Weekly Intention: This week’s intention is to be jolly and spend time with family. i want to read more. do puzzles. hug my kids. snuggle up with my husband.
Things I want to get Done: no list this week. it’s all bonus.
This month’s intention is: Shine Slowly: And here it is. The end of one more year. You made it through. Tough times, joyful times. Celebrations and trials. Changes and all. You did it. Time to slow down. Time to make space for the next year. Growth comes after downtime for you. Take this time to store some energy so you can hit the ground running in 2018.
Ways to Shine this week: Just by being with my people. Loving them a lot.
I am looking forward to: Christmas day of course!! Happy merry everything if you celebrate any part of this season.
This week’s challenges: balancing alone time and together time and remembering to not have to focus on getting things done.
Top Goals: honestly, i just want to rest and quiet the voices in my head.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: really focusing on my family wholly.
This week, I will say yes to: being ok with doing nothing.
This week, I will say no to: making myself feel guilty or bad.
I am worried that: i will torture myself with not getting enough done.
This week, I want to remember: that it’s ok to fully, completely rest. and that if i have no art for january, that’s totally okay, too.

Weekly Intention: Hello to what will hopefully be my first week of holiday vacation. My intention this week is to make some plans for 2018, to read a bunch, to really really relax with my family. That’s it.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: matching
- Personal: see if I can exercise a bit?
- Personal: do December Daily
- Personal: do advent of light
- Personal: make 2018 plans iteration 3 + journal
- Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system.
- Family: take photos!
- Family: Math with D and Python with N
- Family: Make a plan for the next two weeks.
This month’s intention is: Shine Slowly: And here it is. The end of one more year. You made it through. Tough times, joyful times. Celebrations and trials. Changes and all. You did it. Time to slow down. Time to make space for the next year. Growth comes after downtime for you. Take this time to store some energy so you can hit the ground running in 2018.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: prepping for 2018 but honestly resting would be bold this year.
- Two: Open: open to the possibility of going somewhere.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: some serious self-care this week.
I am looking forward to: resting. nothing. reading.
This week’s challenges: not getting antsy and bored.
Top Goals:
- Work: matching. and not working 🙂
- Personal: sleep+exercise+food+journaling. december daily.
- Family: loving my kids and husband
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: really focusing on my family wholly.
This week, I will say yes to: self-care.
This week, I will say no to: ennui.
I am worried that: we will waste these two weeks. i really really don’t want to.
This week, I want to remember: that it’s a major luxury to get this time off and i really want to make the most of it.

Weekly Intention: This is hopefully my last week working fulltime until 2018. The kids go on break this Friday and I’d like to go on break with them. I really enjoy taking two weeks off during this time of year so I am hoping it will be possible. Here’s to hoping! To that end, my intention is to:
- Get as much done at work as possible to leave things in a really good state
- Get rest and enter the holiday season not completely worn down
- Make some intentional plans for what to do in the next two weeks
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: do major round of 2018 planning get it to a good place
- Work: done with email
- Work: do posters
- Work: get done with matching
- Work: plan for organizational structure
- Personal: exercise every week day this week
- Personal: make sure all 3 meals have a nutritious component
- Personal: quit coffee
- Personal: do Conway
- Personal: do December Daily
- Personal: do advent of light
- Personal: make 2018 plans iteration 3 + journal
- Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system.
- Family: take photos!
- Family: Math with D and Python with N
- Family: finish christmas shopping!!
- Family: David’s culmination
- Family: Holiday Party with Jake
- Family: Make a plan for the next two weeks.
This month’s intention is: Shine Slowly: And here it is. The end of one more year. You made it through. Tough times, joyful times. Celebrations and trials. Changes and all. You did it. Time to slow down. Time to make space for the next year. Growth comes after downtime for you. Take this time to store some energy so you can hit the ground running in 2018.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: planning baby, get it done!
- Two: Open: open to life without coffee
- Three: Heal/Nourish: getting some solid sleep this week
I am looking forward to: holiday party and david’s culmination
This week’s challenges: getting through planning. ugh.
Top Goals:
- Work: still planning 2018.
- Personal: sleep+exercise+food+journaling. december daily. conway.
- Family: making a plan for the next two weeks.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: not worrying so much and just getting things done.
This week, I will say yes to: being productive.
This week, I will say no to: allowing email to pile up.
I am worried that: i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly, make bad choices, not get enough nutrition. i’ll disappoint the kids or jake. I’ll drop the ball at work. planning won’t be done. I won’t be able to take the following two weeks off.
This week, I want to remember: that all i have to do is show up and do the best i can with what i have.

Weekly Intention: This week is a bit of a mish mosh. I have a class on Monday and then a summit Tuesday-Thursday. Dinner Tuesday, Work on Monday and Wednesday nights, Date night Thursday. Friday I have to go to the kids’ school for Nathaniel and then Friday night I go again for David. So a full week for sure. I think my intention this week will be focusing on three things:
- Being present wherever I am. Not multi-tasking, getting distracted or losing focus so i can really add value where I am and be really present + connect
- Taking down time each day to journal+present with my day. Part of this will be December Daily which I really would like to aim to keep up with but part of it is also finding 15 minutes to journal each day.
- And finally, though this should come first, nourishing myself much better this week. Sleep and food especially. Lots of veggies for feeling good and lots of protein for energy.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: do more round 3 of 2018 planning
- Work: Bond with team mates
- Work: catch up on all email
- Work: work more on the doc for S
- Personal: exercise every week day this week
- Personal: make sure all 3 meals have a nutritious component
- Personal: do OLW
- Personal: do December Daily
- Personal: do advent of light
- Personal: make 2018 plans iteration 2 + journal
- Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system.
- Family: take photos!
- Family: Math with D and Python with N
- Family: finish christmas shopping!!
This month’s intention is: Shine Slowly: And here it is. The end of one more year. You made it through. Tough times, joyful times. Celebrations and trials. Changes and all. You did it. Time to slow down. Time to make space for the next year. Growth comes after downtime for you. Take this time to store some energy so you can hit the ground running in 2018.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: back to daily exercise will be bold
- Two: Open: open to being present in each moment
- Three: Heal/Nourish: back to nourishing my body and soul
I am looking forward to: our date night, eating better, all the journaling+memory keeping this month
This week’s challenges: jetlag+a pretty full week with commitments/work every night
Top Goals:
- Work: still planning 2018.
- Personal: exercise+food+journaling. december daily.
- Family: squeezing in study time in this busy week.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: focusing on each of these every day this week.
This week, I will say yes to: being really present.
This week, I will say no to: focusing on being tired or on what’s not getting done.
I am worried that: i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly, make bad choices, not get enough nutrition. i’ll have bad jetlag. i’ll do everything poorly. i’ll be overwhelmingly tired. something will be wrong with our car. issues with my card won’t be resolved. i won’t be able to keep up with december daily.
This week, I want to remember: that this is my favorite time of the year.

Weekly Intention: I will be in Sydney this week. This is my last work trip of the year and I usually try to be home and present for December. I try to take a lot of time off during December, too so this is going to be a work-really-hard week. My intentions are to make sure I spend a lot of time with each of the team members and leads while I am there. To work really hard and really connect with each person so that when I get back on the plane, I am totally spent and the trip was 1000% worth it. I also would really love to exercise at least a little bit while there.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: do round 3 of 2018 planning
- Work: catch up on all email
- Work: work on the doc for S
- Work: do a lot lot of SYD work for both T and C
- Personal: exercise 3 times while there
- Personal: make sure all 3 meals have a nutritious component
- Personal: eat well on the plane
- Personal: make 2018 plans iteration 2 + journal
- Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system.
- Family: take photos!
- Family: talk to kids daily
This month’s intention is: November: Shine for You: This is your month. Take all the time you need. Shine all your light on yourself. Be kind, practice self-care. Think about the next year and what you want. Think about the rest of this year. You’ve got this.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Working super hard, make huge strides in planning
- Two: Open: open to taking a bit of alone time in sydney maybe too?
- Three: Heal/Nourish: can i eat well in Sydney?
I am looking forward to: seeing my workmates in Sydney and the plane ride, too.
This week’s challenges: just the jetlag and working hard and being away from my boys.
Top Goals:
- Work: planning 2018.
- Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
- Family: getting things prepped for when i am out.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: showing up for my team in SYD and really getting so much work done.
This week, I will say yes to: connecting with work mates.
This week, I will say no to: worrying and also i want to be aware of how much social time i spend.
I am worried that: i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly, make bad choices, not get enough nutrition. the trip won’t be worthwhile. i’ll do too little. i won’t spend enough time with SYD folk. I will miss the boys too much. i’ll have bad jetlag.
This week, I want to remember: that I love this flight. i love my team there. I will give it my all.

