Sick of tulips yet? You know I’m not 🙂
So the little boy is finally better (I know I’ve said this before.) He’s still a bit clingy but appears to be a lot happier in general. I know this is a serious shot but isn’t it so pretty?

And he’s playing a lot too. Yep, making a huge mess.

And there’s the smile.

I must say I am glad this week’s over. It was a long 10 days for me and I am ready to rest and relax. This weekend is reserved for reading, crafting with David, and digging into some of the new art books I bought. And some stitching so I can finish my workshop. I sort of broke my sampler into two since I put the other one into the WIL project. So I am going to have to catch up and then add some of the bits from week 1. That’s ok. I love doing this. I even bought an embroidery book. So I just plan to spend the weekend with my little ones, hugging, reading, crafting, relaxing. Oh and I have a shoot on Sunday. I haven’t had a family shoot in a while so I am nervous but also excited.
Note to Self:
There’s a project I am trying to start for next week (or maybe the one after) and it’s sort of growing and becoming all-encompassing which is making the whole thing considerably harder to take on. But I am resisting the idea of making the project smaller. So I decided to just take a step back and maybe let myself sleep on it. I’ve found that my best ideas come right as I am falling asleep or actually in my sleep. And I think I need to let myself do that more often. Stop and let time help me out a bit.
I’m also thinking about my list of 52 things. There are some things I want to add, and some I already know I am not doing. (Or there’s a really small chance). So should I change the list? Is it ok to add but not to remove? Is that cheating? I can’t decide 🙂 Maybe I’ll keep them all there but add and gray out the ones I don’t think I’ll do. Or maybe I’ll let the year go on and I might change my mind about those items I think I won’t do? Lol. Maybe I am over-thinking this?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I went to Joann’s today with both the boys to get some fabric. They were both so amazingly well-behaved that several people commented. I am so grateful for my wonderful boys.
2. I am grateful that I had to do the release a few times this week so now I feel like I know things much better. I needed the practice and will get some next week, too.
3. I am grateful for wonderfully inspiring books. There are some that just make me want to stop time and play and play and play with my art supplies. There’s nothing like a fresh batch of inspiration. I am also grateful for fabric. The texture is so good for my soul.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. David got to buy two coloring books from Joann’s and he worked on them as soon as we got home.
2. He also got to have hot chocolate this morning.
I’ve noticed that his are often about buying or eating things…

From our walk on Tuesday. Isn’t it so pretty?
Nathaniel is better today. He woke up without a fever but I’ve been keeping an eye on him. I can’t help but worry nonstop.

I am so behind on “regular” life. Haven’t read a book in weeks now, I have fallen behind in my stitching, and haven’t returned soooooo many emails. And the list goes on and on. I am hoping that eventually life will go back to normal (is there even such a thing?) and I can catch up a bit. Or at least catch my breath.
At least the weekend is coming.
Note to Self:
It’s been two months into this year now and I feel like I’ve been living my life so much more mindfully. The effect is already profound I think. I’m calmer, more aware of the choices I make and the choices I don’t make. I am more aware of my anxiety. More aware of the reasons for my actions. Just a lot more present. I am really happy with the results so far. I have a long long long way to go but you know it’s always one step at a time.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I was all happy about the release because it went out today but then we found a big bug and let’s see what tomorrow will bring…still grateful for having released.
2. I am again thankful to my boy. He is so helpful and he had to stay home today because the baby was sick and he was still such a doll all day long.
3. Thankful for some goodies coming in the mail early next week. They will hopefully help me with an item on my 52 Things list and I also ordered some craft items for David and me.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. David got to play the Wii today and that was fun for him.
2. He’s also grateful for the pretzels and ice cream and chocolate milk he got today. (A lot of treats!)

Love and adore these flowers more and more everyday.
So Nathaniel woke up happier today.

But he was still cranky a bit.

On and off all day. Then in the afternoon, when he woke up from his nap, I realized he was hot again. I took his temperature and it was 102.5. Off to the doctor we went. He has an ear infection. Which is really odd since he didn’t have a runny nose or any congestion anywhere. Even the doctor was very confused. Now he’s on antibiotics. Ugh. Ten days.
It’s been a rough few weeks here. After my grandmother, my great aunt passed away. I got sick. Then we had visitors, then Nathaniel got sick and I am busy at work and feel like I need a vacation for a bit. Just a pause button so I can catch up and then restart life. Oh well. This, too, shall pass.
Note to Self:
I worry so much about the kids and seeing them sick. It’s worse than when I am sick and especially bad when it’s Nathaniel since he can’t speak and tell me how much or where he’s hurting. It makes my heart break into pieces and I start imagining the worst each time. I know it’s not constructive and I know there’s really nothing more I can do but the helplessness is so upsetting. Seeing your kid in pain is really a terrible feeling.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I was able to finish a small errand on my list today but one of those that I’d been putting off for a long time, so I am thrilled.
2. I am so grateful that David is the greatest kid in the world. He helped me so much today when I was so worried about Nathaniel. He played peek-a-boo with him in the car. He was quiet when I needed to focus. He’s just such a joy.
3. I am thankful for the quiet moments in my day. Lately I need them a bit more than usual.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. David got to have lots of iPhone time today when I was at the doctor’s. He doesn’t usually get to play on it but today was an exception.
2. And he got to have story time with mommy in the morning right when we all woke up, we snuggled up in my bed and read a book of poems. He was so happy, he thanked me 6 hours later again. (Honestly this should be on my list too, I really enjoyed snuggling with them both so much.)

From today’s walk.
It turns out the little boy has Roseola. He woke up with a rash all over his body and face (can’t really see it in the photo but it was all over.) I only didn’t freak out cause David had had it before. (It’s called The Sixth Disease) He’s still pretty grouchy. One more day and I hope we’ll be back to normal.

My mother in law is still here so we took a little walk today and it was a good time to snap some photos today.

Nathaniel wasn’t really accommodating but I tried anyway.

I am off to work on getting creative therapy up for tomorrow. I hope you’re having a good week.
Note to Self:
We saw The Blind Side to night and it was quite wonderful. It made me think on the way out that I hope I can be that kind of person. I don’t want to ruin it for anyone but basically it made me hope that I am the kind of person who would stick up for others and do something even if it goes against the grain. And that I’d trust myself and believe in myself enough to not care if others question my judgement. I wonder if I am that brave.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Five date nights with my husband in a row. Could I ever be more grateful for anything else?
2. I am grateful that this week’s release process seems to be going more smoothly (let me now jinx it) and I still have so much support from my team. So grateful for the kindness of others.
3. I am grateful that my kids are still young and at home with me. I know this sounds odd but I am so glad they are here. I love them. I love all of our times together. Even the challenging ones. I am just grateful for them.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. His grandmother got David these little cheese crackers and he said those were the highlight of his day.
2. And the little walk we took.

March already? I am so not prepared for how fast this year is going already.
Nathaniel is finally fever-free! Thank goodness.

It’s been nice to have my inlaws around but it also means we’re out of our routine so much and the daily things that get done just don’t get done and it throws everything off balance for me. It’s ok though, next week we’ll be back to regularly scheduled life. In the meantime I get to enjoy all the 1-1 time with my wonderful husband.
Oh, and, for those of you who asked, we saw “It’s complicated”, “Dear John”, and “Avatar” in the last week. All were good. But I really like almost all movies.
Note to Self:
I’ve realized today that I’ve gotten addicted to listening to books in the car. I finished the book I was reading and didn’t have another one backed up so I’ve been having withdrawal for two days now. Something I didn’t realize I was taking for granted until it was gone. I have a few more now so let’s see if any of them turn out to be good. Really open to recommendations here, too!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I’m grateful that after 16 years together, my husband and I still have so much to talk about and still enjoy each other’s company so much.
2. I’m grateful that Nathaniel is finally fever-free and back to his happy self (mostly).
3. This is a hard week at work and I am grateful that I am able to take it a bit easier this time around.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. A great 100-piece dragon puzzle that he and Meme (grandma) got to make together today
2. He got to watch batman on his grandfather’s computer and that was great fun for them both

Nathaniel’s fever is still here but considerably better, thankfully. He loves this table.

David’s grandparents are still here and he’s having a blast with them. They made legos together.

They read to him. (Love the Lorax!)

They watched movies and tickled and giggled.

They even did workbooks together.

Isn’t he the luckiest boy ever?
Note to Self:
I didn’t use to be the kind of person who needs time to herself but it turns out I am becoming one of those. I wonder what that means? But I do think it’s healthy to spend a little bit of time just with me every day. It is right?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. More movies!! I finally got to see Avatar last night. It was truly magnificent.
2. Seeing my boy having so much fun. I am so proud of him.
3. I am grateful that Nathaniel is finally getting better.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Loved his lego boat!
2. He loved the Lorax so much that he’s already had someone read it to him 3 times in one day. He asked me again this morning. Can’t beat Dr. Seuss.

David, Jake and his parents went on a walk today and when they came home, David handed me these flowers he picked. He was so happy and proud. (Though I think it’s bad to pick flowers from nature. Isn’t it?)
Nathaniel’s been really sick. Like 103 fever. I feel terrible. I’ve been nursing him as much as I can and holding him and giving him medicine. He’s a little cranky but really his sweet little self still. I wish I could make it go away.

David and his grandfather got to play Candyland today and David won. He was really proud.

And here’s Jake’s mom with Nathaniel who really wanted to be with me all the time so I was glad when he let her hold him for a bit. He’s just been tired and sad a lot.

My poor little boy.
Note to Self:
Jake and I have gone on dates two nights in a row and it’s such a luxury to get to go out for a little bit, just the two of us. Going to the movies is such a big deal to me. I love sitting in the dark room, falling into the movie and getting lost in the story while holding his hand and snuggling up. It’s something we need to do more often. Good for the soul.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Getting to go to the movies last night and tonight. What a luxury!
2. Fresh cut tulips.
3. Nice, easy going and loving in laws. Such wonderful people.
David’s started doing a grateful list to so I will list his here, too. He only has to pick two things.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. He’s thrilled about the puzzle his grandparents got him.
2. One of the Wii games David’s been playing is this game of towers made of blocks that you knock down and he was thrilled that the game let him build his own towers.

I love streets with the same name that cross.
Sunday is Purim and David’s school decided to celebrate today so all the kids got to wear costumes and had a little parade and a carnival with games. David had a blast.

Nathaniel was cranky most of the day and I finally realized he was so hot and took his temperature. My little boy had a 102 temperature. Poor thing. Now he’s peacefully sleeping.

Today went too fast. Before I knew it, it was all over. I still have so much to do! Happy weekend.
Note to Self:
Today as I was driving to David’s school, I was running much later than usual and I go caught in a construction which made me even later and I could feel the anxiety build up inside me. I talked to myself the whole time and calmed myself down. It took a while but just being aware and more present helped a lot. I feel like I’ve really gotten better with this. I have a long way to go but I am getting a bit better.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Jake took David to school this morning which meant that my morning was less broken up than usual and I love those days.
2. I am still really enjoying the embroidery class and it’s so good for my soul.
3. Jake and I get to go see a movie tonight (I think and hope) and that’s a big treat for me.
David’s started doing a grateful list to so I will list his here, too. He only has to pick two things.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. He got a little snack pack at school today and got to play some carnival games (it was Purim) so he won little knickknacks and he is so happy about that.
2. David’s grandparents are here and they brought him a lego helicopter.
Today was such a nice day that I decided we should all go out to lunch. David was beyond thrilled, especially since it meant he didn’t have to eat his vegetables for lunch.

He had a bagel and I had a chicken sandwich and Nathaniel munched on a banana. We all shared water and an orange juice. David and I played “I spy” and it was a great time. Sorry, I missed your call, Mom, but we were out!

Nathaniel is getting more and more into his walking toy. I wonder if he’ll walk soon. He’s still way more into crawling than anything but he does like standing up. Let’s see…
Good, full week here. Still not getting too much reading done but everything else is progressing nicely. Did some more art in the morning. Loving that I get to do it. Some stitching tonight (though now my arm is hurting like crazy.)
And we all played some Wii tonight too. An all around perfect day.
Note to Self:
I don’t know if you remember but in the beginning of this year, I started driving David to school more slowly and with less stress. I used to always worry about being late, Nathaniel falling asleep in the car and getting stuck having to sit there. Magically Nathaniel did not fall asleep once since I started this. Until today. As I was driving back from having dropped off David at school this morning, I realized that Nathaniel was being really quiet. He normally looks out the window but likes to babble, too. When I first realized he fell asleep, I panicked. Then I calmed myself down. Drove home slowly and then when I unbuckled him, he woke up. I took him upstairs, nursed him a bunch, and put him in his bed. He fussed for a while, sat there for a while, and then rolled over and slept. Until it was time to pick David back up. (He was really grouchy when I put him back in the car to get David but that’s neither here nor there.) The fact is, I just had to be patient. If I gave him a bit of time, he fell asleep in his bed and I was able to do my work. Lesson for Karen: the world doesn’t end when Nathaniel falls asleep in the car.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Lunch out with my kids. How luxurious.
2. Playing Wii with Jake. I am not a big video game person and suck at all the games, but I still love playing with my husband.
3. I called the embassy today and I am grateful that all my paperwork is done and soon to be on its way. That’s something I put off for 6 years. Big frog that I finally finished eating!
David’s started doing a grateful list to so I will list his here, too. He only has to pick two things.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. He got to make some goodie bags to give away to this class tomorrow for Purim so he said making those bags was one of his.
2. Getting to go out for lunch with Mommy and Nathaniel and eating a bagel and orange juice.

Much better day today. And we’re already almost on the weekend. I am still enjoying Teresa’s class a lot and I love learning new stitches. I am not that worried about my sampler turning out magnificent, I am just focusing on practicing my stitches and having fun. I’ve already had to cut out my sampler from last week since it had to go on a different section (for last week’s project.)

I love these photos of Nathaniel. Pensive and quiet. It’s so breathtaking to me.

I must say that while he has his moments, he is generally such an easy going kid. Two of those? How did I get so blessed?
Since last week’s project worked so well, I decided to do a catalyst a night this week so that I could get ahead on some of my upcoming creative therapy catalysts and so far, I’ve done magnificently. Two on Monday, and one each yesterday and today. So far, so good. Today, like yesterday, I got up, nursed the baby, showered and got down to work on my art. These pages are small and quick but they still make me happy. This system of doing one thing every night for a week is working quite well for me so far. (This is my third round since I did the sew every day for a week two weeks ago, too.) I think I might pick something next week, too. Though, it has prevented me from getting as much reading done as I’d like so maybe next week I’ll just read every day. I also expect a rough week at work so we’ll see.
How’s your week going?
Note to Self
Jake and I instituted one night a week where for one hour we “get stuff done.” We make a list of a bunch of stuff we’ve been meaning to do but postponing for many reasons. (Like eat the frog kind of stuff where it’s stuff you dread but will make you feel awesome when it’s done.) And then we just do each item on the list. Some weeks it takes a little longer and it’s usually painful but it always feels magnificent afterwards.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to do art in the morning, two days in a row now because it’s really a perfect way to start my day.
2. Good friends like Katie and Chris. It brightens my day to talk to them even when the subjects are hard and sad. Or good and happy.
3. My mom and dad. It’s so fun getting to video chat with them everyday as I feed my kids lunch. It’s almost like they are in the room with us and it’s really one of the highlights of my day.

Today started out great. Most mornings the baby wakes up at 6 or so and I get up with him but I can’t mentally wake up until hours later so the first few hours of the day are dead hours I waste. This morning, I decided to take a shower after I nursed him. Awake or not. And then I came down and did some art. Made me feel good right away. And I was on a high from that all day so even the dreadfully depressing weather didn’t upset me.
But then the day went sour sometime in the afternoon and I could not recover. So I am planning to go to sleep early tonight and rest and see if I can tackle tomorrow more optimistically.
Here are the boys. Nathaniel is still a big fan of visiting David and his DVD player and eating off of his table.

David’s not such a fan of Nathaniel touching his player, though.

Note to Self:
I’ve been thinking a lot about being me lately. I was reading Gretchen’s post about her first commandment: Be Gretchen. And I think I struggle with this a lot. Being happy with me. Letting myself be me. Being comfortable in my skin. I think these are important for my happiness and for me to be a good model to my kids. It’s something I really need to work on.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. My friend Lori. Thank you Lori for talking to me for so long tonight. And being there.
2. My husband who listens to me when I want to talk and respects me when I don’t. He’s a better man than I on any day.
3. Kindness. I am grateful today for all the kind people around me. Kindness is a quality I’ve come to cherish more than most others.

Today started out well but then went downhill really fast. I was all together and getting stuff done in the morning and then as the afternoon came, Nathaniel didn’t take his nap long enough but then he was so whiny and unhappy. He would play for a little while and then whine.

But, of course he is so cute.

And David kept practicing his karate moves. He said he needed to practice them until he was tired.

Those little balls are Bakugan balls that magically open with cards. He loves them. He loves all of David’s toys. Way more than his.

So at 4pm, I had this really important video conference with my manager and teammates. The baby was melting down, David was bored silly and I had to keep them all quiet. I tried everything with Nathaniel. I gave him snacks, I fed him, I held him, I even nursed him but nothing was doing the trick.
So finally I put him down and asked David to see if he could entertain him. I swear I talked to my team for about 6 minutes before I turned around and saw that Nathaniel had swiftly removed his diaper and also managed to poop at the same time. No one at my meeting knew what was going on of course and I couldn’t abruptly leave since they were answering one of the issues I bought up. So I picked up the baby, cleaned him as best I could, put on a new diaper, and held him for the rest of the meeting. Once the meeting was over, I put him in the tub and washed him all over.
Yep, that’s me, Mother-of-the-Year!
Note to Self:
I’ve noticed that while I am in general calmer, I tend to flare up more easily lately. I get defensive, I take things personally, I am frustrated and impatient. These are not things that I would like to be. I am trying to be more mindful this year. Slower. More deliberate and flaring up for no reason does not factor into that. I need to go with the flow a bit more. I start every morning telling myself I won’t get flustered, I won’t yell, I won’t do things I regret. Yet I still do them. Over and over again. I want to stop the cycle. I want to learn to take a breath. Learn to let it go. Learn to teach the lessons patiently and deliberately. I want my kids not to do something because they understand why it’s bad and respect it. Not because they’re scared I’ll fly off the handle. I want to learn to be calm. Calm. Peaceful. I crave this.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Today, I’m grateful that videoconferences have mute and that I can choose what the other side sees. (And doesn’t see.)
2. I’m grateful that I’m taking to do a little bit of art each night. Something that makes me happy.
3. I’m grateful that David and I took the time to craft today. I cherish our projects. I cherish our 1-1 time.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects