I am taking Ali Edwards’ One Little Word class for the third year in a row this year. I love this class and it helps me stay connected to my word.
Occasionally, I will try to share my assignments and some thoughts here. Mostly to keep a record of them.
This year started with a cover page of my word, a photo of me, and the definition of my word. I used a bird from Maya Road because I decided birds are my symbols this year. I have a sense that they are good at listening.

The back has some thoughts on why I chose my word and a quote with my word that resonates with me. I added a little paint because it felt happier.

The next page is a lot of thoughts on how i want the word to be in my life and what i want to do more/less of and what i am most worried of and what i am excited about.

And the back is my intentions for the year. I specifically called out health as I want to be healthier this year than I’ve been in 2013. The other categories I used were my core desires I’ve talked about before.

That was it for January. A lot of writing, thinking and planning.
For February, we did actions. What are some actions I want to take this year. I spent a long time avoiding this one. I think because January (and some of February) was really rough on me so I created my cards with white cardstock and some washi tape. Some stitching, too. And I sat on them for a long while.

When I finally did them, a lot of them came from my intentions from January.
The eight I have so far are:
– Create a morning and evening ritual.
– Spend time in nature every week.
– Get in the photos regularly.
– Show up (I want to be more engaged, choose to participate.)
– Choose Nourished over Full
– Heal (Choose to let go. Release and embrace the light.)
– Declutter (Clean up one corner each week.)
– Reach out (and connect with the people I care about.)

Even though I struggle with having my handwriting on these, I decided part of making peace with who I am is making peace with my handwriting, so I am letting them be.