My boys each play an instrument. David started learning the guitar in the summer of second (or maybe third) grade. And Nathaniel started the piano just this past summer. Even though they wanted to play these instruments, I am constantly having to remind them to practice. It’s always met with much whining. But we still keep at it. And I absolutely adore the way in which my children can create music. It’s such a joy.
One of the greatest moments of the holiday break, for me, came when I told the kids they had to practice and after the whining and moaning, I joked that they were welcome to play each other’s instruments. Next thing I know, that’s exactly what they did! Nathaniel taught David how to play his song on the piano and David taught Nathaniel how to play the guitar (or tried to.)
It was the best moment, ever.
You can read about the start of this project here.
It says: what you seek is seeking you.
Loving Hearts is a Monthly Project for January 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
Weekly Intention: As we go into the first full week of 2017, I expect this week to be hectic and busy. My Mondays are always the toughest because my meetings start at 9am and don’t end until 10pm. So by the end of the day, I’m already wiped enough for multiple days. Wednesdays are like that, too, but then my Thursdays and Fridays tend to be quieter so Wednesday feels more hopeful. This Monday comes with the extra challenge of a dentist’s appointment and also Nathaniel will be home since he has a fever of 100.6 at the moment. So we’ll see how juggling all this works. I have a few more work items that I feel compelled to get done this week. Most noticeably my unread email is still at multiple hundreds so my intention with that this week is to either read it all or declare email bankruptcy and move on. I don’t want all the email hanging on my conscience all week. I learned last week that when I am rushing or harried, I tend to make a lot more mistakes and I tend to be much unkinder to my loved ones. So my intention this week is to slow down all the moments in between. If I am packing lunches during a meeting, so be it, but I don’t have to rush. Everything can wait, even when it doesn’t seem so. Let’s see if I can remember that.
This month’s intention is: Rise and Shine. Hit the ground running.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Skipping some meetings so I can go to Book Club this week.
- Two: Open: Setting up a few personal meetings for mentoring/coaching at work.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: Continuing to choose to nourish myself. Oh and, going to the dentist 🙂 And getting my hair done!
I am looking forward to: a long weekend this weekend. i love long weekends.
This week’s challenges: a lot of meetings this week. i am hoping nathaniel won’t get sicker. and the email, oh the email.
Top Goals:
- Work: start creating weekly summaries, see if I can pull it together.
- Personal: stay on the wagon with my new routine. make a list of personal goals and projects.
- Family: create some routine for Nathaniel and math. (i haven’t done this yet so let’s give it one more week.)
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: trying to stay in this present moment. slowing down and picking only the most important things to work on. Listening and responding and not jumping in. Staying calm. I’ll try to focus extra hard on the equanimity this week. Let’s see where I get.
This week, I will say yes to: getting the most important work done (and identifying what that is!)
This week, I will say no to: doing all the urgent-seeming-but-unnecessary work. (not just at work but also at home.)
I am worried that: i will not make time for my kids and for myself. i feel like once the week starts it’s a marathon of just going through all the motions. drop off to school, exercise/journal, meetings, meetings, meetings, pick up from school, make lunches, make dinner, meetings, meetings, meetings, sleep. That’s pretty much my life. Even if it’s in 20-minute pockets, I want to make time there for myself (and I am now doing this a bit with the journaling) and for Nathaniel and for David. Not time to say “do your homework, practice your instrument, brush your teeth” but time to connect. Time to show them my love. Time to really listen.
This week, I want to remember: that this is my life. I can choose how it goes. i can choose what upsets me. i can choose what I will worry about. I can choose how I show up in the world. Every day. Every moment. And each time, I get to start from scratch and try again.
Here’s to a great week!
You can read about the start of this project here.
It says: do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.
Loving Hearts is a Monthly Project for January 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
Three ways I shone this week:
- One: I worked really hard this week to get a bunch of logistical tasks out of the way so my teams can move forward.
- Two: I tried to be patient and kind to my son when he was struggling. Not sure if this counts as I find these moments are never the perfect way I wish they were. I am flawed and say as many wrong things as I say “right,” so I walk away unsure of how much they helped.
- Three: I have been working on nourishing myself more and better.
I celebrate: getting back into the groove of life even though i wasn’t sure I was ready.
I am grateful for: having a three-day workweek this week. it made the transition a bit easier.
I nourished myself by: eating a lot more vegetables this week. especially spinach. i love spinach.
Reflecting on my worries: i worried that it would be a disaster going back to work. i would be disconnected, things wouldn’t come back to me, etc. it didn’t happen. i love my job and was able to come in and be impactful pretty quickly. what’s funny is that i was worried about this and it didn’t happen but a bunch of stuff I didn’t think to worry about did happen and this is just another proof that i need to stop worrying so much because it doesn’t actually help.
I let go of: my email. i didn’t even bother to try to read all my mail from December. I might never get to.
Core Desire Check-in (bold, mindful, nourish, love):
- I made several bold moves at work this week, trying to make sure i could get better connected to some of my teams. i was scared but it worked out okay, i am proud of myself.
- I had some moments this week that required more equanimity than I usually can pull off. I had mixed results. Sometimes i wasn’t able to contain myself and yelled despite the fact that I didn’t want to. Other times, I held my tongue but only for a while and then exploded. Neither was great. But I did succeed in a few instances too. So maybe it’s like 3 steps forward, 2 steps back?
- I have been doing a pretty good job on nourishment. It’s been extremely hard to break habits (but also eye-opening of course.)
- And love. Well, I’ve had more grumpy moments than I’d like to admit. I’ve realized that when I am rushing, I am not at my best (is this really surprising??)
What made me laugh this week: my book, Learning to Swear in America. It was great. Also The Middle, TV show. And of course my boys who really love Calvin and Hobbes so much.
What I tolerated this week: getting up early. i don’t like having to wake up at 6. I wish it were 7. also giving up coke zero and my latte.
My mood this week was: some really low moments but some high ones filled with gratitude.
I forgive myself for: being less than my perfect self at least in three major incidents this week. once to david, once to nathaniel and once to Jake. It seems I covered the whole list 🙁 Graciously, they all forgave me, so now it’s my turn to forgive myself.
What I love right now: I still really love my Christmas tree. I am not ready to take it down. Is that awful? I told myself I get one more week but a part of me wishes I could have the shimmer all year long.
Week one is over already. Here’s to a wonderful week two!
You can read about the start of this project here.
It says: Because you are alive everything is possible.
Loving Hearts is a Monthly Project for January 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
You can read about the start of this project here.
It says: There is a sun within every person.
Loving Hearts is a Monthly Project for January 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
I started the year by finishing The Regional Office is Under Attack! I had read in several end of year lists that it was an amazing book. That it was a bit like Hitchicker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I have this pet peeve about how books should just never be compared to classics. I hate it when I read that a book is like Catcher in the Rye or another book I love. I feel like it’s just setting the author up for disappointment. While I might have liked this book on its own, I will now be comparing it to this completely different book. Not wise. Anyhow, this book was ok. It was funny in parts and not so funny in other parts. It was definitely quirky and different. I feel it started strong and funny and sort of fizzled out in the end.
I then read Wolf by Wolf because I had it for an upcoming book club meeting. I had no idea what it was about and hadn’t read the blurb before I started it (which is quite rare for me.) So I didn’t know it was about WWII. I usually avoid books about World War II but each year seem to end up reading a few. This was wildly different than any other one I’ve read and I really really enjoyed it. It’s YA so the pacing was quite fast and action filled. And there was a bit of a supernatural bend to it. I really enjoyed this one and am glad I read it.
Books I Read this Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
When I was thinking about 2017, it became clear to me that one of the main focus areas I want to have for this year is feeling more nourished. I want to feed myself whole, healthy and nourishing food for my mind, body, and soul. This means I am not only mindful with what I eat but I am also mindful with what I read, what I watch, what I say and do. To me, this is the bare minimum work I have to do to get to a place where I can shine. So my plan here is to set goals and track my nourishment in an effort to encourage myself and be more mindful. I haven’t figured out a more detailed plan than that but I am having faith that one will come together soon. If it doesn’t, I’ll make a more concerted effort to make one.
Since this is the first week, I will start this one with goals instead of tracking.
- I read: I would like to read a little about positivity and eating whole this week. I would like to have a list of foods that are both nutritious and filling.
- I learned: I plan to start a new class this week. I will give details on it next week, I will spend some time picking one.
- I watched: I was going to write that I’d like to watch a TED talk each week but I am not sure I do. Maybe I do. I’m going to be thinking about this one, too. Any ideas on worthwhile things to watch in general is welcome.
- Exercise: My plan here is to start small. While I love making the puzzles I’ve been making lately, they’ve resulted in a lot of joint paint. My back and jaw and my left knee all seem to be in a lot of pain. So, one goal for this week is to rest all of these body parts. I would like to pick a small exercise, maybe the 7-minute one and do it twice every day. That would be a solid start for me.
- Food: My plan here might be a bit too drastic, but we’ll see. I would like to just jump in and eat only whole foods this week. Not Whole 30 or any diet plan, just foods that are fresh. I’d like to eat nothing processed. No coffee, no diet coke. Tea and water instead. Let’s see how I do.
- Skin: This should be simple, but you never know. I’d like to put moisturizer on every day. My skin, my feet.
- Floss: Also, should be simple. Just once a day before bed.
- And More: If I can pull it off, I’d like to meditate for 5 minutes. Is that body, mind or soul? Maybe all three?
- I rested: I would like to sleep for at least eight hours each night. I am better when I get solid sleep. I’d also like to make sure I don’t drink tea or eat anything three hours before bed. I think that will help me sleep more easily.
- I connected: I will be spending time with my friend Adam this week and would love to connect with Laura and Leslie, too, but honestly, this week is about connecting back with work and getting back into routine. If I manage to get back into the groove of things by the end of the week, I’ll call it a success.
- I journaled: My plan is to journal for 20 minutes each morning. Let’s see if I can pull it off.
- I made art: I made my One Little Word art earlier this week and also my January art. I will see if I can plan my February art this week.
I know this is a lot. I will take it slow and see what I can do. A little is better than nothing. I can do this.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
You can read about the start of this project here.
It says: Only from the heart can you touch the sky.
Loving Hearts is a Monthly Project for January 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
I take a lot of classes each year. I take classes on self-reflection, classes about drawing, literature, mixed media, and whatever else I can get my hands on. I have found over the years that taking classes is a way for me to take the time to do the things I already want to do. If I decide I want to learn to sketch on my own, I might never make the time for it, but if I take a sketching class, I will take the time to do my homework, to listen to the lectures, and to practice. I am a dutiful student which means that taking classes is a good strategy for me to encourage myself to move in the direction I want.
Ali’s One Little Word is one of my very favorites. I’ve taken this course since she’s started offering it. Initially at Big Picture Scrapbooking and then on her own site. It has the magical combination of reflection, art, mixed media and scrapbooking. This is one of those classes where I might not learn a new skill each month, but I am learning how to live my life more intentionally. I am learning more about myself. I am learning more about how I want to live my life. I am learning to pause and reflect on my life while I am living it.
This class has never let me down. Here’s to starting the year intentionally.
Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
You can read about the start of this project here.
It says: Life is only as good as your mindset.
Loving Hearts is a Monthly Project for January 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects