I started the week A Heart in a Body in the World which my friend Amy recommended. It took me a while to get into the book but then I enjoyed it until the end when you find out what actually happened and it was such a departure from what I thought it was building up to that it really threw me off and then I got really upset.
The Feather Thief had been on amazon’s best of list for a while and I kept staring at it and not reading it so I finally decided to tackle it this week and I am so glad I did. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Seth’s books are always goos and This Is Marketing was no exception. I really enjoyed it.
Words on Bathroom Walls was a random pick that I thought would be good and even though I think it was good, I have read too many books like this so I didn’t love it as much as I would have had I read it in the beginning of this year.
I enjoyed The Challenge Culture more than I thought I would have. I knew nothing about the author so that alone was fascinating to me.
I ended the week with Thanks A Thousand which was short and lovely and a good reminder that there is so much that goes into every simple thing in your life. It’s good to be mindful and think of all the pieces that have to come together for a simple thing like your morning coffee.
All in all, an ok week.
Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
Weekly Intention: Week 50 if 52. I feel like this year was both so very long and so very short. That’s the case for all the years now as David likes to remind me how as I get older the years get shorter for me. This week, I plan to take Monday off and then work my way slowly through the rest of the week, planning for 2019, catching up to everything I dropped on the floor in the last few weeks and finally finish all the holiday shopping especially for my kids. But the main intention for the week is to slow down. I want to tap into that part of me that only wakes up when I slow way way way down.
This month’s intention is: Rest Stronger: And finally here we are. You’ve worked hard all year and gave it your all. Time to rest. You pushed yourself to get stronger and now you need to rest so you can be ready for 2019. Oh yes, time to rest.
One way I will stretch this week: I am going to be having some hard conversations with my manager and I think they will stretch me for sure.
One boundary I will set this week: not working Monday and working from home on Friday.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: myself by taking the time to really focus on what I want for 2019.
One new thing I will learn this week: my intentions and my goals as i make a list to go over them
One area where I will go deeper this week: I know I said this last week but let’s see if i can do it this week: actually thinking about 2019.
What do I need to sit with this week? how i receive feedback, what i want to change, what i want to keep the same.
I am looking forward to: taking some time off, i am already taking today off but i also have a lot more time off coming down the pipe.
This week’s challenges: having hard conversations
Top Goals:
- Work: think about what’s next, document my thoughts, talk to manager.
- Personal: solidify 2019 plans, do december daily, scrap more if i can, rest, write up year end posts
- Family: work on applications with david, math, physics, buy more christmas presents. see more movies!
I will focus on my values:
- Love: start making plans for loving self goals. (since i didn’t do this last week)
- Learn: see if i want to take more/other classes.
- Peace: peace with feedback
- Service: to self, family, 2019.
- Gratitude: for getting to start a fresh new year
This week, I want to remember: that the outliers aren’t the story. that i want to focus on looking for the right more than looking for the wrong.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
How I got Stronger this week: This was an insane week. I had summits three days out of the four I was at work. It was months of works with many people and I am super grateful it’s now over. I think it went well but we will find out as the feedback trickles in. I then took Friday off and met with a friend and went to the movies with Jake and chatted with my mom and had dinner with another friend. I am proud of how hard I worked and then proud of how I took Friday off to take care of myself. I only managed to exercise twice this week but it was still better than nothing.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: summit over. time to really start thinking about 2019!
- Personal: starting to make 2019 plans, journaled very little, exercised also very little, scrapped for December Daily.
- Family: did not work on applications with david but made a plan, rested and hugged, did both math and physics, bought some christmas presents but need to buy many more.
I celebrate: david’s excellent scores at his ssat test. he showed up for it and the results show that. i am so incredibly proud of him and how hard he works.
I am grateful for: inishing the summit. it was a lot of work and i ended up having a lot of last minute changes etc. so i am just grateful it came together. also super grateful to get to go to the movies with Jake. we watched Bohemian Rhapsody and I loved every single moment of it.
Karen’s Points: this week was also one body pump and one yoga.
A Change I embraced: both of my core helps for the summit ended up being ooo so i adapted and worked with it.
I let go of: trying to please everyone.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: still trying to understand what i want from my life and my work for 2019.
- Magical: the movie and being with jake in the middle of a day was magical.
- Lighter: i feel lighter now that the summit is over and I can transition to holiday time.
- True: i miss my family so much.
Where I chose Joy: taking friday off, going to the movies, chatting with my mom
I showed up for: work this week and david when he needed a day off.
A Mistake I made this week: i got a really negative feedback from one of the people at work, instead of sitting with how it crushed me, i reached out to the person and tried to engage in a conversation to understand better. it didn’t get to 100% of what I wanted of course but we got a lot closer and i was able to shift my pain a little, i am grateful for that.
What I tolerated this week: a lot of long hours at work
My mood this week was: tired.
I forgive myself for: not being able to meet everyone’s needs and not being everyone’s cup of tea.
What I love right now: all the journaling, thinking, intentionality that comes during this time of year is my favorite.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.Weekly Reflection 2018 – 44
voted baby! and then traveled to zurich.
i love all these photos of voting. it’s such a privilege for me still.
i took a lot of out of the plane window shots this time.
Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
I started the week The 7 ½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle which is pretty much unlike anything I’ve read. I can’t really explain it but I did think it was worthwhile, if for nothing else, for how different it is.
Exactly What to Say was a super fast read. it had some gems but it’s nothing amazing for my life.
I’d started Heretics Anonymous a few months ago and finally finished it. It was okay but not the best YA I’ve read.
I was looking forward to The Surrender Experiment but in the end, I decided I didn’t like it. It was too much of a biography of singer and not enough abstraction of the concepts he was trying to explain, for me.
I love love loved The Housekeeper and the Professor It made me so happy. I feel like this year has been a big year for Japanese writers for me.
I then listened to the Ram Dass Audio Collection which was fantastic. I love Ram Dass.
All in all, a good week. I’m up to book number 286 for this year.
Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
Weekly Intention: And here we go. The summit week I’ve been planning up to for months. This week is pretty much eaten by the summit. I plan to make sure I take Friday off so I can relax a little.My intention this week is to really enjoy all the moments of the culmination of the work I’ve done for weeks. I will be with my people, I will hug them and I will love the life I have.
This month’s intention is: Rest Stronger: And finally here we are. You’ve worked hard all year and gave it your all. Time to rest. You pushed yourself to get stronger and now you need to rest so you can be ready for 2019. Oh yes, time to rest.
One way I will stretch this week: The summit will stretch me all the way. Especially all the socializing and long days.
One boundary I will set this week: not working long on Monday and Friday.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: all the product managers.
One new thing I will learn this week: hopefully a lot of things from the summit.
One area where I will go deeper this week: actually thinking about 2019.
What do I need to sit with this week? my feelings about my grandmother.
I am looking forward to: seeing the culmination of the work I’ve been doing.
This week’s challenges: the summit going smoothly
Top Goals:
- Work: execute december summit, think more about what’s next, document my thoughts if i can find the time.
- Personal: same: make 2019 plans, journal, exercise, scrap.
- Family: work on applications with david, rest, hug, math, physics, buy christmas presents.
I will focus on my values:
- Love: start making plans for loving self goals.
- Learn: make plans for personal classes.
- Peace: peace with how i feel
- Service: to the summits.
- Gratitude: for hopefully getting to see my family soon
This week, I want to remember: that all of our days are gifts and we have to make the most of them
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
How I got Stronger this week: I worked super hard early this week. I worked from home Wednesday-Friday. I drove David in pouring rain to a high school shadow. I spent Friday with a good friend. I did many things this week. I worked hard. I spent time with people I love. I supported people I love. I exercised the two days I was at work and just took my own time on the other days. I lost my grandmother on Friday and I loved her so so so much that I can’t even put into words. This is when it’s hardest to be away from the people you love. I’ve been doing so much work on myself lately, shifting my perspective.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: I finalized december summit mostly, i spent only a tiny amount of time thinking about what’s next, i didn’t document my thoughts.
- Personal: I made some more 2019 plans, exercised a bit and started December daily.
- Family: I did help david with ml + physics and ssats, and I did math with nathaniel, and went to the holiday party with jake. yay!
I celebrate: some time with good friends this week
I am grateful for: all I was able to do this week.
Karen’s Points: this week was only one body pump and one yoga.
A Change I embraced: working from home and all the rain.
I let go of: i chose not to go home for my grandmother’s funeral. it’s a long story but i am making my peace with it.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: I am learning to change my perspective of how 2018 went and what i want for myself in 2019
- Magical: friday with my two friends was magical and so was the holiday party.
- Lighter: i feel lighter now that more of the summit is ready.
- True: i miss my family so much.
Where I chose Joy: going to the holiday party with jake.
I showed up for: jake this week while he was out of town.
A Mistake I made this week: i missed the visitor parking at the school david and i visited and this one woman was super nice to me and helped me drive all the way around back to the spot, she went out of her way and i was so so grateful
What I tolerated this week: so much pain. i also found out that a good college friend, Pat, also passed away this week. He was 45 and had a one year old baby. He was a wonderful person who always made me smile and was so kind and generous and the world is a bit dimmer without him.
My mood this week was: sad.
I forgive myself for: not going.
What I love right now: i am so grateful for the holiday season.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.Weekly Reflection 2018 – 44
this week is just a mish mosh.
nathaniel and i played day of the tentacle. i love that game!
i also love photos of my kids working with their friends.
Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
Big reading week this week. Partly due to some time off work and partly because several of these were short books.
I started with Can You Learn to be Lucky? which turned out to be quite interesting and full of data.
I then moved to A Call for Revolution which is wonderful.
The Good Luck Charm was meh. I am done with this genre for a while.
I moved to Success Through Diversity which was okay. I have read a bunch on this topic so not much here was new but I am still glad I read it.
I really enjoyed The Bullet Journal Method so much that I decided to finally start trying to use this method.
I then read Never Split the Difference which was fantastic. A lot of non-fiction this week. But this one was one of the best.
I then read Dear Bob and Sue which was lovely but I think it went on a bit longer than I wanted to. My attention waned by the end.
I then read Gmorning, Gnight! because it was a lovely and really short read. I love love loved it.
I ended the week on Happiness and a bit of Thich Nhat Hanh is always good for my soul.
All but one this week was non-fiction, I can’t remember the last time that happened!
Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
Weekly Intention: This is the last week before the big summit I’ve been planning for a few months and it’s going to be time to make sure everything comes together so that’s going to be my first and foremost intention. Jake’s going to be out of town the latter part of this week so I am going to focus on coming home early and being there for the kids. I will be accompanying David to a high school on Thursday. I am also intending to take Friday off and spend it with my friend whose birthday was yesterday. And then we cap the week with the work Holiday party on Friday party. And then the weekend is full of birthday parties, tech challenge meetings and the SSATs. So it’s a full week and much has to get done but I am going to walk into it with wonderful intentions of calm and productivity.
This month’s intention is: Stronger Together: Time to enjoy the company of others. Go out and socialize. Appreciate the community you have. Spend time with your family. Bask in the joy of friendships+community+family. What’s one thing you can do to appreciate your people? I am going to appreciate all of my people this week!
One way I will stretch this week: i will see if I can get a tremendous amount of work done M-W so I can work remotely on Thursday and Friday and do some of the writing i’ve been meaning to do.
One boundary I will set this week: leaving early so I can do pickup.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: my husband, my kids, my friend kelly, and all the product managers.
One new thing I will learn this week: some specific classes I can take
One area where I will go deeper this week: still hoping to do the planning for next year. what i want to spend my time on.
What do I need to sit with this week? planning for 2019.
I am looking forward to: time with my friend Kelly and the holiday party.
This week’s challenges: completely wrapping up the summit
Top Goals:
- Work: finalize december summit, thinking about what’s next, documenting my thoughts if i can find the time.
- Personal: make 2019 plans, journal, exercise, scrap.
- Family: david with ml + physics and ssats, nathaniel with math (and maybe restart the coding?), holiday party with jake. yay!
I will focus on my values:
- Love: start making plans for loving self goals.
- Learn: learn about some classes i can take.
- Peace: peace with what is as we walk into december
- Service: to work.
- Gratitude: for my incredible life. work, friends, love, health. so lucky.
This week, I want to remember: how grateful i am for my life and how i get to design my life. all of it.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
How I got Stronger this week: This was a very short week in that I only went to work Monday and Tuesday. I worked out both days even though I was tired and worn out. I’ve been enjoying the Yoga alongside the Body Pump. It makes me very sore which means it’s working out different muscles. I took Wednesday off so I could go support Nathaniel fully since he wanted us to go to Grandparents and special friends day at his school. I rested a lot and took time for myself. I also spent a lot of time helping both kids.
Top Goals Review:
- Work: the december summit is getting there, almost final but still not as much as i wish it were, i haven’t spent enough time thinking about what’s next or documenting my thoughts.
- Personal: i took a little alone/journaling time and made a few 2019 plans. I didn’t exercise when I am home.
- Family: I did a lot of hugging and helping david and Nathaniel.
I celebrate: having a little bit of downtime.
I am grateful for: the downtime, it’s been much needed.
Karen’s Points: this week was only one body pump and one yoga.
A Change I embraced: a five day weekend is magical. and quite the change.
I let go of: having everything go the way i want it to and tried to be a bit more present with people i love.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: I am learning to let go and have faith that things will come together.
- Magical: many days in a row of not fully focusing on work is great for me.
- Lighter: i feel lighter now that jetlag has dissipated a bit.
- True: the journaling really helps. the downtime really helps. it all helps.
Where I chose Joy: going to the movies with the kids was super fun.
I showed up for: my kids.
A Mistake I made this week: i got all worried about others changing things up but then i reminded myself that it really doesn’t matter.
What I tolerated this week: lack of patience.
My mood this week was: slower.
I forgive myself for: being who i am and getting caught up in things that don’t matter.
What I love right now: this long weekend.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.Weekly Reflection 2018 – 44
this week is books and climbing and flowers and just our lovely life.
nathaniel breaking boxes. all of us in the car going to parent conferences.
full of gratitude.
Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects