My jaw hurts like insane. Like 3-6 advils a day insane. Not good for either of us.
So far, I’m enjoying art journaling month but I am not sure i’m learning much or conquering my fears. I think I am not paying enough attention to it. I am still walking however. No less than a mile each day. Ideally two miles. So far so good. I’m almost done with the 7 habits so I will have to find another book to listen to. Any recommendations? Something non fiction I think. It’s easier to listen to nonfiction.
I bought some math books to do with David but neither are nearly as good as the reading book we’ve been doing. I wish I could find some fantastic ones. IF you know of any, please do let me know.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am almost done putting together my new class. Big item off my list.
2. I am grateful that Jake seems to be enjoying himself in NY. I miss him like crazy but I am happy he’s happy.
3. I am grateful for the kind, happy mail from Caroline. Thank you so much Caroline, you’re truly amazing, generous and so supportive. I am deeply grateful.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. sitting with maggie on the bus.
2. coloring at home.
3. sharing my book at school (the cat in the hat!)
I spent most of today working on my February class with BPC. I have two coming up back to back and the due dates are fast approaching so I’ve been working on the content. I love doing it but it also uses a lot of my energy. It’s been nice to have two days off work so I can focus on it but tomorrow’s back to work and I have a lot on my plate.
Here’s Nathaniel making one of his many many faces.
And David looking out the window. I am not sure if he knew I was taking this photo.
The kids have been playing on their own a lot. The room is very tidy today and that always seems to rub Nathaniel the wrong way.
And David’s been coloring up a storm.
Tonight I have book club here. I haven’t gotten all the items on my list done for today yet so I am a bit stressed but I am trying to stay optimistic. It will all work out. It always does, doesn’t it?
I am still full of thoughts. Still walking. 12 days in a row. I walked only 1 mile today but I told myself it’s better than nothing. I am still overwhelmed a bit but for the most part I am getting organized. Looking at the list is a bit overwhelming. I’ve been listening to 7Habits of Effective people as I walk. I have a lot of interesting thoughts that are coming out of it. I need to organize myself so I can think. And write.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a big task off my list today. It took me way longer than I’d hoped but it’s now finished. Thankfully.
2. I am grateful for book club tonight. Always good conversation and this time I don’t even have to drive.
3. I am grateful for the cleaning lady who has managed to make my house look spotless. She’s so so amazing.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. celebrating maggie’s birthday
2. creating my batman story (he’s coloring a story)
3. making my V puppet at school (vampire bat)
Something a bit different. I am sorry if you don’t like flowers. I seem to have a thing for them.
Today was a bit better and I actually woke up with the drive to get things done. And I got a bunch done. And then tonight I finally got organized. I have a LOT on my plate but I feel like I can do it. It seems more possible now. Thankfully.
This is Nathaniel most of the time. He is in his seat and reaching for something other than what’s actually on his plate. It doesn’t even matter what, the other thing is more appealing.
And here’s David giving me “please please let me smile so she can leave me alone” face. Ugh. This made me feel bad. He looks so sad.
Here’s Nathaniel signing for food. He asks for food all day long. All day long. Literally.
And then I say, Nathaniel smile for me and I get this.
I love this. I don’t care that it looks funny. It’s perfect. It shows that he gets it. He knows that you smile. He’s been watching his brother practice and doing the same. He’s such a joy.
I’ve just finished writing the most of my lesson for the first class next year. I’ve replied to a slew of emails. If you’re awaiting an email from me, can I ask that you please please email me again? I might have totally missed it in the slump of the last ten days. I apologize. Please email me again.
I took today off work and tomorrow too. Not for a specific reason. Just to rest and not stress about work. And it worked. I felt more relaxed all day. Let’s see how tomorrow feels. How was your day? You’ve been quiet lately, I hope I’m not boring you to death.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finally got organized. I now have a schedule. I work well with a schedule. It’s agressive but I can do it.
2. I am grateful for a few days off work. I need the rest.
3. I am grateful kindness from so many people. At the least expected times. For no reason. People are amazing.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. taking the computer test (he took a test at school today apparently.)
2. playing cards with Daddy last night
3. coloring at school today
I’ve had this image open on my computer for weeks. Didn’t feel like using it for some reason.
I’ve been thinking a lot about imperfection today. It’s the topic of one of my new classes for 2011. So how about some normal-life photos? Imperfect ones.
First up is David’s school photo. Remember the one we practiced smiling for, for so many days? Well you can decide if it worked.
I’ll leave my thoughts out of it. Here’s a photo I snapped of him when he came home from school. He’s growing up so fast.
We have a lot of this at home. David lying on the couch, Nathaniel walking up to him and showing him things and sharing.
David doing snow angels on the floor.
Nathaniel crying cause David put the cards away in a drawer he cannot reach.
David lying on the couch and smiling at me.
And Nathaniel making his “I know you’re going to take a photo of me so I’ll smile” face.
This is our life. The ordinary moments. Nathaniel gives hugs each time you ask now. I was having a rough morning so as I cried on the couch, he came up next to me and gave me a big hug. All on his own. And then kept hugging me. I’m afraid I did not just snap out of it this morning as I’d hoped but I am finally feeling better now. An amazing, kind gesture by Amber and My Mind’s Eye (as if they didn’t already spoil me way more than enough) was sort of the moment that tipped it over. It was such a surprise, so much kindness that I literally couldn’t take it. I wept and then I went walking and decided I needed to let it all go. I have such an overwhelming todo list now that I am not exactly sure where to begin and I am experiencing one of those paralysis moments. It doesn’t help that I am exhausted, too.
I have so many thoughts on my mind. About meeting needs. About feedback. About setting goals and accomplishing them. Values and feeding them. So much swimming in there. Good thing it’s art journaling month. I have so many posts I want to write, too. About exercising. About my journaling. About happiness month back in July. But for now I have to work on my class work. I need to buckle down and get it out of the way. I think it will lift most of the weight off my shoulders.
Here’s to hoping good mood, positivity, and productivity return. And soon.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am thankful for a completely unexpected package in the mail. Some wonderful, happy product from My Minds Eye. Pure kindness and generosity. I am deeply grateful.
2. I am grateful that I walked for the tenth day in a row. I am aching all over. Literally. But I am trying to keep going.
3. I am grateful that some of the undecided bits of my work are now decided. I am still more frustrated than I would have liked about some of it but at least there’s resolution and now I can move forward, hopefully.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing Star Wars with Hasen (David was Luke)
2. coloring my U puppet (Umbrella Bird)
3. Checking out a Star Wars book from the library
Purple flowers. They are currently bringing joy into my home.
Happy 10.10.10. I hope yours went well. I’m still in the funk that seems to be enveloping me right now. I can easily list you many reasons for it but I think it’s time to just snap out of it. I’ve been thinking a lot about the “what you focus on flourishes” adage lately (I should make an art journal page on that one.) and I’ve been stuck on this negativity with one of the issues in my head and it’s time to let it go. I should either embrace the positive things about it or walk away from it. Both are viable options. Sitting and sulking and having conversations in my head over and over again is not a viable option. So expect a much better attitude tomorrow. Enough is enough.
I snapped very few photos today for some reason. This is one of the little boy.
And one of the big one.
And that’s it. Not sure why.
I did scrap, walk, and make an art journal page today. and I played cards with David. And we all went out to dinner together. So there was much activity. I just feel enveloped by negativity a bit. I am officially telling myself to let it go. let it go. let it go. do you think it will work if I just repeat?
Here’s to waking up with a better attitude tomorrow and hopefully finally getting to write all the thoughts on my mind. I hope your weekend was good. Giveaway coming tomorrow.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am thankful that I got my ring back. I don’t know if you remember but a few months ago, the diamond in my engagement ring had fallen off. We found it and sent it in to get fixed. It took a long while and more money than I would have liked but here it is, back on my finger and it’s buffed and shiny.
2. I am grateful that jake and I spent some time playing Wii last night. It was super fun to play just the two of us.
3. I am grateful that I got to play cards with David today. It was so much fun to watch him play and win and lose and just have a good time with me.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. coloring
2. playing crazy eight with mommy
3. going out to dinner together
Today I had a hair appointment. While I always dread going there and sitting for hours, I always feel happier on the way home. I look better which instantly improves my mood. I wonder if exercise will ever become that way for me.
David had a doctor visit his school last week and he got these gloves, which he decided made neat socks. I couldn’t help but laugh, too.
After I came back from the appointment, I sat to scrap a bit and Nathaniel discovered this hat and decided he had to wear it.
And since he’s so beautiful, I let him do whatever he wanted.
While David played Wii, of course.
And I walked. And Jake got groceries and is now upstairs bathing the kids. Ordinary, uneventful day. I love it so. Still in the thinking process here but I haven’t produced much yet. Need focus to sit and type things up but seem to be lacking focus and energy. It shall come back at some point, right? My todo list is only getting bigger.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am thankful about my hair. I wish I could make it so pretty myself.
2. I am grateful that I walked again. That brings my sum up to 12.5 miles and eight consecutive days.
3. I am grateful for my husband, who’s been pitching in a lot the last few days. I’ve been sick and unmotivated and tired so it really helps so much to have him and more significantly, his energy.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. coloring – he really loves coloring lately and I loved it so much too so it’s fun seeing this on the list again and again
2. playing wii
3. building my lego with daddy
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects