I am taking more photos tomorrow, I swear.
Nathaniel woke up obscenely early today. I was so tired, so worn out, I wanted to cry. But I did end up recovering a little bit after I lay down for a while. He was in great moods, though and loved it when his daddy wheeled him around.

While David played wii.

more laughter.

We took a brief break to watch Lance. I am a huge huge fan of Tour De France. I have been waiting for this year with great anticipation.

After he wreaked havoc and cleaned all the drawers, Nathaniel finally did play with his toys. Only once he emptied everything else.

I am still so very tired and working out today didn’t help much.I did do two layouts and read a bunch and several other things but I really need to go lie now and that’s what I am going to do. I hope you have great Fourth plans if you live in the US. I’m excited about ours!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I exercised again! go me.
2. I am thankful for audio books today.
3. I am so so grateful for a wonderful three weeks filled with Tour De France.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
2. daddy.

Today started slow and complicated. I am still feeling exhausted and unable to rest for some reason. So I had a slow start. I did get better and the kids were angels but I am still feeling worn out.
David’s been playing with his legos still. Loves them.

And the little boy is playing with his legos/blocks too.

Look at those little toes.

I even scrapped. Doing more layouts for CHA. I am trying to pace myself and just do one a day and see how it goes. Let’s see if I can manage it. Next week promises to be crazy with more layouts for CHA and then the AMM kit. So trying to take it easy now.
Plans for tonight are to rest and possibly read some. Lonesome Dove, here I come.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Grateful that my kids are so good on their own.
2. Grateful that I am getting some good nagging tasks done. Ones that need doing.
3. Grateful that I am now starting a 4-day weekend!!
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. lego men.
2. daddy

Something weird. Not sure I like it but I am not full of options anymore. Gotta go shooting.
Today was a good day. Hard but good day. I will give a happiness project update in a separate post. There was a stupid pedometer in our room that decided to have an alarm go off at 2 in the morning, waking us both up. Which, of course, meant the rest of the night was super hard. Nathaniel woke up nice and early at 5:30am. And he’s gotten really good at rummaging through the drawers.

While David plays with his legos.

And chases him around to kiss him.

And hugs him.

I swear, he loves his little brother so much.
I am 100% worn out. Tired. I plan to veg on the couch all night as I process and print 60 some photos for scrapping. I like having my photos printed. This way, when inspiration strikes, I don’t have to sit and find photos. I have some The Girls’ Papirie CHA work to do and some more coming next week. I love Margie’s designs so much that just looking at the paper makes me happy.
I am *very* slowly reading Lonesome Dove, our book club pick and then I have two more really long books to read. I might take a break in between and read something quick and fun. I think the problem really is just how tired I feel lately. Hard to focus. Feeling good, though. Strong, happy, thankful.
Note to Self:
I think I am going to skip this section for the month of July while I do the Happiness Project since it will be mostly about that, I imagine. If it turns out I have unrelated things to say I reserve the right to bring it back. 🙂
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I exercised this morning. It hurt like crazy for something so small but still i am proud of myself.
2. I am thankful for getting to work with papers and product I love. I wanted to be on a design team for a while a few years ago but then I had stopped applying and I am so picky about what product I love and the idea of working with something less than ideal just so I can be on a team is unappealing to me. So I am eternally grateful that I get to be on a team and work with products I love. I am not taking it for granted for a second.
3. I am grateful for my July project. It’s tough but it’s making me happier.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. reading the book with mommy.
2. doing math with mommy.
3. daddy.

Fair warning: this post has a LOT of photos. Even more than my usual many. So if you don’t like seeing a ton of photos of my two boys, feel free to skip it. (having said that, if you don’t like seeing my boys, you’ve likely long stopped visiting my blog.)
I got home at 2:30am last night from the movie and wasn’t even tired. So, of course, this morning, I was. Tired and grouchy and cranky and so much more. I yelled, threatened, whined, sulked. And yet. My kids were mostly unfazed. Bless them. I captured tons of hugs, laughter and love so I wanted to post it all mostly to remind myself that even I can’t get in the way of their joy (not that I should be trying to, I need to be on better behavior.)

He’s trying so hard to make Nathaniel laugh.

and succeeds easily.

he kisses him.

watches him.

hugs him.

hugs him some more.

and he hugs back in spades.

my toothless boy.

laughing together.

Nathaniel discovered a drawer full of plastic cutlery and has been playing with them nonstop. He gets very focused.

In the afternoon, we took out some time and all 3 of us played legos. It was really wonderful.

And then there was more hugging.

And I am so glad I caught this face. It’s one Nathaniel makes too often and always cracks me up.

I feel all out of sorts for the last two days. I am hoping it will be better on a good night’s sleep which I plan to get tonight. Let’s hope I do.
Note to Self:
In the beginning of this month, I worked on some layouts for an upcoming free BPS workshop called Big Idea Festival. I haven’t seen the other designers’ work but I am pretty sure it will be fantastic and it’s totally free so you have nothing to lose. Click here to sign up. (And that’s my layout there on the right, love me some orange.)
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Lego time with David (and Nathaniel).
2. My husband letting me sleep in this morning, I surely would have fallen apart without it.
3. I am thankful for my kids putting up with me on days like this.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing legos with mommy.
2. daddy.

I am exhausted. Last night, I was wide awake and couldn’t fall asleep and today I paid for it dearly. It will be even worse tomorrow since I am going to see Eclipse tonight after midnight. Ugh.
I’ve been thinking about how Nathaniel doesn’t rummage through stuff like David used to and I guess he must have heard me cause he greeted me like this today.

And then grabbed all the spoons (I love how he’s looking like he did nothing wrong).

And then he grabs diapers, pullups anything he finds. And the same wet shirt from the morning of course.

David finds it all hilarious.

My toothless boy.

And then there’s the hugging which of course melts my heart.

And then the whining cause Nathaniel wants to get into everything David is doing which gets annoying fast. But he tries to be a good sport.

In the afternoon we tried to use the blow-up pool I got but it was a quick and total failure so I gave up.

Now I have to feed, bathe, and dress the kids. Then time with hubby and ideally a nap before I have to leave for the movies…
Note to Self:
All done with my July preparations, I think….too tired to write more tonight, more coming thursday.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Eclipse baby!!! I can’t wait.
2. I got my first set of The Girls’ Paperie today and I couldn’t stop smiling. Margie’s designs are so so so beautiful and I am so grateful to have anything to do with this. I am so lucky. So thankful. I can’t wait for the new products to arrive too.
3. I am grateful that my husband is coming home really soon and will help me cause I really need it tonight.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. all the legos there ever was.
2. daddy.
3. lego magazine again, too.

I know I didn’t put up a Crafting with David today but I have a very good excuse for it:

Remember when I said David had a bump on his gums that I was going to call the dentist about? Well I called and then went and it turns out his fuzed tooth is all infected cause of a crack in and they had to pull it. Ouch. They had to give my little boy a novocaine shot which was really painful and then they yanked the tooth right out, which was also very painful. But my little boy was super brave and really so amazing (As he always is.) and I’ve been working hard to pamper him since we got home. He got to have chocolate pudding and watch TV and relax as much as he wanted.
That’s gauze in his mouth which he had all day. He didn’t complain or whine one bit. And now he’s super excited about the tooth fairy (who is going to bring him a small little toy since we’re not into doing the money thing just yet.)

While David watched TV, Nathaniel tried to carry as many legos as he could at one time.

Here he is, trying not to drop them.

He really loves the legos. I love watching both my kids enjoy them so much. I’ve always been a huge fan of legos.

And Nathaniel’s really interested in books lately, too. Not in my reading them to him but exploring them by himself. You know that makes me happy, too.

And I’ll end with a little shot of the toothless boy. His bottom one is moving like crazy too and is bound to fall at any minute. Which will make taking portraits that much more challenging.

To be honest, those are my favorite shots. The ones with character. So I look forward to capturing them.
Since we ran to the dentist first thing this morning, and then went food shopping for david, most of our day went wonky. Naps were all over the place, Nathaniel is still lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. I am wiped and wiped.
Note to Self:
Amazing how things work out sometimes. I am really sorry that we let David’s tooth be sick for over a week. I am glad he didn’t have pain but here’s an instant where I would have otherwise worried and taken care of immediately. Thankfully it didn’t have huge repercussions but it could have. It’s so hard to know when to take action immediately and when to sit and wait a bit.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that the dentist took us immediately and took care of David right away, thankful for dental care today.
2. I am grateful that my kids are so wonderful and Nathaniel behaved wonderfully the whole time we were at the dentist and made it easy for me to focus on David and hold his hand, etc.
3. I am thankful that I will get to go see Eclipse tomorrow!
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. lego magazine that he got in the mail.
2. daddy.

It appears I couldn’t get enough of these flowers. I am out of photos too, I’ll have to go shooting tomorrow.
I started the day productively. I woke up and scrapped almost immediately. And then I did some more of my todo list items and while I still have some left, I feel good about all that I’ve accomplished this weekend. I have some important emails to return but otherwise, I will be able to finish all that’s left before this month is out. June has been an exceptionally productive month though I am very sad it’s coming to a close. I want the summer to go very very slowly.
I really enjoy having us all in our PJs all day long.


and lying around.

And collecting water bottles from all over the house.

And playing soccer.

With the fabric ball mommy made.

which appears to be just perfect for the little boy.

i think this might be the most appreciated of all the projects I did this month.

At 3pm, Jake went to meet with the other dads where we live and took the kids with him so I took the chance to get out and go see a movie by myself. I saw Knight and Day and I loved it. It was so fun to see a movie all by myself, too. I haven’t done that in over 10 years.
But now I’m suddenly feeling overcome with exhaustion. My arms and jaw are hurting a lot. So I am trying to rest and take it easy. I have to call the dentist tomorrow cause David’s had a bump on his gums for over a week now and it’s not going away. And I went from no worry to sheer panic. We also have to go grocery shopping since we’re almost completely out of food. Just those two errands will fill up any free moments I might have in my day. So I plan to relax a bit and go to bed early tonight. Maybe dig into my 900-page book a bit.
Hope you had a good weekend.
Note to Self:
I sort of made my plans for July. Going a bit different route this time, inspired by the Happiness Project. Let’s see if it works or not. I am hopeful but July is a busy month with vacations and CHA work and who knows what else. I want it to go slowly though. Please, time, slow down a bit.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Going to the movies! Love the movies.
2. I am thankful that I accomplished some of the tasks I really wanted to finish this weekend, makes me feel happy.
3. I am grateful for an understanding and kind husband who is patient with me when I need it the most. Thank you, my love.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. daddy.
2. dad’s group play together time. david got to bring his legos and his ipod. he had a blast from what i hear.

Since I went to bed so late last night, I knew today was going to be a disaster. And it wasn’t that bad but I was quite tired for almost all of it. It was David’s wii day so in the morning, he played with his legos while Nathaniel walked around.

I love capturing random shots of him cause every little thing he does has so much personality right now.

Even the way his toes sink into the carpet when he’s standing or walking.

David’s been covering our dining room table with legos for the last few days. It’s full to the brim.

And Nathaniel’s doing this funny walk with his hands clasped behind his back.

When he went down for his nap, David got to play wii while I read and then scrapped a bunch. I made a card and a layout today. I rarely ever make cards. I have like 7 more things on my list for this weekend, but I might just take it easy and relax. I am feeling quite tired and I know there will be some CHA work in the next week so best to get a lot of rest.
And read. I have to read 3 books in the next month, each of which is 1000 pages or more. Ugh. They are all supposed to be great books, though.
I am off to get my coffee and read a bit. I hope you’re well. Oh, yes, I plan to work on my zentangle, too.
Note to Self:
I have been working on plans for July. I have some ideas but I still need to flesh them out. I’ve really enjoyed doing this project-focused June and the layout-focused May. I wonder if I can keep it up for July. David’s school starts sometime in August so we have one more full month to play before our schedule changes so I want to take advantage of it while I can.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I accomplished something big this weekend. Something I was sort of scared to do but Lori encouraged me to. It might go nowhere but I am still proud of myself. And grateful to her.
2. I am grateful for some wonderful quiet time where I took a brief nap. I wish I could do that more. Brief naps are great.
3. I am grateful for some garage-cleaning time with Jake. Our garage is an ongoing project here so any progress makes me grateful.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. daddy.
2. all the legos in the world (and then he said, i wish i had them all).

Today went by too quickly and uneventfully. I accomplished almost nothing cause I was up all night with Nathaniel and spent the whole day being tired.
Nathaniel wasn’t so. He found the ball.

And encouraged David to play with him.

David threw and Nathaniel fetched.

After Daddy came home, we did finally go out to dinner for a quick bite and it was just nice to get out of the house even if for a bit.

And then the kids went to bed and I’ve been up working on a project that’s nowhere near being done. And yet…I can’t sleep.
Note to Self:
I have these random obsessions where I get an idea and I have to sit and execute on it immediately. I have to do it now now now. This is quite frustrating and disruptive. And yet, I have to go work on my project right now.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. A nice chat with my friend Lori which left me thinking and hopeful.
2. A lazy day where I didn’t stress too much about not getting much done.
3. I am thankful for my little project I am working on right now. (more on this soon, i promise.)
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. mommy.
2. daddy.

Before I forget, HAPPY Birthday Daddy!! I love love love you so much!
Jake was working from home today and it made such a difference in my day. Even the little bit of extra help made me feel more relaxed and calmer. I wish he was around all the time.
David’s been working on this big lego city he’s building on the dinner table. Photos to come.

Nathaniel is exploring the room and throwing around anything he can find.

Especially his water bottles.

And he’s chewing anything he can find, too. The teeth are just always itching now I imagine.

I convinced David to let me take a photo today.

And then snapped another one while he was working on his Lego sticker book which he finished today and he was very proud of it.

His feet while he’s focused on the Lego book.

Later that day, Nathaniel discovered all of David’s markers and spread them all over the room so David is putting them back here and Nathaniel is watching him with interest, of course.

I got quite a bit of work done today and started tackling a big project that I am happy to tackle. I also did some work on my blog and scheduled a lot of the posts I’ve been working on for the last month. I’ve got a few more things left on my June list but I am feeling great about it and want to focus on July now. I have a few ideas for July but haven’t sat down to decide concretely just yet.
Note to Self:
I’m still thinking about the Anna Quindlen book I just finished. It’s reminding me to not focus on the small things. Or even the medium things. Life works out ok for the most part and it’s better to truly enjoy it and savor the moments as opposed to worrying about all the details and stressing about everything. I need to remember this way more often.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Having Jake around today. It was wonderful.
2. I am so grateful for the internet today and for all the crafty people who make youtube videos and crafty tutorials. Thank you for doing that, it truly makes my day.
3. I am grateful for summer and the laziness of summer. Spending the day in our pajamas. Not having to rush anywhere. Feeling happy and taking it all slow. I love that.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. mommy.
2. daddy.
(down to the basics or too bored to think, not sure.)

I went a bit crazy with the processing on this one. Experimenting, I guess…
I love watching Nathaniel and David interact. It’s one of my favorite things to do. How he looks up to him.

And how patient David is with him and plays with him.

I love watching them build blocks together.

David never really played with these when he was little.

But Nathaniel watches David like a hawk and has learned so much about blocks from him.

so now he can build big towers and loves to do so.

He also loves making funny noises while he walks.

And here’s beautiful David.

I feel like I don’t get enough photos of him lately.

And by the end of the day, we see a lot of this which is a cue for mommy to start dinner so we can go to bed. Especially since the naps have gone all wonky lately.

And now I am trying to catch up on my June list which is a bit behind but I don’t feel worried. Things are chugging along and I’ve been reading so much and I love that.
Note to Self:
While it was a relatively ordinary day here, my brother in law and his wife had their first baby today! A little boy, Caleb. It made me realize that at this moment while I sit here, having an ordinary moment, someone else is having a baby. Some one is dying. Someone is finding out bad news. Someone is getting great news. To so many people today is extra special and a day they will remember forever. Isn’t that amazing? Somehow, that makes me really happy.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. My full life. I feel like my life is so full. Of my family. of love, of joy, of intellectual curiosity and art and memories. I love it so.
2. I am grateful that my brother in law and sister in law had a healthy little boy. It was a long day for them and I am so happy it ended well and they are all doing well. We love you!
3. I am grateful that June is not over yet. I want it to last a while longer. Not ready for July just yet.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. building a lego city.
2. mommy.

There’s something odd I like about this photo.
This is the kind of day Nathaniel had today. He woke up at 6, went down for nap at 9 and slept all the way to 12:30 and then was cranky most of the day.

But he’s still so cute.

David was watching his shows and Nathaniel played right next to him.

And I deeply admired how restrained David was. He did not yell at the little boy at all. Not once.

Then Nathaniel decided to topple over the whole box of legos.

And looked at me like he did nothing wrong when I got his attention. What? his expression said.

It was of course David who had to clean all of those and he did without complaint. My angel.
Book club tonight so I am trying to get all my tasks done before they get here.
Note to Self:
My back is still in quite a bit of pain. I wonder if this is someone’s way of telling me to slow down. Or just be less stupid when I bend down.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. My little boys. They make me so so happy.
2. Jake’s been coming home early and feeding the boys dinner. I am so worn out by night time that this is a tremendous help for me. I am so grateful for it.
3. I am grateful that my book is ending. It turned miserable and I can’t wait to finish it.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. batman movies.
2, daddy
3. doing toy story workbook with mommy
4. i’m grateful for myself.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects