Note to Self – Week 26

This week’s page was another Life Book lesson. One by Tam. Sometimes the simplest ones are my favorite. I loved drawing this apple. It says “when in doubt go back to basics.”

Note to self: if you’re not sure what’s going on or what you want or how you want to proceed, go back to the basics. basics of who you care about, what you stand for, what matters most. Always go back to the basics.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Note to Self – Week 24

This week’s page was another Life Book lesson. One by Tam. I wanted my girl to be letting her hair loose in the wind. Letting it go. That’s what I always wish for myself.

Message says: Release, let it go.

Here are a few detail shots:

Note to self: it is okay to let things go. when you hold so tight, you just hurt yourself. be kind to yourself. it’s ok. put it down.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Note to Self – Week 22

This week’s page was another Life Book lesson. One by Juliet Crane which was about making an owl. I’ve always loved her owls so it was such a privilege to get to make one.

Message says: Let your light shine.

Note to self: what makes you who you are is what’s magical about you. Don’t dim that light. don’t be worried about others seeing it. let it shine out with all your might.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Note to Self – Week 21

This week’s page was another Life Book lesson. One by Tam and her class was a bit different but I did my own version with my own happy colors. Each of the hearts holds something that feels good to me.

Note to self: life is full of magic moments and opportunities. there are a lot of things i love to do. when the tougher times come, it’s good for me to remember those things. they are what make me happy. and they are always here, no matter what.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Note to Self – Week 20

This week’s page was another Life Book lesson. One by Jane Davenport whom I love.

The message on this one says: I wish to live a life that causes my soul to dance inside my body.

Note to self: do things that make you come alive. hold on to the joy. Embrace it and don’t let it go. It doesn’t matter what others like or don’t like. what matters is that you honor what makes your soul dance.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Note to Self – Week 18

This week’s page takes its inspiration from Mati Rose McDonough’s lesson from Life Book 2015. Her little boat made me so happy that I needed to do one myself right away. I loved working on the background of this page. I just played with the colors I loved and didn’t overthink any of the process. That’s generally when magic happens.

The writing says: always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.

This is a perfect quote for someone like me. someone who always worries. Someone who imagines bad things in her head a lot. Someone who isn’t always all that optimistic. I want to change all that. I want to believe in magic and that it’s not only possible but probable in my life. I’ve been so lucky, so incredibly fortunate in my life that I owe it to the universe to honor its wonderfulness.

here’s a front view it’s less shiny:

Note to self: be open to the possibility of wonderful. full of wonder.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Note to Self – Week 17

This week’s page is another one of Tam’s beautiful Life Book lessons. She had these wonderful connected shapes but I was doing assignment on Valentine’s Day and thought it might be fun to just use hearts and see how it turned out. I also decided to use some colors I don’t usually use.

I will admit, I don’t like how it turned out. I don’t hate it, but it’s nowhere near the top of my favorites list. I did love her art and I will have to try this lesson again another time, without the hearts and with different color choices.

The writing says: we are all connected through love.

I’ve been doing this new practice this year where I just assume someone’s snappy comments are not about me. When they don’t say anything and my natural instinct is to go to my head. To make it all about me. To assume this other person is upset with me. But this year, I am doing the opposite. I am assuming it’s not about me. I am thinking of other possibilities. I am even thinking they want to help me. I am thinking they want the best for me. It allows me to expand and not contract. It allows me to be my best self. It allows me to remember that the world is full of abundance. That we’re all connected and can do more together. Always.

Note to self: assume the best of others. assume they want the best for you. they love you. and love them. unconditionally.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Note to Self – Week 16

This week’s page takes its inspiration from Tam’s lesson from Life Book. I loved her feather so much that I immediately wanted to make one of my own.

The text for this week says: you get to always choose how you feel.

Are you seeing a pattern here? I think these pages helped me when I was going through a tough time. I wanted to remind myself again and again that I own my feelings and they don’t own me. Even if it feels the other way around sometimes.

Note to self: alive is how i want to feel. alive and serene at the same time.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Note to Self – Week 15

This week’s page takes its inspiration from Rachael Rice’s lesson from Life Book 2015. She had us make a dreamcatcher and I decided, once again, to honor my core desired feelings so I wrote each of them on the feathers of my dream catcher.

I feel like I want to remind myself again and again that I get to choose how i feel. These are my choices. These are the words, the feelings I want to surround myself with these feelings. I cannot remind myself enough.

here’s a front view it’s not as shiny:

i love the shine:

Note to self: choose to feel these feelings. you do get to choose.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Note to Self – Week 14

This week’s page is my version of the wonderful Joanne Sharpe’s Life Book lesson. I love Joanne Sharpe and she never disappoints. Nor did she this time.

The text for this week says: feel the fear and do it anyway.

This quote is what my word of the year is all about. Not “not being afraid” but just doing it anyway. Taking chances. Trying things. Going forward anyway. Not being too shy to try. Listening to those tiny inklings in my soul. Leaping. Celebrating the journey.

Note to self: do it anyway, baby. do it!

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Note to Self – Week 13

This week’s page takes its inspiration from another Life Book class. This one was by Roben-Marie Smith. She did this fun tag and I liked it but no ideas jumped at me for days after I watched it. So I thought and thought and finally decided to print all the inspiring photos I’d pinned as a reminder to keep my core desired feelings in the forefront of my mind. I printed them all out, lay them all over my page, designed each of the four corners for one of my words.

I glued them all and then painted and stamped a little bit on top. It’s not art that I painted but I love looking at it and it makes me feel all of the feelings i want to feel this year and what can be better than that?

here’s the left:

and the right:

Note to self: choose to feel alive. serene. abundance and open!

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Note to Self – Week 11

This week’s page takes its inspiration from Serena Bridgeman’s lesson from Life Book 2014. Her weathered background was so very beautiful that I yearned to do something similar. I don’t think mine hit the mark but I tried.

The text for this week says: be bold.

I was very scared to make this page. The more I watched her make hers, the more I believed I just couldn’t make mine. When I don’t know how to do something, I generally approach it with a lot of apprehensiveness and fear. I keep telling myself I can’t do it. I worry about failing. I worry about hating the result.

But who cares?

In the end, why does it matter if I fail or if I hate it? And, more importantly, how will I learn if I never try? It’s not possible to learn without trying. And, yes, I can’t fail if I don’t try but I also can’t succeed without trying. Nothing is possible without trying.

so this week’s reminder is to be bold. To try. To go for it!

here’s a side view it’s shiny:

i love the shine:

Note to self: don’t hesitate. go for it. be bold.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.