Considering I had a lot of travel this week, I would have liked to read more but I read a few long books and I loved at least two so I am happy with the way this week turned out.
I started with All Your Perfects because Stephanie likes it so much and it was good but I think I’ve read too many like this lately so it was just okay for me.
I then moved to A River of Stars which I’d checked out of the library a bazillion times but I finally read it and it was pretty good.
The Optimist’s Guide to Letting Go was also so so. I need to take a break from the lighter books I think.
I moved to Family Trust which I heard was good. It was okay. Imho, it was too long and would have been just as good a book at half the length.
I was looking forward to A Ladder to the Sky all year. Boyne wrote one of my favorite novels so I couldn’t wait to read this one. Even though the main character is such an awful person I still loved reading this book. I love the storytelling. Boyne is amazing at capturing the essence of humans. He has wonderful characters and is an amazing storyteller.
I then read Someone Like Me because I’ve loved all of M.R. Carey’s previous novels but this one might have been my very favorite. So magical, so different, I loved it.
Here’s to another good week.
Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
Weekly Intention: I can’t believe we’re down to 5 weeks left of this year. I am both ready and not at all ready for 2019. I am so ready for some downtime which I hope will come this week. I have a lot of work Monday and Tuesday but I go to the kids’ school on Wednesday and we all have the rest of the week off. My intention this week is to make sure I get a good amount of work done the two days so I can take some real downtime over the other 5 days. I need it and want it. When I go back the following week, I will be getting ready for my summit so I know it will be intense. My intention this week is to be present at work and to be present at home.
This month’s intention is: Stronger Together: Time to enjoy the company of others. Go out and socialize. Appreciate the community you have. Spend time with your family. Bask in the joy of friendships+community+family. What’s one thing you can do to appreciate your people? I am looking forward to Wednesday when I get to spend a lovely time at the kids’ school.
One way I will stretch this week: i will try to write down some of what i intended to.
One boundary I will set this week: not working the 5 days i am off work.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: my boys and me.
One new thing I will learn this week: maybe i can help david with is ml
One area where I will go deeper this week: planning for next year. what i want to spend my time on.
What do I need to sit with this week? reflecting on this year a bit and planning for 2019.
I am looking forward to: some down time.
This week’s challenges: just getting a lot done in the two days I have at work.
Top Goals:
- Work: start finalizing the december summit, thinking about what’s next, documenting my thoughts if i can find the time.
- Personal: i want to well with my alone/journaling time and make 2019 plans. exercise even when I am home.
- Family: just lots of hugging and helping david if he’ll let me. and math with N.
I will focus on my values:
- Love: a lot lot lot of love to my folk.
- Learn: learn what will make me come alive next year.
- Peace: peace during downtime.
- Service: to the boys at school.
- Gratitude: for downtime :).
This week, I want to remember: that things always come together and I will be okay.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
How I got Stronger this week: I am very proud of myself this week. I was in Zurich all week and I’ve been to this particular hotel 5+ times before and even though they are famous for having a roof pool, I had never been because I am uncomfortable wearing a bathing suit. But this time I was determined to go. And I did. In fact, I went three mornings out of four that I was there. This is major progress for me. I also did pilates all three times. I feel good about my progress this week.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: i worked a lot on the december summit, thought a tiny bit about what’s next, did not document my thoughts. but absolutely did connect with the folk in Zurich.
- Personal: i did pilates when i was there but i didn’t journal or make 2019 plans at all.
- Family: i managed to chat with my loves daily.
I celebrate: being brave this week.
I am grateful for: tuesday morning, i got to see the sun rise from the thermal bath on the roof, it was magnificent.
Karen’s Points: i did pilates 3 times this week and that ended up being all my exercise.
A Change I embraced: being in zurich all week was quite the change.
I let go of: several hang ups this week, i am grateful because it felt like so much progress.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: i learned a lot about what everyone’s doing in Zurich this week.
- Magical: my christmas tree and the sun rise were my top magical moments this week.
- Lighter: i feel lighter now that i’ve been to zurich and back.
- True: i could really use some down time. I am looking forward to the holidays.
Where I chose Joy: early mornings in the pool, and time with workmates.
I showed up for: the Zurich team this week.
A Mistake I made this week: hmm i am sure i made several but nothing is coming to mind at the moment.
What I tolerated this week: a lot of jetlag.
My mood this week was: grateful.
I forgive myself for: not getting enough done.
What I love right now: christmas lights and our tree.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.Weekly Reflection 2018 – 44
i will say that for reasons I don’t know my excitement for this project has been weaning. but i still love looking at the pages.
i love these photos of our lives.
nothing but the ordinary days of our lives.
Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
A reasonably good reading week. I am grateful for some good books this week.
I had never heard of The Disappearances which I just picked up thanks to the library and I really enjoyed this novel.
I then moved to Dear Evan Hansen which I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read or not. I never saw the play and haven’t really listened to the music but I really liked the book. Glad I read it.
Heavy was my next pick. It was really really good. And really sad. I am really glad I read it.
I moved to One Day in December which i picked up and put down a whole bunch of times. It was okay but I think I wasn’t in the mood for that type of book at that time so I wasn’t as excited about it.
I moved on to A Very Large Expanse of Sea not thinking I was going to like it but I ended up swallowing it up in 24 hours. I enjoyed it a lot.
I then read Radically Happy which was practical, thought-provoking and a really good read. One of those books I have to read and reread.
And I ended up the week with Brief Answers to the Big Questions which I will have to listen to 5-6 times before I understand any of it 🙂 I am still glad I read it. I am so glad amazing scientists like Hawking were willing to take the time to share their knowledge in ways laymen can parse.
Here’s to a good week.
Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
Weekly Intention: I am going to Zurich this week. It’s been a few years since I’ve been there and many of the people I used to work with aren’t even there anymore. But I am looking forward to the trip, i am looking forward to speaking with the folk there, to getting a bit of quiet time on the plane. My intention is to be really present, to listen well and as always make sure the trip was totally worth it. That’s always my goal when I have to/choose to travel for work.
This month’s intention is: Stronger Together: Time to enjoy the company of others. Go out and socialize. Appreciate the community you have. Spend time with your family. Bask in the joy of friendships+community+family. What’s one thing you can do to appreciate your people? Well I guess I’ll be socializing a lot in Zurich.
One way I will stretch this week: i am going to try to really listen a lot.
One boundary I will set this week: making sure i take alone time and don’t just work the whole time.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: the folk in zurich. I want them to feel heard.
One new thing I will learn this week: how things are going
One area where I will go deeper this week: i like what i wrote last time but didn’t do: i will think about some of the shifts i want to make in my life for 2019. my thinking, my routines, my appearance :).
What do I need to sit with this week? i want to spend time with where i want my life to go, what i like, what i like less, what makes me happy etc.
I am looking forward to: my trip and also coming back home 🙂
This week’s challenges: just the travel and jetlag and being with people i don’t know well i guess, too.
Top Goals:
- Work: i still want to do: december summit, thinking about what’s next, documenting my thoughts. but also connecting with the folk in Zurich, too.
- Personal: i plan to do pilates when i am there. i want to well with my alone/journaling time and make 2019 plans.
- Family: i want to see if i can chat with my loves daily.
I will focus on my values:
- Love: maybe this week is a good week for self-love and appreciation.
- Learn: learn what i can do to help my sister.
- Peace: peace with where i am.
- Service: to folks in zurich.
- Gratitude: for getting to travel to lovely destinations.
This week, I want to remember: how magical my life is.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
How I got Stronger this week: Another not bad week. I did reasonably okay with all of my goals this week. Not perfect, never perfect but I spent quality time working on things. I also picked my word for next year and I am really happy with it. That was a lot of work but now I am more clear in what I want from 2019 and the perspective I want to take which will also hopefully help inform some of the projects I want to sign up for in my life.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: worked on the december summit, haven’t been thinking about what’s next, and not really documenting my thoughts.
- Personal: exercised a bunch and still need to make more 2019 plans that’s all we’re going to put down this week!
- Family: I spent a lot of time with my people, saying good things to all of them. I will miss them so.
I celebrate: taking some time for myself. i took friday off and went shopping and relaxing.
I am grateful for: a day off. some fun new items. my loving husband. my loving mom. my wonderful sister. my kids.
Karen’s Points: i did two body pumps and two yogas this week. i did a plain yoga and then a flow class. i drove to a far away campus to do it and i am proud i did.
A Change I embraced: hmmm not much think week i think.
I let go of: getting anything done on my day off. i just gave myself the day off.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: i learned a tiny bit more science this week.
- Magical: i took out my xmas tree this week. i am getting excited!
- Lighter: picking my word has been a major relief. i feel lighter.
- True: i don’t like to travel away from my family but i do like quiet time on the plane and being able to focus on work 100% so those are the upsides.
Where I chose Joy: i’ve continued to drive home earlier and take meetings from home. i bought some make up for myself.
I showed up for: myself this week! 🙂
A Mistake I made this week: i spoke thoughtlessly and apologized profusely.
What I tolerated this week: pain of hurting someone i love.
My mood this week was: sad, relieved, tired, content, grateful.
I forgive myself for: messing up.
What I love right now: that the holiday season is coming up. that the mornings are lighter now.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.Weekly Reflection 2018 – 44
This was not the best reading week. I am in a place where all books look mediocre to me so that’s not helping. Even though I have 60+ books checked out from the library, none of them are calling to me lately.
I started the week with Vengeful which was a sequel and I hadn’t even read the first one but V.E. Schwab is a great writer and I knew it would be well-written. And it was. It was very violent and I am not at a place where that sits well with me at the moment.
I then moved to Every Breath. I hadn’t read a Sparks book since The Notebook but I figured I would try. It was a mistake. I didn’t like it at all. So formulaic and so predictable. Ugh.
The Proposal was by same author as The Wedding Date which was fun so I figured this would be too and it was. Though not as much as the previous one.
I moved to Go Ask Ali because it looked like it was funny. And it was. But also made me cringe how she talked about some of the details of her daughter’s life in ways that would have made me cringe as a daughter.
I grabbed The Other Woman because it was the new Hello Sunshine pick and her last two picks where my favorite reads from 2017 and 2018. But alas, this was a miss. It drove me mad how the main character loved this man even though he treated her so poorly, I have absolutely no tolerance for it anymore. And the twist in the end made me roll my eyes. It all just made me mad.
Meh not the best reading week. Let’s hope this one is better!
Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
Weekly Intention: This week looks reasonably ordinary so I want to take advantage of that and do some exercise especially because I’m traveling the following week. While in Zurich, I hope to do both cardio and some pilates/yoga/weights so I think getting into the groove this week will help. I want to keep the week as low key as possible. i will hug my kids, i will rest when i am not working, i will read and sleep. maybe i can journal if i feel i am at a place to do it. but i am keeping the bar low this week.
This month’s intention is: Stronger Together: Time to enjoy the company of others. Go out and socialize. Appreciate the community you have. Spend time with your family. Bask in the joy of friendships+community+family. What’s one thing you can do to appreciate your people? Hmm this is interesting, especially both for how i am feeling lately (don’t want to socialize at all) and what i want to do next year for my word (will involve a lot more socializing.) I’m going to have to think about this one.
One way I will stretch this week: i am going to tell myself to slow down.
One boundary I will set this week: time with my kids. time with jake.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: the future karen. i will spend some time thinking about 2019.
One new thing I will learn this week: more physics probably 🙂
One area where I will go deeper this week: i will think about some of the shifts i want to make in my life for 2019. my thinking, my routines, my appearance :).
What do I need to sit with this week? how to understand what makes me come alive
I am looking forward to: my trip, it’s been a while since I was in Zurich
This week’s challenges: no glaring challenges this week, thankfully.
Top Goals:
- Work: december summit, thinking about what’s next, documenting my thoughts.
- Personal: exercise. and 2019 plans that’s all we’re going to put down this week!
- Family: just spend a lot of time with my people, saying good things to all of them
I will focus on my values:
- Love: i want to speak more kindly. i am going to repeat this one.
- Learn: learn what i want.
- Peace: peace with not having the answers.
- Service: to sitting with things.
- Gratitude: for my kids, and my husband. i am so lucky.
This week, I want to remember: that the days are long but the years are short and i want to use mine well.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
How I got Stronger this week: I’d say this week was a net net good week. Overall, I only exercised three times and I wouldn’t say I ate the healthiest of meals but I also did much better than the last few weeks and feel things are getting closer to where I want them to be. I feel like this word is morphing into something else a little bit for me, something around defining strong differently but I don’t have it nailed yet so I don’t know how to put it into words yet.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: i worked on the december summit and nailed down a workshop so I feel good about that, i also documented the planning thoughts and it was well worth it, i didn’t do the work around documenting my thoughts maybe that I can do next weekend when I am at the airport.
- Personal: I slept reasonably well this week. I ate soso, i didn’t journal or draw at all and I still want to make more plans for 2019. I did exercise.
- Family: I am working on figuring out a routine for David, I’ve done lots of math with Nathaniel, I only cooked for Jake once :/.
I celebrate: a solid performance cycle for me.
I am grateful for: my kids. we had parent teacher conferences this week and i am so grateful that both my kids are very engaged learners. it’s such a joy to sit through conferences.
Karen’s Points: i did a body pump class on monday, i did yoga on tuesday and it made me so so sore that on wednesday i decided to walk 20 minutes uphill because I was just sore all over. Thursday and Friday didn’t work out but I now know that I will re-add Yoga into the mix more aggressively.
A Change I embraced: the soreness from yoga maybe?
I let go of: i am learning to let go of so many things. especially my own stories.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: some new perspectives and todos at work this week.
- Magical: sitting in parent-teacher conferences was magical.
- Lighter: work is feeling a bit lighter which feels nice to me but also makes me anxious at times of course.
- True: i am trying to learn what it means to be true to me.
Where I chose Joy: i spent more time at home this week and some time with jake that was pure joy
I showed up for: my kids.
A Mistake I made this week: i reacted. i don’t like to react.
What I tolerated this week: some of what’s going on at work. i walked out of course but i want to do so much more.
My mood this week was: angry and disappointed.
I forgive myself for: still craving so much bread and cheese.
What I love right now: we are going into what i call the quieter period of the year and I usually use this time to deeply unwind and think about my life, goals for next year etc. so I am really looking forward to that.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
this week’s photos are from our trip to tahoe. even though it was a while ago.
i don’t feel married to a particular week as long as i capture my memories.
i love these photos a lot.
Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
This was a big reading week, mostly because I was home sick a bunch of the days and took the opportunity to read for an upcoming work event I am planning.
I started the week with Zero Sum Game which was interesting but not mind blowing and you had to suspend a lot of disbelief.
I then moved to Atomic Habits which was tangible, practical and useful.
The Emissary however was completely weird and I have no idea what I think of it.
I moved to Fight or Flight and I knew nothing about it. It was a romance with some steamy-ish scenes and it was predictable but also enjoyable to listen to.
Meltdown was one of the two books I read for the summit I plan to host in December. I loved it.
I moved to listen and read poems by Alice Walker in Taking the Arrow Out of the Heart . Some of them were absolutely amazing.
I then read This Will Only Hurt a Little which I will be honest was a waste of my time. It was fun at parts but just not really worth my time in the end. Still I feel ok that I read it, I needed something light at that time.
I ended the week with Unsafe Thinking which was also for the December summit. Another good read and as it turned out my 250th book for 2018.
I read a lot of non-fiction this week. But overall I’d call it a good week.
Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects