This week’s pick is another serenity pick. I used to absolutely adore taking baths. I remember, as a kid, I’d draw myself a bath, full of bubbles, put some fruit in a bowl and dive in with a wonderful book. I’d spend hours in the bath. Until the water got so chilly that I had to get out. I used to love the bubbles. I used to love the calm that spread over my skin, my body in that water. I could use more of that any time.
here is a side look for the shimmer; not too much shimmer on this one:

here’s to embracing serenity.
You Choose is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page takes its inspiration from Rachael Rice’s lesson from Life Book 2015. She had us make a dreamcatcher and I decided, once again, to honor my core desired feelings so I wrote each of them on the feathers of my dream catcher.
I feel like I want to remind myself again and again that I get to choose how i feel. These are my choices. These are the words, the feelings I want to surround myself with these feelings. I cannot remind myself enough.
here’s a front view it’s not as shiny:

i love the shine:

Note to self: choose to feel these feelings. you do get to choose.
Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s pick painting. I love paint. I love the feel of it on my fingers. I love how alive it makes me feel. I love color. I love learning. I love its texture. I love how it makes me feel. I am so grateful that I discovered mixed media and never looked back. Here’s to painting for the rest of my life!
here is a side look for the shimmer; a subtle one:

You Choose is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is my version of the wonderful Joanne Sharpe’s Life Book lesson. I love Joanne Sharpe and she never disappoints. Nor did she this time.
The text for this week says: feel the fear and do it anyway.
This quote is what my word of the year is all about. Not “not being afraid” but just doing it anyway. Taking chances. Trying things. Going forward anyway. Not being too shy to try. Listening to those tiny inklings in my soul. Leaping. Celebrating the journey.
Note to self: do it anyway, baby. do it!
Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is one I did during the holidays, months ago. I wanted to draw some Christmas stuff and then I decorated it with stickles which are my happy place. I love the shimmer they add.
it’s really shiny in person:

The left side is a little tree. And angel wings are in the middle.
More wings on the right side, and then some ornaments. Nothing special, I know but sometimes that’s how they turn out.
And there we are. Here’s another week.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s pick is another honor for serenity. There is nothing like books to bring peace into my life. A cup of tea and a good book can get me through the toughest days. Books can help me forget everything. They can help me find my center. They make me feel full. Grateful. Serene. There’s not one moment in my life that I am not near at least five books. I never, ever leave the house without my books. Ever. They have always been my very best friends in the world. I am deeply grateful.
here is a side look for the shimmer; you can barely see it but there are tiny pearls on the butterflies:

You Choose is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page takes its inspiration from another Life Book class. This one was by Roben-Marie Smith. She did this fun tag and I liked it but no ideas jumped at me for days after I watched it. So I thought and thought and finally decided to print all the inspiring photos I’d pinned as a reminder to keep my core desired feelings in the forefront of my mind. I printed them all out, lay them all over my page, designed each of the four corners for one of my words.
I glued them all and then painted and stamped a little bit on top. It’s not art that I painted but I love looking at it and it makes me feel all of the feelings i want to feel this year and what can be better than that?
here’s the left:

and the right:

Note to self: choose to feel alive. serene. abundance and open!
Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is simple. On the left side, I drew the new containers i bought for my pencils and art supplies. The drawing doesn’t do it justice of course but it was still fun to do. Then I added some washi tape.
The right side is just an orchid that was sitting on my table and a few hershey’s kisses.
And there we are. Here’s another week.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s pick is about feeling alive. No matter what people say, there are some people who are just doers. I value presence and I value serene. But I also value getting things done. It’s who I am. It’s what brings me joy and fulfillment. I love learning. I love growing. It makes me feel alive. It gives me joy. And I love feeling that.
here is a side look for the shimmer; not too much shimmer on this one:

You Choose is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is my version of the first Life Book 2015 assignment by the awesome Tam herself. It was meant to be the guiding light and I decided to make this angel I’d made a few years ago but only using white and yellow hues.
The text for this week says: choose the light.
There’s something magical, for me, about using white and yellow. Something magical in the shiny pages. Something magical in light. I don’t often choose to follow the light. I can easily get myself wrapped up in the darkness and lose sight of the joy and the light. I like the lantern and I have been choosing to surround myself with more light this year which I hope will remind me that it’s always there, always available to me.
here’s a front view, you can’t really see the shiny:

i love the shine:

Note to self: choose the light. it’s always there and it is a choice no matter how it feels. no matter how i feel. the choice to choose the light is always, always there.
Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is a fun one. On the left side, I just wanted to draw something fun and colorful. So I just picked my pen and drew this fun balloon. I painted it all the colors that made me happy.
The right side something I’ve drawn before but I just didn’t want to skip drawing. I figured drawing my tea and my little candle is better than not drawing. I know Danny Gregory would approve.
And there we are. Here’s another week.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week’s pick is to being alive. Being brave. Choosing to fly. Being edgy. Being who you are when no one’s watching. Wearing your wings. Spreading them and flying again and again. I wanted to do something different this time. I used more black than I usually would. I have mixed feelings about it. It’s feeling edgy to me. But also not like me. Not my usual soft and happy colors. Sometimes it’s good to try new things.
here is a side look for the shimmer:

You Choose is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects