Life Book week thirteen was a bonus lesson Lesley Riley. The original lesson uses TAP but I didn’t have any so I was going to pass on it. But then, again, I reminded myself I am taking this class to stretch. So I decided to use Stickyback Canvas I’ve had for a long time.
I decided to do something super simple. I printed this photo of me with my boys and then did some writing.
It says: you are so very deeply loved and you will never be alone. I will always love you with all my heart.
In March, I took a class on line drawing by Lisa Congdon so I covered the back with some basic line work to practice and then a little bit of paint and my page was finished. Super-simple but I still like it.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

For this week, I picked walk. Park of listening actively is changing my location and not sitting and listening while I am on the computer, etc. When I take a walk with either of my sons, I listen so much better. I am present, I am paying attention only to them and I listen. So my intent this week is to take more walks. To engage with my family as I walk.
The lettering I used here comes from this pin.
The image is from this pin by the awesome Inslee.
Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s inspiration comes from this pin. I am still obsessed with figure sketching and I loved this one.
I drew this girl in pencil then drew again with 0.005 micron and used the watercolors to for all the red/pink. The background is yellow watercolors. I am not such a fan of the feet and the legs were so hard but alas, I am learning.
prompt says: today i know that i want to focus more on
I wrote about healing, finding my path.
Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This is one of my favorites of the faces I painted so far. It’s based off of a Leonardo painting I believe. It’s using gold paint on the hair and shirt. It’s not perfect of course but I like it especially because profiles are so incredibly hard for me.
Today’s quote reads:
Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.
I had a long, wonderful talk with my mom today. It was her birthday and yet she spent it talking to me, worrying about me, and helping me. (I hope that when my kids are grown up I can be nearly as caring and loving a mom as she is.) And we were talking exactly about this topic.
I often have the story that my thoughts, way of life, and choices are too different from everyone around me. I feel off. Odd. Outside. Broken. Like I just can’t do anything right and like my journey is the wrong one to be on and the one that disappoints all the people around me.
My wise and loving mom reminded me that we each have our own journey and the most important person to be at peace with is our very own selves. And that I don’t owe anyone anything. As long as I am happy with my choices, they are mine and I get to live them and no one else gets to tell me that’s not okay.
If only it were so easy to remember. Or to live by. This is tough for me. Somewhere along the line, I must have decided that I don’t want to disappoint anyone. I want to be kind, loving, generous to everyone. I want everyone to get what they want/need. Even when everyone’s interests are conflicting with each other. And with mine.
Which is, clearly, unwise. And unattainable. Impossible.
But alas, I strive for it.
And drive myself insane in the process. At first I get frustrated, then mad, and then deeply, deeply sad. Then, at some point, I don’t even try anymore. I do nothing. But I still continue to feel bad about it. Which is basically just asking for punishment.
It’s not surprising that I end up sad, depressed, and feel like giving up.
I am almost forty and this is a pattern I’d like to stop.
After our talk today, I thought long and hard about my mom’s words. And about how much all this is costing me. My life. My days. My moments with the people I love and adore.
And I am just done with it. Done with caring about what I don’t actually care about. Done trying to worry about the people who don’t matter. I will do what I can and the rest can deal. To make it even more specific, here’s my plan:
I will put photos of the people I care about in my notebook. When something gets me upset, I will look at the photos. Is the person who upset me in there? No? Then I let it go. Who cares about these other people. They are not on my list.
If the person is in there, I will let the hurt go and reach out to them to clear the air. These are people I love and people who I know will respect my journey even if they don’t understand it. These are my people.
And if they don’t, well that’s okay, too.
Because, in the end, it’s my journey. And only I need to understand it.
Like everything else, it comes back to you. Who you are. What you believe. What your values are. Again and again, life is about honoring that. Stepping fully into who you are and being truly at peace with that. Because you are meant to be here exactly the way you are.
And so am I.
And no one gets to take that away from me. Not even I.
(Thank you for being you Mom, you always, always, always have my back. I am so deeply grateful for you. And I love you. Happy Birthday!!)

This face was supposed to be my version of a Boticelli lady. I love Boticelli so much and wanted to give it a try. It’s not perfect in any way but I love it anyway. I love that I tried.
Here’s the quote from today:
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
This is one of those “so obvious and yet we forget so often” quotes. Clearly if you’re not taking a shot, you’re not going to make it. But we’re often so afraid of failing, we don’t even try. And I’m not even talking about the really big stuff. I can see how moving to a new place, starting (or ending) a relationship, changing jobs, etc can be really scary.
But we often don’t even take chances in the small stuff: our hobbies, our wardrobe, our hair.
We don’t take the shot. We don’t want to disappoint, fail, look ridiculous. We don’t have to patience to see it through. We don’t want to work at it. We don’t have the time. We are worried about not meeting expectations. We don’t always even know what we expect.
So we take the easy route: we don’t even try.
But, then we miss out on the joy too.
The joy of accomplishing hard work. The joy of finding a new style that really speaks to us. The joy of becoming a little bit more authentically ourselves.
So maybe we start small and take some of those little shots.
Even if we miss 95% of the time, that’s better than 100%, isn’t it?

This face was made with neocolor watersoluble crayons and gesso for the most part. It’s not one of my favorites but I made a whole range of them this month and this one is there. I like the quote on it which is why I wanted to make sure to post it.
No one can depress you. No one can make you anxious. No one can hurt your feelings. No one can make you anything other than what you allow inside.
This is one that has me thinking often. Even this morning. I had to make a decision at work and one of the engineers didn’t like my decision. It wasn’t an easy one, I thought a lot about it and then had to make a call. A big part of my job is making these calls. They are never easy and I often have to weigh all sides, think things through, and then make a decision between two bad choices. It’s not something I love but it’s something I have to do. Anyhow, I made a decision and he didn’t like it and then he made some snide comment.
And it hurt my feelings.
I was so upset that I had tears in my eyes. (Reason #23463 I am grateful that I work from home.) And then I thought of this quote. He can’t make me upset. He can’t hurt my feelings. He can just make some crappy comments. And I get to choose what they mean. I get to decide their impact on me. I get to choose how I feel.
I get to choose.
I forget this often. I think it’s easy to fall into the victim mentality and act like things are happening to you. What I like about this quote is that it’s a reminder that you are in control.
Let me rephrase: You are never in control of what others do but you are always in control of how you feel about it. Every. single. time.
You get to choose how to feel. What to feel.
And once you claim that choice, you are now in a position of power. You are no longer a victim. You remember that you own your life. Every single part of it, including all of your feelings.
You own everything that you allow inside.

Life Book week twelve was taught by Anna Dabrowska. Anna has a very particular style and it’s really really far from mine. I was reluctant to try this one but I am taking Life Book just for this reason so I wasn’t letting it go. After a bunch of whining I decided to sit and do it.
This page uses a lot of matte medium which I don’t like. It uses a lot of gesso which I don’t use. And it has a lot of dimension, which I usually don’t have anything to do with.

but here we are.
I used a childhood photo of my sister and I and wrote: sisters forever.
I love you Yona, and you’re the best sister in the world and in my heart and mind and thoughts no matter where you are in the world.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This is one of my favorites from all the faces I made in May so far. I can’t really describe what I like about it. Maybe just that it turned out the way I hoped it would.
The quote says:
You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean.
When I first read this quote, I was struck by it. Reading it now, I am still struck by it.
I can’t put my finger on exactly what strikes me about the quote. Maybe the magnanimity of it. How enormous the idea of being the entire ocean sounds to me. As I imagined it more, it made me think about holograms. I remember, years ago, I learned in a human brain class how a hologram works differently than a picture.
If you were to print a photo on glass and then break it, each glass piece would have a part of the photo. If it’s a face, for example, a broken piece might have an eye on it or an ear, etc. But a hologram doesn’t work that way. If you break a hologram printed on glass, each broken piece has the whole hologram on it, just faded. So you’d see the whole face on each piece.
That’s how I thought about this quote. How we’re all the entire ocean. The ocean is made up of all of us. Each of us is a whole piece of it. Like a piece of a hologram. We’re not a part of the whole, we’re each the whole. All of the whole.
Something about that idea makes me feel whole, held, belonging.
It also makes me feel bigger, wider, all encompassing.
I like the idea of all of us carrying the whole inside of us. Not just a piece but the whole thing.
Isn’t that a lovely thought?

For this week, I picked reach out. Park of being active, for me, is learning to reach out to others and creating my own social activities. Reaching out to friends, acquaintances, potential friends, or even colleagues. It’s easier and sometimes more enjoyable for me to sit at home, alone or with my small family. So being active is about making the effort to reach out and not waiting for others to.
The lettering I used here comes from this pin.
The image here is a hand reaching. Alas, hands are hard to draw!
Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s inspiration comes from this pin. I am obsessed with figure sketching lately and I loved this one.
I drew this girl in pencil then drew again with 0.005 micron and finally i drew over both with my Stabilo All and used the watercolors to pull the color all over. The background is blue watercolors.
prompt says: today i know it is ok to change my mind about
I wrote about what I like to do.
Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

today’s face is made on a brown paperbag. I took it from the bagel cafe we go to in the weekends. I then scrunched it up, and then wetted it and scrunched it up once more. Then I flattened it out and let it dry overnight. And then painted on it. It was fun and I like the outcome.
Today’s quote is:
If you want something in your life you’ve never had, you’ll have to do something you’ve never done.
In some ways, this one seems so obvious, doesn’t it? If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get the outcome you’ve always gotten. But even though it sounds relatively obvious when we read it, we still do this all the time. I find that I have lots of areas in my life where I complain about how things go. I find myself frustrated with the end results.
But, I rarely do anything different.
Most of the time, I am just frustrated but I don’t really take action. Even if I don’t know how to fix the outcome, what this quote reminds me is that I need to change something. Anything. The only way to ensure my output is different is to change my input. In any way at all.
So here’s my plan: next time I find myself complaining about the outcome of something, I will see if I can change what I do. Anything that can possibly give me a different outcome. Even if it doesn’t end up being the ideal outcome, I think trying new things will show me what’s possible.
At least, I am willing to try.

today’s quote is:
So plant your own gardens and decorate your soul instead of waiting for someone to being you flowers.
This one had me thinking for a while, too. Maybe this is because of movies or books but I think we always wait for others to do the nice things for us. Part of growing up, for me, has been realizing that I can buy my own flowers. And chocolates. And presents. I don’t need someone to buy them for me.
And even more importantly, someone buying or not buying them for me doesn’t mean anything. I’ve had it both ways and I can’t say that the guy who bought them loved me more than the one who didn’t. Some people are into those little things and do them all the time and others do not. In fact, the guy who always bought me flowers was also considerably less nice to me overall than the one who didn’t.
Who made the rule that we have to be waiting?
Why do others get to decide when we get to have flowers?
Why does anyone else ever get to decide my worth? My soul’s joy?
Part of growing up is owning who you are. Stepping into that fully. Decorating your own soul. Planting your gardens. Buying whatever you desire without waiting for approval. Being not just okay with who you are but beaming in the unique beauty of fully being you.
That’s what I want for myself.
And for all of those around me.
So, I start the process of decorating my soul.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects