Daily Sketching – Looking back

One of my major goals for 2012 was to continue sketching regularly and find my own sketching voice. I am grateful to say that I think I managed to make a lot of headway in that goal. I have a consistent style now and even though I liked some of my sketches more than others, I definitely can see a unique voice.

Since I made over 300 sketches this year, narrowing down to my favorites was hard work.

As I look at them, I notice that I like the ones that are more colorful than others.

The ones that have more detail and shading than not.

I like the birds-eye-view.

I like drawing cups, bottles, tea, and water.

I like drawing food and daily life things.

As I look toward 2013, I know that I want to continue sketching. I love the joy it gives me. However, I’ve been struggling with picking topics and having ideas on what to draw. My hope is to make it easier on myself next year but I am not exactly sure how just yet.

All ideas are welcome, of course 🙂

Journey into Collage – Week 51

text reads: you are not bound by the labels others have put upon you. you are free. only you choose who you are. don’t forget. only you.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Daily Sketching – Week 88

Here are the sketches from last week. Still not my favorite batch. I am working on finding a new system for 2013 since I still love the sketching but not the idea-generating part.

that’s it for this week. i decided to take a little break on these till the end of the year. More coming in 2013. In the meantime, I’ll do a little look back of what I did in 2012.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my sketching journey here.

Journey into Collage – Week 50

text reads: she healed.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Daily Sketching – Week 87

Here are the sketches from last week. Not my favorite batch but at least I’m still making them.

that’s it for this week.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my sketching journey here.

Journey into Collage – Week 49

text reads: do not wait. time is passing. let go of being right. pick up the phone and apologize.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Week 32

And here’s the final page for 2012:

The full text reads: be calm. stress never helps.

A year in review coming next week.

I am creating art journaling pages each week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

Daily Sketching – Week 86

Here are the sketches from last week.

that’s it for this week.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my sketching journey here.

Journey into Collage – Week 48

text reads: paint your life any color you want. it’s your life.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Art Journaling – Week 31

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: take a moment to delight in the wonders of the world.

More coming next week.

I am creating art journaling pages each week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

Daily Sketching – Week 85

Here are the sketches from last week.

that’s it for this week.

Daily Sketching is a weekly project for 2012. You can see a detailed post on my sketching journey here.

Journey into Collage – Week 47

this was for My Mind’s Eye.

text reads: summer or winter, make a point to celebrate your life in all its seasons.

Journey into Collage is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.