Last weekend my kids’ school had a TEDx which was awesome. Even though I wanted to go, I didn’t want to go because I always prefer to be home on Sundays. But I am glad I went! Thanks to my awesome husband.
First speaker was Jason Kilar of Hulu whose talk was awesome.
Then it was Irene Au who talked about HCI and it was also awesome!
Then we had two medical ones with Sean Hennessey
and Roni Zeiger.
After lunch we had Puragra (Raja) Guha Thakurta whom I was most excited about since I’m all about physics these days.
And finally it was Lori Marino.
A great way to spend a Sunday as a family!
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
This week was another STEM fair. This one was for the kids’ school. I was one of the volunteers so I was there for a little over six hours. David took the same poster he’d used for the previous Science Fair and had a display in this one, too.
We has many many exhibitors and student exhibits. This is before anyone showed up.
Jake helped out by manning the snack table for a while, too. Our kids found their friends and ran around all on their own.
Love these two.
Thankfully it was the one day it didn’t rain this week.
And here’s us. Nathaniel was running around so much that he wouldn’t even stop for a photo.
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
I realized that I hadn’t shared my 2018 Vision Board yet so I wanted to do that. I love doing these so so much. I also like seeing which ones I use year after year and which ones are new.
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
This was the first year David got to enter the San Mateo STEM Fair. His topic was about electrochemistry. Building batteries with higher voltage and which metals are better for that. The fair was big and had a lot of topics all the way from 5th grade to high school. It was a long and arduous day where he had to do 2 hours of interviews with judges and then speak to the public for another an hour. He was on his feet in a suit all day Sunday.
The little boy had some fun while the big boy was doing work.
The event was all day Sunday. We worked and waited and worked. But in the end it was all worth it because David had a wonderful experience and he also came in third in his category/class so it was a bonus.
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
I was lucky enough to go to Sydney again for work in February. This time, I spent a weekend there due to some scheduling changes. While I am always sad to spend a weekend away from home, I tried to make the most of this one by reading a lot, walking around a lot, and enjoying the beautiful summer in Australia.
I find that water heals me and there’s almost nothing i love as much as being by the water so Sydney is such a gift to me. I have one more trip coming up in May but otherwise I am not sure when I will be there again so that makes me extra grateful for this trip.
Here are some of my photos from the week in the city.
Love this beautiful city.
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
We try to go skiing at least once a year. Ideally, we’d go two, three times so the kids can get enough time on the slopes and actually get comfortable with the sport. However, it doesn’t seem to work out for more than once a year. And this year, this weekend was our trip. Because of my new job, we weren’t clear if we would go until pretty close to the last minute so we did what we usually do which is to stay in Reno where there are always plenty of hotel rooms. And then we drive over the Diamond Peak in the morning and the kids go to school while Jake and I drive.
This year, it was exceptionally cold and David didn’t want to take lessons for two days so both kids did one morning of lessons, Nathaniel also did the afternoon and the next morning but David stayed with us the rest of the time. After the first day, it was so incredibly cold that I decided I was not going to ski the next day. So I bailed while the boys kept skiing.
Little boy waiting for the teacher.
On the way back to the hotel after our first day. David fell asleep within 5 minutes of this photo. Jake had to focus really hard since the roads were very icy.
Skiing is always an adventure and I will admit that while I like the skiing itself, I really dislike the cold and the inordinate amount of work (and money!) this sport entails. But alas, it’s a really fun sport.
And an adventure.
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
And now I officially have a teenager. Where does the time go?!
I arrived from Sydney on the morning of David’s thirteenth birthday. I’d missed his birthday last year due to another trip to Sydney so I wasn’t going to do that again. I booked my tickets so I’d make sure to be back and I landed around 7am so I told Jake to not even put David on the bus. We spent the day at home the three of us. David and Jake played a few games while I took a nap and then we opened presents and then we walked to Palo Alto and had some pizza and root beer. We walked and chatted and spent time with David.
Then it was time to get Nathaniel and David played some more games with his friends online. It was a quiet day but focused on him. And for the first time in almost ten years, he also opted to have a small birthday party this year. We invited four of his friends and they all went rock climbing together and then back to our house for some poker and pizza and cake.
It was really nice to see how nice and kind his friends are and a wonderful day for our wonderful boy! I am so grateful for David and can’t believe we are already all the way to thirteen. I hope time slows down a bit and we can soak in the joy of the days we have together.
Happy Birthday my wonderful son, you are the very best thing that ever happened to me and I am so so honored to get to be your mom.
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
The morning of the day I was scheduled to leave for Sydney was the magical line up of several rare occurrences. We got to have a blue moon (second full moon in a month), a red moon (full lunar eclipse) and a super moon (moon closest to earth) all at once.
The only downside was that this was scheduled to happen at 4:30am. Nathaniel was determined to see it and so we set our alarm clocks and went out to watch it happen at the crack of dawn. (or before really.)
And it was magical.
The red color was really amazing. So I had to look up why it’s red. Here’s what internet says:
The Moon does not have any light of its own—it shines because its surface reflects sunlight. During a total lunar eclipse, the Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon and cuts off the Moon’s light supply. When this happens, the surface of the Moon takes on a reddish glow instead of going completely dark. The reason why the Moon takes on a reddish color during totality is a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. It is the same mechanism responsible for causing colorful sunrises and sunsets and the sky to look blue.
David slept in until about 5:30 but still got to see it. When we were watching, it was red but not really super big. After the kids went in to have breakfast, I drove to get some coffee and when I was on my way back, I saw it huge and red and it was even more magical.
I love sharing these moments with my little ones. What a wonder this world is!
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
As I type this, I have four more days left in this journey. As you read this, I will be a week past the Whole 30. I am writing it in advance because I will be in Australia and not sure of my schedule then.
I spent the last month eating no sugar, no legumes, no dairy, no grains, and a few other nos. I also quit caffeine just to see what the impact would be. This was not about losing weight. It was about resetting after the holidays and getting back into a better cycle. It was also about seeing if I feel better without these foods in my system. And to see if I would have any of the non-scale victories.
Here’s the thing: Net-net, I don’t think I had huge tangible benefits from cutting out these foods. I was more regular and I fell asleep easily both of which were true when I was doing the Body Love book a while back. I haven’t been able to stay asleep this whole month. Hard to tell what that’s due to. My skin was better until I got my period so I am guessing that’s more hormonal. I haven’t gotten a surge of energy but I also started exercising every single day and that might be making me more tired. Not to mention the fact that I quit caffeine. So who knows what’s impacting my energy and my sleep. I have no idea on the weight changes because I didn’t weigh myself at the start and there’s no weighing during the elimination. But nothing was amazingly looser. (Though I wear stretchy clothes so who knows :))
Now, there are a few things I am glad about. Because I tried harder to drink more water, I experimented and really found one i liked finally. I don’t like anything fizzy (except Diet Coke) so I’ve been delighted to find I love the Hint Waters. I’ve now has Watermelon, Pineapple, Peach, Blackberry, Mango/Grapefruit and Blood Orange. My favorite is Pineapple but I also like Watermelon and Blackberry. I like them all actually. They are hard to find but I am lucky to have them at work.
Another win has been thinking about Worth-it and not-worth-it mentality. I like that and plan to experiment with it.
The weeks after Whole30 are supposed to be reintroduction period but I am getting on an airplane on January 31 so I am not going to do that this time. If it turns out I still want to do that, I am okay doing another Whole30 at that point. Considering I saw no positives, I don’t expect to be really impacted by a particular food group in an obvious way. But if I feel much worse in Sydney, I don’t mind trying it.
I plan to continue to eat my meals Fat-Fiber-Protein. I plan to eat as many veggies as possible and the veggies first. I also plan to go back to drinking lattes though I might stay caffeine free, that’s still in the air. What I miss most is the ritual of the coffee still. I don’t have many sugar cravings at the moment and I will keep an eye on them because I don’t want to get them back.
I’m glad I did it, it was a good way to show myself how strong I can be but in the end I am also glad it’s over.
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
In our kids’ school, the mid-term and end-of-year conferences are student led. For the lower school the teachers are there and we also get a 20-min session alone with them and for the middle school, it’s our son and his advisors.
Today was conference day for both of the kids. It was Nathaniel’s first one since he started there this year. And he was very excited to play his part. He got to sit in the teacher’s chair and he told us how he’s been doing. It was wonderful to watch him deliver his results. It’s also wonderful to see the faith he has in his abilities. He’s such a wonderful little kid. And a total rockstar in math.
David’s conference was just as delightful. He has always been so self-aware and has a fantastic sense of who he wants to be. We are so proud of him as he excels in all of his classes and has been giving 110% this year in so many ways. It’s always a delight to listen to his reflections on how he’s been doing.
We were both so grateful to be there and hear such positive feedback about our kids. We know this might not always be the case and we also know that it’s not something to take for granted.
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
We didn’t go anywhere during the two-week Holiday break. We were home the whole time and everyone did a decent amount of work and a decent amount of relaxing. But there wasn’t much adventuring.
So when a three day weekend came up right after we got back, we decided it was time for adventure. The night before we left, we made a reservation at a lovely hotel in San Diego and pulled the kids from school a bit early (like 30 mins) to beat traffic.
We still didn’t get there until midnight on Friday but we had two full days before it was time to drive back.
We went to my favorite park: Torrey Pines State Reserve. And we went to our old neighborhood and to the beautiful La Jolla Shores beach and we smiled the whole time of course thinking of all of our memories from when we lived there.
I exercised every morning.
Here’s the view from our hotel room: not too shabby.
We even walked into an amazon store!!
All in all, it was a wonderful two days. So glad to start 2018 with some adventure.
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
I’ve been following Melissa Hartwig on Instagram for a while and I’ve recently read the Food Freedom Forever book, so the idea of doing a Whole30 has been nagging at me for a while. I’ve looked into the Whole30 before and decided it wasn’t my cup of tea for a multitude of reasons but this time I felt like I could do it.
So since January 1, I’ve been doing the Whole30. I’ve also quit caffeine just to make it more fun.
I am traveling to Sydney on January 31 so I figured that gives me exactly 30 days. The way the program works, you’re supposed to slowly introduce foods back after the 30th and see the impact they have on you, so we’ll see how much of that will be possible considering flights and international locations etc. but I am trying not to worry about that too much at the moment.
For now the plan is to keep going the 30 days and see how I feel. On the first two days, I had very strong headaches (likely due to no caffeine) but since then it’s been okay. I don’t find it to be super hard. Unfortunately the cafeteria at work cooks the morning eggs with rice bran oil so I can’t have it, which is a bummer. Other than that, I haven’t had a lot of hiccups. I’ll be on vacation for a weekend so we’ll see how it goes but I have faith that I can keep this going at this point (hopefully I won’t be wrong.)
I miss the coffee the most I think. Mostly for the ritual of it. And chocolate though I’ll say I haven’t craved it. When the kids toast bread, the smell triggers a bit but I don’t miss toast at all. If I cooked it would be a lot easier to have variety but I don’t so I end up making a batch of veggies, chicken and steak and then eat some variety of avocado, veggies, egg/meat for each meal. That makes for a lot of avocados in a day so I do need to curb that a bit.
So far, I don’t have huge benefits. My skin is a bit better, but that’s about it. I’ll report back at the end of the month. If you’ve done a Whole30 and have advice, I’d always love it.
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects