Staying Open – February 05

Staying Open – 36


I am wondering lately how much more time I would have if I didn’t have Instagram installed.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – February 04


Staying Open – 35


Even though I was out of breath several times hiking uphill and failed to send the second route and it was incredibly hot and sunny, I am always glad when we go into the wild together. The fresh air is always the best.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – February 03

Staying Open – 34


I love being at home and always forget how good vacation can be for the soul.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – February 02

Staying Open – 33


Listening to “Man’s Search for Meaning” again. So horrifying and so hope filling at the same time. It’s amazing what we can endure and amazing how resilient we are.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – February 01

Staying Open – 32


I keep having to remind myself to slow down. I keep having to write things down to stop my brain from going a mile a minute. I keep having to remind myself that it’s ok to slow down, to do less, to rest, to just be.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – January 31

Staying Open – 31


And just like that we’re done with January.

Feeling grateful for the days that are getting longer, the weather getting sunnier and grateful that we are all here still showing up and doing life the best way we can.

Here’s to staying open and welcoming whatever comes next.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – January 30

Staying Open – 30


After the comments I made recently about preferring books to people, I was deeply grateful to spend an evening with two friends in deep conversation for 4 hours. It’s so magical to be around people who see you and whom you feel safe with. What a gift.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – January 29


Staying Open – 29


There’s something special about solitude for me. I know that some people don’t like being alone, but I not only enjoy it but sometimes crave it. That’s how this weekend was. Grateful for the time I get to spend doing what I love: reading, learning, and art.

Also grateful for my people who are always around for hugs and also happy to do their own thing.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – January 28

Staying Open – 28


I don’t think there’s a more representative phrase for my life. Often times, as I meet new people and spend time with them I find that they do not measure up to a good book.

I spent hours this morning lost in a novel that will be released in a few months. I swallowed it whole and bawled and bawled. It was absolutely magnificent.

What a gift.

#open #olw #stayingopen

The sticker by the most amazing @brandi_kincaid

Staying Open – January 27

Staying Open – 27


January is almost over. Even though I’d usually wish this long month away, this year I’m not wishing any of the days away. In August, my oldest will be leaving for college and I want to make sure we live all the days between now and then slowly, fully and together.

Here’s to living the width and the breadth of our lives.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – January 26

Staying Open – 26


I’ve been paying attention to the moments where I feel like I am closing up to understand what lies underneath it. It’s a strong signal towards an area where I still have an opportunity for growth.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – January 25

Staying Open – 25


Open to taking it one step at a time. Open to seeing the good and taking a moment to be grateful for it. Open to being here now with what is.


#open #olw #stayingopen