Daily Sketching – Week 58

Here are the sketches from last week:








that’s it for this week.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.

Journey into Collage – Week 19

Page nineteen:

With this page, I just had fun. I did the circle on the left and I knew I wanted to use the rubon with the girl (it’s from Jenni Bowlin) and the rest, I just did whatever I felt like doing. The title says: “Sweet girl, hold on tight to your dreams. never let go.

more next week.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Arches Printmaking Set 2

Here are some more pages I did:

The full text reads: Look for the good in your life. Your cup runneth over more than you think.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: do not be afraid to take a calculated risk. all growth comes from taking chances.

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

Daily Sketching – Week 57

Sorry for the delay!! Here are the sketches from last week:








that’s it for this week.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.

Journey into Collage – Week 18

Page eighteen:

I used leftovers from a large colorful sheet I’d used for many art journal projects. I just liked the way it looked oddly shaped. IT says “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” which is an Eleanor Roosevelt quote, I think. It also says “do not EVER consent.” I painted the page yellow afterwards. I like how bright it is.

more next week.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Arches Printmaking Set 1

I started using Arches Printmaking paper this week.

Here are some more pages I did:

The full text reads: No one gets to tell you who you are or who you can be. You decide. Only you.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: you can fly anytime, your wings are already there.

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

Daily Sketching – Week 56

Here are the sketches from last week:








that’s it for this week.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.

Journey into Collage – Week 17

Page seventeen:

Ok, I’ll admit. This page is super-weird. I don’t even know how to explain it. It uses the gelatos and a LOT of rubons. It’s meant to look like a person is opening up with their arms to the sky. The line says “Stand up and let your soul and heart be seen.”

more next week.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Fabriano Roma Set 21

Here are some more pages I did:

The full text reads: Don’t let anyone put limits on your life or box you in.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: do not hesitate to take a risk; it is how we learn.

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

Daily Sketching – Week 55

Here are the sketches from last week:








that’s it for this week.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my steps here.

Journey into Collage – Week 16

Page sixteen:

I sat to do this page the minute I got the CHA My Mind’s Eye goodies. I covered the background with brown tissue paper and I just sat and worked without thinking. I love how it turned out. It has my favorite line from a Jewel song: “You already are what you hope to be.”

more next week.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Fabriano Roma Set 20

Here are some more pages I did:

The full text reads: Sometimes what looks like an ending is just a pause before a new beginning.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: be kind to everyone and start with you.

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.