For this month, I picked Listen Carefully. I wanted to go deeper this month. Notice what I am missing. What am I not paying attention to? What more could I see? Am I misinterpreting anything? I just wanted to pay attention even further.
Here’s the pin where I got the lettering..
Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s inspiration also comes from Sketchbook Skool. Another assignment about drawing fast and slow. I drew with orange paint fast and then went over it with pen. I used watercolors on this page. I am not loving it but here we are.
prompt says: today i know that silence makes me feel…
Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week 31 was an assignment from Mika Diaz. It was about using tracing paper to transfer a drawing into your art journal.
I had a lot of layers and fun with mine and used all my My mind’s Eye products to make a fun background with shiny layers coming from within.

It says: you can choose peace.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

For this week, I picked participate. Before saying goodbye to September, I wanted to try one more intention around being social. I wanted to take it up one notch from showing up so I chose participate. Not just get there but be there, join in, be a part of whatever’s going on. Even if it feels like I am not welcome, I almost always am. I just have to be willing to try.
Here’s the pin where I got the lettering..
Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s inspiration comes from Sketchbook Skool. I was taking one of their classes and the assignment was to draw a self portrait. Apparently it doesn’t look like me but alas, i tried. I used pencil and pastels on this page. I am not sure if I like it….
prompt says: today i know that i feel best when I am
Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week 30 was an assignment from Carissa Paige. It was about doing transfers and since I don’t like those I decided to do rubons instead. I just had fun with this one.

I put some patterned paper down, colored over it and then colored over the whole thing once more. Some lovely rubons and i was done. The journaling says: Life is ephemeral. Capture it. Savor it. Soak it in. Live it.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

For this week, I picked show up. As with most things, the first step is the hardest. For being social, that’s often showing up. Once I get there, I find a way to navigate through it but leaving the comfort of my home is generally undesired for me. So this week’s goal is to show up again and again.
Here’s the pin where I got the lettering..
Without realizing it, I picked the same lettering two weeks in a row 🙂
Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s inspiration comes from this pin. I used pastels, stickles and pen on this page. I appear to be addicted to stickles lately.

prompt says: today i know that i am stuck in the rut of….
Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week 26 was a bonus from Kate Thompson and week 29 was a bonus from Marieke Blokland and I decided to combine both. I used fun, florescent colors for my background. These were the high flows and they didn’t behave the way I expected but I just went with it.
Then I grew the girl per Kate’s lesson. Though hers was much better, of course.
And finally I wrote “Keep Trying” because I was frustrated with my lack of enough talent to create something I visualize the way I visualize it.
And then I journaled all over.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

For this week, I picked praise. One of the things I want to focus on this year (which might be obvious with the word listen) is to focus on the other person and not on me during a social interaction. I feel like praising is directly aligned with that. Finding something wonderful about each person I interact with and seeing the very best of them. I love that.
Here’s the pin where I got the lettering..
Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

This week’s inspiration comes from this pin. I used pastels, stickles and pen on this page. I like how sparkly it is.

prompt says: today i know that i need to make some changes
Today I Know is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Life Book week 28 was back to an assignment from Tam. It was about drawing an eye. This one is almost a copy of the art she made for the week. And i do love it so.
It’s all made with acrylics, pens, watersoluble crayons and some sprays.
I do wish I’d written one big message on the page. Eh, we live we learn.
Remember This is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects