Today I Know – Week 10

This week was one of those where I just didn’t feel inspired by anything and after spinning and spinning, I settled on an oldie but goodie by Abigail Halpin who is just amazing. I drew my little girl, colored it with some crayons and pencils and called it done.

Some weeks are just like that.

prompt says: today i know that i want to change my mind about

I wrote about how i want to change how i see myself.

Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Remember This – Week 10

And this one is from Life Book week Five. The assignment this week was to do draw a cotton candy girl and some sweets. I decided that what I wanted to draw was a piece of Dr. Seuss cake and a reminder that the goal when eating is not to feel full but to feel nourished.

This page has a lot of texture. I used heavy body paints and lay them down thickly. Even though the colors make me smile, I am not a huge fan of the page overall. It just doesn’t feel like me, not sure why. But alas, this is more about experimenting and having fun and I did both this week.

Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Listen with Intent – Week 10

Here we are. Since March is all about being brave, it made sense to me that the first intention I wanted to set was to dare. This sounds like doing stuff, but it’s actually not. What I had in mind was to dare to listen to my inner whispers. Dare to listen to the universe’s voice. Dare to listen to the smaller, quieter sounds that might be coming from the crushed parts of my soul or even from the deepest desires.

The lettering I used here comes from Calligraphy Alphabets Made Easy.

I chose to do a bird sitting and then birds flying because I feel like the first step is to sit and listen to the sounds. Dare to allow myself to hear them. Dare to listen to them. Which I believe will give me the strength and push to then soar.

Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Today I Know – Week 9

This page is inspired by these lovely owls. This page uses some gelatos, some watercolor pencils, and some neocolor watersoluble crayons.

prompt says: today i know it feels good when i…

i just wrote down all the things that make me feel good like nathatniel’s baby smell and holding david’s hand, etc.

Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Remember This – Week 9

This week’s page is for My Mind’s Eye. I couldn’t connect with the work for Life Book this week so I decided to do something different. I tend to be one of those people who always worries and assumes things will go less desirably than planned and this is a reminder I need in my life regularly:

give up that there’s something wrong, life can be sweet if you let it.

This page is pretty simple, just some hearts and a title with a lot of my favorite yellow paint. It’s warm and shimmery and makes me happy.

Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Listen with Intent – Week 9

Here we are. Another month, another intent to Listen. I decided that March was the month to start being brave. Paying attention to the quiet voices. Trying new things. Taking leaps big and small. Listening without fear or worry.

I think that sometimes when you’re living life, it gets easy to just do the next thing. Sometimes I don’t even think too hard about what I want and/or whether it’s the Right thing. I’m not saying I make bad choices, but more that I am not engaged when I take action. I do the next thing there is to do. I do what must be done (what I think must be done.)

For me, being brave, is about listening to the voices that are not the loudest. Listening to other ways of doing something. Listening to the quieter voices. Listening to what my soul whispers. Listening to what my body craves. The voices I don’t make time for. The voices I am purposefully avoiding.

Being brave is hard. Being brave requires intent. My plan is to dedicate march to practicing courage with my listening.

Here’s the lettering I used and for my sketches I decided on some arrows. Now sure why. Maybe I was thinking about the Hunger Games when I drew this…

Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Today I Know – Week 8

I saw this pin last year and I’ve been holding on to it for a long time. This week, I decided I had to try it. So here’s my result.

I used the Neocolor II water soluble crayons to color this page.

prompt says: today I know that i love to talk with

i just wrote about all the people I love to talk to in my life and how wonderful it feels.

Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Remember This – Week 8

And this one is from Life Book week four. The assignment this week was to use three things you loved. I decided to use a lot of tissue paper and create texture. I then made a tree and a little bird. I know it’s not super sophisticated, but it’s really textured and was a lot of fun to make.

I have been frustrated with not knowing the answers to some of the questions in my life and so I decided this week’s art would be about how it’s ok to not know and how if I listen it will all eventually show up and how things are unfolding just as they should be. So that’s what my little bird is doing. She’s sitting and being okay with not knowing.

Here’s a side look hoping it shows the texture.

Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Listen with Intent – Week 8

For my final intent in the month of February I wanted to make sure to remember What Matters Most. This is something that I know I can lose sight of quickly. It’s easy to take things for granted. I don’t think of how lucky I am to be healthy until I feel sick. I don’t think about the wonderful house we live in or our car unless something breaks down. Sometimes I have to lose something to remember how important it is. And I don’t want that to be the case.

I want to always remember what matters most and be deliberate to make sure I listen to those that matter most over the other stuff that can get in the way. If I chose to work at home so I can be there for my kids but then I don’t listen to them when they need me cause I am in the middle of a work issue, am I remembering what I decided matters most? (Obviously there are exceptions but in general, if I made an active choice of family over career, it makes sense that when there’s a family issue, for the most part, it should get my attention first.)

So my intention this week is to be deliberate about what matters most. To pay attention to it. What does matter most? How much am I honoring it? How closely am I choosing to listen to what matters most?

The lettering I used is here and I decided to go with simple little hearts for my sketch this week.

Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Today I Know – Week 7

This is based on the amazing, amazing sketch by Jen Olson here. I used color pencils to color her.

The journaling says “today i know how it feels to feel so relieved after” and I wrote about how I stress when I have a bunch of things in a row that need to all work out and how I stress and stress until it’s all finished.

Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Remember This – Week 7

And this one is from Life Book week Two. The bonus assignment this week was to do some art honoring your word and wishes for this year. I decided to tackle my core desires. In honor of the bonus nature of the assignment, I kept things easy and small. I drew the birdies with stencils and then painted them all with heavybody paints and then just had fun.

nothing too sophisticated with this one.

Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Listen with Intent – Week 7

Continuing with the theme of Listening Deliberately, I thought a lot about what I would like to focus on this week. Slow down is what came up. Maybe I should have switched last week’s intent with this one since it feels like slowing down should come before making a choice does, but alas this is how it showed up and I’m sticking with it.

Maybe it’s the universe’s way of telling me that I will have to slow down this week if I want to be deliberate. I am not the kind of person who slows down very often. I don’t mean the lack-of-focus: I can sit still and read a book for four hours straight. But when I am doing a task, I tend to rush through it. I tend to want to “get it done.” It’s not even getting it over with as much as it is being able to check it off my list.

Considering the size of my list, if I want to check things off, I am not slowing down very often.

And yes, when you don’t slow down, you miss things. You miss important things. You are not being deliberate. You’re not even present, how could you be deliberate? So the intent for this week is to slow down. Way, way, way down.

Let’s see how I do.

This week’s lettering is here and I chose the meditating girl for my sketch because meditating is an excellent way to slow down.

Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.