Weekly Intention: Here we go, we went on vacation and we’re back and now I can settle into the summer. We have seven weeks left before school starts and five-six weeks before thinking about school and buying things will have to start. that’s not really enough time to get any routine going but it’s enough time for me to take advantage of the flexible schedule to see if I can introduce a few new things into my life that I can bake into a routine next school year. For this week, my intentions are a bit audacious possibly. But I also know that I am not one of those start with small steps and increase kind of gal. I like to go all in. So this week’s intention is to just jump in. All in on work, all in on exercise, all in on food, all in on journaling and reserving time for myself each day, all in with helping the kids with their work. Neither of the kids have camp this week (they start next week) so my goal is to make sure there’s no flopping on the couch.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: catch up to email.
- Work: document (unplanned, wrong).
- Work: setup all the new meetings.
- Work: setup all q3/h2 sheets.
- Work: send off q2 closing emails.
- Work: do phase two of data collection
- Work: do posters.
- Personal: do OLW july.
- Personal: 4 trips to exercise this week. I can do this.
- Personal: continue eating clean.
- Personal: schedule Physical Therapy
- Personal: check in for taxes
- Family: work with david and take him to exam Saturday.
This month’s intention is: July: Shine Boldly: This builds on June a bit but it’s time to take things up a notch. Be bold. Be brave. Be loud. Shine with all your might. Hmm. I can come up with some ideas on this but none are coming to me at the moment.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Bold with exercise this week, I can do this.
- Two: Open: Open to the possibility that I can change how I eat.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: Healing through journaling this week.
I am looking forward to: jumping in. here’s to hoping it works.
This week’s challenges: two client meetings. two trips to work. getting back on track on everything. but the hardest part of this week will be coming through on my exercise and food goals. let’s see if i can make it happen.
Top Goals:
- Work: meetings+sheets.
- Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
- Family: math with each kid.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering that i am really strong. inside and out.
This week, I will say yes to: having faith in myself. showing up and trusting the universe.
This week, I will say no to: getting stuck on things and letting hurdles trip me up.
I am worried that: i won’t exercise. i’ll stop eating well. i will continue to be behind at work. i won’t be ready for the new cycle. all the work i did won’t matter. i won’t make time for me. i will be in so much pain in my knees.
This week, I want to remember: that i have the power to be the best version of myself!

Weekly Intention: And I am off. As you read this, I will have hopefully just landed in Sydney. This is my work-very-hard-and-make-it-count-that-you’re-without-the-boys week. I try to get as much work as possible in there so I can really make the most of being away and also enjoy my family without guilt when the week is over. So my plan this week is to work hard, journal my trip, sleep a lot, and look forward to seeing my family again.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: catch up to email.
- Work: document (unplanned, wrong).
- Work: finish off planning phase one.
- Work: follow up with the team from the class.
- Work: do phase one of fall plan.
- Work: do phase two of data collection
- Work: do posters.
- Personal: start travel journal.
- Personal: meet with Gabrielle.
- Personal: rest as much as i can.
- Family: miss family a lot!!
This month’s intention is: June: Shine Through: Let yourself be seen this month. Express yourself. Be true to you. Own who you are. This one really resonates with me right now.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Bold and open and really present at work this week.
- Two: Open: open to the possibility that things will go wonderfully for the next three weeks.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: I plan to nourish a lot on the plane and exercise in sydney.
I am looking forward to: a good week at work.
This week’s challenges: working a lot. being without the boys.
Top Goals:
- Work: taking some time to think about my categories.
- Personal: doing my travel journal.
- Family: talking to them daily.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering that the universe is on my side.
This week, I will say yes to: showing up. being present and doing all i can.
This week, I will say no to: worrying about things outside of my control.
I am worried that: something will go wrong with my trip, my luggage, my hotel, my work, the family arriving, their trip and luggage. with out planes. just in general, i want us to all be healthy, make wonderful memories and have things go as “planned” as possible.
This week, I want to remember: just being together is all that matters.

Weekly Intention: Here’s the last week before my big trip. This week we have a conference at David’s school, an orthodontist, a dentist, a doctor’s, a hair, and three eye appointments. And if I can pull it off a mani/pedi, too. Not to mention two trips to work, two book club meetings, a birthday party and a barmitzvah. Yep. I also have to pack and pack the kids and get all my stuff in order. Yep. It will be a fun week. My intention for this week is to be super productive in my moments. I want to be mindful and do only one thing at a time and be in one place at a time. And then do a really good job of being there.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: still more documentation (unplanned, wrong), planning, followups, data collection.
- Work: more meetings for planning.
- Work: follow up with last week’s class.
- Work: figure out my new plan for the fall and what to collect.
- Personal: go to both book clubs.
- Personal: journal the rest of the pages.
- Personal: prepare travel journaling plan.
- Personal: pack me. pack the kids.
- Personal: make mani/pedi appointment.
- Personal: register David.
- Family: Family photos.
- Family: register David.
- Family: a bazillion doctor’s appointments.
This month’s intention is: June: Shine Through: Let yourself be seen this month. Express yourself. Be true to you. Own who you are. Thinking more and more about this each day.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: I wonder what it means to be bold with this fall plan.
- Two: Open: open to the possibility that all will be okay.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: I plan to nourish a lot on the plane 🙂
I am looking forward to: being on the plane for 15-hours, is that bad?
This week’s challenges: just getting everything done will be challenging this week.
Top Goals:
- Work: understanding the gap.
- Personal: preparing for the trip.
- Family: being more purposeful about our days.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering who i am and what matters most to me. i think i lose focus on that at times.
This week, I will say yes to: doing the work even though i really really don’t want to.
This week, I will say no to: making it personal in a negative way.
I am worried that: it will just not happen. i won’t be ready for Sydney. I’ll drop something on the floor.
This week, I want to remember: i am so incredibly lucky.

Weekly Intention: This is the first week of summer for Nathaniel. I am still feeling sick and have a full day tomorrow with two client calls, 5 meetings, and a 6-hour trip to David’s school at night. Then I move to an all-day meeting at the school on Tuesday (and then a late meeting at work), a full-day at work Wednesday and then quieter day on Thursday. Friday’s David’s last day which means a half-day party. The weekend comes with a birthday party and a bat-mitzvah. And this is my last weekend in town before I am gone for three weeks. Phew. just writing all that down made me tired. So the intention for this week is going to have to be to be graceful. To be slow. To own my own story. To be intentional. To show up. To notice and appreciate the fulness of my life.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: still more documentation (unplanned, wrong), planning, followups, data collection.
- Work: more meetings for planning.
- Work: follow up with last week’s class.
- Work: start organizing for fall work.
- Personal: Exercise twice this week. [almost don’t want to put this here]
- Personal: journal three times this week.
- Personal: do two pieces of art.
- Personal: A vegetable+protein with every meal.
- Family: Family photos.
- Family: Go to David’s culmination.
- School: Spend Tuesday at school.
This month’s intention is: June: Shine Through: Let yourself be seen this month. Express yourself. Be true to you. Own who you are. This is fantastically timed. I am all about being true to me at this moment.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Tuesday is when I want to be bold this week.
- Two: Open: Open to feedback this Thursday.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: I want to rest more so I can feel better.
I am looking forward to: David also being done with school.
This week’s challenges: The first three days of this week promise to be stressful.
Top Goals:
- Work: making a plan. understanding how to frame.
- Personal: resting and getting better.
- Family: a summer plan.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: working on defining what these mean to me in all the dimensions of my life.
This week, I will say yes to: showing up. even when i am tired. even when it’s hard.
This week, I will say no to: giving up.
I am worried that: the feedback will be that it’s still not ok. david’s culmination will go badly. tuesday will be a disaster. friday i will be exhausted. i will still be really sick.
This week, I want to remember: that journaling really helps.

How I shone this week: This was a good week. Even though I woke up quite sick on Thursday morning and still feel under the weather, I still feel good about this week. It didn’t really feel like a 4-day week though. I started the week at David’s school, learning all about seventh grade. How is it possible that I have a seventh grader?! I ended the week with a party celebrating Nathaniel moving on to third grade. In between, I went to work. I did work. and I had meetings. I also tried to rest and recover a bit. I feel grateful for my life.
Things I wanted to get Done: I’ve established a bit of a routine working Saturday mornings. Not sure if this is a good thing or not a good thing. For now, it’s working for me. I will say that we didn’t hike two weeks in a row and that’s less ideal.
- Work: I didn’t document much this week but I have some plans. I did schedule a lot of meetings and made some plans.
- Personal: No exercise this week at all. I am all caught up in glow and did the OLW June and went to the doctor. Didn’t really do much more art but I think that might be ok for now. Exercise and food are still sadly a work in progress. So little progress.
- Family: Took photos! Did not do summer schedule yet. Maybe this week.
I celebrate: the last week of school for david!
I am grateful for: the journaling i’ve been doing. it helps.
I nourished myself by: resting most of Friday when i was really sick.
Reflecting on my worries: i didn’t mess up so far. meetings happened and went well. feedback is coming next week so we’ll see. no other bad news so far. school’s been ok. i am starting to decide i should give up worrying.
I let go of: trying to do too much this weekend. i’m still sick and i am just tired so i decided it’s ok to rest.
Core Desire Check-in (bold, mindful, nourish, love):
- bold: I think i am being boldest at work at the moment. What would it look like if i were bolder at home? bolder with my kids, with jake, with myself. with my friends?
- mindful: mindful of how tired i’m feeling lately. how much rest i need.
- nourish: i’ve been better about not being mindless here but i think this is still an area where i am not doing as well as i’d like.
- love: i love my life.
What made me laugh this week: friends i saw while at the kids’ school. it was fun to be a bit early and chat.
What I tolerated this week: being sick. not a fan.
My mood this week was: calmer.
I forgive myself for: not showing up to a few things because I felt so sick.
What I love right now: sitting out in the backyard.
Here’s to a wonderful week twenty-three!

Weekly Intention: This is a short week since Monday is a national holiday here. Tuesday I have a trip to David’s school and one to the doctor. Wednesday I am at work all day and have meetings all night. Thursday, I am at work in the morning and then at social even for Nathaniel’s class midday. Friday it looks like I might be back at work again. Saturday and Sunday we have one kid event each. Thursday’s also the last day of school for Nathaniel. Hello summer.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week. Not a really long one this week. I’ll have to brainstorm some more.
- Work: more documentation, planning, followups, data collection.
- Work: schedule the meetings.
- Work: figure out and make plan for fall.
- Personal: Exercise twice this week.
- Personal: keep doing the art to see if it will work.
- Personal: do more of glow homework.
- Personal: OLW June
- Personal: Go to doctor.
- Personal: A vegetable+protein with every meal.
- Family: Family photos.
- Family: Schedule for summer before SYD trip.
This month’s intention is: May: Help others Shine: Ok now it’s others’ turn. It’s time to be the mirror to their light so it can reflect off of you. Think of ways big and small that you can help people in your life see their own light this month. Smile. Show them how amazing they are. Thank them. I can’t even tell you how amazing I find the fact that I wasn’t able to do this once this whole month. I think it says a lot. Maybe I can sneak in a surprise there for Tuesday and Wednesday? June is: Shine Through: Let yourself be seen this month. Express yourself. Be true to you. Own who you are. I expect to start this on Friday. Let’s see if I can.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: I want to step up and make these meetings happen.
- Two: Open: Open to feedback and guidance this week.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: More glow, more art, resting.
I am looking forward to: a 4-day week. summer.
This week’s challenges: Wednesday will be a bit challenging this week and scheduling these meetings is proving to be tough. Otherwise, it looks like it will be an okay week, hopefully.
Top Goals:
- Work: stepping up.
- Personal: some more work on Glow + August art. Eating clean. A bit of exercise.
- Family: a routine for the kids and some time doing math together.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering what matters most and trying not to lose sight of it.
This week, I will say yes to: stepping up.
This week, I will say no to: doubting myself. taking it personally.
I am worried that: i will mess up. meetings won’t happen or will without me or will go badly. feedback will be that i am still not actually ok to go. some bad news from somewhere else. david will have a bad last few weeks of school. i am mostly worried that i am not worried enough 🙂
This week, I want to remember: that it will be ok. it really will.

Weekly Intention: I have travel and an all-day class this week. I have to go to work twice, to Nathaniel’s school once and to David’s school once. I have a social event. And then a four-day weekend with my in-laws in town. It’s going to be crazy and tiring. So here’s what I want: I want to be patient, slow, and present. I want to be kind to the kids, to Jake, to my in-laws. I want to remember the incredibleness of my life.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week. Not a really long one this week. I’ll have to brainstorm some more.
- Work: more documentation: dashboards, data.
- Work: spend time with the new team in Seattle
- Work: make the trip to Seattle count
- Vacation: write 2-3 ideas for the weekend.
- Personal: Exercise twice this week.
- Personal: come up with ideas on August art.
- Personal: do more of glow homework.
- Personal: A vegetable+protein with every meal.
- Family: Family photos.
- Family: Spend time with Jake’s parents.
This month’s intention is: May: Help others Shine: Ok now it’s others’ turn. It’s time to be the mirror to their light so it can reflect off of you. Think of ways big and small that you can help people in your life see their own light this month. Smile. Show them how amazing they are. Thank them. Ok one more week passed and I still have made NO notes! what does this mean about me?
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: I would like to see if I can connect a bit in Seattle.
- Two: Open: Open to stepping up a bit more. Seeing what’s possible.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: More journaling. A bit of sketching. Resting.
I am looking forward to: Seattle, my class, David coming back, 4-day weekend.
This week’s challenges: a really early flight to Seattle and a really late return. I will need a lot of sleep. A week without David means I will miss him so!
Top Goals:
- Work: more documentation. connecting.
- Personal: some more work on Glow. Eating clean.
- Family: once all 4 of us are under the same roof again, lots of resting and laughing together.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering that i’ve got this. i can do this.
This week, I will say yes to: assuming the best.
This week, I will say no to: being anxious.
I am worried that: something will happen to david or that he won’t have a good time. My flight to SEA will be delayed. My trip will be unsuccessful. I will annoy someone important. I will be so incredibly tired. I will eat poorly. I won’t do more of Glow. I won’t like the class.
This week, I want to remember: that all i have to do is show up.

Weekly Intention: Oh man, interesting week this week. I have two relaxing work day where I might be able to actually get work done, two days of summits where I am going to miss a lot of meetings but hopefully connect with my teammates more. My good friend Evelyn’s book is launching. And then David leaves for a week to D.C and Nathaniel and Jake go camping for the weekend. And then I will be taking off super-early Monday to go to Seattle. So quite a lot going on. Physically long days Monday and Wednesday. Emotionally long weekend. My intention this week is to spend a bit of extra time with David since he will be gone all week next week. A bit more time with Jake since he was gone last week. And then make a decision about the weekend and whether I want to go camping with them or not. Monday is full but not super full so my hope is that I can spend a lot of tomorrow working really hard both on my todos and on writing docs for work. If I can get that done, I will be on a positive cycle.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: more documentation: metrics, roadmaps, modeling
- Work: get closer to three team members i don’t know well.
- Vacation: plan out next weekend a bit.
- Summer: book rowing for david.
- Summer: find a camp for Nathaniel.
- Personal: Exercise twice this week.
- Personal: 15 minutes of art 4 times.
- Personal: Do OLW May.
- Personal: A vegetable with every meal.
- Family: Family photos on Friday.
- Family: Make a decision on hiking this weekend.
- Family: Make eye doctor appointments.
This month’s intention is: May: Help others Shine: Ok now it’s others’ turn. It’s time to be the mirror to their light so it can reflect off of you. Think of ways big and small that you can help people in your life see their own light this month. Smile. Show them how amazing they are. Thank them. I am ashamed i have to write this again but I *still* forgot to write notes!!?! Can I do it this week, you think?
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: I would like to befriend some people at work.
- Two: Open: Open to both going or staying this weekend.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: Exercise, art, journaling this week.
I am looking forward to: our two-day summit.
This week’s challenges: long workdays are no fun. But the hardest challenge will be letting David go of course.
Top Goals:
- Work: more documentation. connecting.
- Personal: a tiny bit of journaling this week?!
- Family: some just 4 of us time. some david and me time.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering that life is amazing just as is. i can relax.
This week, I will say yes to: slowing down. being present.
This week, I will say no to: worrying too much.
I am worried that: something will happen to david. or nathaniel+jake. I want everyone to have fun where they’re going and to really enjoy the experiences they will be having. I want all of it to go well. I am worried i will eat poorly, not exercise, not journal, not do art. something has to change for everything to change.
This week, I want to remember: to kiss and hug and love my people!

Weekly Intention: This week has a few trips to work, a few coaching clients, a few social engagements and some work for the kids’ school. This week, Jake will be traveling. Life is never the same when Jake’s not here. I have a long Monday and Wednesday again. I am hoping things will be a small amount quieter so I can recover more quickly from the longer days. My intention this week is to take it slower than last week. To exercise every day since I will be home for several days. To go hiking even when Jake’s not here. To do math with the boys. To do art. Let’s see how far I can get.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: a lot of documentation: metrics, roadmaps, modeling
- Work: a few meetings to understand next steps.
- Work: book some more meetings for next week.
- Work: Book Seattle, now or never.
- Vacation: a few small plans for memorial day
- Summer: Book camps for David (and third for Nathaniel).
- Personal: Come up with exercise plan.
- Personal: Try out 15 mins of art.
- Personal: Do OLW May.
- Family: Pickup N’s book.
- Family: Take photos of me and the boyes.
- Family: Go hiking.
- Family: Make eye doctor appointments.
This month’s intention is: May: Help others Shine: Ok now it’s others’ turn. It’s time to be the mirror to their light so it can reflect off of you. Think of ways big and small that you can help people in your life see their own light this month. Smile. Show them how amazing they are. Thank them. So I totally didn’t remember that I’d written that I wanted to make little notes for Nathaniel’s lunch every day. It will have to be the plan for this week!
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: A few more bold meetings at work. Let’s see what happens.
- Two: Open: Open to new friends this week. Let’s see.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: Here’s to some exercise this week.
I am looking forward to: getting some of this documentation down.
This week’s challenges: Monday and Wednesday will be long and challenging at work. Friday will be challenging personally with a school event, two social events, two pickups and swim class. ugh. And of course the fact that Jake will be gone is the biggest challenge.
Top Goals:
- Work: more documentation. making plans.
- Personal: apparently I couldn’t do exercise last week. can i balance work/notwork a bit better this week?
- Family: kindness this week and patience as I am the only parent here.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering what matters most. remembering who I am. remembering to honor my values.
This week, I will say yes to: writing it down. listening. being open.
This week, I will say no to: focusing on my thoughts.
I am worried that: i won’t write enough down. i will continue to be exhausted. i won’t exercise. there will be no solutions. i won’t be done with camps. i will do no art. i am mostly worried about inertia and doing nothing.
This week, I want to remember: that it’s not about how many things i got done. it’s about how much love i gave. that people remember how you make them feel!

Weekly Intention: Happy May!! Rabbit Rabbit! Well, no meetings week is over so the nights will be back to being full this week. And the days appear to be just as full. I have plans to go to work four days this week. That’s relatively uncommon for me but here we are. My intention for this week is to get through the days mindfully, slowly, and intentionally.
My other intention for this week is to figure out how I want to use my time like i mentioned yesterday. So here are some preliminary thoughts:
- Time at work: I’d like to take the time to think about and document my learnings from the last year and then recommend and put in place best practices from what I learned. I’d also like to meet with others and listen to their learnings so I can implement them with my teams.
- Time at the kids’ school: I’ve learned that committing time to the kids’ school is meaningful to me. It’s a natural and meaningful way for me to meet other parents and faculty. It shows me a side of the school I don’t otherwise get to see and it allows me to feel more connected to the school on a personal level (and not just through my kids.) I like it and plan to continue doing it. My two areas of passion and reading and math so I’ve already committed to shadowing the middle school STEM Fair lead in order to take over from her the following year. I’ve also committed to organizing snacks for MathCounts (though this is not usually my favorite type of volunteering, I am going to give it a try for a year.) and possibly co-running the Math Circles next year. I enjoyed doing Lit Club this year but it was very time consuming so I will only continue that next year if I can do it for Middle School instead. I will also volunteer at the Book Fair. This list makes me happy so far. I am a tiny bit worried about the snacks but I am sure we’ll be okay. Other than these, my plan to go to school once every two weeks for an event/talk/etc. I know this looks like a lot but I think it’s about the right amount for me, especially considering both my kids will be at the same school next year. I will take a step back and assess as I go, of course.
- Time with Jake: One thing that slips through the crack more often than anything else is time with Jake. Especially since we support each other so much as we take care of the kids and manage our work schedules. We don’t spend as much time together (just the two of us) as I’d like. We chat throughout the day often and send each other loving emails/notes but I still want more time together. I have two goals here, one is to carve out an hour during the week when the kids are in school so we can have breakfast/coffee together. And the other is to pick an evening where we can go on date nights every other week. If we do those two, I will feel considerable progress here.
- Time with the kids: Time with the kids is twofold for me: fun time and teaching time. I want to spend time with each kid, working on math together. For this, I want one hour a week per kid. And then I want to have fun time with each kid individually for an hour a week, too, doing whatever they want to do. We spend a lot of time during the week doing homework, talking about school/life but these are not necessarily consistent so this is what I want to make sure we do consistently.
- Time as a family: Here, too, I plan to keep it simple. Most of our family time is chores and/or eating and I’d like to change that. Three wishes here: 1. go hiking weekly – saturday mornings, 2. have a family night – every other week when we aren’t going on a date, 3. go back to taking our family photos weekly (consistency plays a big game, if it’s once a month, it’s much less likely to happen than if it’s every week.)
- Time with friends: This one is a bit tricky. Friend-time directly competes with alone-time and much much much of the time alone-time wins. So I need to always remind myself that friend-time is worth it. I’d like to commit to friend time every other week. Either book club, or 1-1 time or some other social event. That’s a pretty good amount for me. Maybe I can even say something a bit more like 2 old friends and one new one each month?
- Personal Time: And finally, me-time. Right now, I spend a lot of my me-time reading and doing puzzles and resting. I don’t want to remove any of those but I do want to reduce them and add more variety. I’d like to go back to adding exercise into my days, even if it means I sleep a tiny bit less. I think it will be a worthwhile compromise. I want to commit to 30 minutes of learning something new each week and 30 minutes to watch TED talks.
So there we are. No time better than now, so I hope to start implementing all of these starting this week. (Except for next year’s school volunteer commitments of course.) Let’s see how it goes.
Things I want to get Done: I have a long list this week.
- Work: Newsletters. no, really.
- Work: give my presentation.
- Work: document tracking.
- Work: 2 metrics documentation+work.
- Work: Start with YAG.
- Vacation: Figure out Memorial Day Weekend.
- Vacation: Book Sydney hotels (work/personal.)
- Vacation: Book flights to Cairns.
- Summer: Book camps for David (and third for Nathaniel).
- Personal: Come up with exercise plan.
- Personal: Try out 15 mins of art.
- Personal: Buy sneakers.
- Family: Pickup books back from teachers.
- Family: Take family photos.
- Family: Go hiking.
- Love: book date night.
This month’s intention is: May: Help others Shine: Ok now it’s others’ turn. It’s time to be the mirror to their light so it can reflect off of you. Think of ways big and small that you can help people in your life see their own light this month. Smile. Show them how amazing they are. Thank them. Oh, I love this one. This week’s intention is to make little notes for Nathaniel’s lunch every day. He always asks for them and I never make them. Let’s see if I can pull it off!
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Bold plans at work. Bold plans to help out at the kid’s school. Bold plans all around this week!
- Two: Open: Open to being flexible this week. If things don’t work out, I will come up with new plan. Adjust as needed.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: I’ve been doing a better job eating more nourishing food. I’d like to take the time to ensure it continues.
I am looking forward to: most of this week for some reason. getting through my todo list above! I can do this!
This week’s challenges: On the upside, no one day looks to be super-stressful this week. On the down side, a lot of trips to work, a trip to David’s school and a lot lot lot of meetings. I have some solid work (and todo list items) I’d like to get done this week and I am not sure when I can do that in between all the crazy meetings but I’d like to see if I can pull it off.
Top Goals:
- Work: let the documentation begin!
- Personal: exercise, can i do it?
- Family: looking forward to setting a few routines here.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: starting some of the practices i outlined above.
This week, I will say yes to: getting stuff done!
This week, I will say no to: inertia. things are getting done this week!
I am worried that: i won’t get work done. i will do nothing for sydney. i won’t book the camps or come up with a plan for when jake’s parents are visiting. I won’t exercise. None of the things I outlined above will actually happen. I will get tired and give up.
This week, I want to remember: that life is a marathon and not a sprint. it’s going to be okay.

Weekly Intention: This is a week of family. Nathaniel’s birthday is today and we will celebrate both in the morning and the evening. Tuesday is a bit of a crazy busy day but the only one this week. Wednesday morning Nathaniel gets to come to work with be for bring your kids to work day. Thursday he gets to go to the doctor for his well appointment and David goes to the orthodontist this week, too. Saturday is Nathaniel’s official birthday party and then we have to race down to the Tech Museum because it’s also David’s Tech Challenge day! Sunday is another birthday party for Nathaniel. So it’s a lot of time with the boys celebrating, taking care of, and driving around. It’s a no-meeting week so I will also have all the evenings free this week which is an incredible rarity. I plan to take advantage of it by having some wonderful family time and some lovely quiet time which I hope I can fill with the journaling I intended to do last week. I am ok to let myself mourn a tiny bit more this week if I need but I’d also like to transition to the next phase and stop wallowing. I’d love to sleep a bit extra while I can. Mostly, I’d like to celebrate my (not so) little people!
Things I want to get Done:
- Wrap Nathaniel’s presents!
- I really would like to put a dent in the Sydney trip plans.
- Book my work hotel for Sydney.
- Order and get his cake, make his baggies, in general get ready for the party.
- Help David with his journal. Get it ready.
- Book the kids’ summer camps
- Send newsletters
This month’s intention is: Shine Quietly: It’s crucial to take time to reflect. Take this month to reflect on how things are going. Is there anything you need to adjust/change/drop or pick up. It’s ok to shift things. It’s also important to acknowledge what’s working. Take the time to shine some light inward and see what’s going on. I love this intention. I want to honor it. I am not sure what’s getting in the way of my journaling and why I am resisting it so much.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: I don’t have any bold plans this week. Taking it easy this time.
- Two: Open: Open to understanding how to grow. To doing things differently.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: Here’s to increasing my vegetable intake!
I am looking forward to: celebrating Nathaniel!
This week’s challenges: Tuesday and Saturday are a bit fuller than I’d like but I am not going to worry about it.
Top Goals:
- Work: stepping back and picking up what’s fallen on the floor.
- Personal: get out of the funk. enough is enough.
- Family: celebrate both my boys.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: designing the life I want for myself.
This week, I will say yes to: enjoying my free evenings.
This week, I will say no to: wasting time.
I am worried that: i won’t be able to figure a way forward, it will continue to be vague. nathaniel’s party won’t be good. david’s team will struggle. i will be unproductive all week. i won’t be able to let go. i won’t journal or eat well or give myself grace. I will continue to be where i’ve been.
This week, I want to remember: that every day is a new one and i get to start over. i get to choose.

Weekly Intention: This is a week of easing back into things. I am taking Monday off so it will be a bit shorter than usual and while I have some commitments, I might just do the bare minimum this week and spend my time resting and recovering. I think I’d like to spend this week thinking about all that I learned last week at Life Restoration Camp. I’d like to take a few more courses, retake some of the ones I did, do some journaling and a bunch of thinking. I’d like to do the work to listen to myself. See where I am, see what’s possible from here. I’d also like to rest a lot. The camp was amazing but it was long days and I didn’t sleep well at night. My knees are hurting a lot and I am feeling exhausted.
Things I want to get Done:
- I’d like to make sure I am done buying Nathaniel’s birthday presents.
- Also all the little gift bags for his party.
- I’d like to write a lot more of my shine cards (maybe a perfect match for the journaling)
- Figure out a plan for our Sydney vacation
- Book the kids’ summer camps
- Deliver the books to the kids’ schools
- Send newsletters
- Check school payments
This month’s intention is: Shine Quietly: It’s crucial to take time to reflect. Take this month to reflect on how things are going. Is there anything you need to adjust/change/drop or pick up. It’s ok to shift things. It’s also important to acknowledge what’s working. Take the time to shine some light inward and see what’s going on. Here’s to journaling to honor this intention.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Accepting what is, is bold. Here’s to going where the peace is.
- Two: Open: Open to thinking in new ways, changing perspective.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: I plan to spend some quality soul nourishing time this week.
I am looking forward to: having tomorrow off.
This week’s challenges: Tuesday will be a challenge. I hope it is not. But it likely will be.
Top Goals:
- Work: catching up, stepping back, moving forward.
- Personal: journal, take a new perspective.
- Family: hug, smile, love, repeat.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: being here. listening. working at it.
This week, I will say yes to: slowing down. taking the time I need.
This week, I will say no to: focusing on the wrong things.
I am worried that: bad news will continue. i won’t get anything done and i won’t journal and my knees will continue to hurt. i will forget the books again. it will be a week of blah.
This week, I want to remember: that it’s all up to me.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects