- I read: I’ve been keeping away from websites. Since I am pretty behind in all things lately, I’ve been heavily prioritizing and reading my internet feeds have been at the bottom of the list.
- I learned: I’ve still been doing Stephanie’s Map Maker class still but sadly still haven’t begun the Courageworks class even though I think about it constantly.
- I watched: A lot of TV this past Friday night. Just felt too tired to do anything else. This is Us and Suits. Also Jake and I went to the movies last weekend to see Brad’s Status which I really liked.
- Exercise: I did 5 classes this week:
- Monday: Yoga
- Tuesday: Body Pump
- Wednesday: Pilates
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Pilates.
My body pump teacher comes back this week so I am excited to see get back into it. I’ve also been thinking about how I’d like my exercise to be ideally and here are a few things on my mind:
- Ideally, I’d like to:
- Meditate 5 mins in the mornings
- Cardio: twice a week for 20 mins each
- Plank: practice daily, start with 1 min, move to 3-5mins, then move to side plank
- pilates, yoga, barre -> do at least one of each weekly
- body pump -> at least two a week
So I need to figure out how to slowly incorporate some of these into my routine.
- Food:
- So food’s gone off the rails more than I’d like partly due to my sister’s visit but mostly due to my just making bad choices. It’s nothing extreme but I can see myself slip sliding and I’d like to get myself centered. When I eat well, I feel well. When I eat poorly, I don’t even like the taste often. So I want to do better here.
- I’ve been thinking about alternating my foods a bit. So instead of always using the same protein, I can try new ones. Here’s my variety list that I want to rotate through (this list is all things I have at home right now.):
- Fab 4 smoothies:
- Protein powder : collagen, vanilla, whey, plain, variety (strawberry, chocolate, etc.)
- Veggies: zucchini, spinach, kale
- Fiber: chia seeds, raw fiber, flax seeds
- Fat: avocados, almond butter, MTC oil, coconut oil
- Other: ashwaganda, macha, maca, hemp seeds
- Salads/meals:
- Protein: chicken, ground chicken, salmon, other fish, tuna, ground bison, eggs
- Fiber: Spinach, baby kale, zucchini, okra, broccoli, brussell sprouts
- Veggies: squash (winter+delicata+spaghetti), eggplant
- Fat: cashews, almonds, avocados
- Fruit: berries, figs, watermelon
- For me it’s easiest to schedule stuff for days of the week so that I can be sure to be rotating so that’s my plan each week with what I have on hand. We’ll see how well it works.
- Body Care:
- I’ve also been thinking here:
- Soak feet in salts once a week
- Monthly pedicures
- Paint my nails weekly
- Soak in a bath 1 month
- Do face masks twice a week
- Floss+cream daily
- I rested: Doing okay on the sleep but I just didn’t get enough this week. I am catching up here, though.
- I connected: A lot of connection last week. Monday, my sister was still here, Tuesday night I met a friend when we went to Together Rising, Wednesday, I went to the kids’ school and connected with another parent, Thursday I met with a friend in the morning and then had lunch with a work friend. And friday, I had a 4-5 hour chat with another friend. a LOT of connecting this week.
- I journaled: I did journal for MapMaker but not doing a lot of other journaling still except for my happy planner. I’d like to get myself to 3x/week journaling.
- I made art: I didn’t do my last mapmaker homework yet so no art this week but I plan to catch up.
- Flowers: I bought lots of beautiful flowers, they make my soul so happy.
So grateful for my progress, I have more shots on instagram though not that many recently.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: Nothing but books this week, barely even books still :(.
- I learned: I’ve still been doing Stephanie’s Map Maker class still but haven’t begun the Courageworks class even though I think about it constantly.
- I watched: My sister and I watched season I of Gilmore Girls! I also watched a bit of Prison Break.
- Exercise: I did 5 classes this week:
- Monday: Body Pump.
- Tuesday: Yoga
- Wednesday: Pilates
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Pilates.
- My body pump teacher is gone this and next week so I wanted to see how five would feel. It felt a bit easier paced.
- Food:
- I have been making a few poorer choices due to having visitors and going out on date nights, etc. But nothing crazy.
- This week I stuck to peppermint tea or decaf only, too, so no caffeine besides the one coke zero I had a few of the days.
- All the others: I’ve been still a bit less diligent than usual this week but still have been flossing, putting cream on, and taking my vitamins some of the time.
- I rested: Still having no trouble falling asleep but still sleeping less than usual and I am exhausted and miss sleeping. I plan to make up for it.
- I connected: Connected with my sister most of the time and a few visitors for work.
- I journaled: I did journal for MapMaker but not doing a lot of other journaling still.
- I made art: I did my last mapmaker homework.
So grateful for my progress, I have more shots on instagram though not that many recently.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: Nothing but books this week, barely even books.
- I learned: I’ve been doing Stephanie’s Map Maker class still but haven’t begun the Courageworks class.
- I watched: We finished Ozark!
- Exercise: I managed to do all 7 classes this week!
- Monday: 7am Body Pump.
- Tuesday: 8am Body Pump (on my birthday nonetheless!)
- Wednesday: Pilates and Cardio
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Body Pump Express and Pilates.
- Saturday&Sunday: resting all weekend
- Food:
- I functioned this week but Tuesday was my birthday and my sister is visiting so there’s be poorer food choices than usual. Overall I am still eating better than average. But I am hoping to do better next week anyway.
- This week I stuck to peppermint tea only, too, so no caffeine besides the one coke zero I had a few of the days.
- All the others: I’ve been still a bit less diligent than usual this week but still have been flossing, putting cream on, and taking my vitamins more often than not.
- I rested: Still having no trouble falling asleep but sleeping less than usual and I am exhausted and miss sleeping.
- I connected: Connected with my sister and my friends from the kids’ school.
- I journaled: I did journal for MapMaker but not doing a lot of other journaling still. I honestly don’t know how to fit that in at the moment.
- I made art: I did my last mapmaker homework.
So grateful for my progress, I have more shots on instagram though not that many since my sister came.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: Nothing but books this week! I’ve been super busy.
- I learned: I’ve been doing Stephanie’s Map Maker class still and One Little Word! I haven’t begun the Courageworks class.
- I watched: We watched Ozark a bit more. I seem to have no patience for TV lately.
- Exercise: This week was tricky with no work Monday, Jake’s birthday on Tuesday and in Seattle all Wednesday but I still managed to get 4 classes in.
- Monday: nothing since it was no-work day and all my classes are at work.
- Tuesday: Yoga.
- Wednesday: nothing I was in Seattle all day .
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Body Pump Express and Pilates.
- Saturday&Sunday: resting all weekend
- Food:
- I did a poorer job this week. Not due to the meals, I am still eating really healthy for my three meals but i am having chocolate in the afternoons and i’ve been making things like zucchini bread or pazooki equivalents with paleo recipes but those items are still bad for you and I need to stop eating them. I am hoping it was hormonal and I can just stop now.
- This week I stuck to peppermint tea only so no caffeeine besides the one coke zero I had a few of the days.
- All the others: I’ve been still a bit less diligent than usual this week but i did a face mask and have been flossing, putting cream on, and taking my vitamins more often than not.
- I rested: Sleeping strong and having no trouble falling asleep which is a miracle for me.
- I connected: Connected with my Young Adult book club, all my work mates in Seattle and went to both a grade leads meeting(for Nathaniel) and back to school night(for David) at the kids’ school. I also spent wonderful alone time with Jake on his birthday.
- I journaled: I did journal for MapMaker but not doing a lot of other journaling, i’d like to fix that this week.
- I made art: I did my last mapmaker homework and OLW for September.
So grateful for my progress, I have more shots on instagram.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: A few articles here and there but nothing to write home about.
- I learned: I’ve been doing Stephanie’s Map Maker class still! I decided to take the Courageworks class.
- I watched: We watched Ozark a bit.
- Exercise: This week was tricky with two morning trips to the kids’ schools, so I adjusted.
- Monday: First day of school so I missed my 7am Body Pump, I had to change it up and took Power Yoga which was super hard.
- Tuesday: made it to Body Pump class just in time.
- Wednesday: took a new Body Pump Express class.
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Body Pump Express and was too tired to stay for Pilates.
- Saturday&Sunday: resting all weekend
- Food:
- Veggies I had: delicata squash, eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers, broccoli rice, brussel sprouts, okra and spinach.
- Protein: chicken breasts, chicken sausage, ground chicken, pulled beef and eggs.
- I am a bit more hungry between meals now but can’t tell if it’s hormonal.
- I’ve been eating too much chocolate and need to just quit it.
- No coffee for eight weeks now. Still drinking a lot of mint tea.
- All the others: I’ve been still a bit less diligent than usual this week but i did a face mask and have been flossing, putting cream on, and taking my vitamins more often than not.
- I rested: Still sleeping strong unless I drink after 7pm. Even if I wake up now, I seem to fall back asleep.
- I connected: Connected with my good friend Leslie and my friends Cole and Ty!
- I journaled: I did simple daily journaling but didn’t journal on my MapMaker yet (but I will!)
- I made art: I did my last mapmaker homework!
So grateful for my progress, I have more shots on instagram.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: Outside of the books I’ve read this week, I haven’t done any other reading.
- I learned: I’ve been doing Stephanie’s Map Maker class still! And I am on the fence on the courageworks class, especially since they are closing their doors by the end of this year.
- I watched: Still only one hour of TV this week.
- Exercise: I came home from the trip and immediately went to work to make sure I was exercising!! I’ve been trying to introduce a new class each week, this week I did a new-to-me Vinyasa Yoga class and I went to a Sculpt and Abs class on Friday and it was crazy hard. I keep thinking those classes will not be cardio and yet they are!
- Monday: no exercise since I was in the car!
- Tuesday: Vinyasa Yoga
- Wednesday: Sculpt and Core and Mat Pilates
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Body Pump Express and Sculpt and Abs
- Saturday&Sunday: resting all weekend
- Food: Since we traveled this past weekend. Food was tricky. I tried to eat my best and for the most part I managed to do so. I snacked on others’ food a bit more than I would have liked to but otherwise i am pretty proud of how clean i ate.
- Veggies I had: butternut squash, spaghetti squash, eggplants, zucchini, celery, cucumbers, broccoli rice, artichokes, kale and spinach.
- Protein: chicken breasts, chicken sausage, buffalo meat and eggs.
- I am still not hungry between meals. But i am still eating my chocolate and i need to come up with a plan for it.
- No coffee for seven weeks now. When I was in Ashland, I tried Mint Tea and fell in love and I’ve been drinking it a lot since!
- All the others: I’ve been a bit less diligent than usual this week. I will get back on the wagon.
- I rested: Still sleeping strong unless I drink after 7pm. I’ve had all sorts of funny sleep last week, of course, but I am getting back on the saddle here.
- I connected: Connected with family this week, it was awesome!
- I journaled: I journaled only for mapmaker this week but i also started a simple daily journaling idea thanks to Stephanie Howell and I am so grateful to her (more on this later.)
- I made art: I did parts of my mapmaker homework!
So grateful for my progress, I have more shots on instagram.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: It’s been a quiet week for reading. I’ve had long days and there’s been a lot of bad news so I’ve been watching CNN vs. reading, which is not great for my well being.
- I learned: I’ve been doing Stephanie’s Map Maker class still! And looking for a new courageworks class, too I think.
- I watched: Still only one hour of TV this week, besides all the CNN.
- Exercise: Another week of exercising!! I’ve been trying to introduce a new class each week, this week I did a CXWORX class which was ok but it was my third that day so I was exhausted.
- Monday: Body Pump
- Tuesday: Body Pump
- Wednesday: Sculpt and Core, Mat Pilates, and CXWORKX
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Body Pump Express and Mat Pilates
- Saturday&Sunday: resting all weekend
- Food: I’m also introducing a new food each week. This week it was to be radishes but I might be allergic to them because they burned me like crazy.
- Veggies I had: butternut squash, spaghetti squash, eggplants, zucchini, celery, cucumbers, broccoli rice, brussel sprouts, kale and spinach.
- Protein: chicken breasts, ground buffalo, meatloaf, and eggs.
- I am still not hungry between meals. But i am still eating my chocolate and I will say I’ve been having a bit more than usual.
- No coffee for six weeks now. Not craving it.
- All the others: I’ve been flossing nightly, taking my vitamin C, and putting cream on. I’ve used my face masks a bit and like my new side sleeping earplugs.
- I rested: Still sleeping strong unless I drink after 7pm. If I wake up to go to the bathroom it ruins my evening so I really need to not drink after 7pm.
- I connected: Connected with an old friends at work this week which was great.
- I journaled: I journaled a bunch! not as much as i would like but still!!
- I made art: I did parts of my mapmaker homework!
So grateful for my progress, here are some more shots from instagram.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: I listened to Brene’s Sounds True lecture this week and it reminded me that I need more of that in my life. So I’ve downloaded some Tara Brach and intend to listen more.
- I learned: I’ve been doing Stephanie’s Map Maker class and the August OLW.
- I watched: only one hour of TV this week.
- Exercise: Woohooo, another week of exercising!! I’ve been trying to introduce a new class each week, this week i did two new ones on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Here’s what I did:
- Monday: Body Pump
- Tuesday: Body Pump
- Wednesday: Sculpt and Core (which was cardio!) and Mat Pilates
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Body Pump Express and Mat Pilates
- Saturday&Sunday: resting all weekend
- Food: I’m also introducing a new food each week. This past week was brussel sprouts and buffalo meat.
- Veggies: butternut squash, spaghetti squash, eggplants, zucchini, beets, celery, cucumbers, broccoli rice, brussel sprouts, kale and spinach.
- Protein: chicken breasts, ground chicken, ground buffalo, and eggs.
- I am still not hungry between meals. Often I am not even hungry for dinner.
- No coffee for five weeks now. Not craving it.
- All the others: I’ve been flossing nightly, taking my vitamin C, and putting cream on. I bought a new face mask and some new earplugs because mine hurt when i wake up (because i sleep on my side). I’ve also bought a bunch of food-to-go items because we will be out of town next weekend.
- I rested: Still sleeping strong. I’ve been waking up at 6 but this week i’ve woken up a bit more than I’d like. I’m hoping the new earplugs will help.
- I connected: Connected with a few new friends at work this week, and it was wonderful.
- I journaled: I journaled a bunch! woot!!
- I made art: I did my mapmaker homework!
So grateful for my progress, here are some more shots from instagram.

Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: I’ve been reading a wide range lately. If I’ve read Contemporary Fiction, I try to pick SciFi or non-fiction next, etc.
- I learned: I’ve been doing Stephanie’s Map Maker class and still have to do my August OLW.
- I watched: We watched Before I Fall, which I loved. And I’ve watched a few episodes of Suits but that’s it. Oh, and, A wonderful talk by Brene to Women@Google in Chicago. She is always so amazing.
- Exercise: Woohooo, another week of exercising daily!! Here’s what I did:
- Monday: Body Pump
- Tuesday: Vinyasa Yoga
- Wednesday: gBarre and Mat Pilates
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Body Pump Express and Mat Pilates
- Saturday: 2K Walk (my back was hurting so much that I decided to not push it.)
- Sunday: rest day
- Food: Still doing great here, I ‘ve been trying to make sure to mix things up so i can built a variety of food.
- Veggies: butternut squash, spaghetti squash, eggplants, zucchini, beets, celery, cucumbers, broccoli rice and spinach.
- Protein: Tuna, chicken breasts, salmon, ground chicken, ground turkey, chicken sausage, ground buffalo and eggs.
- I’m trying to try a new food each week. Last week was avocado and this week was salmon.
- I’m also trying a new exercise each week. This week was the Wed Am Barre class which was really hard.
- I am still not hungry between meals. Often I am not even hungry for dinner.
- No coffee for four weeks now. Not craving it.
- All the others: I’ve been flossing nightly, taking my vitamin C, and putting cream on. I tried a face mask and already did it once, it was quite nice. I also bought a shake cup for potential travel coming in a few weeks. Trying something new here each week, too. I also got my hair Keratin done this week. I love it so. I also bought this as a reminder.
- I rested: Still sleeping strong. Some nights it’s a bit harder but I always fall asleep within minutes of going to bed. Waking up at 6am and exercising every day makes falling asleep super easy.
- I connected: Connected with my friend Caroline this week for a long time, it was wonderful.
- I journaled: I journaled almost every day! woot!!
- I made art: I did my mapmaker homework!
So grateful for my progress, still and hoping it sticks.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: I’ve still been conscientious about what I’m reading. Also spending very little time on facebook or any online anything to be honest.
- I learned: just started Stephanie’s Map Maker class but haven’t done any of the homework yet. Did finish OLW for July.
- I watched: Jake and I watched a few more episodes of The Billions and started a few movies but didn’t really finish any.
- Exercise: Woohooo, another week of exercising daily!! Here’s what I did:
- Monday:Body Pump
- Tuesday: Vinyasa Yoga
- Wednesday: gBarre and Release work in Mat Pilates
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Body Pump Express and Mat Pilates
- Saturday: 5K Walk
- Sunday: 3mile Walk (this is usually my rest day)
- Food: Still doing great here, I ‘ve been trying to make sure to mix things up so i can built a variety of food.
- Veggies: Zucchini, squash, asparagus, beets, celery, cucumbers, broccoli rice and spinach.
- Protein: Tuna, chicken breasts, ground turkey, ground turkey, chicken sausage.
- I finally found chocolate, vanilla, cofffee and strawberry powder I like. So now I have a lot more variety. Here’s the vanilla one. and here are the others.
- I tried avocado this week which I’ve historically hated. But I’ve grown to like them in the last week. woohoo!
- I am still not hungry between meals. Often I am not even hungry for dinner.
- No coffee for three weeks now. Not craving it.
- All the others: I’ve been flossing nightly, taking my vitamin C, and putting cream on. I will try for some face things next week. I’ve also done some work on my feet:
- I rested: Still sleeping like a baby. 10pm to 6am daily, including weekends. Wearing and loving earplugs. Not drinking water 2 hours before bed helps me sleep through the night. I am so grateful for the sleep!
- I connected: Connected with several friends this week.
- I journaled: I even journaled this week! A bunch on my own and a bunch for OLW!
- I made art: maybe more craft than art, but did it for my OLW.
So grateful for my progress, still and hoping it sticks.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: I abandoned more books this week and jumped ahead in my queue to read what I really felt like reading. I’m getting better at this.
- I learned: nothing new to report here.
- I watched: Jake and I watched a few more episodes of The Billions and I finished Designated Survivor.
- Exercise: Woohooo, another week of exercising daily!! Here’s what I did:
- Monday:Body Pump
- Tuesday: Vinyasa Yoga
- Wednesday: Pilates
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Vinyasa Yoga
- Saturday: 5K Walk
- Sunday: 3K Walk (this is usually my rest day)
- Food: Still doing great here, I cooked so much more food than I’ve ever had in my life! Here are some things I’ve prepped so I could have food all week:
- Veggies: Zucchini, squash, eggplant, beets. I also cut celery, cucumbers, and had broccoli rice and spinach.
- Protein: Petrale Sole, Chicken breasts, ground chicken, ground turkey. I also bought chicken sausage but haven’t had it yet.
- I tried the Chocolate Protein powder and it was terrible! At least for me 🙂
- I loved Dates in my Fab4 but I know they are sugary so I shouldn’t really have one each day. I also love bananas. I will try new things this week.
- I am still not hungry between meals. Often I am not even hungry for dinner.
- No coffee for two weeks now. Not craving it.
- All the others: Blood tests were good. I am still working on taking care of my teeth, my skin, my feet. Taking it one day at a time.
- I rested: Major progress here, too. The 10pm-6am works wonderfully still. On Thursday I even went to bed at 9pm so I could wake up at 5am and it was no problem. I’ve started wearing earplugs and using the light function of my alarm (my alarm has a light that slowly gets stronger, emulates the sun coming up.) I’ve been sleeping solidly.
- I connected: No connecting with friends this week but I bought a ticket to go see Glennon with my friend in a few months, does that count?
- I journaled: Doing pretty badly here. I think it’s cause I leave it to the end of the day, so I need to rearrange the time of this commitment.
- I made art: No art this week either.
So grateful for my progress, still and hoping it sticks.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: I’m proud of myself this week, I’ve done less reading but spent more time moving and I didn’t read anything I really disliked. I abandoned three different books this week and still ended up finishing four.
- I learned: nothing new to report here.
- I watched: Jake and I watched an episode of The Billions yesterday but nothing at all outside of that.
- Exercise: I finally have some wonderful progress to report here. After all I wrote last week, I finally followed through on my goals and exercised every day this past week. After waking up at 5am on Monday and going to a local Barre3 place, I realized there probably were free classes at Google. And indeed there are hundreds of classes so after Monday, I drove to work everyday for a different exercise. This is also a fantastic way to try new things when I am stronger. Here’s what I did:
- Monday: Barre3 Class
- Tuesday: Vinyasa Yoga
- Wednesday: Vinyasa Yoga
- Thursday: gBarre (Google’s Barre class)
- Friday: Body Pump Express
- Saturday: 5K Walk with Nathaniel
- Sunday: I wan planning on a rest day but ended up doing a 3K walk at the end of the day.
- Food: I’ve also been doing a fantastic job here. We had a bad start on Sunday with the smoothies but then I ordered unflavored pea protein and I could totally drink it. So now I start my mornings with a Fab4 Smoothie and eat a ton of veggie bowls for lunch and dinner. I have been so incredibly full that I genuinely don’t snack (or have any desire to) between meals. Sometimes I’m so full by dinner that I have a smoothie or a small bowl instead. I still have 1 Coke Zero a day and sometimes a small square of chocolate. I find I don’t crave it or think of it as an indulgence because somehow I am genuinely not feeling deprived so far. We’ll see if things change but I am appreciating them so far. I started an instagram account where I keep track of everything I eat (for ideas later) and all the exercise I do.
- All the others: I’ve been to the dentist this week and also done a bunch of blood tests to see if I am all okay. I’m working on taking care of myself.
- I rested: I’ve moved my sleep hours to be consistent 10pm-6am so that I set an alarm even on the weekend and don’t stay up past 10 even on the weekend. So far, so good. I don’t eat or drink anything past 7pm to see if it helps me sleep better and so far it’s going well.
- I connected: I didn’t go to one book club but I did go to another. In fact, I drove to work to exercise, drove all the way back home to shower and go to book club, and then drove right back to work for a meeting. That’s how much I wanted to make the time to connect.
- I journaled: I did some journaling but not as much as I would have liked. I’m still in catch-up mode at work so that’s not helping. I am planning to do some more this week and we’ll see if I can get into a groove there.
- I made art: No art this week either. Though I have some plans for July OLW.
So grateful for finally some progress this week. With a lot of gratitude to Ali. And hoping it sticks.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects