Weekly Reflection 2018 – 29

How I got Stronger this week: This was my first full week back since vacation and it felt like the week would never end. I am not sure why I was so desperately waiting for Friday but the week felt like it dragged. I worked on my physical strength a lot this week. Though my emotional strength was a bit out of whack. Overall, though I feel I put in the work to show up for my kids, my husband, my work, exercise, and nutrition this week. The main thing I didn’t do that I would have liked to do more was to spend time doing art and journaling. I had intended to be more intentional this week and I think I did that reasonably well. 

Top Goals Review: i setup a lot of 1-1s and did a little bit of thinking about both September and December. I continued on the couch 2 5k even though it kicked my ass. i did other exercise too and i continue to eat well. i didn’t journal much and i did very little art. I did physics and math with david and vocab and programming with nathaniel. 

I celebrate: I celebrate sticking with both good nutrition and exercise hygiene. It’s hard but I am doing it.

 I am grateful for:  long summer days that make it easier to be outside running at 6am.

Karen’s Points: I Body Pump on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. I did HIIT on Thursday and went running on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I’ve also been meditating a little bit at a time. I’ve been eating caffeine free, sugar free, grain free and dairy free. I’d say it’s whole30 cause i don’t eat legumes either but some of the eggs i have are cooked with rice bran oil so i think that disqualifies whole 30. net-net i am eating healthy with possibly a little too much fruit.

A Change I embraced: being back at work in full and couch25k are the two biggest changes this week.

I let go of: doing anything at night this week. i worked with my kids, cooked and then rested. i was too tired. 

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Fresh: nathaniel and i started a new programming class, david and i started calc 2. i hope those count 🙂
  • Magical: processing all the photos from our vacation has been magical for me.
  • Lighter: i feel slower, lighter, and calmer now that i am back. 
  • True: truth is i am constantly a work in progress. i get hung up on so many things and would much rather be able to shed all my worries that aren’t serving me.

Where I chose Joy: I chose to spend a little bit of time with my friend this week and it was really special.

I showed up for:  my husband this week, cooking him dinner every night. i don’t usually do that but we’ve both been trying to eat much better and avoid certain foods we have sensitivities towards. 

A Mistake I made this week: i am worried a bunch about things that i am not sure are worth it, as in i am not sure if there’s a there there but i can’t seem to stop spinning.

What I tolerated this week: a lot of soreness still, so much hardship with cardio in both running and HIIT.

My mood this week was: calm. 

I forgive myself for: worrying a lot, spinning, and trying so very hard. and also for craving sugar so much!

What I love right now:  the long summer days even though they are getting shorter, i love them so.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Moments from this Week – 29

I didn’t realize that I had done one week extra before we left so now I am too far into the future because I used 3 weeks for our holiday. Oh well. 

This layout is mostly Italy. Starts with Rome ad then Forte dei Marmi.

Oh and also Pisa!

Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Books I Read This Week 2018 – 29






Ok so clearly I read a lot of books in 3 weeks especially since most of it was vacation.

The Chalk Man  was creepy and interesting and well written. Such a refreshing change from all the not-too-great mystery books out there lately.

I’m Just Happy to Be Here was a quick read and i will say that while I liked some of it, it wasn’t as much my cup of tea. 

Am I There Yet? was wonderful. I follow her on instagram and love her drawings.

On Turpentine Lane was mediocre. 

The Book of Essie was interesting and not too bad. i was glad to read it.

Something in the Water was actually quite contrived and in the end I didn’t like it. 

I read  Driving by Starlight  for book club. It was a book I wouldn’t have picked up and I really liked it. 

The Color of Bee Larkham’s Murder was lovely and a bit slow moving in the beginning and totally worth it in the end. 

Number One Chinese Restaurant was fun and funny and interesting and I liked reading it. 

I just recently watched Love, Simon so I thought it would be fun to read Leah on the Offbeat  and I am glad i did, it was lovely to be back in that world again.

The Sun Does Shine was a tough read and some of it was slow but it was an important read for me and I am glad i did.

Bring Me Back was another mystery that was dragged out and a stupid twist that made me think why i even bothered to read it.

All We Ever Wanted was my first Emily Griffin in years and years. I really loved this one despite totally hating the last one I’d read by her.

Amateur Hour  was a good read. Some of it was so right on that it was almost painful.

The Happiness Curve was an interesting read and made me hopeful for my 50s and 60s. 

And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer was different, weird and amazing. I love this author.

Unfuck Your Brain was not worth my time. I didn’t learn anything new and while I curse a lot and don’t mind it at all when others do it, much of the cursing in this book felt wildly unnecessary to me and I don’t like it when authors do it as a gimmick.

That’s where I am now. Reading book #160 which is not a great one.

Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Stronger Than Before – 29


Weekly Intention: This is the first official week of Summer as far as I am concerned because this week we are all back from vacation, Nathaniel starts camp, it’s a full week of work for me and David will be alone managing his work schedule at home, and Jake will be working at home or office with David. This is how we plan to spend the next six weeks with the exception of one week where Nathaniel has no camp. While I was on vacation, I set some intentions for myself and my work with the rest of my family. My hope this week is to get started on all of that so that I can make sure to start a positive cycle and take advantage of the more relaxed schedules during summer to establish some routines and habits for myself. So my intention this week is to start being more intentional and focused about both my work and my personal life. 

This month’s intention is: Mentally Strong: Time to learn some new things. How can you grow intellectually? What classes do you want to take? What do you want to teach the kids? Oh this one is interesting. I am actually deciding not to do this. Instead I will focus on some personal goals. I will teach kids stuff, and that’s definitely one of the intentions. Nathaniel and I will work on math and writing together. David and I will work on Physics and Computer Science. For me, though, I am focusing on three things: health (exercise+food+meditation), art (drawing and watercolors), and stories (journaling and simple scrapbooking.) That’s my focus for July. 

One way I will stretch this week:  i started doing the couch 2 5K and that’s definitely stretching me. 

One boundary I will set this week: i will set clear boundaries at work so I can come home and take the time I need to do the things I want. 

This week, I will focus on pleasing: i am going to give this week to me to get myself started. 

One new thing I will learn this week: i’m going to go back to learning to to draw.

One area where I will go deeper this week: journaling 

What do I need to sit with this week? how to create a schedule where I can do all I want to do. 

I am looking forward to: having a bit of a routine, i crave routine

This week’s challenges: i think i will mostly struggle with soreness and jet lag 

Top Goals: 

  • Work:  setup 1-1s, get started on both Sept and Dec. 
  • Personal: couch 2 5K, exercise, good nutrition, journal, do art
  • Family: physics with david and math with Nathaniel

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: love for the adjustment period and settling into a routine
  • Learn:  how do draw
  • Peace: peace with the soreness, it will go away
  • Service: to myself this week. 
  • Gratitude: for having the time and space to try new things.

This week, I want to remember: that things take time, not days or weeks but months or years. be patient.

Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Reflection 2018 – 28

How I got Stronger this week: Oh man. I’ve been working hard at beating my jet lag or at least trying to seriously get my life going. I have gone right back to exercising and trying to take care of my health. I also spent some time thinking about my goals for the second half of this year. I jumped right back into work and have had a productive week. I’m grateful.

Top Goals Review: all this is moot since it’s been two weeks.

I celebrate: I celebrate our awesome vacation. how lucky are we?

I am grateful for:  my life.

Karen’s Points: I did Body pump Wednesday and HIIT on Thursday. I also started Couch 2 5K and did it on Wednesday and Friday. I’m very sore. I’ve started doing Whole30 again too just to reset a bit. 

A Change I embraced: all the travel was quite the change.

I let go of: quickly catching up and fighting jetlag.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Fresh: a lot of fresh new life in my travels.
  • Magical: seeing Barcelona was magical for me.
  • Lighter: much lighter now that we took some wonderful time away and we have some quiet time without travel ahead.
  • True: truth is i am working on becoming a better version of myself.

Where I chose Joy: most of our vacation was pure joy.

I showed up for:  my job this week in honor of trying to catch up quickly.

A Mistake I made this week: overstressing.

What I tolerated this week: jet lag + soreness.

My mood this week was: tired. 

I forgive myself for: not being where i wish i were, it will take time but i’ll get there.

What I love right now:  being back home.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Moments from this Week – 28

This week is full of leftover photos since we were in Europe this week and I had so many leftover ones from the previous weeks.

Some are still from Boston and from our flight.

and others are from work and our adventures around home.

Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Moments from this Week – 27

Our photos from Boston. 

this looks repetitive to anyone else but…

it might be my favorite layout in the whole book. 

Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Moments from this Week – 26

This week is our first week of summer. Puzzles, bagels, reading in bed, exercise, and flowers.

i am so grateful for the sunshine.

and for the work gym and for laughter and traveling with my boys.

Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Books I Read This Week 2018 – 26

Even though I was traveling, I ended up reading a lot less than I anticipated this week, mostly due to seeing a lot of family. But I did manage a few good books I’m glad I read.

I follow Megan on Instagram so I was excited to read Body Positive Power and it didn’t disappoint. I need to read this many more times before I can really digest the content and internalize it.

Every Other Weekend was a quick read that i enjoyed. 

The Ever After was not worth my time. It’s a fine book for those who like books like this but, for me, it wasn’t really worthwhile.

Wait, What? was fantastic. I had no idea what it was, so no idea what to expect. I loved it. 

There There was also fantastic. Interesting, worthwhile read. I really enjoyed it. 

The Word Is Murder was also really fun. I have not actually read any of horowitz’ novels despite wanting to many times, so I am so glad I finally read one and also super glad I loved it.

Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Stories from 2018 – 26 – Family Reunion

Last weekend, we got to visit Boston to celebrate my husband’s family reunion. There were 50+ people there which was magnificent. 

The kids got to play outside all day and did all sorts of things from playing on slides, to water slides, to making tie dye and many more opportunities to run around and explore.

It was really wonderful to see everyone together. 

I was extra lucky because my nephews were both there, too. 

So we took photos with the 4 cousins since it’s not often they are in the same location.

There was much laughter. Many long and lovely conversations. A lot of relaxation. An incredible talent show and so so much else. I am so grateful for family.

Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.

Stronger Than Before – 26


Weekly Intention: This week is all about being present. I get to do such a wide range of things in this one week that I can’t even organize them here. By the end of this week, I will have worked a bunch of days, flown across the world, driven across Italy, and gotten to hug my sister, my parents, and even moved on to France. All this within a 7 day period. Here’s to hoping all of it works out as planned, or close enough to make us be happy. So here’s the deal: I am quite stressed about all this. There are a lot of logistical issues with our trip and there’s a high likelihood something somewhere will go wrong. So my intention this week is to keep an open mind, be patient, be calm, and go with the flow. Enjoy every moment. Have faith. 

This month’s intention is: A Stronger You: This month involves travel. Kids at home. Lots of chaos and also wonderful. It will challenge you and you will use the time to get stronger. You will also focus on yourself as needed. Take walks. Self care. I made a decision to focus on my core this month, so I will be doing push ups and planks while I am away. Easy and works if I can stick to it.

One way I will stretch this week:  oh this week will stretch me 🙂

One boundary I will set this week: i will take the time i need for myself and take it slow everywhere. 

This week, I will focus on pleasing: my family. i love them so. 

One new thing I will learn this week: maybe a little more italian practice if i am lucky

One area where I will go deeper this week: i think i will spend some time thinking about how i want to document this vacation

What do I need to sit with this week? how to be ok with all the chaos we will have. how to sit with every moment.

I am looking forward to: vacation, seeing my family

This week’s challenges: a lot of travel

Top Goals: 

  • Work:  get my manager all set, do allyship email, close loops
  • Personal: exercise, good nutrition, selfcare, sleep, pack
  • Family: be kind, be patient, pack

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: love for all my people, may i be able to show up with all my grace
  • Learn: how to be more patient this week
  • Peace: peace with whatever will happen, faith that it will be ok.
  • Service: to family
  • Gratitude: for all the people who love me so much and have been patient with me

This week, I want to remember: that it’s magical to get to do this and i will be so so glad we did it!

Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Reflection 2018 – 25

How I got Stronger this week: I started this week in Boston as our trip didn’t end until Monday night. I was very tired and jet lagged but I still showed up at the gym three times this week and worked pretty hard. I also did my best to really show up for my family. We had a serious delay on our flight on Monday so I was able to successfully change it to an earlier flight and get us home a bit earlier. I also got a bunch of work done as soon as I was back. Net net, I did the best I could this week. 

Top Goals Review: I got the doc written but the allyship email is not done, tied a lot of loose ends. exercised. ate so so, did some self care and sleep was also so so. i did hug the kids and jake A LOT.

I celebrate: I celebrate extended family time. it was wonderful.

I am grateful for:  my husband. my sister. everyone at work who’s been so kind to me this week. there’s so much kindness around me.

Karen’s Points: I did Body pump both Wednesday and Friday this week and did HIIT on Thursday. I was sore all week. With all the travel, my food was so so but I can’t say that it was terrible.

A Change I embraced: being gone all weekend and changing flights, there was lots of change to embrace this week.

I let go of: having much alone time :).

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Fresh: a lot of fresh new conversations with jake’s relatives
  • Magical: seeing all the kids together was truly magical
  • Lighter: a tiny bit lighter now that one trip is behind us.
  • True: truth is that it was actually quite lovely if i can get out of my head. i wish i could.

Where I chose Joy: being with my nephews was pure pure joy!

I showed up for:  jake, i wanted to do this for him and i managed to make it happen. 

A Mistake I made this week: many many mistakes throughout the weekend but all in my head thankfully.

What I tolerated this week: a lot lot lot lot of socializing

My mood this week was: tired. 

I forgive myself for: whatever i am experiencing right now. i am going to get better. it will be ok.

What I love right now:  vacation!

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.