- I read: A lot of books this week. Almost at the bottom of my audible pile.
- I learned: Calculus and Python still here. No new classes so far. Haven’t done any of the Machine Learning one.
- I watched: Two movies this week: Star Wars and Burn After Reading. We also watched a small amount of TV finally.
- Exercise: Well I was home all week so there’s been almost zero exercise. One day I did body pump at home but that’s it. I’ve been feeling guilty but also not motivated at the same time. So I am deciding to give myself a break and start again in the new year. If I get any in before the end of the year, it’s bonus.
- Food: Food was relatively bad I’ll admit. Mostly because I’ve been drinking inordinate amounts of coffee. And chocolate. I have made sure at least one of my meals is super healthy but in general I’d say it hasn’t been the healthiest week.
- Body Care: I’ve done nothing here. I have been resting a lot so we’re going to say that counts.
- I rested: I’ve not been sleeping a lot but i’ve also been at home for the most part so that’s a lot of rest.
- I connected: A lot of time with family this week, of course. Also spent time with my friend Manu and my friend Leslie.
- I journaled: I journaled some more, too. Still making plans for 2018.
- I made art: December Daily has been slow and simple this year but I’ve been at it.
- Flowers: still filling my life and home with these and still loving it.
Didn’t quit coffee, still struggling with all of it but will figure it out soon!
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: A lot of books this week. Finally tackling my audible pile.
- I learned: Calculus and Python classes for the kids took up all my empty moments this week. Though I did sign up for a Machine Learning class, we’ll see if I can actually do it.
- I watched: No movies this week. Haven’t even turned on the TV in weeks.
- Exercise: I exercised four days this week despite major sciatica pain.
- Monday: Body Pump
- Tuesday: Body Pump Express
- Wednesday: nothing
- Thursday: Yoga
- Friday: Body Pump Express
- Food: Food was so so. Still no soda. Too much coffee still and just overall not eating much or well.
- Body Care: I’ve done nothing here still. Will use the holiday season to get back on track.
- I rested: A little better on sleep this week but still pretty deprived.
- I connected: Spent some time with my friend Leslie and went to google party with Jake.
- I journaled: I journaled a whole bunch more. Making plans for 2018.
- I made art: December Daily baby!
- Flowers: still filling my life and home with these and still loving it.
Didn’t quit coffee, don’t know if I have it in me. Maybe I should quit chocolate instead?
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: Only books this week, too. Maybe after next week I can browse a bit.
- I learned: Calculus and Python classes for the kids took up all my empty moments this week.
- I watched: This one movie about whether to write or type 🙂 I also watched Lady Bird which was wonderful.
- Exercise: I exercised every day this week despite crazy jet lag and major sciatica pain.
- Monday: Body Pump
- Tuesday: Body Pump Express
- Wednesday: Tabata (for 18 mins only as I had to rush to a meeting.)
- Thursday: Yoga and Body Pump Express with Jake
- Friday: Body Pump Express
- Food: Food was so so. Still no soda. Too much coffee which I have to quit. Ok on the meals but poor job on chocolate.
- Body Care: I’ve done nothing here still. Will use the holiday season to get back on track.
- I rested: Sleep was not good this week because I was super super busy at work and had two evenings of meetings and two evenings of social commitments. So I really need more sleep.
- I connected: I got to see a lot of work friends this week, too due to a summit we had. I had a date night with Jake. And got to see my friend Leslie. I also went to Nathaniel’s class. Not a bad week.
- I journaled: I journaled thanks to the advent of light course but I am behind. still, i did some journaling!
- I made art: December Daily baby!
- Flowers: still filling my life and home with these and still loving it.
I think this might be the week I quit coffee again.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: A lot of books this week but nothing else. I worked and was on the road for most of the week.
- I learned: Hmm not much new this week unfortunately.
- I watched: I watched a bunch of movies on the plane: Fantastic Beasts was awesome. Table 19 was also lovely. Everything, Everything was also lovely. On the way back, I watched Kedi and it was wonderful. All great stuff this week.
- Exercise: I exercised once here on Saturday before I left and then twice in Sydney in my hotel room. None were fantastic.
- Food: Food was a poor job. On the plus side, I had no soda. On the minus side I had a LOT of coffee and ate poorly for the most part.
- Body Care: I’ve done nothing here.
- I rested: Sleep was not good while I was in Sydney. I expect some jetlag here before things are well again.
- I connected: I got to see a lot of work friends from Seattle and Sydney. When I got back I also got to see my friend Leslie. Good week.
- I journaled: I journaled a lot on the way there but not at all there.
- I made art: December Daily baby!
- Flowers: still filling my life and home with these.
Hoping to make one last push to end the year well here.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: A good variety this week. Some nonfiction, a poetry, a young adult, a middle grade, and an adult fiction. Not bad.
- I learned: Hmm not much new this year unfortunately.
- I watched: We watched Atomic Blonde and it was terrible.
- Exercise: I exercised only twice this week because I was at the kids’ school on Wednesday and there was no work Thursday or Friday.
- Monday: Body Pump
- Tuesday: Body Pump
- Food: Food is still touch and go here. Not awful but far far from excellent. I did quit soda so that’s a plus.
- Body Care: I’ve done nothing amount here.
- I rested: I am sleeping a bit better but honestly it’s not perfect.
- I connected: I got to see some good friends at school on Wednesday and having Jeff here all week was wonderful. We also has a lot of family time, of course.
- I journaled: I didn’t journal this week. I am optimistic for the flight.
- I made art: no art at all this week but december daily starts Friday!
- Flowers: still filling my life and home with these.
Trying to take things one good decision at a time here.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: a bunch of fiction and non fiction this week. I am at like book #260 for this year. This has definitely been a year of reading for me. I will need to reflect on the impact and value of this.
- I learned: I am still continuing to do work with the kids though this week I didn’t have enough time. I also learned about Structured Word Inquiry and Real Script for the kids. I’ve also done a bunch of Math with Nathaniel this week and I did Science as well which is definitely hard for me.
- I watched: No TV this week. We watched a half of Baby Driver but that was it.
- Exercise: I exercised six times this week. My first full week in three weeks so it felt good.
- Monday: Body Pump
- Tuesday: Body Pump
- Wednesday: Pilates
- Thursday: Yoga
- Friday: Body Pump and Pilates
- Food: What I wrote about food applies this week too. I am not eating fast food or doing anything extreme, and when I am at work, I still eat the salads but I also eat more chocolate than I have and drink a lot of coffee and soda. I’ve been eating crackers or something small, simple, and unhealthy at home. I want to fix this but am not feeling motivated in the right way for some reason.
- Body Care: I’ve done a tiny amount here.
- I rested: I am still sleeping poorly.
- I connected: I had a lot of friend time this week: my friend Leslie and then Tamara and then went to my YA book club. It was wonderful. I also had a wonderful time with Jake.
- I journaled: I journaled a lot for 2018 so I feel a bit better here.
- I made art: no art at all this week but I feel compelled to make plans for 2018.
- Flowers: still filling my life and home with these.
At this point i just want to make a contained plan for the last 5 weeks of this year.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: A bunch of articles but honestly none of them stick with me, and maybe that’s reason enough to stop reading? I can’t ever be sure what the right thing to do here is.
- I learned: I hope Calculus counts. A lot of my time has been going to the kids lately. Doing daily Calculus with David (and learning it all over myself) and doing Python with Nathaniel. I do want to pick up something new to learn but not sure what. I also signed up for another course with Karen Walrond because her courses always do right by me.
- I watched: Jake and I watched most of Stranger Things 2 last night. Since last weekend was a 3-day weekend for the kids, I used the opportunity to catch up on a lot of TV, too.
- Exercise: I exercised four times this week. On Friday the kids had no school and I had to go to teacher conferences so I had to miss my class.
- Monday: Body Pump
- Tuesday: Body Pump
- Wednesday: Pilates
- Thursday: Yoga
- Food: Food’s still a bit all over the place. I am still feeling wiped and lazy and not feeling in the mood to cook which means I end up making bad choices for food to eat. And while I am still pretty tired and whiny, here’s the truth: thanksgiving is coming and then I will be in Australia for a week. It will be hard enough to eat well on the plane or when I am there and if I don’t buckle down and find a way to make this work now, it will be that much harder then so it’s time. I really don’t want to put it off longer.
- Body Care: This is another area where I’ve fallen off a lot. I think it will help me to think of this more (and not less) as we go into the darker months of the year.
- I rested: I slept better this week but not as well as when I eat well.
- I connected: I got to spend time with my friend Leslie and connected with my kids’ teachers.
- I journaled: I did not journal a word this week! But I did sign up for Karen’s journaling class and I am optimistic it will help me!
- I made art: Worked on both DD and OLW! Woot!
- Flowers: still filling my life and home with these.
Thinking that maybe the trick is not to go back to September but forward to some new normal.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: Nothing besides books this week.
- I learned: nothing new this week 🙁
- I watched: A little catch up TV this week. Nothing to write home about, though.
- Exercise: I exercised four times this week. On Friday the kids had no school so I decided to take it off.
- Monday: Body Pump
- Tuesday: Yoga
- Wednesday: Pilates
- Thursday: Yoga
- Food: Food’s still a bit all over the place. I am feeling wiped and lazy and not feeling in the mood to cook which means I end up making bad choices for food to eat. Which makes me sad. But still too tried to fix it.
- Body Care: I did a little care of my feet and I also got my hair done.
- I rested: I slept better this week but not as well as when I eat well.
- I connected: I got to spend time with my friend Leslie and connected with a few parents from school.
- I journaled: I did not journal a word this week!
- I made art: Planning to work on both OLW and DD this week.
- Flowers: still filling my life and home with these.
Still figuring out how to go back to the place where I was in September…
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: I’m grateful to be reading a wide range of books in any one week. I also read a few blogs, some Instagram and a few articles but really very few compared to books.
- I learned: nothing new this week 🙁
- I watched: I haven’t even turned on my TV since I’ve been back. I have hours and hours of recorded TV that’s waiting for me, not to mention the new season of Stranger Things.
- Exercise: I exercised daily this week. Two of my classes were canceled so I had to improvise!
- Monday: Body Pump
- Tuesday: Body Pump
- Wednesday: Sculpt + Core
- Thursday: Yoga
- Friday: Body Pump
- Food: Food’s been all over the place. I am not completely off but I wouldn’t say I’ve been eating well. I’m also getting sick now which sucks and I hope that it won’t be an excuse to eat poorly.
- Body Care: did none still. It’s been a tough week, I hope to have a better one.
- I rested: I slept so-so all week.
- I connected: I got to spend time with my friends Leslie and Kelly. Which was wonderful.
- I journaled: I did not journal a word this week!
- I made art: I did nothing new 🙁 but looking forward to December daily.
- Flowers: still filling my life and home with these.
Grateful for nourishing myself more than average but I am slipping a bit and will make an effort to double down over the next few weeks before holiday season officially starts.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: I still only read books this week.
- I learned: I finished my work for Brene’s class and I loved it. Still trying to see what to take Nov/Dec.
- I watched: I watched a lot of Riverdale while I was in Seattle.
- Exercise: I woke up at 6am every morning while in Seattle and exercised. But it was only for 15 minutes on the treadmill and not going so fast. So I am not sure I get a lot of credit for it.
- Food: I ate well every breakfast, and lunch, it was so-so for dinner.
- Body Care: did none! 🙁
- I rested: I slept poorly all week.
- I connected: Got to see a ton of work friends both from Seattle and Sydney. I went to visit my friend Radhika and her baby and I even got to see my friend Leslie yesterday!
- I journaled: I did journal for Mapmaker and Brene but I nothing more.
- I made art: I did finish November and my plan for this week is to get December Daily ready
- Flowers: got back home and bought flowers first thing.
So grateful still, I have more shots on instagram though very few this week.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: I am reading so so many books lately. I don’t want to do anything but read.
- I learned: This is the last week of Stephanie’s class and I’ve begun doing the art for Brene’s class. I am super excited and also want to make sure I sign up for a new class for October/November. I am open to ideas.
- I watched: It was a choice between TV and books this week and books have won!
- Exercise: I did five classes this week because my Body Pump teacher was out of town on Friday:
- Monday:Body Pump
- Tuesday: Strength and Core Training
- Wednesday: Pilates
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Pilates.
I won’t even admit to how I haven’t added anything else to my schedule. Maybe when I am back from Seattle?
- Food:
- I will admit I am not crazy about the smoothies lately. But I am still doing them most days than not.
- It would have been best if I were super strict this week in preparation for my trip to Seattle but I wasn’t. I didn’t do terribly but I could have done better. Here’s to hoping next week doesn’t suffer because of it.
- Body Care:
- I did a few face masks this week but this is an area where I can really do better.
- I rested: This week, too, was full of 11pms, I will do better here!
- I connected: A friend on Thursday and another friend on Friday. It was wonderful. I also went to the book event i mentioned where I saw another friend. It was all great.
- I journaled: I did journal for Mapmaker and Brene but I still want to do more here.
- I made art: I am planning to use my Mapmaker and Brene works as my November art. I feel like I haven’t done art in such a long time, though.
- Flowers: Bought more flowers this week. Still loving them.
So grateful for my progress, I have more shots on instagram though not that many recently.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

- I read: Since I often write the same things here (how i read books but nothing else) I’ve been wondering if I should be removing this section. It was originally intended for articles I find online that I might want to remember. But alas I read none.
- I learned: I’m almost all caught up in Stephanie’s class which is amazing. I’ve also watched all the videos of the three Courageworks classes I’d signed up for. I still have to do the art for them but I’ve listened to the content and, of course, it was fantastic.
- I watched: I didn’t watch any TV so far but I have a lot piled up in the Tivo and can’t wait to sit and watch Scandal, This is Us and a few others.
- Exercise: I did six classes this week:
- Monday:Body Pump
- Tuesday: Pilates
- Wednesday: Pilates
- Thursday: gBarre
- Friday: Body Pump Express and Pilates.
I haven’t begun any of the things that I mentioned last week but I also haven’t forgotten about them. I need to interlace them into my schedule.
- Food:
- I’ve been doing an okay job with smoothies. I did some variation this week but not a lot.
- I’ve had decent food and less than usual chocolate. But I’ve also been pretty lax with other tidbits here and there and I’d like to be better because it’s not too hard to slip from one small thing to many. So I think it’s better to be conscious all the time and make the healthier choices again and again.
- Body Care:
- I did soak my feet once this week but that’s all i’ve done so far!
- I rested: I slept a bit less than usual this week. Most nights I made it to bed between 10:30-11 instead of 10. Which seems like a little but it is not enough for me. I plan to do better this week.
- I connected: with my friend on Thursday. We’ve made a recurring date to connect on Thursdays for now and it’s been really good for my soul.
- I journaled: I did journal for MapMaker but not much else. I want to do more for mapmaker, some for brene’s class and some just for me.
- I made art: I caught up for my mapmaker class but it’s time to think about November art and I have no plans. The small plans I had didn’t work out. Any ideas for me for November?
- Flowers: I bought lots of beautiful flowers, I’ve loved adding this into my life. Worth every penny.
So grateful for my progress, I have more shots on instagram though not that many recently.
Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects