Weekly Intention: This is an unusual week. The kids have no school. I have to work some of the week and we’ll be on vacation for another part of the week. I have long days for the days when I am working. So I plan to really be present when I am working and not worry about home as much as possible and get a ton done so I don’t feel like I am leaving anything on the table. I then plan to really be present for my kids and husband during our time off. I am hoping to relax and read and play and enjoy our vacation. Let’s see if I can pull it off.
This month’s intention is: Emotionally Strong: This is the time to work on being a better version of you. And loving you. Loving what is. Respond and don’t react. Journal more. Journaling so far!!
One way I will stretch this week: maybe i can enjoy the water park, too?
One boundary I will set this week: i will not work while i am away. I can do this!
This week, I will focus on pleasing: my boys. i will do my best to make this holiday magical for them.
One new thing I will learn this week: maybe a little more rock climbing.
One area where I will go deeper this week: deeper journaling, i am hoping.
What do I need to sit with this week? i need to sit with how i feel about my new job. and the next few months. i want to spend some time thinking about it deeply. so i can live intentionally.
I am looking forward to: a little time off.
This week’s challenges: not worrying about work when i am away.
Top Goals:
- Work: book speaker, get summit organized. make progress.
- Personal: pilates daily, book cars in europe, book summer camps, figure out dinner.
- Family: buy nathaniel presents. enjoy vacation!
I will focus on my values:
- Love: be extra loving with my kids and hubby!!
- Learn: learn to think about how i want my job to evolve.
- Peace: peace with work piling up while i am gone.
- Service: this week’s service is to my whole family.
- Gratitude: for some time off.
This week, I want to remember: every day i get is magic. i am so grateful.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
How I got Stronger this week: Now that April is here, I’ve changed my morning exercise. I’ve been doing Pilates every morning. I’m following this online plan I found for 21 days of Pilates. It comes with rest days but then it’s yoga on those days. It’s been good and hard. I’ve also booked all the hotels for Europe and that was incredibly hard for me. I know it might sound small to many but these are not simple tasks for me. This was a long week and I’ve made it through so I consider that a win in the getting stronger column, too.
Top Goals Review: made progress with both speakers and summer planning, found someone for staff meeting. found and doing april exercise, didn’t book car in europe, but booked hotels in europe, and booked hotel for next week, and booked rock climbing, still working on figuring out dinner. helped david with ideas a tiny bit. sent initial email for nathaniel’s birthday, phew.
I celebrate: I celebrate making progress on several fronts this week, including booking hotels and getting some work progress.
I am grateful for: my husband, i know i say it all the time but he’s there for me again and again.
Karen’s Points: doing pilates and skin still and the journaling now. i’m going to see if I can sort this out this week.
A Change I embraced: honestly i am still learning to embrace the changes that came with my new job.
I let go of: most of my evenings this week. i’ve been at the kids’ school or having to help them prepare.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: journaling again after having not done so in a while has been an interesting challenge.
- Magical: it was magical to see nathaniel and his friend making and selling parfaits at the farmer’s market at school
- Lighter: Lighter now that i’ve booked our vacation and hotels. a few more things to do before i feel all done.
- True: i am really looking forward to connecting with myself again through journaling.
Where I chose Joy: i chose joy by spending tuesday morning at school for nathaniel and evening at school for david. both were amazing opportunities to see my children at their best.
I showed up for: my kids this week.
A Mistake I made this week: i got my first parking ticket this week, parked on the side with street cleaning :(.
What I tolerated this week: i’ve been waking up at 2am every night this week and unable to fall back asleep so I am exhausted and overwhelmed.
My mood this week was: quiet. it’s been an odd week.
I forgive myself for: the times when i just don’t feel like doing anything.
What I love right now: that we have some vacation coming up.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
This week is about the stem fair at school, Brene visiting google, my new car, and lovely flowers.
And Nathaniel’s letter!
Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
I started this week with Laura and Emma. I enjoyed it even though it didn’t leave much of an impression.
What Girls Are Made of was very good. I read it pretty much in one sitting. It was raw and I especially loved the author’s note in the end.
Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be was good. Parts of it annoyed me but overall I really liked it.
Nonviolent Communication: Create Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your World in Harmony was fantastic. I took a NVC class a while back at work and remembered it being really thought provoking and this audio reminded me why I loved it so much the last time.
The Little Prince was for Lit Club at my kids’ school. It had been a while since I read the whole book and I love love loved it. I love this book so much.
The Beauty That Remains was a quick read and I really liked it. It was what I needed this week, light but not light and sweet.
Annihilation was also super quick and I wanted to read it before we watched the movie. I didn’t see the movie yet so I have no idea if it’s good but the book was super confusing, I almost am not even sure how to summarize it but I still liked it.
On to book #75 for 2018.
Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
This photo has nothing to do with what’s on my mind except that it’s making me happy. And I get to go back to Sydney in a few weeks and that makes me happy too. In fact, I will be traveling to Sydney, Tokyo, Boston, Italy, France and Spain in the span of two months which both delights and terrifies me.
Anyhow, what’s on my mind this week is anchoring myself. I’ve been going a mile a minute for a bunch of weeks now, especially as I started taking on my new job. I have had all the feelings. I had the car accident earlier in the month. My son became a teenager. School is almost over. And as all these things are happening, I like to be able to take note and connect with the people in my life. Especially with my kids and husband.
But a big part of that connecting is also me being connected to myself and my feelings and thoughts.
I do a good amount of self-reflecting here but when things get busy I feel I need deeper reflection and that’s exactly the time I don’t do it enough. So I am excited to do this 100 days of journaling plan. I can and do take my journal everywhere anyway. And knowing what’s on my mind allows me to be more thoughtful in my response, so I react less or at least I know why I am reacting.
I don’t know if this is the case for everyone, but for me journaling is always the best way for me to see how I feel. I figure it out as I write. I connect with it as I see it on the page.
So it’s time to get it on paper.
On My Mind is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
Last weekend my kids’ school had a TEDx which was awesome. Even though I wanted to go, I didn’t want to go because I always prefer to be home on Sundays. But I am glad I went! Thanks to my awesome husband.
First speaker was Jason Kilar of Hulu whose talk was awesome.
Then it was Irene Au who talked about HCI and it was also awesome!
Then we had two medical ones with Sean Hennessey
and Roni Zeiger.
After lunch we had Puragra (Raja) Guha Thakurta whom I was most excited about since I’m all about physics these days.
And finally it was Lori Marino.
A great way to spend a Sunday as a family!
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
Weekly Intention: This week is going to be insane. I have a lot of work to do and I have to make 4 trips to the kids’ school, two during daytime and two at night. I also have a wedding to go to on Sunday. This is enough to possibly push me over the edge. So my goal this week is to be super on top of things during the day since I won’t have nights to be able to focus and work or even rest. To eat extra well so I can feel strong and to rest as much as possible.
This month’s intention is: Emotionally Strong: This is the time to work on being a better version of you. And loving you. Loving what is. Respond and don’t react. Journal more. Love this. I was looking for a 100-day project and I think it will be journaling! Even if it’s a few minutes a day. Love it.
One way I will stretch this week: managing my time and organizing all the things i have going on will stretch me a lot this week.
One boundary I will set this week: i will protect my time a lot this week, especially since i will have little of it.
This week, I will focus on pleasing: my sons. especially nathaniel who has been getting less attention.
One new thing I will learn this week: summit planning baby!
One area where I will go deeper this week: planning for 2019.
What do I need to sit with this week? i need to sit with the discomfort of a lot of moving parts at the moment. have faith that it’s all going to come together.
I am looking forward to: spring break which is a week away.
This week’s challenges: just all the evenings, i dislike being committed at night.
Top Goals:
- Work: book speaker, get summer planning booked, staff meeting organized
- Personal: find+do april exercise, book car in europe, book hotel in europe, book hotel for next week, book rock climbing, figure out dinner.
- Family: help david for recital ideas. start planning nathaniel’s birthday
I will focus on my values:
- Love: be extra loving with my kids and hubby!!
- Learn: learn to start prioritizing work lists and make sure i don’t drop the ball.
- Peace: peace with the fact that i will likely mess some things up.
- Service: this week’s service is still to nathaniel who will need to prep for his Farmer’s Market at school.
- Gratitude: for my chaotic and yet amazing life
This week, I want to remember: i can do this. i have faith.
Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
How I got Stronger this week: I did Body Pump all week. Even though twice this week, I didn’t feel like doing it at all and I skipped it in the morning only to come back home from a long day of work and do it anyway. It’s been a long month and I will admit I dreaded it many mornings but I still love Body Pump more than most exercise. As I type this I haven’t picked an April exercise yet but I am thinking of Tabata or Pilates or Core. I will be traveling a lot in May so I am trying to find something in April that will be challenging since May might be a bit of a mess. David and I finally finished his application which was a huge deal this week. I am doing better with food, too, I’ve started (or gone back to) eating my salads for lunch and I think that definitely helps, now I have to work on dinner and snacking (or not snacking.)
Top Goals Review: started organizing summits, so many summits. haven’t distilled learnings yet. kept body pumping, bought tix for boston, bought tix for europe, closed and submitted essays and finish out the app, and trying so hard to figure out the food.
I celebrate: I celebrate submitting the app.
I am grateful for: my husband, my kids, my parents, my sister, my nephews, my friends, my job, my life. feeling extremely grateful lately.
Karen’s Points: doing the body pump, doing the skin, too. doing nothing else but i’ve been thinking about the points a lot lately and how much it did help me and maybe i should just go ahead and do it for April, too. I can even alter my list.
A Change I embraced: My weekend plans changed a bunch and I’m working on dealing with it.
I let go of: work at nights this week. i came home tired and wanted to spend my time with the kids.
Core Desired Feelings Check-in:
- Fresh: i’ve really been enjoying my new car, so grateful for it, learning how to use it well.
- Magical: this week’s magical moment was having a wonderful chat with my husband.
- Lighter: Lighter now that i’ve booked the plane tickets for our vacations.
- True: feeling better finally, not 100% but better. The weather helps a lot.
Where I chose Joy: i chose joy by having lunch with my previous skip level manager and a few colleagues.
I showed up for: david this week and his application.
A Mistake I made this week: small mistakes at work, but nothing major this week.
What I tolerated this week: i am starting to get a bit anxious about how tough May and June will be with several events back to back in different continents and I have been tolerating the pressure that feels like it’s building up.
My mood this week was: present. i’ve been connected and moving and making progress.
I forgive myself for: dropping the ball on many things, as i pick up some, i drop some.
What I love right now: that the sun is out again. i am beyond happy.
Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
This week has photos from the car, from a summit at work, some of the books I have checked out at this moment, Nathaniel putting on a play for us, and some papers from Nathaniel.
This is his weekly letter to us. I love and cherish these.
This is from an exercise where the kids attached papers on their back and then other kids wrote sentiments. Nathaniel is good at math and funny apparently. My favorite one is in the bottom right where someone said “I like to reason with you.”
Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
I started this week with In Every Moment We are Alive. It was okay. It was sad but I somehow felt disconnected from it for most of it.
Speak No Evil was very good. I had not heard anything about it. I’ll be honest, I picked it up because of the cover. but it was really powerful and I am glad I read it.
Never Get Angry Again did not prove to be that useful to me. Mostly because I already knew about so much of what was in it. I am pretty sure I will get angry again.
Girls Burn Brighter was my favorite read of the week. So amazing. So so so sad but still a wonderful read.
Great at Work was a quick read I wanted to make sure to finish before it was due back at the library. It was okay and had a few good ideas that I will have to think about some more.
Two really good books makes this a good week.
Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
I was talking to one of my clients this week and she was saying that she has been really busy at work and so has been dropping her requirements on some of the ways she spends her time outside work, like gym or meal prep etc. We talked a bit about not sacrificing the things you do to live a better life when you’re choosing what to drop but we then spent some time chatting about structuring life outside of work in such a disciplined matter that it feels like work.
This is what I do.
I have a lot of scheduled items in my free time. I have exercise every morning, blog posts on the weekends, family photos on Saturday mornings, teaching the kids at night, not to mention all the kid stuff like drop offs and pick ups and teaching there every Wednesday and going to a bunch of school commitments, etc. My life is generally very structured.
Which, for the most part, serves me. I know that when I am not very organized, I don’t get anything done. I can sit on the couch for days without choosing to exercise. This is true even for the things that give me joy. I can get lost in wasting time as much as the next person and structuring my life is a way I get around this pull of inertia.
There are times I completely get sick of it. Sick of myself. Sick of all the things on my list. Sick of wanting to try so hard. And I take the day off or sometimes the weekend off.
But then I get back on it because I feel strongly that this is what keeps me stronger. It’s what helps me be the best version of myself and it’s what helps me live my life intentionally. And if work deserves my loyalty, discipline and dedication, so does the rest of my life.
On My Mind is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.
This week was another STEM fair. This one was for the kids’ school. I was one of the volunteers so I was there for a little over six hours. David took the same poster he’d used for the previous Science Fair and had a display in this one, too.
We has many many exhibitors and student exhibits. This is before anyone showed up.
Jake helped out by manning the snack table for a while, too. Our kids found their friends and ran around all on their own.
Love these two.
Thankfully it was the one day it didn’t rain this week.
And here’s us. Nathaniel was running around so much that he wouldn’t even stop for a photo.
Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects