This week’s page is the final one I did for the Walk. This was the life mapping assignment. All the words are Melody’s. Here’s what I did.
I took my four core desired feelings and my word of the year and then I went through her pages and pages of text and cut each of them that I thought fell into one of my categories. I didn’t overthink the process. I just started it and kept going.
Once I had all my text, I drew 5 circles on my page. I colored them with watercolors. I stamped the words on each circle. And then I just glued down the papers. It was a lot of work but I thought of it like meditation. I enjoyed the process and didn’t worry about the result.
At the end, I outlined the words, the circles and the page.
And I love how it turned out.
Now I have to make sure I read it regularly.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.
The second assignment for week three of The Walk was about creating art piece around the treasures we want to collect on our walk.
I wanted to do something simpler this week. I knew my treasures were my four core desires: grace, whole, engaged, and serene and then I added healthy, self-compassion, and peace to that list.
I made a tree and decided to hang some “heart” fruits off of it. To symbolize the fruits I want to collect for my heart.

I didn’t work too long on this. Just wanted it to be simple.

another closeup.

And here are the two pages for week three next to each other.

Another reminder to keep my core desires in my heart and in my path. They are what I want to remember. They are what I want to hold. They are the treasures I seek.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.
One of the assignments for week three of The Walk was about creating art piece around your guide on your journey.
As I mentioned in my previous art, when I did this a while ago, what came to me was a little kid who gave me a box that represented the light within myself and told me that when I let it shine inside myself, it would guide me.
So I decided to draw me sitting down and then the girl sitting next to me, on a rock, and handing me the box with the light coming out of it.

then I added my journaling on the light rays a micron 0.005 pen.

On the bottom, it says “thank you for helping me.” and the journaling is all the things I choose for myself even if they are hard, uncomfortable, etc.
This is one of those pages I will come back again and again. It’s good to remember that I have choice and what it means to make these choices every day.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is also from The Walk. Week two. One of the assignments this week was to collage a self portrait and then write/collage a list of things about yourself. What you’re good at. What’s your essence, etc. I decided to draw mine and made this girl.
My girl is holding a box. Last year, when I was in a Coaching course, we did a visualization exercise where we were to find out our Captains and what came to me was this little girl and she gave me a box. When I opened it, it was filled with light. Over that course and the next few months, I’ve come to believe that it represented the light we each have within ourselves and she was giving me mine and telling me to open it so it can shine through me. And also that this is what I want to do with others. Help them let their light shine through.
So once I drew my girl, I made some lines in the background and journaled all over it.

Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week, I decided to switch to showing you my work from The Walk. The first week, our assignment was to create a collage to represent The Carnival and the Campfire. Without going into all the detail of the class, the Carnival represents the distractions that take you away from your essence and places where people tell you who and how you have to be and how you’re never enough and what you do is never enough, etc. And the campfire is where you’re perfect, enough and accepted (welcomed even) just the way you are. This is different for everyone, of course. For me, it always about being enough and accepted.
Instead of using collage, inspired by someone who posted on the fb group, I decided to draw a ferris wheel for my carnival and a fire in the woods for my campfire. I then wrote all my journaling along the lines of the wheels and the bottom of the fire (as well as the flames.) The journaling is all about what you hear in these two locations.

This was a very powerful assignment for me and I am struggling with both locations in different ways. My version of my carnival is mostly active in my head and my campfire seems mostly unfeasible so my biggest takeaway from this is that I am the biggest impediment to my healing. (Not that this was a huge surprise.) On the positive side, this also means I don’t need anyone or anything else to heal. I just need me.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects