I’m continuing to ride the bike in the morning but my sciatica appears to be flaring up and I find myself sore pretty much constantly so it might be time to take a step back and evaluate.
Still not able.to get into the routine of journaling. Maybe it should be my April project. Even if for 10 minutes a day.
Before the pandemic came, Jake would take me climbing and I would do 2-3 routes and I was ready to go home. 45 minutes was plenty for me.
This past Saturday, we had an appointment from 6-8pm in San Francisco. We got there 5:58pm so we were the first people in.
We left 8:02pm. We were the last people out.
I took this shot on our way out. This is what they do to the ropes at the end of the night to put things away. And it was a symbolic moment for me as I realized that I could have easily gone another hour. I was having a lot of fun and I felt like I still had some strength left in me.
It’s not often I can see progress. Even as I’ve been climbing harder routes, I didn’t realize that my stamina was also improving until that moment.
Earlier this week j had a similar experience while doing my 10-minute core class. There was a move i couldn’t do at all and then suddenly I could do it. I have no idea what changed but I am so grateful.
Side note: I know my climbing posts might be getting tiring but….my kids are now older and prefer not to be photographed, I work 70% of my awake time, the rest of the time I’m either reading or climbing. It’s pretty much the only place I go if I am leaving the house. Once I get my shots I am excited to post photos that aren’t climbing or flowers. But that still appears to be at least two months away.
Yes to getting stronger and yes to increasing the my stamina. Yes to leaving it all on the gym floor. And yes to paying attention.
Weekly Intention: My intention this week is to go slow and to make progress. I would like to be intentional and see if i can move things forward.
This month’s intention is:April: The Quiet Yes: Be still. Listen to the whispers of your soul. See what your heart is telling you. Listen to the conversations in your head. Hear yourself. Grateful to be saying goodbye to April. I think this is a call for journaling if i ever heard one. Here’s to a month of journaling in April!
One way I will leap this week: book vacation, journal, find some way back to art. all of these would be leaps.
One boundary I will set this week: hmmm maybe i need to do some journaling in the middle of the day instead?
One area where I will go deeper this week: doing the coaching assessment.
What do I need to sit with this week? some ideas on how to incorporate art back into my life
I am looking forward to: a 3-day weekend if I am lucky.
Focus onCore Desired Feelings (lighter, kinder, enough, magic, wild): still trying to pull together that magical holiday
This week’s challenges: another short week this week. i am hoping it will feel less overwhelming than last week.
Top Goals:
Work: write up the 3 for L and 3 for D. finish coaching assessment. prep for reviews.
Personal: get back to drawing and journaling.
Family: take walks with J. do one thing with N and do one thing with D. book vacation for April.
This week, I want to remember: Things turn out more okay than not.
I read this knowing it was going to be a sweet, fun and quick story and it was exactly that. What i needed and when I needed it. I am looking forward to reading the others in the series, too. Love the strong women and the kind men and loved having a character that was hard of hearing.
Even though this story was short, I took forever to read it. Pieces of it were beautiful and pieces of it felt melodramatic. I still appreciated reading the immigration story and the slightly different take with the siblings growing up in different countries as a result.
I knew the beginning was going to actually be slow as opposed to what the blurb says so I patiently made my way through it and then I was hooked and wanted to know what was going to happen. When it was time to sleep, I read in the dark on my phone so as to not wake my husband. I kept reading and reading because I wanted to know what happened next. It felt compulsive.
And then the book turned for me. Suddenly I could guess all the twists, one after the other.
At that point, I am not sure it mattered because I basically finished the whole thing in a blur. I really enjoyed the ride this book gave me and I could see the whole thing becoming a movie.
with gratitude to Celadon Books and netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
I think I’m going to have to reread this story. I loved the writing and I loved the small bits of insights the author shared along the way. This is a very short book and there’s a lot packed in there. I loved the way it was quiet on the surface, and much less so underneath. I will have to sit with this one for a while.