Weekly Reflection 2018 – 04

How I got Stronger this week: I exercised every day this week. I went to two body pumps classes. I stretched and rolled, too. I am also still on the Whole 30 and no caffeine. I helped and supported a few people this week and I was there for my kids and my sister’s kids, too. I did something I am pretty scared of at work and it’s going to take a lot of strength to get through it so I am both excited and scared. I showed up for my kids. I spent time taking care of myself and doing things I like and I also spent some quality time with my wonderful husband. I did a lot of shopping for both David and for myself, which is a miracle because I abhor shopping. Very proud of myself. I also went to the dentist and got a mani/pedi. Phew!

Top Goals Review:  did the spreadsheets! presos not in cycle yet but will be soon. kept going with routine. semi-made plans for feb. still not feeling like making art and i will give myself a break. might have found a class for Nathaniel. spent a bunch of time with all my boys.

I celebrate: taking chances.

I am grateful for: a bit of shopping. being done with david’s trip shopping (mostly.) being given an opportunity. people who are all watching out for me and have my back.

Karen’s Points: I got full points everyday except for two where I didn’t floss. Though I’ve been pretty wishy washy on the self-care.

A Change I embraced:  this week was all about embracing change. 

I let go of:  being able to get my way 100% of the time.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Fresh: i took some major fresh steps this week. not ready to share yet tho.
  • Magical: This week’s magical moment is the kids’ conferences. oh and finishing calculus with david!
  • Lighter: this week felt lighter too because the kids had no school on Friday.
  • True: i’ve been trying really hard to speak my truth even though it’s scary. especially at work.

Where I chose Joy: i chose joy with both my kids this week where i said Yes! a lot more.

I showed up for: my friend, her son, my nephews, and my sons this week. 

A Mistake I made this week: well i made some decisions this week that i am praying aren’t mistakes. other than that, nothing specific is jumping out at me. (besides my usual yelling and having to apologize daily.)

What I tolerated this week: a lot of unknown. stepping into the unknown. fear of letting others down.

My mood this week was: scared but excited.

I forgive myself for: possibly taking a step that might be harder on my family but something that felt too good to pass up.

What I love right now: i love how i feel so full. like my cup runs over. i am so incredibly grateful. i hope and pray that it sustains.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Moments from this Week – 04

Here’s this week’s page. Has some photos from the previous Sunday. Some memories of finally going back to the gym and the beginnings of our three day weekend.

i also have Nathaniel’s school letter this week, too.


And there you go.

Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Books I Read This Week 2018 – 4






It was a long weekend and that meant a lot of books, for me.

The Afterlives was quite an interesting read and even hard to explain. I liked it because it was so very unique. 

I wanted to read Molly’s Game because I’ve been wanting to see the movie and when my library added it to its pile, I figured it would be great to read it first. I liked it.

Green is another interesting book. A coming of age story of a white Jewish boy in a predominantly African American school/neighborhood. It was painful but a good read. 

Tell Me Why was my first time reading Corrigan and I loved it. Essays about ordinary but beautiful life and also sickness and motherhood. 

When Things Fall Apart was my regular fix of Pema. She never disappoints me.

I drove us back from San Diego and had just an hour left in the drive so Wishtree was the best book to tackle since it was only an hour long (at 2x speed.) and it was beautiful. wonderful. lovely.

I am not sure why I picked up The Wife Between Us because I thought it would be one of those mysteries I am so sick of reading but in the end it was not. I liked it quite a bit. There were two twists and I liked both of them. 

The Giver was a reread for the Middle Grade Lit Club I teach. It was even more powerful the second time around. So so so good.

The State of Affairs was for a client and I am glad I read it even though I skipped bits of it since I felt she could have used a better editor. Still a good book.

A good variety this week.

Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

On My Mind – 04 – Saying Yes

As we were enjoying our vacation this weekend, I had this overwhelming thought that I wanted to start saying YES to everything. I don’t really know how to explain this but I am going to try. 

I was looking at my kids and thinking about how they are already halfway (if not more) to leaving our house. They are certainly not little anymore. They are growing up and our time with them is getting more and more precious. And I love them to bits and I have really really good kids. So I just want to say yes to everything they want. Can I have another cookie? Yes. Can I stay up a bit longer tonight? Yes. Would you get this for me? Yes. Can we go to this place? Yes. 

Yes. yes. yes.

I know that sounds crazy. But I am not saying I will say yes to the 400th cookie or that they can stay up all night. My kids are pretty reasonable but every now and then they want the extra cookie. And I just want to say yes. (until it’s a no, which is next week’s discussion.) If I can say yes, if it’s something I can do, I want to do it. I want to support them and make their childhood magical. Not just with cookies, late nights, and things to buy. I know those are superficial and don’t set the right values. But I want to do all of it. All the other things like experiences, time spent working together, time spending playing together, going on adventures, trying new things, whatever it is, if I can say yes, I want to say yes. Yes to life together. Yes to making it magical for you. Yes to us.

This isn’t just for my kids either, I want to do this for my husband, too. These are the people I share my day to day life with and it’s so easy for me to slip into taking them for granted or for us to get lost in the grind of life or it’s easy for me to just default to no. But honestly, it’s just a reflex. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about why not. 

I know this might not make sense to most people. Maybe you think I will spoil my children but I know my kids and I am not afraid of that. I want them to have a million memories of love with me and saying yes is a big part of that. Especially considering my default, it will also be the first step for me to be braver, more magical, more adventurous.

Here’s to saying YES more.

On My Mind is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Stories from 2018 – 04 – Two Days in San Diego

We didn’t go anywhere during the two-week Holiday break. We were home the whole time and everyone did a decent amount of work and a decent amount of relaxing. But there wasn’t much adventuring. 

So when a three day weekend came up right after we got back, we decided it was time for adventure. The night before we left, we made a reservation at a lovely hotel in San Diego and pulled the kids from school a bit early (like 30 mins) to beat traffic.

We still didn’t get there until midnight on Friday but we had two full days before it was time to drive back. 

We went to my favorite park: Torrey Pines State Reserve. And we went to our old neighborhood and to the beautiful La Jolla Shores beach and we smiled the whole time of course thinking of all of our memories from when we lived there.

I exercised every morning. 

Here’s the view from our hotel room: not too shabby.

We even walked into an amazon store!!

All in all, it was a wonderful two days. So glad to start 2018 with some adventure.

Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.

Stronger Than Before – 04

Weekly Intention:  This is a short week for the kids but a normal week for us. As it always is, the first part of the week will be tough and the second part a bit lighter. I have some pampering and some health scheduled. I am going for mani/pedi and to the dentist. We also have parent conferences. So it’s a full week. It’s also my last full week before I leave for Sydney the following mid-week. So I want to make sure to kiss/hug/be with my wonderful family extra hard this week. The intention this week is to love them harder.

This month’s intention is: Strong Silent Type: Your challenge this month is to speak less, listen more. How can you influence with fewer words. At work, at home, even in your own head. Pause one more beat before replying. Mute the VC. Wait six seconds. Do what it takes to give this a try. I think this is a perfect way to start the year. There is a lot I have to get done this month and I like the challenge of learning how to do it more quietly. Can I influence with fewer words?

One way I will stretch this week:  I will have some interesting discussions at work on Monday which will require me to broaden my thinking and perspective.

One boundary I will set this week: This week I’ll be guarding family time, especially since I will be away.

This week, I will focus on pleasing: alas Nathaniel didn’t get his turn last week so we’ll give it one more shot.

One new thing I will learn this week: Hmm i didn’t do the hand roller learning either 🙁 but i think what i want to learn this week about is chocolate actually. as i ease off the whole 30 in two weeks i want to see what chocolate i can eat that will be best for insulin moderation.

One area where I will go deeper this week: i did some of the process work last week but i am so not done. Depth this week might come from a work meeting I have on monday. And if not, I think it might be a bit about planning life after January. Art, nutrition, exercise, points, plans, schedule in February. 

What do I need to sit with this week? i need to sit with the truth that whole30 doesn’t seem to have been super impactful on me. still tired. better on cravings but really not feeling the energy boost. so what do i do now? 

I am looking forward to: my mani/pedi, just because it will be a nice, quiet time.

This week’s challenges: getting through all my email and todo list.

Top Goals: 

  • Work: do the spreadsheets. get the presos into cycle.
  • Personal: keep going with the routine. make plans for Feb.
  • Family: find a class for Nathaniel. spend a lot of time with boys+Jake.

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: repeat since i didn’t do this: i will make a list of my friends and see if i can sprinkle them into my life more.
  • Learn: i need to step back a bit and learn what schedule is best for me now. this will take some time.
  • Peace: peace with just one more full week of whole30.
  • Service: this week’s service is going to focus on nathaniel. he’s been neglected for a while.
  • Gratitude: for being home, for being together. for loving my people like mad. 

This week, I want to remember:  that i don’t have to decide quickly. it’s ok to think and take time to consider.

Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Reflection 2018 – 03

How I got Stronger this week: I exercised every day this week and went to two body pump classes. I exercised every day on vacation. I stretched, and rolled and did some form of self-care, too. And still going on the Whole 30 and no caffeine. I do plan to restart sugar and caffeine in February but this is part of starting the year well for me. I also spent a lot of time connecting this week with my friends. Strengthening those bonds. I went on a date night with my husband. At work, I made progress but still paced myself and didn’t let work take over connection, exercise, family, or alone time. I drove 6 hours of the 8 hour trip back from San Diego (which would have been unfathomable just a few years ago.) 

Top Goals Review:  working on the spreadsheets. okrs are close to done. keeping going with my personal routine. didn’t find a class for Nathaniel but will look this week.

I celebrate: our vacation again this week it was wonderful.

I am grateful for: our date night. we went to see The Shape of Water which was magical.

Karen’s Points: I got full points everyday and I’ve been making a concerted effort to keep up with everything. Some of it is getting repetitive but I am sticking with it for now.

A Change I embraced:  I had to figure out how to make exercise and vacation work. But I did. (And whole30, too!)

I let go of:  getting work done over the 3-day weekend. i let myself enjoy vacation.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Fresh: trying to have a fresh perspective on vacation and what it means and what needs to be a part of it (togetherness) and wha doesn’t (bad food.)
  • Magical: This week’s magical moment is date night with my husband. 
  • Lighter: a short week is wonderful, especially when monday is the off day. 
  • True: i’ve stayed true to my goals and honored my values this week on vacation.

Where I chose Joy: I chose to spend more time with connecting this week and work piled up a bit but there’s always a lot of work so i chose joy. 

I showed up for: my friend and my son this week. 

A Mistake I made this week: I was rushing out the door this week so when one of the managers was trying to tell me something, I made a quick thank you remark and dashed off. I missed an opportunity to have a deeper conversation and possibly came off as rude. I did apologize but the conversation opportunity was still missed.

What I tolerated this week: piling email. i have way way too many now. 

My mood this week was: rested after vacation. grateful and still taking it slow.

I forgive myself for: yelling very badly when david lost his phone (which was not lost but on the school bus.). i need to get better at this but in the meantime i need to give myself some (a lot of) grace.

What I love right now: I love how I mostly feel calmer than usual. Mostly.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Moments from this Week – 03

Here’s this week’s page. It will take me a few weeks to get into the rythym of the new year to I expect a few layouts with not a lot of text, I’m also not fully in the groove of taking photos yet. But it will come. It will all come.

i also have Nathaniel’s school letter this week and i love keeping these. Sometimes I put just the paper but this time I put the envelope with the letter.

And there you go. Week 1 of 2018.

Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Books I Read This Week 2018 – 3

I read four books this week and none of them were amazing.

I picked up The Woman in the Window because nothing on my pile was inspiring me but I should have known better. I am just not into these types of books and I should quit reading them, it’s like I won’t learn.

I read Fire and Fury fast because I didn’t want to read on this topic for a long time. I didn’t think there was anything particularly eye opening in it and net net it was meh.

I tried reading Bernstein before and I have never been successful but Judgement Detox felt like a good topic. I’d say I am not super judgmental but I figured there’s always things I can learn about being more open minded, judging even less, etc. In the end, I think this book was halfway interesting. Her approach to life is just possibly too different than mine (at least in this moment in time) so her words don’t really resonate with me.

I’d had Secret Thoughts of Successful Women on my list a few times so I finally read it. It’s mostly about Impostor Syndrome and this, too, was way way way too long for what it was. I could have read a long, interesting article and it would have been much better.

Here’s to better books next week.

Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

On My Mind – 03 – Self-Care

One of my goals for this month has been trying to take things up a notch when working on Nourishing myself. Part of that has been exercise, part of it has been nutrition and then part of it has been kindness to my body like taking care of my skin, flossing, sleeping enough etc. 

But then another component was self-care. I wrote that I’d get one bonus point for a Self-Care item. When I wrote that down, I didn’t have a lot of ideas about what that could be, so I made a list for myself. Here’s what I had there:

  • face mask
  • soaking my feet
  • bubble bath
  • essential oils
  • mani/pedicure 
  • getting my hair done
  • connecting with friends
  • massage
  • meditate
  • nap

So that’s my list. But I would like to expand this list a lot more. I would like to end up with 30 items so I have something different to pick each day and some days I might want to do several to pamper myself.  I also want to understand what self-care means to me. Many of these are taking care of my body more but what about my soul and my mind, how do I practice self-care on those? Obviously journaling and art help. And meditation can serve both, but I still want to find others.

That’s what’s on my mind this week. I’d love to hear your ideas if you have some.

On My Mind is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Stories from 2018 – 03 – The Whole30

I’ve been following Melissa Hartwig on Instagram for a while and I’ve recently read the Food Freedom Forever book, so the idea of doing a Whole30 has been nagging at me for a while. I’ve looked into the Whole30 before and decided it wasn’t my cup of tea for a multitude of reasons but this time I felt like I could do it.

So since January 1, I’ve been doing the Whole30. I’ve also quit caffeine just to make it more fun. 

I am traveling to Sydney on January 31 so I figured that gives me exactly 30 days. The way the program works, you’re supposed to slowly introduce foods back after the 30th and see the impact they have on you, so we’ll see how much of that will be possible considering flights and international locations etc. but I am trying not to worry about that too much at the moment. 

For now the plan is to keep going the 30 days and see how I feel. On the first two days, I had very strong headaches (likely due to no caffeine) but since then it’s been okay. I don’t find it to be super hard. Unfortunately the cafeteria at work cooks the morning eggs with rice bran oil so I can’t have it, which is a bummer. Other than that, I haven’t had a lot of hiccups. I’ll be on vacation for a weekend so we’ll see how it goes but I have faith that I can keep this going at this point (hopefully I won’t be wrong.)

I miss the coffee the most I think. Mostly for the ritual of it. And chocolate though I’ll say I haven’t craved it. When the kids toast bread, the smell triggers a bit but I don’t miss toast at all. If I cooked it would be a lot easier to have variety but I don’t so I end up making a batch of veggies, chicken and steak and then eat some variety of avocado, veggies, egg/meat for each meal. That makes for a lot of avocados in a day so I do need to curb that a bit. 

So far, I don’t have huge benefits. My skin is a bit better, but that’s about it. I’ll report back at the end of the month.  If you’ve done a Whole30 and have advice, I’d always love it.


Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.

Stronger Than Before – 03

Weekly Intention:  This is a short week. Only four days of work and two of those are lighter. I have a really long and tough Wednesday but otherwise it’s not terrible. My intention this week is to try to soften into the week. Be just a little bit kinder, be just a little bit calmer, not to jump in or interrupt. Also calmer and more patient with my folk at home and with myself, too.

This month’s intention is: Strong Silent Type: Your challenge this month is to speak less, listen more. How can you influence with fewer words. At work, at home, even in your own head. Pause one more beat before replying. Mute the VC. Wait six seconds. Do what it takes to give this a try. I think this is a perfect way to start the year. There is a lot I have to get done this month and I like the challenge of learning how to do it more quietly. Can I influence with fewer words?

One way I will stretch this week:  My new client ended up being this week. Let’s see how I can stretch.

One boundary I will set this week: Since it’s a short week, it’s going to be easy for my bedtime to get sacrificed this week, so I will guard it heavily. Same with journaling.

This week, I will focus on pleasing: Maybe it’s Nathaniel’s turn this week, I’d like to spend a bit of extra time with him.

One new thing I will learn this week: I want to learn a bit about how to use the hand-roller this week. I tried to use it this past weekend and didn’t know how to do it right.

One area where I will go deeper this week: I did try working on the hint waters and the pineapple one is amazing! I’ve also had watermelon which is okay. This week’s depth will be getting all the process started for 2018. I’ve been putting it off (at work) and it’s time.

What do I need to sit with this week? I need to sit with all the not-enough feelings I have when it comes to my body and exercise and getting stronger. I have so many beliefs around all this. that I am not strong enough. that i am uncoordinated. that i can’t learn certain things. that i will never be able to do certain things. I need to sit with all of this and remember that they will be the exact reason why I don’t succeed

I am looking forward to: seeing my friend jess this week, it’s been way way too long since we saw each other.

This week’s challenges: The biggest challenge will be the very long Wednesday. Also getting all the organizational work started. It’s always a lot of work up front.

Top Goals: 

  • Work: do the spreadsheets. get okrs done.
  • Personal: keep going with the routine. 
  • Family: find a class for Nathaniel.

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: Love for my friends this week. i will make a list of my friends and see if i can sprinkle them into my life more.
  • Learn: this week is all about learning how to serve my new teams best.
  • Peace: Peace during long work days and peace during exercise this week.
  • Service: this week’s service is going to focus on nathaniel. he’s been neglected for a while.
  • Gratitude: i think making sure i take photos of our special times together will be my gratitude this week. 

This week, I want to remember:  that I have a way of blowing things off proportion. always over-worrying. and thankfully, things, almost always, work out ok. 

Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.