Life Book week 36 was an assignment from Tam. It was all about intuition and just doing what came naturally to you. As I listened to Tam’s meditation, I kept seeing balloons. I kept seeing them let go. So I decided to write “brave” and then have it look like the balloons were cut to go free.
It says: it is time to be brave and release: let it go.
it’s really shimmery:

Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week 32 was an assignment from Micki Wilde. I had never drawn one of her girls before and I think I need a lot more practice but I still like what I ended up with. She’s giving love out to everyone.
It says: give all of you and ask for nothing in return.
I will say, I believe this wholeheartedly.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week 31 was an assignment from Mika Diaz. It was about using tracing paper to transfer a drawing into your art journal.
I had a lot of layers and fun with mine and used all my My mind’s Eye products to make a fun background with shiny layers coming from within.

It says: you can choose peace.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week 30 was an assignment from Carissa Paige. It was about doing transfers and since I don’t like those I decided to do rubons instead. I just had fun with this one.

I put some patterned paper down, colored over it and then colored over the whole thing once more. Some lovely rubons and i was done. The journaling says: Life is ephemeral. Capture it. Savor it. Soak it in. Live it.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week 26 was a bonus from Kate Thompson and week 29 was a bonus from Marieke Blokland and I decided to combine both. I used fun, florescent colors for my background. These were the high flows and they didn’t behave the way I expected but I just went with it.
Then I grew the girl per Kate’s lesson. Though hers was much better, of course.
And finally I wrote “Keep Trying” because I was frustrated with my lack of enough talent to create something I visualize the way I visualize it.
And then I journaled all over.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week 28 was back to an assignment from Tam. It was about drawing an eye. This one is almost a copy of the art she made for the week. And i do love it so.
It’s all made with acrylics, pens, watersoluble crayons and some sprays.
I do wish I’d written one big message on the page. Eh, we live we learn.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week 25 was back to an assignment from Effy Wild. Her art was totally different but when I sat down to create, this is what poured out of me. It happens that way sometimes. This lady is made with acrylics. And she is not my favorite but I do like her message:
You are exactly where you’re supposed to be.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week 23 was back to an assignment from Tam. It was about drawing deer. So I took the antlers and put them on my girl. It was also about making patterns.
Since my little girl is quite unusual, I decided the text should say: What makes you different is what makes you special, embrace who you are.
Ain’t that the truth?
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week twenty was taught by Serena Bridgeman. I loved, loved, loved her lesson. It was so calm and lovely and I really enjoyed it.
But when I sat down to make mine, all I knew was that I didn’t want to copy hers. I just wanted to do something different. I had just finished a month of painting faces so I decided to make a big face and see where it took me.
It took me to this.

The text says: No one can make you feel anything other than what you allow inside.
I love this one. I need to remember it frequently.
And continuing with my gold obsession, I gave her a gold halo. And of course a little bird on her shoulder.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week twenty-one was taught by JenniBellie. As it seems to be the trend lately, my art has nothing to do with what Jenni taught. I loved her lesson but I didn’t want to do it.
So I decided to couple it with my August My Mind’s Eye Assignment. I used the awesome wood paper they have in the Essentials line and I took the girl and journaling idea from Jenni’s lesson.
I painted my girl with acrylics. Painted the edges brown and then the whole background gold. A few lovely MMe embellishments and I was done with what I wanted.

The last touches were adding lines to the background so I could journal all over my page. It’s about remembering that today, this very day, is the most important day.
Something I know but have a hard time remembering.
Yes, still in love with the gold. Look at all that shimmer, how could I not be?
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week nineteen was taught by Danielle Daniel. I love the girls Danielle makes. They are different than my usual, more delicate style. I was excited to try them. To learn from her.
I loved her lesson but then I froze up. I just didn’t feel like sitting and drawing.
When I finally sat down, this is what came out.
Here’s what I love. I like her face and her peaceful expression. I like the writing. It says: embrace peace, choose calm. I like the halo-ish lines that make her shine too.
Here’s what I don’t love: I don’t like her clothes, they lack character, depth, interest. I don’t like hands. They are hard. But, most of all, I don’t like the blue background. I am a white background gal through and through. I don’t know how I forgot that.
In the end, one more assignment down and I can’t say I didn’t learn. So, all in all, I put this down on the plus column.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Back to Life Book. Life Book week seventeen was taught by Tascha Parkinson. Her style, too, is nothing like mine. Her page was small, sweet, and cute. I decided to make her character gigantic. It’s cute.
Way cuter than I am likely to make on my own. But I like the colors, the way it’s so different, and it’s cuteness too I guess.
The text says: grateful and all the journaling in the background is about all the things for which I am grateful.
Another different page. My goal with Life Book was to practice something different regularly and I am definitely getting that.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects