Life Book week 23 was back to an assignment from Tam. It was about drawing deer. So I took the antlers and put them on my girl. It was also about making patterns.
Since my little girl is quite unusual, I decided the text should say: What makes you different is what makes you special, embrace who you are.
Ain’t that the truth?
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week twenty was taught by Serena Bridgeman. I loved, loved, loved her lesson. It was so calm and lovely and I really enjoyed it.
But when I sat down to make mine, all I knew was that I didn’t want to copy hers. I just wanted to do something different. I had just finished a month of painting faces so I decided to make a big face and see where it took me.
It took me to this.

The text says: No one can make you feel anything other than what you allow inside.
I love this one. I need to remember it frequently.
And continuing with my gold obsession, I gave her a gold halo. And of course a little bird on her shoulder.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week twenty-one was taught by JenniBellie. As it seems to be the trend lately, my art has nothing to do with what Jenni taught. I loved her lesson but I didn’t want to do it.
So I decided to couple it with my August My Mind’s Eye Assignment. I used the awesome wood paper they have in the Essentials line and I took the girl and journaling idea from Jenni’s lesson.
I painted my girl with acrylics. Painted the edges brown and then the whole background gold. A few lovely MMe embellishments and I was done with what I wanted.

The last touches were adding lines to the background so I could journal all over my page. It’s about remembering that today, this very day, is the most important day.
Something I know but have a hard time remembering.
Yes, still in love with the gold. Look at all that shimmer, how could I not be?
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is the final one I did for the Walk. This was the life mapping assignment. All the words are Melody’s. Here’s what I did.
I took my four core desired feelings and my word of the year and then I went through her pages and pages of text and cut each of them that I thought fell into one of my categories. I didn’t overthink the process. I just started it and kept going.
Once I had all my text, I drew 5 circles on my page. I colored them with watercolors. I stamped the words on each circle. And then I just glued down the papers. It was a lot of work but I thought of it like meditation. I enjoyed the process and didn’t worry about the result.
At the end, I outlined the words, the circles and the page.
And I love how it turned out.
Now I have to make sure I read it regularly.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week nineteen was taught by Danielle Daniel. I love the girls Danielle makes. They are different than my usual, more delicate style. I was excited to try them. To learn from her.
I loved her lesson but then I froze up. I just didn’t feel like sitting and drawing.
When I finally sat down, this is what came out.
Here’s what I love. I like her face and her peaceful expression. I like the writing. It says: embrace peace, choose calm. I like the halo-ish lines that make her shine too.
Here’s what I don’t love: I don’t like her clothes, they lack character, depth, interest. I don’t like hands. They are hard. But, most of all, I don’t like the blue background. I am a white background gal through and through. I don’t know how I forgot that.
In the end, one more assignment down and I can’t say I didn’t learn. So, all in all, I put this down on the plus column.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Back to Life Book. Life Book week seventeen was taught by Tascha Parkinson. Her style, too, is nothing like mine. Her page was small, sweet, and cute. I decided to make her character gigantic. It’s cute.
Way cuter than I am likely to make on my own. But I like the colors, the way it’s so different, and it’s cuteness too I guess.
The text says: grateful and all the journaling in the background is about all the things for which I am grateful.
Another different page. My goal with Life Book was to practice something different regularly and I am definitely getting that.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week twelve was taught by Traci Bautista. I love Traci’s style but it’s nothing like mine. This was another one I had to sit on for a few days. When I finally sat down to create, I decided to just have fun with it.
I have mixed feelings about the final results. Another page I would have never really done on my own. But I like it too. It’s different. Vibrant. alive.
The text says: You are not your thoughts.
Something both David and I need to remember more often.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week fifteen was taught by Tam. It was all about quirky animals but I chose to do birds since they are my 2014 animals.
This page uses acrylic markers and paints.
The text on the page says: You are not alone, choose to belong.
I specifically put the one bird alone there to go in line with the text. We’re all quirky in our own ways so he’s no more/less quirky than the others, just differently.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week thirteen was taught by Dyan Reaveley. I sat on this one for a long time but then when I finally sat down, I knew I wanted to use feathers. I used the Crafter’s Workshop stencil to draw them and cut them and then I colored each of them with different mists and stamped them with writing stamp. and then outlined the edges.
I then couldn’t decide what to do with the background. I tried like five different ones. When I finally, finally tried black, I loved it. Everything was easy from there on.
The writing says: You get to shed parts of yourself that no longer serve you.
a few details:

but here we are.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week thirteen was a bonus lesson Lesley Riley. The original lesson uses TAP but I didn’t have any so I was going to pass on it. But then, again, I reminded myself I am taking this class to stretch. So I decided to use Stickyback Canvas I’ve had for a long time.
I decided to do something super simple. I printed this photo of me with my boys and then did some writing.
It says: you are so very deeply loved and you will never be alone. I will always love you with all my heart.
In March, I took a class on line drawing by Lisa Congdon so I covered the back with some basic line work to practice and then a little bit of paint and my page was finished. Super-simple but I still like it.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week twelve was taught by Anna Dabrowska. Anna has a very particular style and it’s really really far from mine. I was reluctant to try this one but I am taking Life Book just for this reason so I wasn’t letting it go. After a bunch of whining I decided to sit and do it.
This page uses a lot of matte medium which I don’t like. It uses a lot of gesso which I don’t use. And it has a lot of dimension, which I usually don’t have anything to do with.

but here we are.
I used a childhood photo of my sister and I and wrote: sisters forever.
I love you Yona, and you’re the best sister in the world and in my heart and mind and thoughts no matter where you are in the world.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week eleven was taught by Tam. The Lesson was on creating a painting around the idea of a Tree of Life. I decided mine would be a girl sitting by the tree, reading. I did this whole page in about twenty minutes. Mostly with my fingers. Tried not to overthink it.
It’s all acrylic paints.
It says: we are all part of the same story.
Aren’t we?
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects