This week’s page takes its inspiration from Serena Bridgeman’s lesson from Life Book 2014. Her weathered background was so very beautiful that I yearned to do something similar. I don’t think mine hit the mark but I tried.
The text for this week says: be bold.
I was very scared to make this page. The more I watched her make hers, the more I believed I just couldn’t make mine. When I don’t know how to do something, I generally approach it with a lot of apprehensiveness and fear. I keep telling myself I can’t do it. I worry about failing. I worry about hating the result.
But who cares?
In the end, why does it matter if I fail or if I hate it? And, more importantly, how will I learn if I never try? It’s not possible to learn without trying. And, yes, I can’t fail if I don’t try but I also can’t succeed without trying. Nothing is possible without trying.
so this week’s reminder is to be bold. To try. To go for it!
here’s a side view it’s shiny:

i love the shine:

Note to self: don’t hesitate. go for it. be bold.
Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.