March 2017 – Everyday Magic – 17

You can read about the start of this project here.

This one says: what you seek is seeking you.

Everyday Magic is a Monthly Project for March 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

Nourish Me – 12

I am learning that nourishment is a journey for me. And it’s not even a matter of all right or all wrong. But making every single choice along the way deliberately. Even the small ones like having shiny toenails to remember my word.  


  • I read: I am behind in this week’s blog reading mostly because I was out of town and had a full schedule once I got back and then spent the weekend doing taxes and at the kids’ school etc. I did read a bunch of books but not much else this week.
  • I learned: I learned a lot of stuff at the STEM fair but I didn’t do any of my other projects. Didn’t sign up for a class either. Still intend to. I also intend to catch up to Stephanie’s class which I haven’t given proper attention to. I am reading nonstop so that’s taking time away from other things. 
  • I watched: I finally watched all the outstanding episodes of This is Us on my Tivo. I cried of course. In every single episode! There are movies I want to watch but at the moment that time is not a luxury. 


  • Exercise: I exercised twice this week. I am working on getting it to be more. I am in quite a bit of knee pain so I am going to see what the doctor says.
  • Food: Mixed bag this week. Ate some really heathy stuff and some really unhealthy stuff. Working on it with each meal and trying to make sure I am mindful consistently.
  • Skin: still moisturizing and taking care of my skin. grateful for this practice.
  • Floss: still flossing. love love love my floss.
  • And More: made a doctor’s appointment finally for my knees and just a general checkup. 


  • I rested: sleep has been a mixed bag too. I’ve been staying up a bit later which isn’t great. but the 3am wakeup is gone, thankfully. I am feeling extremely tired, however, and that’s another reason I made an appointment with the doctor so I can make sure nothing is wrong.
  • I connected: with several friends this past week as well as workmates in Seattle. 
  • I journaled: none this week. I know. I know.
  • I made art: I didn’t do more art since last week but I got ready for the prep work I need to do for it, does that count?

I am realizing that one of the things I am going to need to focus more heavily on is my knees as they are in so much pain in this moment and I am also going to need to do some quality resting this week if at all possible. If not, I will take some time off next week so I can stay in bed and rest. I feel quite exhausted.


Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017?here.

2017 Stories – 12 – Nathaniel’s Valentine Too

A few weeks ago I posted the Valentine Nathaniel made for Paige, I wanted to make sure to also post the Valentine he received from his friend Emerson. It says: Dear Nathaniel, you are a sweet, awesome, fantastic friend. I like it when you smile because it makes me feel happy when you do it. I like your creative imagination because you can figure things out easily. From, Emerson.

Gotta love second graders. 

Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

March 2017 – Everyday Magic – 16

You can read about the start of this project here.

This one says: what you do today is important because you’re exchanging a day of your life for it.

Everyday Magic is a Monthly Project for March 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

March 2017 – Everyday Magic – 15

You can read about the start of this project here.

This one says: life is only as good as your mindset.

Everyday Magic is a Monthly Project for March 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

Living Intentionally 2017 – 12

Weekly Intention: This little paper was at David’s school’s high school campus. Isn’t that a reminder we all need?

This week is hectic. It will involve three trips to work, two to David’s school (both campuses), a client call and a lot of meetings as always. Monday and Wednesday evenings are filled with meetings till 10pm or later. Which is not ideal for me since it cuts into sleep time. I think there are a few things I’d like to do this week:

  • One is to make sure I sleep as much as possible.
  • Two is to get organized enough to feel like I know all that needs to get done and don’t feel like things are chaotic. 
  • Three is to follow through with whatever the doctor says to do and to make the few other appointments I will need to make for regular checkups that I know I am behind on.
  • Four is to either book or do all the steps to get ready to book our summer trip.
  • Five is to be done with the taxes, at least on our side.
  • Six is to keep smiling, keep looking for the good, and keep enjoying myself just the way I am.

This month’s intention is:  Rain or Shine: March is a tough month. You often feel like giving up in March. It feels too long. But it’s not. Keep going, You’re doing great. Remember that the trick is to just show up. Keep showing up. Lots of showing up this week. Connecting with a lot of different people from work. From Seattle, Sydney, Zurich and my mentees. Client calls. Volunteering at the kids’ school several times. Showing up at the benefit party for David’s school. Showing up at the doctor’s. And also trying to squeeze in a Book Club meeting in there. Let’s see how much of it all I can pull off.

Ways to Shine this week:

  • One: Bold: A few planned bold moves at work this week. A few for the kids’ school and next year. 
  • Two: Open: Open to receiving this week. Opportunities, attention, kindness.
  • Three: Heal/Nourish: Going to both the doctor and hair appointment. 

I am looking forward to: seeing a few friends tomorrow. fleshing out the details for the summer. being done with the taxes. being organized?! 🙂

This week’s challenges: Just a lot of back and forth this week. A very long Monday and Wednesday. Not a lot of rest on Friday. But I am ready to take it all on!

Top Goals:

  • Work: finalizing q2 goals. stepping back and up a bit.
  • Personal: sleeping. getting my todo list clarified.
  • Family: maybe a nice walk/hike with the kids this weekend?

I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: continuing my experiment. i will show up as my best self everywhere i go. i will be positive and kind and pay attention. let’s see if that moves the needle.

This week, I will say yes to: getting a bit more rest even if it means missing meetings.

This week, I will say no to: negativity. even in my head.

I am worried that: i will not book summer trip. i will not finish our taxes. i will have a terrible time at the benefit. i will flop. i will be exhausted. my knees won’t stop hurting. i will drop the ball on something important.

This week, I want to remember:  all of this is transient. life passes really quickly and i want to be present for mine.

Weekly Reflection 2017 – 11

Three ways I shone this week: So here we are. This week’s experiment went so-so I’d say. There were parts that worked well, like smiling as much as possible and catching myself when thinking/being negative. I sent messages to people I loved. I said thank you. But I didn’t write things down or dance/sing. I didn’t journal. But that’s ok. It was the first step of many. I intend to continue this experiment for a while longer. I think it’s valuable and I am interested in giving it a try for a bit longer. I did shine more this week in ways that matter to me. I was there for people at work, for my sons, for my husband. I also took time to read, relax and sleep. 

I celebrate: Nathaniel this week. 

I am grateful for: Nathaniel’s good news. For those of you who sent good wishes our way, it worked! thank you so much for your kindness. I am so grateful that my little boy gets to have his wishes come true. here’s to hoping we made the right choice and here’s to hoping this is one of many wonderful journeys for him.

I nourished myself by: resting. i got to sleep in while in Seattle and it was a gift.

Reflecting on my worries: Despite trying not to worry, I spent a lot of Saturday stressed out which was not great. Other than that particular instance, though, I think I did a pretty good job trying to remember what matters most and that worrying doesn’t really help. 

I let go of: I feel like I’ve been living moment to moment a lot lately. Partly because life is so full. I let go of being on top of things this week. I do hope and plan to be more organized next week!

Core Desire Check-in (bold, mindful, nourish, love):

  • bold: I feel like i am getting bolder with work all year. I also did a bold move for my personal nourishment this week so I am proud of myself. And finally I was bold with the kids’ school and with volunteering.
  • mindful: due to the exercise i was doing, i was very mindful of times when I was saying negative things this week. when i was being less than my shining self. it’s interesting for me to see what brings that out in me.
  • nourish: this is a mixed bag. most importantly, i made a doctor’s appointment for my knees finally. they’ve been hurting since Christmas so it’s long overdue.
  • love: i am so full of love and gratitude this week. i’ve tried to make a point of showing it to my kids, husband, parents, sister, nephews and a few friends. i am trying to spread it around 🙂

What made me laugh this week: I laughed a lot in Seattle. A bunch more on Thursday when we got the good news. And a bunch more today when I was at the STEM fair. 
What I tolerated this week: travel. time away from the boys. extra trips to work. knee pain.

My mood this week was: solid for the beginning of the week, hectic thursday, relaxed on friday and frustrated on saturday. in pain today.
I forgive myself for: being a bit crazy on saturday. 
What I love right now: i still love the multi-layered life I have. i love the textures of my life. 

Here’s to a wonderful week twelve. 

March 2017 – Everyday Magic – 14

You can read about the start of this project here.

This one says: always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.

Everyday Magic is a Monthly Project for March 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

Books I Read This Week 2017 – 11

I started my week with Gemina because I had it out from the library and it was a 7-day loan so I had to read it first. I knew David liked this one more than the first one and I agree with him. I felt like the last third of the book (which comes after an interesting twist, the first one in a long long time that didn’t bother me) is fantastic. The first part of the book, though, dragged a bit for me and could have been edited more heavily imho. Nonetheless, the twist and all the parts that came out of that made it worthwhile. I am glad I read it.

I then decided to tackle Version Control which I had checked out from library twice before but hadn’t gotten around to listening to. It’s quite a long one and I wasn’t sure it would hold my interest but I was totally wrong. Once I started, I was 100% absorbed in it and I loved all of it. Even though it was another book with similar physics themes that I’ve read several times in the last year, I loved it. This was my kind of book.

I then moved on to Exit West which I’d been waiting for excitedly. Exit West was a quick read and it was also thought provoking. I am not a rereader but this is a book I can see myself rereading. I loved the combination of light magical realism with the heavy historical subject matter. 

And then I moved to  The Roanoke Girls which I knew little about. I should have read more about it because really I didn’t need the disturbing story in my life. But once I started reading it, I could not put it down so there goes 5 hours of my life I won’t get back. It’s a fast read and even though you know very early on how disturbing it’s going to be it’s like an accident you can’t look away from. It doesn’t really even redeem itself in the end. I will admit that I wanted my hours back. You’ve been warned. 🙂

I ended the week with I’m Judging You which I really really liked. It was funny but much more than funny, it was deep, insightful and thought provoking. A perfect combination in any book, if you ask me. 


Books I Read this Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017?here.

March 2017 – Everyday Magic – 13

You can read about the start of this project here.

This one says: as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

Everyday Magic is a Monthly Project for March 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

Nourish Me – 11

Last week, I thought about and journaled ways in which I might be able to reset and I have some ideas but I am not sure they are the right ones. What I know is that I am not ready to give it up yet. I still believe deeply in everything on my list. So I will find my way back either way. 


  • I read: Still reading books voraciously. I’ve noticed in the last few weeks that I don’t really like blogs I read anymore. Most of the people I loved reading aren’t writing anymore or are mostly doing commercial things (which is totally fine, just not what I connect with.) So if you’re reading a great blog, I’d love to hear about it. I also loved this little tidbit from zenhabits which resonated with me. 
  • I learned: Well I am talking to the kids about projects they’d like to do and David has some ideas that might mean learning new things for me. I’ve also been thinking about online classes again. Maybe something small to get me started…I also want to read and do the exercises for all the wholehearted lessons this week. let’s see if I can.
  • I watched: I am quite amazed at the lack of TV in my life lately. I just don’t choose to turn it on. When the alternative is a book, the TV just doesn’t get used. I did watch this wonderful talk and recommend it wholeheartedly. Very resonant with my goals this week (or in life in general.)


  • Exercise: I exercised just once again. I have a bit of a plan for exercising as soon as I get up to not worry about the variability in my day to day schedule. But I also know I am really tired when I get up. So we’ll see if it works.
  • Food: I have brought more whole foods into my diet. I have also decided coffee’s ok if need be but I’d like to step back from the processed food that I don’t enjoy and eat anyway.
  • Skin: moisturizing has been going well. I see the effect and like doing it. yey for my skin.
  • Floss: back to flossing, that wasn’t too hard and dude i need to just not stop it.
  • And More: i got a mani and pedi this week. first time in years. and put on shiny polish so I can remember to shine!


  • I rested: I have been sleeping uninterupted for two nights. That’s a blessing. Still very tired but hopefully on the way to better rest. 
  • I connected: with parents from David’s school at a lovely dinner. It was fantastic.
  • I journaled: once but for a long time, this week.
  • I made art: Started April art. About halfway there and it was really fun.
I did some of the reflection I mentioned last week but I didn’t think about what fills me up,what gives me energy, what depletes me, and I’d love to see if I can do that this week.
Coincidentally, Gretchen Rubin blogged about this quote this week:

“Finally I am coming to the conclusion that my highest ambition is to be what I already am. That I will never fulfill my obligation to surpass myself unless I first accept myself–and if I accept myself fully in the right way I will already have surpassed myself.

–Thomas Merton, Journal, October 2, 1958

I felt like it was a perfect representation of what I am learning along this journey of life.

Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017?here.

March 2017 – Everyday Magic – 12

You can read about the start of this project here.

This one says: take every chance you get in life, because some things happen only once.

Everyday Magic is a Monthly Project for March 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.