Daily Sketching – Week 73

Here are the sketches from last week. not delighted with this week’s offerings but some weeks are like that:








that’s it for this week.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my sketching journey here.

Journey into Collage – Week 35

The title says: Try something new.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Arches Printmaking Set 18

Here are some more pages I did:

The full text reads: do not bottle up your feelings. (I used this beautiful art as a guide.)

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: all you have is now; do not waste it.

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

Daily Sketching – Week 72

Here are the sketches from last week. not delighted with this week’s offerings but some weeks are like that:








that’s it for this week.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my sketching journey here.

Journey into Collage – Week 34

The title says: If you’re always racing to the next one, what happens to the moment you’re in? Be present.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Arches Printmaking Set 17

Here are some more pages I did:

The full text reads: boldly step into the unknown. be brave.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: it is ok to let your wild side come out. (my version of this amazing art.)

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

Daily Sketching – Week 71

Here are the sketches from last week. not delighted with this week’s offerings but some weeks are like that:








that’s it for this week.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my sketching journey here.

Journey into Collage – Week 33

One more assignment for Your Living Canvas.

The title says: remember to do what matters most.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Arches Printmaking Set 16

Here are some more pages I did:

The full text reads: make a point to relax every day.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: if only you could see that there’s so much beauty in you. i see it.
art is inspired by this beautiful one.

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

Daily Sketching – Week 70

Here are the sketches from last week. not delighted with this week’s offerings but some weeks are like that:








that’s it for this week.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my sketching journey here.

Journey into Collage – Week 32

Next page:

And yet another assignment for Your Living Canvas. This week was about vision. I am still sort of struggling with mine for several reasons. But the one thing that came up with me is that my vision for my life is to be calmer, slower, more still and aware and regularly practicing gratitude and joy. So whatever my vision ends up being, it will involve these themes.

The title says: calm (and slow, still, awareness, peace, gratitude, joy.)

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Arches Printmaking Set 15

Here are some more pages I did:

The full text reads: take time to rest. there’s so much magic in you, unleash it.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: choose to love your life, it’s the only one you have.

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.