Hello again. On one side, I’ve gotten so much done in the last two weeks and I am feeling pretty proud of myself. On the other side, I feel quite a bit lost lately. Right now, things at work are in a bit of a transition phase so I have some odds and ends of free time but I can’t predict when and where things will change and I know for sure change is coming, so I can’t settle into a routine yet. So I am in this in between place. Which isn’t usually my happy place. But I am trying to make the most of it and do some of the tasks I’ve been putting off forever. Like I cleaned up the whole garage, the kids’ closets, all my scrabooking stuff, and corners of my house that haven’t really been touched in 7 years. I have a bunch more on my list but I’ve donated at least 40 bags of stuff and thrown away another 20 bags worth. My hope is that by the end of the summer, I will have cleared out most of the clutter. Here’s to hoping. I can do these and other small tasks (orthodontist, getting a new car) in the meantime. And then when the new schedule unveils, I will figure it out all over again. Isn’t that the story of life?
I am also itching to pick my word for 2017 for some reason. A few months ago, I had a pretty strong idea of what it was going to be but now I am doubting my choice. (he hee.) I’ve liked having “choose” as my word this year but “brave” was so so good to me last year and I find myself still connecting with it very strongly. So I want to find something like that for next year. Something that beckons action and something that helps push me forward in a positive way.
And finally, I usually don’t watch the news. I find that it’s almost always depressing. For the last many many years, I used to get my news from the Daily Show. And then I recently started reading the Skimm and thanks to the election, I’ve been watching a lot of CNN. Which has come to mean that I watch a lot of news now. And I’ve noticed I am back to being constantly worried and stressed. Even before this last week’s terrible events, I would find myself waking up every morning and my first thought was wondering if there was another terror event in the world. Knowing we were in Istanbul at the airport exactly a week before the bomb went off, seems to have really messed with my head. And then last week was a terrible, horrible week. I am just so sad about what’s going on all over the world at this moment. I am hoping that all this hate can be countered with equal and more love. I am doing my best to be kinder and gentler with everyone around me. Showing up in the world in the best way I know how.
- Weekly Intention: This week is only slightly crazy (compared to the next two weeks.) I will be traveling to Seattle for work on Wednesday and Thursday, so I have a shortened week at home. That means I have to sneak in 5 days of work and home stuff into the 2.5 days I will be here. I want to make sure to use my time well and to connect with my kids a lot. I also want to work hard while in Seattle so I can make sure I use my time well and connect with the two teams I’m going to visit. I want to make sure I am here now. I am focusing on what’s here in this moment. So when I am home, I want to focus on being home, doing what matters to me, being with my family, etc. And then when I am in Seattle, I want to be present there. Work hard, meet new people, walk around town, etc. But not worry about home, not feel guilty. Just be present and be “here” now. Here’s to hoping I can do this for the next three weeks because after Seattle, I have more trips coming.
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to keep doing the 7-minute exercise each day.
- Two: I will choose to enjoy my time in Seattle and not feel bad for being away from home.
- Three: I will choose to show up at the ROC race and be brave and fun and not worry constantly.
- I am looking forward to: meeting the new teams in Seattle. Seeing my friends at the race.
- This week’s challenges: I committed to doing this ROC race with a few of the moms from Nathaniel’s class. It’s nothing I would ever ever do. It’s insane and I am not fun or brave or balanced or in shape enough to do such a thing. But I am doing it anyway. So here’s to hoping I don’t break something or feel really disappointed.
- Top Goals:
- Work: I want to get a really good sense at the work involved with both of my new teams. Make plans for Q3 and Q4, meet the new teams and create some connection with them.
- Personal: I want to exercise, be present, journal, and choose not to worry this week.
- Family: I want to do math with the boys each day I am home.
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- I will be kind to myself this week. Give myself grace through these upcoming trips.
- I will be strong by continuing to do my 7-minute exercise daily.
- I will be generous with my help. I want to help everyone around me as much as possible this week.
- I will be true to my values. I want to focus on learning and reflection this week. Figure out my plans there.
- I will be brave by doing the race, going to seattle, and going to sydney next week. This month is all about brave for me.
- This week, I want to remember: that I am so incredibly lucky to get to go to Seattle and Sydney. I will get to see new places, meet new people, and do work I love. And then I will get to come home to hug a loving, amazing family.
Here’s to a wonderful week!
This week is the 26th week of the year. That means half of the year has passed us by and many of the intentions I’d set for the year ended up going nowhere. Well maybe not nowhere, but also not somewhere 🙂 Anyhow, as I looked up the week of the year to title the post, my first reaction was oh no, half of 2016 has already passed, i’ve missed my chance to get it right. But then, almost immediately after, I thought, we’re only at the halfway point, I have another whole half before the year’s over. I can get so much done in six months.
The way things usually work for me is that I start the year strong, do my projects and goals until around June where a few things start falling apart due to the summer schedule and then the lost momentum causes me to drop off the rest of the stuff. Around October/November, I start building up momentum again and start planning the following year out. I make plans, I get excited, I have ideas and document, plan, organize, etc. so I can start out the year strong.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. A year is a long time, even a season or a month is long. If I don’t give myself permission to reset throughout the year, season, month, that means that I am giving up on those days. Life’s too precious to do that. There are still too many days in this year to give up on all of them.
As it worked out, there are a crazy amount of things going on in my life right now. Major changes at work, chaotic schedules with summer camps, upcoming trips to possibly Seattle and definitely Boston. What I am realizing is that the chaos of life will never end (and may it not) so I will have to find my own normalcy and routine within there. I will have to choose to honor my priorities whether they be my health, my family, or my alone-time.
Six months is a tremendous amount of time. I can accomplish mountains in that time. I am not ready to give up on 2016 yet. Here’s to being more intentional.
- Weekly Intention: This week is our last week before camps start so i want to use this week to get a few of my new routines started. I am guessing i will spend a good amount of the next three weeks driving. My intention this week is to be patient with work. To remember that there is an ebb and flow and change comes with a lot of uncertainty. Things will settle and all will be ok. Have faith. In the meantime, I’d like to spend time on myself. Exercising and eating well. Enjoying the backyard during these longer days and warm evenings. I also intend to spend time doing math with the kids. One on one time with each boy.
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to exercise daily and try out a new way of eating.
- Two: I will choose to temper my anxiety and worrying instinct at work. I will choose generosity and spaciousness.
- Three: I will choose to make some plans for July. Let’s see if I can take it one week at a time.
- I am looking forward to: One more quiet week this week.
- This week’s challenges: I would like to use this week to plan out the next three weeks a bit, this will be challenging but I think also rewarding.
- Top Goals:
- Work: I want to mostly just be present at work. Do what needs to be done but not panic and not read into things.
- Personal: I want to exercise, eat more protein, and drink more water and see if it helps with my energy level. I’ve been very lethargic and I am hoping these will help.
- Family: I want to go back to doing daily things with each boy. I love our time together.
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- I will be kind to my work mates on all sides. This is rough and I will do my best to make it easy on everyone.
- I will be strong by rebooting my goals and kicking off a new momentum.
- I will be generous with everyone. I want to feel generous all day, every day this week.
- I will be true to my goals for myself. I will aim to be the best version of what I can be.
- I will be brave by putting my anxiety aside as things settle down. I will not react but I will wait and respond as/if needed.
- This week, I want to remember: that all will be ok. That I am really lucky. That things always have a way of working out. That I am incredibly thankful for the amazing, amazing, amazing life I have.
Here’s to a wonderful week!
- Weekly Intention: After I took March off, I then decided to take April and May off too apparently. It seems almost pointless to do this, this week, since I am leaving in 2 days to go home and will not be able to update for at least 2 weeks possibly. But I am still pulled by a desire to do it so here we are. It feels like the last 3 months have been a blur. And I don’t want the next 6 months to feel like that. So my intention this week is twofold. One is to spend the next 56 hours filling some paperwork I need to, tidying up the house, and packing (when I am not working, of course) so that I feel a bit more ready for our trip. I’ve had a low level of stress about the trip the whole time, mostly because I am not sure what and how much to pack. So I want to settle things a bit here and feel more ready to go. I also would like to journal some and spend some time reflecting on my goals for the next six months of the year. I feel like things got off course a bit and I want to think about what getting back on course would look like for me.
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to figure out what will help me prepare for the trip and help with the low level anxiety.
- Two: I will choose to journal for at least one hour so i can see what i’m feeling.
- Three: I will choose to spend some time with jake before i leave.
- I am looking forward to: Seeing my parents, sister, nephews, and the rest of my family at home.
- This week’s challenges: A lot going on this week. Work, a test for one of the kids, packing, cleaning, tidying, a very long plane trip and likely some jetlag. But also so much excitement!
- Top Goals:
- Work: I want to get a few things decided and a few things underway so nothing lags cause I am gone.
- Personal: I want to journal. Reconnect with my wishes and desires and see what they are.
- Family: I want to spend so much time with Jake now and my wonderful family at home.
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- I will be kind to myself. I will forgive myself and find a way forward.
- I will be strong by doing what it takes to get ready to go on vacation.
- I will be generous with the possibilities on this trip.
- I will be true to myself but also open and kind. Both can live. And I will give myself grace.
- I will be brave by having faith that things will be ok.
- This week, I want to remember: that all will be ok. We will make it home safely. Things will get done. Packing will be ok. All will be ok. And to breathe. Breathe.
Here’s to a wonderful week!
- Weekly Intention: Without officially deciding it, I somehow decided to take March off. Days passed and I didn’t feel like writing so I just gave myself permission to feel that way. But now it’s April and I’d like to try to get back into setting intentions and trying to be a bit more aware. So this week I am in Zurich. I plan to work a lot as I often do while I am here. The intention I’d like to set this week is to be present, to be patient, and to be effective. I’d like to be able to be very organized and effective but not aggressive in the usual sense. I am normally very rushed and busy when I am here, which is fine, but I’d like to also make sure to be as calm as possible and to listen more than I talk. Let’s see if I can pull it off.
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to listen.
- Two: I will choose to take some time to rest and recover each day so I can last the week.
- Three: I will choose to be really present and organized and effective so it feels like a very productive week.
- I am looking forward to: some face to face time with all the people I work with, I love how much work I usually get done when I am here.
- This week’s challenges: I have to straddle four different agendas this week: two summits and two teams’ worth of meetings and I want to make sure I get through my whole list. I want to do all of it and I want to sit on the plane on the way back with a strong feeling of accomplishment. It will be hard. This is also the longest I’ve been away so I want to also make sure to talk to my kids each day.
- Top Goals:
- Work: I want to meet with each engineer, make sure the projects are in good shape, feel like it was super productive to come.
- Personal: I want to listen more. Be kind to myself. Forgive myself.
- Family: I want to talk to my family as much as possible.
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- I will be kind to myself. I will forgive myself.
- I will be strong by working hard and long days.
- I will be generous with my time and do all the work I can.
- I will be true to my heart and my gut. I will listen to my soul even when it’s hard.
- I will be brave by letting go and by forgiving myself.
- This week, I want to remember: that I will get work done. I always do when I am here. It’s always a tough, long week. I had an emotional weekend but now I need to take the time to buckle down and work. Before I know it, the week will be over and I will be on my way back. And it will all have been worthwhile.
Here’s to a wonderful week!
- Weekly Intention: The beginning of this week is hectic and full of meetings. The end of this week promises some emotional news. Knowing both of these things, I want to make sure to try to be calm and present in the beginning of the week and supportive and calm in the latter part of the week. So I guess my intentions are around calm. Physically, emotionally, and psychologically calm.
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to support my son, in all the ways he needs.
- Two: I will choose to take some time for friends even in the middle of this week.
- Three: I will choose to breathe. And then breathe some more.
- I am looking forward to: some wonderful news this week, I hope.
- This week’s challenges: We will find out some news this week. I am hoping, wishing, praying it’s good news. I am not even 100% sure what exact news is good news but I am hoping that it comes anyway.
- Top Goals:
- Work: I want to catch up and maybe (gasp!) get ahead this week.
- Personal: Be patient and calm. Do art. See friends. Be your kindest self.
- Family: I want to support David and Nathaniel with school. I want to hug Jake so much. I missed him so!
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- I will be kind to my son and myself.
- I will be strong by doing what needs to be done.
- I will be generous with my time and work this week. I will also rest when I need to.
- I will be true to my values. I will do what’s right for my family.
- I will be brave by asking for what I want and taking what I get.
- This week, I want to remember: that it will all work out. No matter what. Even when it doesn’t seem like it. Deep down, I have faith that things work out the way they should and I have faith that we adapt, learn, and grow as we need to. I want to remember this again and again.
Here’s to a wonderful week!
- Weekly Intention: This week I would like to take time for myself. I’ve been really stressed for a multitude of reasons and while I am getting a lot done, I am also not doing a lot of what I want to (or feel like I should) do partially because when I do have down time, I feel exhausted. So instead of continuing to fight this and continuing to just get more and more frustrated, I will instead spend most of my free minutes resting this week. So I can see if I can fill myself up a bit and find new energy to point toward the things I want (and need) to get done.
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to read and sleep and do art. Even if some things get dropped.
- Two: I will choose to start the process of making peace with parts of myself that I have been unkind to for a long time.
- Three: I will choose to be present with my boys, especially in the latter part of the week when it will just be the three of us.
- I am looking forward to: another wonderful week in my magical life, trying to remember to be deeply grateful.
- This week’s challenges: Jake will be leaving town for a few days starting mid-week. He and his two brothers are taking a brothers trip and I am so happy for him but it will likely make the end of the week more challenging than usual being alone. A great reminder to be so grateful for my wonderful husband.
- Top Goals:
- Work: I’d love to finish some of the documents I started and feel a bit caught up and organized. I also would like to find a way to schedule emails.
- Personal: Rest. rest. rest. read. do art. see friends. rest.
- Family: I want to spend a lot of time with Nathaniel to work on his spelling this week.
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- I will be kind to myself this week. Help undo a recurring theme, little by little.
- I will be strong by taking time to rest even though I know I will have a lot to do.
- I will be generous with my kindness this week. I will do my best to be the kindest I can be with each interaction.
- I will be true to myself by taking the time I need to really recover.
- I will be brave by doing the self-work that’s long overdue.
- This week, I want to remember: that life is a marathon and we’re all playing the long game. It’s not about sprinting and always catching up, always rushing through, always crossing items off my list. I will get to do plenty of that for the rest of my life. So it’s most important to pace myself. To always do what matters most, first. And to make sure I take care of myself so I can be my best self for all the people I love in the world.
Here’s to a wonderful week!
- Weekly Intention: My intention this week is to see friends, rest and do art. I also want to spend some time on deep work. I have some documents to write at work and they require a few hours of uninterrupted work time. I hope to be able to do a combination of rest and deep work this week.
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to reserve some time for deep work. And some time for art.
- Two: I will choose to go out and see friends even if I feel like staying at home and/or feel too busy to socialize.
- Three: I will choose to go back to healthy eating habits. I did not do so well with this last week but I am going to choose to start over.
- I am looking forward to: a little quiet time this week. I hope to create some.
- This week’s challenges: It’s always hard going back on schedule after a week off so I expect the school and juggle to be hard this week. I expect going back to eating well to also present challenges but I am ready to go back to routine.
- Top Goals:
- Work: Get some big tasks moving. Write down my thoughts/research on some important topics.
- Personal: Do art. Go out. Keep moving.
- Family: Go back to spending time teaching the kids. Math, spelling, reading.
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- I will be kind by supporting my family and really focusing on not yelling this week and saying only kind words. I want to really, truly try this for one week. See if I can do it.
- I will be strong by showing up even when it’s not easy. By making the healthy choice even when it’s not easy.
- I will be generous with my kids. I will take the time to sit and be with them. To teach them.
- I will be true to myself by taking the time to rest so my aching back can heal properly.
- I will be brave by saying what needs to be said, taking a stand, focusing on solutions and not problems.
- This week, I want to remember to: do what needs to be done. I would like to reduce the dilly-dallying to a minimum. To use my time really productively. To work hard and then disconnect so I can rest or be with friends or my family. I want to make a schedule for myself, for the work I would like done and then to really disconnect when I am not working.
Here’s to a wonderful week!
- Weekly Intention: My intention this week is to do a really good job of balancing my life and catching up to some of the bits I’ve been dropping on the floor. I plan to work half day each day and I want to make sure that I actively take the other half of the day off and spend time with my family or doing things that I find restful. So here’s to balancing work/life.
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to be very productive when I am working so I can get a lot done and feel productive so I don’t feel stressed when I am not working
- Two: I will choose to be present with nature and my inlaws who are coming to visit and enjoy some quiet time with my husband .
- Three: I will choose to rest. I will choose to go back to healthy eating habits. I will choose to find my rhythm again.
- I am looking forward to: some down time this week. Some time with Jake. Mini-adventures with my kids.
- This week’s challenges: My inlaws will be here this week. The kids have no school. I have a few very important work meetings and I think it will be challenging to balance all of what’s happening in one week. But I can do this.
- Top Goals:
- Work: My biggest goal this week: catch up to backlog. send newsletter. “feel” organized.
- Personal: Get rest and do art and read.
- Family: Be patient. Be kind. Be kinder.
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- I will be kind by being as present and active as i can be for all of the long days in this week.
- I will be strong by making it through this long and wonderful week and making sure to take time for self-care as i need it.
- I will be generous with my inlaws. With my time. With my patience.
- I will be true to myself by speaking up when I need to and still being kind.
- I will be brave by doing what needs to be done. By not making myself a victim. By owning my choices.
- This week, I want to remember to: Stay present. I know I say this often but I love my family, I love my inlaws, I love my job, I love my husband. I love my life. Sometimes it all comes together and is a bit tougher to juggle. I want to remember that even these hectic days are rare and precious. And I really want to be present in the moments.
Here’s to a wonderful week!
- Weekly Intention: This week, my intention is to rest and be calm as much as possible. I know that’s two intentions but so be it. Last week I worked long, hard days and I panicked and stressed needlessly several times. I do not want to do that anymore so I plan to actively choose the opposite. To consciously slow down, be calm, and keep things in perspective. Here’s to hoping.
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to celebrate my sons, especially David who turns eleven today. They awe me every single day.
- Two: I will choose to snuggle up, pay attention and be present. I am traveling again in less than two months and I want to make the very most of these days together.
- Three: I will choose to assume the best. I find myself often going to the worst possible outcome in my head or worrying constantly in my heart. Neither of these is helpful and I want to choose to stop and just be grateful for now instead.
- I am looking forward to: Meeting my friend Evelyn tomorrow. More debates this week. I love watching the debates.
- This week’s challenges: It’s another full week so I think the challenge this week will be balance. Making sure I exercise. Making sure I rest. Making sure I am present with the boys.
- Top Goals:
- Work: I have some delicate cross-team coordination this week, I hope that goes well.
- Personal: I’d love to actually do some art and read a bit each day this week. However small.
- Family: I have to buy my tickets to home during my trip to Zurich. Also book a trip for winter and spring breaks. Just get more organized in general. meh.
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- I will be kind by prioritizing what matters over what feels urgent. My family. My husband. My kids. They matter most.
- I will be strong by choosing to let go and not try to do everything.
- I will be true to myself by getting more organized so I can feel like I am spending my time on what I value.
- I will be brave by having faith that things are going to turn out ok and I can let go of the worrying/stressing.
- This week, I want to remember to: Live all of my life. January was all about work, for the most part. March will likely be about middle schools but February is that sweet spot in the middle. I want to live all of it. I want to be in this moment and really soak it in. I want to catch up on some of the work for my kids’ school I’ve been dropping on the floor. I want to start some special math time with Nathaniel. I want to remember to focus on all aspects of my life.
Here’s to a wonderful week!
Living Intentionally is a year-long project for 2016. You can read more about my projects for 2016 here.
- Weekly Intention: This week I am hoping to get back into routine. I have a few commitments but I am hoping that it will be more of a ‘typical’ week than what I’ve had so far in 2016 so I am hoping I can get back into routine a bit and also get some rest.
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to get back on the healthy eating plan and move often.
- Two: I will choose to socialize and connect with friends.
- Three: I will choose to breathe, stay calm and speak kindly to everyone (including myself.)
- I am looking forward to: seeing a few friends, a social at the kids’ school, a mostly calm week.
- This week’s challenges: jetlag and getting back into routine.
- Top Goals:
- Work: Get organized from all the work from last week. Keep the momentum.
- Personal: Eat well. Be present. Listen more. See friends.
- Family: Be kind. Speak quietly. Work with each kid daily.
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- Moving daily and eating well again.
- Listening more and not cutting in.
- Collecting the results of the hard work and being organized.
- Spending time getting caught up on non-work life.
- This week, I want to remember to: Make the most of my face to face time. Enjoy the solitude. Make sure I add value.
Happy February!! Here’s to a wonderful week!
Living Intentionally is a year-long project for 2016. You can read more about my projects for 2016 here.
- Weekly Intention: This week I am in Zurich, Switzerland until Thursday. I got to see my mom for a bit and now I will be working very long days and do my best to use my time here really well. My intention is to get a lot done. A lot. So that when I am back in town, I can feel really good about the trip and know that I used my time well.
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to work hard and effectively.
- Two: I will choose to focus on enjoying my time, strengthening my work relationships, and rest when I can.
- Three: I will choose to eat as healthy as I can and move as much as possible.
- I am looking forward to: Seeing my mom. Working hard. Getting things organized. Getting closer to my team. Learning a lot.
- This week’s challenges: Very long days, jetlag, not getting enough done as what’s at the top of my mind. Also the very cold weather.
- Top Goals:
- Work: Meet with everyone, get organized. Go through my todo list.
- Personal: Eat well. Be present. Listen more.
- Family: Be kind. Call my family daily.
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- Moving as much as possible and eating as well as I can.
- Listening more and not rushing in.
- Working hard and earning respect of my team.
- Not focusing on jetlag and just doing what I can while I am there.
- This week, I want to remember to: Make the most of my face to face time. Enjoy the solitude. Make sure I add value.
Here’s to a wonderful week!
Living Intentionally is a year-long project for 2016. You can read more about my projects for 2016 here.
- Weekly Intention: This is another unusual week for me. (January is full of them apparently.) Monday is a national holiday here and I am flying to Zurich on Friday, so I have three working days this week. Monday is not a holiday in Zurich so I expect they will work and it might be a bit hectic doing five days’ worth of work in three. But I plan to make the most of each of these days. I intend to do art and play with my kids on Monday. I intend to work hard and finish up all the middle school work on the other three days. And then I intend to enjoy my flight to Zurich. I will be patient and present and do the best I can every day this week. And if all goes well, I am lucky enough to get to see my mom on Saturday!
- Choices I want to make:
- One: I will choose to work hard and eat well.
- Two: I will choose to give Jake a lot of space. He worked so hard to take care of the family last week and he will be doing the same starting this weekend since I will be away. I’d like to make sure he uses this week to fill up his reserves.
- Three: I will choose to do the best I can and to let the rest go every day.
- I am looking forward to: Seeing my mom. Seeing some friends this week. Going to Zurich and getting a lot of work done. I am looking forward to a quieter week after last week and before next week. This is a much-needed buffer where I get to sleep in my own bed. I am looking forward to working hard, resting a lot, and socializing a bit.
- This week’s challenges: I’ve already mentioned a few but I am optimistic, especially since I did a bunch of work on Saturday and hope to do a bit more today so I can catch up to my todo list.
- Top Goals:
- Work: Get through my long-todo list and prepare for Zurich by setting up meetings.
- Personal: Eat well. See friends. Be present. Listen.
- Family: Be kind. Be present. Hug a lot. Lots of family time since I will be out of the country soon.
- I will focus on my core desires (kind, strong, true, generous, brave) by:
- Exercising daily. Starting to use weights.
- Giving my time to friends. Filling my well.
- Resting when I need and making sure I get a good night of sleep since I know I will be jet lagged next week.
- Doing at least a few work items I’ve been putting off for a while.
- This week, I want to remember to: Figure out some of our long term plans. Plan for David’s birthday, winter and spring breaks, and the summer. These plans will help me feel a bit more organized and I always feel more grounded when I am organized. I also want to remember how lucky I am. I want to remember to pay attention to it.
Here’s to a wonderful week!
Living Intentionally is a year-long project for 2016. You can read more about my projects for 2016 here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects