Art Journaling – Komtrak – Set 3

And here’s the next Komtrak page:

The full text reads: Stars shine more in the dark.

I used acrylics on this page but it didn’t turn out how I had hoped. I wanted the sentiment that sometimes the dark is good. It’s when you can see the stars. But alas the page is a mess.

And here’s the next Komtrak page:

The full text reads: choose free, it is always a choice.

I used new Maya Road stamps and acrylics on this page.

And here’s the next Komtrak page:

The full text reads: Choose to be happy and free.

I used acrylics on this page and the Maya Road stamps.

And here’s the next Komtrak page:

The full text reads: It starts with you, be kind to yourself.

I used pan pastels and some paint and a photo of me for a change.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about it and the book I am using for these pages at the top of this blog post.

Daily Sketching – Week 31

Sorry for the delay. Here are the sketches from last week. All of these use Fabel Castell Pitt Pens and watercolors. Most of the ones this week aren’t so great but I just keep doing anyway.






this one has some gold shine that doesn’t show up:


And Saturday:

I get some of my ideas randomly, others from other people’s photos, some from my photos, and some from pinterest. So far, so good.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2011. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.

Weekly Art Journal – Weeklong for October 10

for this week, i started with sailboats:

And I added slowly little bits here and there.

here is the left:

here is the right:

And here’s the filled page:

It ended up pretty simple but I like it.

Weekly Art Journal is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here. And you can find out more about the weeklong daily journaling here.

Art Journaling – Komtrak – Set 2

And here’s the next Komtrak page:

The full text reads: Today is a new day, it is yours to fill.

I used acrylics on this page.

I wanted it to look like sun was coming up over the mountains but alas, I can’t say it turned out the way I imagined. But still…

And here’s the next Komtrak page:

The full text reads: Life is short, forgive easily.

I used acrylics on this page and some pan pastels.

And here’s the next Komtrak page:

The full text reads: Follow the path of joy.

I used acrylics and lots of stitching on this page.

And here’s the next Komtrak page:

The full text reads: There’s always rain before a rainbow.

I used acrylics on this page and lots of stitching.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about it and the book I am using for these pages at the top of this blog post.

Daily Sketching – Week 30

Here are the sketches from last week. All of these use Fabel Castell Pitt Pens and watercolors. Most of the ones this week aren’t so great but I just keep doing anyway.




Wednesday: ( I especially dislike this one.)



And Saturday:

I get some of my ideas randomly, others from other people’s photos, some from my photos, and some from pinterest. So far, so good.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2011. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.

Weekly Art Journal – Weeklong for October 3

for this week, i just used a simple background but amazingly I forgot to take a before picture and didn’t realize it until it was too late.


here is the left:

here is the right:

And here’s the filled page:

Simple but still nice.

Weekly Art Journal is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here. And you can find out more about the weeklong daily journaling here.

Balzer Designs Stencil Hop: Faces

Today I am very honored to be a part of Balzer Design’s stencil hop using the Crafter’s Workshop stencils Julie designed. The ones I was specifically sent were the three face ones below. They are called Ava, “Edith and Maude”, and Summer in the order in which you see them. (Click on the photo to go to Crafter’s Workshop’s Stencil page)

Those of you who’ve been here a while know that I am crazy about faces so when I got these I was ecstatic and started creating immediately. Here are some of the pages I made:

This first page below uses the Edith and Maude stencil as well as Wonky Circles, Flower Frame, Chevron ones and it’s all pretty much done with acrylic paint. The text says: Remember to always be true to who you are because you’re perfect just the way you are.

The next page is also using Edith and Maude and I just added a birdie to her hair. I used the Leaf Frame and Triage stencils, too. I used pan pastels, acrylics and watercolors. It says: You already are what you hope to be.

I then used the 6×6 Edith and Maude stencil to create the following page. This is almost all pan pastels and it also uses the Circles in Squares and Wonky Circles stencils. The text says: Don’t hesitate, stand out from the crowd and be you.

Once I started using them, I just couldn’t stop. Then I used Ava to make this next one. Pan Pastels to use the stencils and watercolors to color the face in. The text reads: Believe in your dreams even if no one else does.

And finally, I only had Summer in a 6×6 but I really liked it so I decided to use it by giving her a body. Once I stenciled and colored it, she looked sort of sad and I’d had a rough day so I decided to write: It is ok to feel broken. You are not alone.

And there you go. I hope this shows you some of the variety of pages you can make with these amazing stencils. I love being able to quickly add a face to my art journal pages and I love the emotion and meaning they bring with them. If you find drawing portraits on your own intimidating but still like to have them on your pages these stencils are fantastic starting places. You can use them as much or as little as you like: only as a guide or to create the whole face just as is. I cannot recommend them enough.

Here are the people participating on today’s hop:
Jen Cushman
Jill Sprott:
• Karen Grunberg: you are here 🙂
Paula Gilarde
Julie Fei-Fan Balzer

I highly encourage you go see their incredible creations. Huge thanks to Crafter’s Workshop and Julie for giving me this opportunity.

And thank you so much to you for coming to visit me!

Art Journaling – Komtrak – Set 1

So here we are. Another journal. I picked this one up at a store in San Francisco. It’s a spiral bound journal made by Komtrak with 140lb cold press watercolor paper by Canson 100 insides. They are 8.5×11. Here’s a link I found online. You can remove the pages without tearing them and then put them back when you’re done. Sounded ideal for me. The book in the link comes with different paper than mine but they do sell the paper packs for it separately as well.

I paid a lot for mine since it was at a local shop and I am not sure I will like it as much as the Roma paper but I wanted to try it so, let’s see how I like it.

Here’s my first page with it.

The full text reads: She wanted to believe in miracles.

I drew the girl and painted with watersoluble crayons and acrylics. This one started nicely but then ended up a bit too busy for my taste.

And here’s the next Komtrak page:

The full text reads: Let your worries go.

I used watersoluble crayons and acrylics on this page. It’s hard to see but it has a lot of layers and tone on tone. It was party inspired by this sketch.

And here’s the next Komtrak page:

The full text reads: Sink Your Feet in. Soak up the sun and rest.

I used acrylics in this page. Just had fun with it. I love the way it turned out.

And here’s the next Komtrak page:

The full text reads: Everything Changes.

I used acrylics on this page.

It was inspired by a journaling entry where I was telling myself that change is inevitable. Everything changes. Eggs become chicks. Live evolves. Constantly whether we are ready, willing, wishful, fearful or not.

It didn’t turn out exactly the way I’d hoped but the sentiment is there 🙂

Daily Sketching – Week 29

Here are the sketches from last week. All of these use Fabel Castell Pitt Pens and watercolors. A wide range of subjects this time.







And Saturday:

I get some of my ideas randomly, others from other people’s photos, some from my photos, and some from pinterest. So far, so good.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2011. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.

Weekly Art Journal – Weeklong for September 26

for this week, i just had some color and pattern on the background:

And I just had fun with it.

here is the left:

here is the right:

And here’s the filled page:

A bit chaotic I know but I like it anyway!

Weekly Art Journal is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here. And you can find out more about the weeklong daily journaling here.

Art Journaling – Fabriano Roma – Set 5

And here’s the next Roma paper page:

The full text reads: Lean on your real friends, that’s why they are there.

I used acrylics on this. I like the colors and softness.

And here’s the next Roma paper page:

The full text reads: Take a break and let your soul rest.

The little bird is from Little Yellow Bicycle. The rest is crafter’s workshop, acrylics, stamps, stitching.

And here’s the last Roma paper page:

The full text reads: Art saves, again and again and again.

I used a little yellow bicycle frame and some Tim Holtz wings. The rest is same as always. I love the colors on this page. Art has been saving me and my soul so much recently.

and with that the set of Roma papers are gone. I loved loved, loved working with these papers. It might be my all-time favorite so far. I will have to get my hands on some more of it. I also loved the size which was 8.5×9.5. Good size for me.

Here are all the pages:


I like how, like my layouts, they are similar but different. How you can sense an emerging style. I am still exploring but, over all, I really like these. Here’s a little video with the finished book:

And now, time to move on to the next journal. My next one is a Komtrack journal with Canson Watercolor paper. These books are specially made to take the spiral bound pages out, work on them, and put them back. So no binding issues. You can also buy the pages loose. More on this on the next post.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week. You can read more about it and the book I am using for these pages at the top of this blog post.

Daily Sketching – Week 28

Here are the sketches from last week. All of these use Fabel Castell Pitt Pens and watercolors. A wide range of subjects this time.







And Saturday:

I am still enjoying this so, I am playing around, mixing colors, trying new brushes, seeing what I like, etc.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2011. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.