Daily Sketching – Week 46

Here are the sketches from last week:








I’ll try to do another one with better resolution and contrast at some point.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.

Journey into Collage – Week 7

Page seven:

My attempt at being more collage-y. I added some paper on the background. The wings, the girl, some rubons, gold letters, and gold and white paint. A simple page but I do like it.

more next week. maybe then I can get even more collage-y.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Fabriano Roma Set 11

Here are the last pages I did during November:

The full text reads: There is a fine balance between trying to improve and feeling not good enough.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: You must practice bravery again and again.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: Compete with yourself and only yourself.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: It is time to be brave now.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: Always try to be your best self.

And here’s the last page:

The full text reads: Be kind and patient with yourself.

The last few were done as practice for my drawing class where I struggle quite a bit 🙂

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

Daily Sketching – Week 45

Here are the sketches from last week:








During Saturday’s sketching I taped myself. The contrast ended up being terrible for some reason and the sketch is one of my least favorite. But if you want to see me sketch, here you go:

I’ll try to do another one with better resolution and contrast at some point.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.

Journey into Collage – Week 6

Page six and I am still not anywhere near collage:

I had so many ideas for this page but it just wasn’t meant to be. The background is an actual map. Then I punched butterflies from the same map and glued them down. Then I tried to drip paint but it didn’t work the way I wanted to I just painted over the thing. But I’d already inked around the butterflies which is why the black ink spread a bit. I still like the way it turned out to be honest. Though not sure it qualifies as collage…

more next week. maybe then I can get more collage-y.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Fabriano Roma Set 10

Here are more pages I did during November:

The full text reads: The fastest way to get inspired is to start creating.

And here’s the next page:

Starting from here, I began to use my own handwriting so I could practice it daily.

The full text reads: Be patient with yourself. It takes time and practice.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: Take time to laugh and give a hug everyday.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: You decide who gets a piece of your heart. Choose wisely and carefully.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: One key to happiness is to practice gratitude.

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

Daily Sketching – Week 44

Here are the sketches from last week:








Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.

Journey into Collage – Week 5

Here’s page number five:

Lots of paint and random artsy papers in this one. I can’t stand the yellow paint in the middle but it is what it is. It feels a little more collage-y to me even though I know it’s still more art journal than collage.

oh well…

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Fabriano Roma Set 9

Here are more pages I did during November:

The full text reads: You can do anything you want, give yourself benefit of the doubt.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: You have so much to offer the world. Don’t cage yourself in. Go for it.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: Don’t be scared to be exactly who you are. Embrace everything about yourself.

here’s a side shot to see the glimmer of the gold:

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: Spread joy everywhere you go.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: The fastest way to get inspired is to start creating.

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

Daily Sketching – Week 43

Here are the sketches from last week:








I sketched the last one on the plane to CHA.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.

Canvas Board

This is a little canvas board I made for the Maya Road booth in CHA.

I just used lots of acrylic paint and had fun with it.


Journey into Collage – Week 4

And the next page in the “collage” book:

This was all about playing with the gelatos. I know it’s not a lot of collage but I still like it.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.