Happy Tuesday. I woke up exhausted thanks to my crazy brain and my inability to quiet it down. Little boy’s screams at 3am didn’t help much either but oh well. Such is life as a mama. We woke up and immediately turned the TV on to see this:

And just as David was complaining it wasn’t him, we also got some of this:

and he was so so excited. Screaming with joy. This was for Margie’s HSN show. And you can still buy the kit online. I made four layouts for her and I will show them over the next few weeks. But you can get two sneaks above. It was really quite a thrill to see my layouts on TV. Thank you, Margie, for the opportunity.
Then we drove David to the bus and came back home and got to work. Nathaniel’s been putting the little lego hats on his fingers ever since he realized they are the perfect size. It’s so cute.

And now he’s able to reach some of the crackers in the pantry. So we have to constantly remember to keep the door closed.

Around 2pm, we drove up to David’s school cause I had a meeting with his teacher (I am the room parent for the class) and then we drove back home. Daddy showed up soon after and David was thrilled to spend some time putting his new legos together. (They came in the mail today.)

A little running around, some food, and many smiles (and tears) later we were ready for bed.

Nathaniel’s growing up so much lately. He loves playing with shoes and puts them on and off all day long. He also still loves tiny lego men. And the fabric ball. And he can now climb up on the couch next to me and get down by himself. He’s also louder and screams a bunch. Which I do not love, but I still adore him to bits.
I’ve been really exhausted for days now and so I am very unproductive and feel tired and overwhelmed constantly. I am not sure what the cure is. I don’t seem to be able to sleep/rest enough. Thankfully, I don’t have huge deadlines but it’s still very annoying and I hope it passes soon.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful to get to see my little pages on TV.
2. I am grateful to be a part of the “i am enough” collaborative by tracey clark. i hope you read my words and leave me some of your own.
3. I am grateful for my husband and how very much he helps me and is patient with me and kind to me. I am a lucky lucky gal.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. putting together my new legos with Daddy
2. seeing Mommy’s layouts on TV and watching craft TV with mommy
3. playing Star Wars game outside during lunch

Today was a quiet day. I woke up and took care of the kids, drove David to the bus and then came back to do some work while Nathaniel did some acrobatics and entertained himself.

He also played outside some.

He took a really long nap which meant I could get much done. I’ve got so much to do that I am in that super-scattered place I get to when I have too much to do. So I accomplished a bunch but not nearly enough and then it was time to get David. Since picture day is tomorrow, we did a final bit or practice.

And then an authentic one.

Jake came home and played with the kids while I dealt with my allergy attack and I’ve been moping around ever since. Just feeling exhausted but I guarantee you my second wind will come in one hour, just when it’s bed time.
I wanted to take a moment and talk about work. My sister commented today that I don’t talk about doing work on the blog. And since I mention so many other things…I’ve been writing my blog for ten years now and I rarely ever talked about work over that time. A few cryptic posts when I was at Goldman, some sad, depressed ones from TFA and none from the job before Google. And nothing from my previous positions at Google either. There are several reasons for this. The foremost is that this is a personal blog. It’s not about work. It’s not even about technology so I tend to not focus on work, here. Secondly, I want to keep it completely separate lest I get carried away and write something that will get me in trouble. I have enough other things in my life that I don’t need to do that. Third, since this is a record for me, I prefer to focus on things I care about more like my kids, art, books, etc. However, lest you get the wrong impression, I work. Every single day. Some days more than others. Some days I am more productive, other days not as much. Just like I was when I worked at the office. Some days I had meetings all day long, some days I took a super long lunch cause I had to. Some days I got interrupted 100 times. Working at home is similar. The interruptions are different and I never take lunch and there’s no smooth beginning and ending to my day but there’s also no commuting and much more kid-time. It also means I can work in super-comfy clothes that may not be suitable for outerwear. But in case others are under the same impression, I do work almost all of the day, every day. I do most of my crafting early in the morning or after the kids are in bed. Or weekends. And I love my job. I love my team. I love our product. I love what I do and I am very proud of it.
So there you go. This is likely the most I will write about work for a long time.
One more thing, in case you haven’t noticed or read my blog through an RSS reader, I added a new “Little Notes” section to the right. It is a place for me to talk about things that may not fit in with my daily post or things I might mention earlier in the day. They do also go to my Facebook account but I wanted to let you know just in case.
Last week, I made four layouts for Margie, whose going to be on the Home Shopping Network with the Paper Girl line at 4am EST tomorrow. It’s a 24-hour crafting marathon on HSN and Tim Holtz will be there, too. If you have a Tivo, I recommend you record it. Maybe you’ll get a glimpse of my layouts. (I hope I do!)
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my kind husband who knows that I am crazy but loves me anyway. Bless him for forgiving me for getting stuck in little things.
2. I am grateful that I know PHP and was able to tinker with the plugin on the side to make it do exactly what I wanted it to do.
3. I am grateful to have finished another wonderful book. I am on a roll lately.
4. I am grateful for a birthday call from one of my bestest friends, Levent, all the way from Turkey. Love you my friend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. having some of Daddy’s poptart
2. playing with my paper airplane outside
3. checking out an Amelia Badelia book from the school library

And now I am 36. Closer to 40 than to 30. I’d say I’m sad about getting old but I really am not. I love each age for its own reasons. One of these days I will sit and write more on that. Funny enough, despite a strong love for chocolate, I am not a fan of chocolate cake. But doesn’t it look beautiful? Even with all those candles.
My day started at 3am today. Nathaniel kept crying. I went in there and his diaper was overflowing so I changed him and put him back down but then I couldn’t fall asleep and just when I was about to, he got up again and could not go back down so I just gave up and went to go get him. We hung out downstairs quietly and hugged and kissed and I read my book while he played.

Then David woke up and then Jake. He made me eggs just the way I love them (over easy) and toast for all of us and we all sat together and chatted and ate and had fun.

Then we had cake! Look at all that light!

Then it was time for presents. This year, I’ve been so spoiled: my 120gig iPod has just died last week and I have other little ones but I love love this one cause it has all my sons and audiobooks and just everything. It had been so hectic that I hadn’t even had time to mourn it yet and Jake got me the new 160gig ones. My old one is so dead, it doesn’t even mount but I had a backup for the most part so I immediately put my songs on this new one already. I also got some awesome books. And Jake’s mom got me some thread and new Martha Stewart punches coming in September (actually October now – boo). Because you know I need new punches. And I also have a new Kindle coming. My first Kindle since I am a Sony user! I got more AC albums, cardstock, ATG tape, coffee, journaling stamps. Mostly staples but all things I need and I am so deeply, eternally grateful for the kindness of everyone around me.

Then it was time for Nathaniel’s nap. So while he slept and David colored and played, we watched the A-team movie. And then he woke up and we played a bit and laughed and laughed.

And the kids rode the plastic car together and laughed some more.

We then took a break and went to the neighbor’s house. It was their son’s first birthday party. A little bit of chatting there and we came back home and I rested and read my book while the kids giggled and laughed. Nathaniel really loves the car now that he can get off and on by himself.

Some more play time in the yard and the kids ate dinner and went down. Jake then got the sitter and we went for a simple but wonderful lunch at a French restaurant nearby. I have now been up for 19 hours and I am quite tired. I plan to snuggle in bed and read my book. What an absolutely perfect day. My word for this year should have been gratitude cause I feel an overwhelming amount of it right now. But it is loved which I also deeply feel now so I guess that suits me fine, too.
I hope your weekend was as magical as mine. Thank you for all your kind kind birthday wishes. They mean the world to me.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my amazing day. The perfect mix of family time, quiet time, joy, giggles, love and laughter.
2. I am grateful for my husband who went all out for me this year. Thank you Jake, I truly appreciate it.
3. I am grateful for that I don’t have any big plans or deadlines this week. I really hope to sit and get organized finally.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. having mommy’s birthday cake
2. family breakfast (getting to eat toast)
3. going to Ece’s house (for the birthday party)

Yesterday, I opened the front door to find these beautiful flowers. My wonderful husband had ordered an early present for me. I cannot tell you how happy the colors make me.
Today was the perfect day in that it was quiet, peaceful, and calm. It was David’s Wii day but he spent the morning coloring as Nathaniel played and I read my book. We then put the little one down and David and I did some reading. Then it was time for him to play.

Nathaniel took his nap, woke up and took the other set of controls (which had run out of battery) and thought he was playing, too.

I snuck in one more smiling-practice. We’re running out of days and it still looks funny. Though it does seem to be improving, no? I know it’s no big deal, it’s mostly for fun than anything else.

I spent the morning looking at some inspiration and finally did the cover of my December Daily album in the afternoon. I bought a 6×6 American Crafts album this year. More on this later of course.

I love how hard Nathaniel focuses on the little lego pieces. putting them on and taking them off.

I don’t know how I caught this shot but it’s a rare peek into his mouth which he won’t let me look at. Looks like almost all the teeth are out!

And finally caught red-handed with the little pieces in his mouth. I am not too worried cause he knows not to do that and he knows not to swallow. So while I still watch him like a hawk, I do let him play with them.

And here we are. My last day as a 35 year old. I am now off to read my new book and cuddle with my hubby. I expect 36 to be even more fantastic than 35 was. Though I am not complaining at all. If there’s one thing I learned this year, it’s that I have a lot to be grateful for.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my new December Daily cover. I love doing this album and look forward to it each year.
2. I am grateful that I finished my book. Not the best I read but it was ok.
3. I am grateful for a quiet day and for two layouts I did last night with a lot of joy and no stress.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing wii (he played wario and lego star wars)
2. daddy helping/showing me what to do on the wii
3. coloring

Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve always loved snap dragons. They are so wonderful.
Today was mostly a rest day. The last few days were a whirlwind. I had the inlaws, a lot of work, and I had to get some layouts for Margie for her HSN show. All of that was done yesterday so I had allowed myself to rest a bit today. And rest I did. I did some more catching up on personal work and work work and then I tried to rest. But if there’s even such a thing, I am too exhausted to rest.
Nathaniel was a bit off too. He wouldn’t take his nap and was in a funny mood.

This photo is blurry but I wanted to show you how he chipped off part of his front tooth a few days ago. He was mad and hit it against the tub.

David and I practiced some more smiling. Tuesday is his class picture day.

Nathaniel loves the outdoors so much. He is super happy when we’re in the yard.

Love of my life.

David decided to pull him around a bit and he loved it so much!

So did David. Here, he’s gassing up. Heh.

About to put the kids down and then rest and relax the rest of the night. My birthday weekend so I get the weekend off, right?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for the beautiful yellow tulips and blue irises that came in the mail from my husband today.
2. I am grateful that the day was relaxed enough for me to be able to rest a bit.
3. I am grateful that I have nothing scheduled or required to do this weekend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making a cherry pie craft at school
2. playing with nathaniel outside in the yard (pulling his wagon)
3. watching a little tv with mom

Today was much better. Since I was done with my last minute layout project, I felt a lot more relaxed and finished a whole bunch of personal todos and I did almost all my work catching up so it was a good good day!!
While I worked in the morning, Nathaniel looked at his book. You can’t see it well in the photo, but it’s there hiding behind the pillow.

Today was the short day at David’s school and Jake’s parents came here early to come with me to the bus. And, of course, we practiced smiling some more. This looks like progress.

But then I get this.

Ugh. 4 days to picture day. We’re not doing so well. Then the kids did some playing in the backyard with their grandparents. And some hugging.

Jake’s mom had gotten me some gifts for my upcoming birthday and David helped me open those.

Nathaniel came to help, too. He likes to do whatever David does.

Some hugs and goodbyes and they are off to dinner with Jake and then the airport. I have still a good 30 items on my todo list and my class started today, too, and I have too many unanswered emails still. So off to tackle some of that!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that life will go back to “normal” tomorrow. I will finally hopefully get to establish the fall routine. Let’s see if I do.
2. I am grateful that the kids got to spend so much time with their grandparents and they all got along wonderfully. We’re blessed with great grandparents on all sides.
3. I am grateful that I got so so much work done today. It’s a big load off my shoulders.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. coloring my apple for school
2. watching a movie with papi
3. making a banner in art class (even though I didn’t get to finish it)

Fair warning: a lot of photos ahead.
I’m still under some kind of crazy off-schedule schedule where I get nothing on my todo list done. Nathaniel woke up at 4am again but then I just ignored him and he went back to sleep until 7 but by then I was awake so I couldn’t fall back asleep even though I refused to get up from bed. Didn’t start the day on the best note.
We dropped David off to the bus and then I had to finish a deadline so I worked while Nathaniel played. He’s loving the play table and being home without David for a bit.

I worked, he napped, I worked more, we ate and then it was already time to pick up David. When we got home, Nathaniel started taking the “outdoor” toys out.

And David decided to have fun with them, too.

We then practiced the smiling. He looks sweet here but oh so fake.

The kids were in such a good mood. Nathaniel kept hugging David.

And they would fall on the floor together.

And then he’d start to climb all over him.

David made a happy granparents’ day card at school this week.

Who knew my birthday was also grandparents’ day.

Then Jake’s parents came over and since they’re leaving tomorrow, I wanted to get som shots of them with the kids. Nathaniel and Meme first. Look at that smile.

And lots of love.

Then it was David’s turn.

I tried to get all three but it was quite the challenge.

Then it was Papi’s turn. Love the smiles here, too.

David wouldn’t give a non-fake smile so I told Papi to tickle him.

And then snapped this, too.

After the kids went down we went to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. It was absolutely fantastic. Now it’s 11pm and my class starts in one hour! You can still sign up!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a few awesome hours at the movies. Laughter and happiness.
2. I am grateful that my tight deadline assignment is finished and will be mailing tomorrow.
3. I am grateful that after tomorrow I can begin the business of establishing a new routine for the year.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making my grandparents card
2. wrapping presents for mommy with meme
3. learning a new song at school (it’s about going in and out of bluebells, he said.)

Last night I had trouble falling asleep. Possibly because I’d made a list of 42 to-do list items. And then Nathaniel decided 4am wake up was as good a time as any. He wailed and wailed so I finally gave up and just woke up.
big mistake.
it meant that my whole day was exhausting. It also meant that this little one napped at 7am to 9am and then not again.

Then David called from school and said he lost his backpack and had nothing to eat. So I packed another lunch and rushed to his school. After I delivered it, I then found his bag so I brought it back home. Then I had to drive to Michael’s to buy a punch I needed for an urgent scrappy project I am doing. I scrapped a page. And I can barely hold my head up.
Then we picked up David from school and practiced smiling some more.

Yes, not really getting close. Honestly, I am too exhausted to write more. More tomorrow, I promise.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my husband agreed to pick up some medicine for me instead of making me drive all the way there with two kids.
2. I am grateful that I found David’s bag. It would have been a shame to have to buy a new one this early in the year.
3. I am grateful that it was less stressful at work than I anticipated so I can do my work slowly and carefully.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. going to PE and racing like cars at school
2. watching more of scooby-doo two
3. getting to put a piece of paper in people’s cubbies at school (each of the kids have cubbies)

After three nights of only few hours of sleep, I finally felt way too exhausted and worn out this morning, so I spent extra time on the couch as the kids played at their new table.

I love this table and I think they do, too. Legos, logs, trains, it holds them all.

And Nathaniel grabbed David’s legos the moment he left the room, of course.

Then we practiced smiling some more. We’re still working on that. We need more work, don’t you think?

Mid-morning, Jake’s parents came over while Nathaniel napped, they took David to the children’s discovery museum which he loved. And I got to stay here and work on my art book which was also great. When they came back, Jake and his dad went to meet with a neighbor and Meme and David played some more dodgeball.

And Nathaniel watched nearby.

When Jake and his dad came back, we went to the Elizabeth Gamble Garden over in Palo Alto. We walked around as I snapped hundreds of flower photos. Yep, got many many many to post. And I snapped one of my mother in law. Isn’t she beautiful?

And here’s the little boy, trying to touch (yank) one of those pretty flowers.

After we came home and put the kids down, I got back to work on my art book which I wanted to finally finish. So I did that and I am now off to bed. I need another six days of rest but this week promises to be super hectic and then my birthday is in six days. Oh well, rest is not crucial, is it?
Happy Monday!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for some wonderful play time in my art book.
2. I am grateful for a wonderful leisurely stroll in the flowers gardens. Flowers make me happy.
3. I am grateful for this amazing, full, and wonderfully joyful weekend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Going to the discovery museum
2. Going to the flower gardens
3. watching Scooby doo

There are many many photos today. We’ve had a very full two days so feel free to skip this and the next post.
Today was my husband’s birthday. 3-6. I wanted to make it extra special. So it started with my giving him his present the night before at 1am. I made him this book of stories from all of the people he’s had in his life. (more on the book later this week.) I had been working on it for months and I was worried he wouldn’t like it or it wouldn’t work ok. But he loved it. The only bad side effect was that he couldn’t fall asleep after getting it so he ended up staying up until 4am. But we let him sleep in, in the morning. We got up early and set the table and waited for him.

When he got up, I made pancakes and the four of us sat and ate. Amazingly, this was the best photo I could get of the three of them.

Before we began, David gave his card.

the inside of which he wrote all by himself. And on the back it says “2010.”

He then opened his friend Kendall’s present which was a boba fett sweater. I have no idea what that means but Jake was really happy and that’s all that matters.

As we finished having our little family breakfast, Jake’s parents showed up. David rushed to open the door and Nathaniel followed him.

I’d asked Jake’s parents to get a cake on the way and some candles. That’s a lot of candles, eh?

We ate some cake and then it was time to open more presents. David was all too happy to help open them.

Once Daddy’s presents were open (and there were many), David, Meme, and Jake went to Target to get David some legos and a playing table (I’ve had enough of having legos on my dinner table.) We then took a little break and went to a late lunch at a nearby cafe. When we came back, Jake setup the table and Meme gave David another present, too. So they went outside to play with it. David threw.

Meme’s jacket caught.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel woke up from his nap and saw the Lincoln logs Meme bought so he had some fun of his own.

Look at the way he’s crossing his legs, my little boy.

I made the house and he attacked it with vigor. It took many minutes to make and seconds to come down.

And David put his new legos together in split seconds too.

After a bunch more playing, it was finally time to put the kids down. They had dinner, bath and bedtime. We had reservations at Gary Denko (a fancy restaurant) in San Francisco so we got dressed and left for the city.

Our delicious dinner lasted a long time and we finally made it home around midnight and I basically crashed in bed. An amazing day and one I will remember for a long time.
Happy Birthday, my love. You make each of my moments brighter.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my husband. Love and adore him.
2. I am grateful for all the friends and family members who contributed to his book and enabled me to give him such a wonderful gift.
3. I am grateful that today went smoothly and with utmost joy.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. My new legos
2. playing dodgeball with Meme
3. eating ice cream at the cafe
4. daddy’s birthday!!

again from the aquarium. not a fan of this one, but don’t have anything better at the moment.
It was a short night but it didn’t take me as long to wake up today, maybe I’m getting better about being a morning person after all. After we all woke up, David played some Wii and Nathaniel napped and then Jake’s parents came over. While Jake went out with his mom, David played with his dad.

And Nathaniel and I played outside.

After they came back, we all went out to lunch and while there I got David some beginner reading books. when we came back, he read it with Jake’s mom as Jake and his Dad went out to chat and I rested while Nathaniel walked around.

He found the fabric ball I made and literally played with it and entertained himself for hours and hours with it. Giggling and laughing.

And laughing.

Jake’s mom snapped some photos and I snapped photos of her snapping photos.

And then they played legos.

And now we’re off to see Salt. I hope your Saturday is going well, too.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for some more date night.
2. I am grateful a quiet day that was relatively productive and restful.
3. I am grateful that I have a few great books to look forward to, always love having a stash.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. going to lego.com with meme
2. playing legos with papi
3. looking through the kid section of ikea catalog with meme

More from the aquarium. Almost done, I swear.
I’ve been trying to get up earlier so I can be up before the kids and give myself some time to wake up. It’s working better,too and I hope to get it to be 5am. Slowly.
After we took David to the bus, Nathaniel did his share of playing and exploring while I worked. He’s drooling a bit and teething a lot.

When David came from school, he wanted to color and sat at his table. Nathaniel immediately went over to see what was going on and to watch his brother (and take the markers away of course.)

so he had to go sit at the big table.

and Nathaniel moved on to other toys like the wrapping paper my mother in-law had brought over to wrap Jake’s presents. (look at that hair!)

Don’t you love that “what, I’m not doing anything” look….

David and I practiced smiling some more. We’re not making a lot of progress. I am not sure what to do.

And then Daddy came home and they both rejoiced.

We all rejoiced. We love Daddy so much.

Once the kids went down, Jake and I got to go out again. We saw “inception” which I’ve been wanting to see for a long time and I was not disappointed one single bit. Loved it. Came home, finished my layout and I am now off to bed.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful to get to go to the movies.
2. I am grateful for a three-day-weekend.
3. I am grateful that I will hopefully get some crafty time this weekend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Coloring my brown bear at school
2. Meme’s present (a book)
3. Seeing Mommy and Nathaniel at lunch (we dropped off some paperwork there so we stopped to say hi to David.)
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects