This week’s page is one I did during the holidays, months ago. I wanted to draw some Christmas stuff and then I decorated it with stickles which are my happy place. I love the shimmer they add.
it’s really shiny in person:

The left side is a little tree. And angel wings are in the middle.
More wings on the right side, and then some ornaments. Nothing special, I know but sometimes that’s how they turn out.
And there we are. Here’s another week.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is simple. On the left side, I drew the new containers i bought for my pencils and art supplies. The drawing doesn’t do it justice of course but it was still fun to do. Then I added some washi tape.
The right side is just an orchid that was sitting on my table and a few hershey’s kisses.
And there we are. Here’s another week.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is a fun one. On the left side, I just wanted to draw something fun and colorful. So I just picked my pen and drew this fun balloon. I painted it all the colors that made me happy.
The right side something I’ve drawn before but I just didn’t want to skip drawing. I figured drawing my tea and my little candle is better than not drawing. I know Danny Gregory would approve.
And there we are. Here’s another week.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is a simple one. There are days where I just feel like I can’t think of anything at all to draw. I stare at the walls around me, hoping some idea will jump out at me, and often it does not. This time, I decided to not overthink it, I drew the lamp on my table, simple as it is. It was right there and I am trying to practice sketching. So the lamp it was.
The right side is the tulips that were sitting on my desk, too. And then right next to them, I drew my little bag that I’ve had for over twenty years. It holds my wallet, a few pens, and my phone. It’s easy and tiny, the opposite of my other bag and I love it. Just a week of ordinary items this week.
And there we are. Here’s another week.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

I made this page the day I booked my first flight to Zurich. I was scared and excited at the same time and I hadn’t drawn a plane yet so I thought it would be fun to try to make one.
On the right side, I wasn’t sure what to do. I drew my little Google cup that I drink out of often when I am on the go, where I put my hot tea. And then I just decided to do a little jar lantern for the fun of it.
And there we are. Here’s another week.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page was much more fun to make after last week’s struggles. I did a mixture of drawing from life and drawing from pictures. For the left side, I drew this colorful pen Nathaniel brought home from a birthday party. When I was little, I had the exact same pen where you can use these lovely interchangeable tips. It was really fun to draw this.
The right side was a result of my dreaming about the seaside. I love a lot of different things but there’s nothing like water to calm me, ground me, and make me feel serene. I love this magical house that brings me peace just by looking at it.
And there we are. Here’s another week.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is one of my least favorites. The left side was my attempt to draw the Tivo remote I’ve used and loved for so many years. It’s hard to do black and watercolor. Well, it’s hard for me. I don’t absolutely hate this one, but I am not in love with it either.
The right side, I really hate. It was for a Sketchbook Skool assignment. It was supposed to be a school memory. I remember this one time when I was at school and we had an eye exam. My eyesight was so bad that I thought this huge A was an E. So I tried to draw that but I do not like how it turned out. The thing with learning something new is that you fail more often than you succeed. And you have to keep going and have faith that things will get better. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.
And there we are. Here’s another week.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is one of my favorites. Just because it’s so different for me. Both of these pages were done as an assignment to the Sketchbook Skool’s storytelling klass. The left side was to draw ingredients for a recipe. I was making a lot of omelette’s at the time so that’s what I drew. I don’t like how the omelette itself ended up but I like the ingredients.
The right side is supposed to be directions to make something. I thought for a long time because I couldn’t come up with an idea so I finally went with something simple I do all day long: make tea!
And there we are. Here’s another week.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page has some shimmer on the left side. It’s one of those pages I built as I went along so the items don’t really make a cohesive picture together. But I still really like how it looks.
On the left is my sandal. I added some shimmer to it because, in real life, it has some shimmer.
maybe you can see some of it here:
In the middle is the halloween pumpkins that were hanging outside my neighbor’s house when I made this page. And then to the right are my birthday balloons that my friend Holly gave me when I turned forty. I love how colorful they are and how they have patterns too.
And there we are.
Everyday Brave is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s layout is so not my favorite. But I wanted to be honest and not skip things. There are a few more upcoming ones I am not crazy about but that’s the thing about learning a new skill: there are more days of failure than there are of success. But you keep pushing anyway and eventually the ratio starts tilting the other way. Or so I hope.
And it takes a lot of practice. A Lot. At least for me.
On the left side, is the Posche we rented for Jake’s birthday back in September. At least this was my attempt of it.
The right side is a house on the way from my house to the school. I kept passing it and one day I just stopped and drew it. I drew this while I was looking out the window of my car and i didn’t plan carefully so I drew it too large. I don’t like how much of the page it covers. Just don’t like the way it looks, period.
And there we are.
Everyday Brave is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page just contains one sketch. I saw this beautiful, colorful house in San Francisco and immediately knew I wanted to sketch it. We were driving by, so I asked Jake to stop so I can take a photo of it and then I sketched it many days later when I was home.
Even though it has a lot of mistakes, I like how it turned out. Overall, it has the feeling of a colorful house even though I clearly took some artistic license in many places.
And there we are.
Everyday Brave is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page’s photo doesn’t do it justice because the diet coke can is actually glimmering. I used gold guache paint on it. Continuing on the theme of sketching whatever’s around, I went for my pink sneakers on the left side.
The right side is my diet coke, i pad with headphones (can you tell what book I was listening to?) And, of course, nutella!
And there we are.
Everyday Brave is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects