David wanted to do some art today so we covered the table with paper towels and had fun with the watercolors.
Nathaniel, who was cranky all day, sat behind him and watched.
We also played with stamps and played games and hugged and chatted with my mom and dad over Skype for a long time. Good day. I spent the day making my very first Etsy journal (thank you Karla, you’re awesome!) and it was so much fun. I’ve also been reading my book of the week and am more than halfway through. I still have a lot of todo items on my list but I am feeling at peace with it all.
Something about this photo I love. Not even sure what.
And look how much he’s wanting to get up.
Long and a bit of a dreadful week. Here’s to next week being better. Happy weekend.
Lately it’s a lot of work getting this one to let me take photos. Lots of bribes are involved and threats and begging.
I love this one cause you can clearly see the second tooth coming out.
And here he looks just like me when I was a baby. It’s really odd to have a kid who looks like you. Never had that before.
David’s been totally addicted to playing games on my iPhone and honestly I don’t think it’s terrible to let him play. Especially since he wrote every one of the letters of the alphabet yesterday. I am so proud of him.
Semi-productive day today. I did finish my tag but it was already too dark to take a photo so it’s coming tomorrow.
Yesterday, Nathaniel started getting up by himself for the first time. Both David and I were so excited to see it and tried to capture it but couldn’t so here’s one to make up for that.
And today they played together for a long time.
David laughed and laughed.
And so did Nathaniel. He was even giggling watching his brother entertain him.
This is also from yesterday, while I was chatting with my sister, I told her I had to go to the bathroom so could she please watch Nathaniel. I think she did a great job, all the way from Turkey.
And Nathaniel really loves eating that phone.
It’s that or the laptop, so we’ve compromised.
A lot of photos but too tired for words. Happy Wednesday.
David’s class is studying bugs this week. I used to take photos of David at school all the time before Nathaniel came. But now I carry him to school so I don’t have two hands free to take photos.
Today, I put him down on the carpet in David’s class.
It took him seconds to get going.
He only stopped to watch his brother.
Who gave him his daily kiss and a hug before we left to go back home.
How can one not be thankful for this life?
I’ve been worrying about work and not being as productive as I’d like lately but yet yesterday a workmate said some wonderfully appreciative words to me and I felt so thankful that I saved them so I could go back and look next time I felt insecure. And today he did something even nicer. It’s nice to feel appreciated. If there’s someone you’re appreciating, make sure to tell them. You never know, you might make their day. He sure made mine.
He’s into chewing anything and everything. Including cables, paper, tissues, anything really; he’s not picky.
David’s still working on his letters. He’s awesome. Doing really well.
I am not sure you can see it but tooth number two is also out and visible now.
Happy Monday.
I didn’t manage to finish my book this weekend. I am still only halfway through it. I have been reading. But also spending time with Jake and David and Nathaniel.
We played on our bed for a long time.
And David just kissed his brother over and over again. I swear I didn’t pose him one bit. I think he sees me kiss Nathaniel so much that he likes doing it too.
All in all, a sweet weekend here. I am almost done with my etsy journal, I’ll post it early this week I am hoping.
Haven’t had a David shot in a while. He’s so wonderful and so sweet and so kind and I love him so much.
And here’s the little one in action. He’s fast and loves to go under my desk. I’m going to have to get the gates for the stairs very soon.
I am only 100 pages into my 500 page book for this week. I might or might not get to finish. I am hoping to but it’s been a bit too hectic.
A etsy project that’s in process.
As of last night, Nathaniel is full-on crawling. I have never had a baby this mobile this young before, I am a bit afraid. And he now has two visible teeth.
Isn’t he the cutest?
Lots of todos this weekend but I think I am going to take it easy and do whatever I actually feel like doing. Happy Weekend!
Love him.
Nathaniel had napped a lot this morning so when we went to pick David, I suggested we take a fun detour. So we went to get ice cream. And ate it before lunch. Sometimes you just have to eat your dessert first.
A little more productive today but it’s still continuing to be not-the-best-week-ever.
I know it’s a bad shot but while I was chatting with my sister today, I turned around as saw David kissing Nathaniel over and over again. I had to snap a shot, no matter how crappy. I am so blessed.
Not a productive day. I haven’t been able to find my groove this week. Weeks like this frustrate me. But I am telling myself it’s going to be ok.
Today was one of those days where I forgot to take a photo until it was too late. Until all the light was gone. So what I got is too imperfect. But some days are like that. And this project is not about perfect photos. It’s about having a chronicle of our lives. My kids’ growth. And with that, I mark today.
Thank you for your kind words to yesterday’s post. They mean a lot to me and I am still thinking about it all. Still unsure how to move forward but I’m working on it. In the meantime, I’m spending more time with my son. Working on his letters, reading him bedtime stories. And kissing both of them a ton.
Giving myself the space.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects