For this week, I picked celebrate. What’s the best way to show gratitude? With a celebration of course! Once I am aware of all that I am grateful for, celebrating comes naturally to me. I also want to bring back our weekly celebration parties. I will have to think of a creative way to do that. Let’s see what this week brings..
The lettering I used here comes from a book.
Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s inspiration comes from this pin. I don’t like mine as much. The background is too dark. I used the brush pen and then acrylics. I’ll have to try this one again at some point.
prompt says: today i know that it is ok if
I wrote about not figuring things out and how if i never do, so what?
Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week twenty-one was taught by JenniBellie. As it seems to be the trend lately, my art has nothing to do with what Jenni taught. I loved her lesson but I didn’t want to do it.
So I decided to couple it with my August My Mind’s Eye Assignment. I used the awesome wood paper they have in the Essentials line and I took the girl and journaling idea from Jenni’s lesson.
I painted my girl with acrylics. Painted the edges brown and then the whole background gold. A few lovely MMe embellishments and I was done with what I wanted.

The last touches were adding lines to the background so I could journal all over my page. It’s about remembering that today, this very day, is the most important day.
Something I know but have a hard time remembering.
Yes, still in love with the gold. Look at all that shimmer, how could I not be?
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Hello August.
For this month, I decided to go with Gratitude. I decided it would be too cliche to leave it to November and I could use some gratitude before the summer is over and I am thrown back into the rush and insanity of school. So gratitude it is. For the last days of summer. For all our awesome vacations. For our lovely little life.
The lettering I used here comes from a book.
Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s inspiration comes from this pin. I liked this piece of art and I know mine is not as good as the original but that’s ok. I like how it looks like she’s letting pieces of things go, which goes perfectly with my prompt.
I did her with Stabilo All and watercolors.
prompt says: today i know that it is worth it to forgive
I wrote about forging myself.
Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s page is the final one I did for the Walk. This was the life mapping assignment. All the words are Melody’s. Here’s what I did.
I took my four core desired feelings and my word of the year and then I went through her pages and pages of text and cut each of them that I thought fell into one of my categories. I didn’t overthink the process. I just started it and kept going.
Once I had all my text, I drew 5 circles on my page. I colored them with watercolors. I stamped the words on each circle. And then I just glued down the papers. It was a lot of work but I thought of it like meditation. I enjoyed the process and didn’t worry about the result.
At the end, I outlined the words, the circles and the page.
And I love how it turned out.
Now I have to make sure I read it regularly.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

After a short hiatus on this project, I realized that what was driving me mad was coming up with ideas of what to draw each week. What would line up with the topic. But then I remembered that the intent of this project is to practice lettering and to create intentions around my word each week. Neither of these require a sketch so I decided to forgo it. Onward.
This week is all about smiling. Yet another awesome patience tool. If I smile, it stops me from rushing or from getting irritated. It’s a great tool.
The lettering I used here comes from this pin.
The image here is supposed to be mountains to imply looking beyond something. Looking for other things on the horizon.
Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s art just showed up from my brain. It’s not perfect and I wish I could draw better faces, but alas I am improving little by little. Ever so slowly. This page is done with all watercolors and the Stabilo All pencil.
prompt says: today i know that i might not ever be good at
I wrote about worrying about being good at what i do.
Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Another break from Life Book to show you a page I made for My Mind’s Eye. I really liked all their new cards and wanted to just have fun with the beautiful colors and all the gold. I can’t get enough of gold these days. I want to use it more and more.
This page says: you and me, we are perfect together.

This page is about my husband and how wonderful he is. How he’s always patient with me. And how deeply he loves me and how right he is for me. Of course, we have our tough moments but again and again, he reminds me that I got so very, incredibly lucky when I met this man.
I love you my wonderful husband.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

For this week, I picked wait. Wait is different than pause in that it is a specific act I want to do while I listen. When I think the other person is not done, I want to be able to wait longer, better. When I think they are done, I still want to wait a bit longer and see what more comes. I know that if I wait, more always comes. And often that’s where the gold is. So wait I shall.
The lettering I used here comes from a book.
The image here is supposed to be a chair to sit on while I wait.
Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s inspiration comes from this pin. I drew this with micron pens and then colored it with Pentel Arts Pocket Brush Pen which I’ve been enjoying lately.
prompt says: today i know that sometimes i just need to
I wrote about letting myself be sad when I need to be.
Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week nineteen was taught by Danielle Daniel. I love the girls Danielle makes. They are different than my usual, more delicate style. I was excited to try them. To learn from her.
I loved her lesson but then I froze up. I just didn’t feel like sitting and drawing.
When I finally sat down, this is what came out.
Here’s what I love. I like her face and her peaceful expression. I like the writing. It says: embrace peace, choose calm. I like the halo-ish lines that make her shine too.
Here’s what I don’t love: I don’t like her clothes, they lack character, depth, interest. I don’t like hands. They are hard. But, most of all, I don’t like the blue background. I am a white background gal through and through. I don’t know how I forgot that.
In the end, one more assignment down and I can’t say I didn’t learn. So, all in all, I put this down on the plus column.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects