Years ago, I took this class at work that was about how I used my energy and how I optimized around things that give me energy versus take away energy etc.
One of the things the teacher highlighted was that there were ways to stack up things that we wanted to do. For example, I might want time to connect with my kid and I also might want to get healthier so one way to do both is to go take a walk with my kid.
Last night I got to take a bath and relax and also at the same time talk to my mom and my nephew which checked off my connection bucket. This morning I got to listen to classical music and journal at the same time. It’s been interesting to see how I can combine some of these wellness activities that I care about.
now that I’ve experienced a few of these I think I’m going to look at them and see if there are more possible opportunities for stacking.
Things are still mostly going well and I’m trying to get a good balance between giving myself grace and encouraging myself to do more of the items on my list because they are all meaningful to me.
Some awesome positive steps today! First of all, still doing the meditation first thing in bed and that’s working so far.
Second, this morning I attempted to exercise in the AM and managed to finish the 4 classes and shower and journaling all before my 9am meeting. Which made me feel like a rock star so I plan to keep trying that for as long as I can pull it off. Getting the hard part done makes the day feel so much better every time.
Grateful to be journaling again too. It never ever fails to be immediately useful. And grounding. The opera continues to fill me up.
So today was a positive day, this project still feels ambitious and we’ll see how sustainable it is but I am feeling grateful so far. Learning a lot about what works and what’s hard.
Also learning that stacking a bunch of 10-min tasks feels exponentially easier for me than commiting to a 45-minute task. Likely psychological but still.
I helped kickstart the meditation today by doing it first thing when I woke up. which then helped me get on a good cycle and I was able to do journaling and listening to some wonderful opera. Continuing on that good cycle I managed to do art, All before work started.
So soul work went well today. So did nutrition and exercise. I did wonder if there’s a way I can slowly move more of my exercise to the morning too but for now I’m really enjoying getting to lie in bed early in the morning instead of feeling the urgency to get up and exercise. A slow start is good for my soul.
So far so good with this project, it’s managing to encourage me to do more of what I want without making me feel pressured.
And here we go! Day one of the 100 day project. I really wasn’t sure what I was going to do this year but then this idea of radical wellness came and wouldn’t let go.
So I did some journaling I did some testing and here we are.
My plan is here is to focus on five areas to help me walk towards practicing radical wellness: movement, nutrition, mind, body and soul.
I have a list of items in each area that I track daily in a spreadsheet but really the goal is to move at least 45 mins a day, eat more veggies+protein+fiber and drink more water, take care of my skin and teeth and spend time reflecting, learning, connecting and being creative.
The goal is not to do everything every day, it’s to do more of these things each week. So the tracking is to help me get a variety and have discipline but it’s not there to make me feel shame or blame.
We’ll see how it feels a few weeks in and I know it might be too complicated but I am super excited about it and that’s all that matters to me!
Ok so here we are, a week of testing done. I haven’t really thought through all of my reflections yet. But here are some thoughts.
Movement: the amount of movement I’ve chosen appears to be too much. I will have to play around with it. But the way it encourages me to stretch daily and do a variety of exercises throughout the week is excellent.
Nutrition: fantastic encouragement to get more fiber, protein and veggies in. Not doing well with water but love the encouragement.
Body: the cold showers might be a nonstarter, but otherwise I’ve done more for my body this week than all of last year!
Soul: will have to solve the meditation and journaling situation but I am loving the encouragement to connect more, to do art and to learn. So far so good.
I am looking forward to seeing what 100 days of this will do for my life. There’s a lot here so I plan to give myself plenty of grace along the way, too.
Today when I was done with work, all I wanted to was rest but I realized that the movement goals I’d set for myself require 45 mins of time daily. This is before walking or climbing. That means if I do less one day (like yesterday when I only did the bike for 20 minutes and that was it) I have a lot more to do the next day. And that I have no built-in complete rest days. I’m not sure if this will be sustainable but I’m going to keep trying for a while and be willing to be open to changing it as needed.
The nutrition goals I have seem to be going okay the exception of maybe water which I’m definitely not drinking enough of. I did find a good dinner option at least for now that allows me to increase my intake of vegetables.
Today there was no art or no journaling and still there’s been no meditation so some things are still suffering and I have to figure out why and whether I can put structures in place to make it more accessible for myself.
Overall I feel like this project is definitely on the aggressive side but not in an overwhelming way especially if I use it more like a guide than a rule book which is my plan pay more attention to wellness focus on the things you want to do try to do more of them and see what happens.
I’m definitely doing more exercise this week than I did last week and I definitely did more drawing and I definitely had more vegetables just those three things alone make this whole project worthwhile.
Found a potential dinner option! My meetings started at 7am today and went till 7pm due to grocery pickup which really messed the routine of the day. I still managed to draw but no journaling this whole week…need to find a way to make that more accessible.
No meditation either. Making progress on all the others and got back on the bike! So, overall a good day.
It helps to encourage myself to get a variety of exercise classes so this way I do a lot of different ones over the week. Having goals also helps me plan what to do each day.
So far I’ve been able to do art everyday and I’m really happy to have restarted that. it helps to have my top expect the night before.
I have yet to make time for journaling for some reason I can’t seem to do it. Similarly I haven’t meditated once in the last week.
The cold showers are definitely not starting yet It’s too cold to even think about them.
I appear to be sleeping at least 7 hours every night.
I need to come up with a plan for dinner and waste out a little bit more protein to my diet. And some variety for lunch is also really helpful.
Tracking things is really helpful.
So far I feel good about this project. And that’s where we are on day three.
When I heard that the 100-day project was going to start in January 31 instead of April, I panicked. I had no idea what I wanted to do and I was already doing the daily yes on @karenika so I didn’t want to do something else at the same time.
But then the idea of radical wellness came to me and it wouldn’t let go. What if I focused on 100 days of radical wellness. What would that look like?
For me, a crucial step in the success of any project I attempt is the time I put into preparation.
So I spent the last few weeks thinking about what radical wellness means to me and what would I like the parts of my journey to look like.
And today, I finally put it all into a spreadsheet. I am not sure if this will work, I might be biting off way more that I can chew but it’s worth a shot.