Weekly Intention: This is a crazy week. On Monday I have back and forth between work and taking the kids to the doctor and then school and then back to work and then late night my nephew arrives! Tuesday I have work work work with a lot of meetings. Wednesday I am at the kids’ school all morning and then taking me time in the afternoon and then I expect to collapse by Wednesday night. My nephew is here for one more day after that and then I am only here one more day myself before I get on a plane to go to Sydney. Phew I got tired typing all that up. So being that this week is so much back and forth, here are my intentions:
- I want to add more nutrition to my meals. If i go to Sydney eating like this, it will get out of hand easily. Just a bit of resetting so I feel fuller and less tired.
- I want to do some exercise at home on the days we have no work (Wed, Th and Fri) and have a plan for what I will do in Sydney.
- I want to really be present with my nephew for as much time as possible with work. I am so glad he’s coming.
- I want to rest a lot for Thanksgiving and really connect with my family.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: plan+organize round 3 of 2018 planning
- Work: catch up on all email
- Work: start up the doc for S
- Personal: exercise W, Th, F at home and M, Tu at work.
- Personal: make sure all 3 meals are nutritious
- Personal: make a plan for Syd + airplane.
- Personal: make 2018 plans iteration 2
- Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system.
- Family: Attend grandparents day
- Family: hang out with Jeff!!
- Family: do coding+spelling+science with N
- Family: do calculus with D
- Family: take photos!
This month’s intention is: November: Shine for You: This is your month. Take all the time you need. Shine all your light on yourself. Be kind, practice self-care. Think about the next year and what you want. Think about the rest of this year. You’ve got this.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Working super hard M-Tu but then letting go.
- Two: Open: open to the possibility of completely relaxing for the latter part of this week and just connecting with my people.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: how can i help myself get on a better path for nourishment, what helps and what hurts?
I am looking forward to: my nephew, having a few days off!
This week’s challenges: Monday and Tuesday will be challenging. Also figuring out how to exercise on the holiday days, too.
Top Goals:
- Work: catching up to email.
- Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
- Family: playing and relaxing through the holidays.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: being present with each family member before I leave for my trip.
This week, I will say yes to: more family time. making a plan for the last 5 weeks of this year.
This week, I will say no to: feeling guilty or overwhelmed
I am worried that: i won’t exercise. i’ll still eat poorly, make bad choices, not get enough nutrition. i wont be able to spend enough time with Jeff. i’ll let down everyone. i won’t rest. i won’t get my energy back. i will fall even more off the line i’m trying to walk. i will mess up at work. i will frustrate my kids and hubby.
This week, I want to remember: that this is my favorite time of the year. I love it and i do get to relax. it’s all going to be okay!

Weekly Intention: This week is not much different from many. I have a lot of meetings, I have a lot of work. I have to go to the kids’ school twice. I have a few social commitments and not a whole lot of time in general. But I also have a lot more time than I think. I waste a lot of in between time. My intention this week is to snap myself out of whatever’s going on. I want to do this with a few very specific actions:
- I want to go back to not eating between meals, no soda or caffeine, and meals full of veggies and protein.
- I want to journal every single day, even if for 15 minutes. I can do this. Just to take stock a bit.
- I want to make a list of plans for next year, some stock of where i am and where i’d like to go.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: do round 3 of 2018 planning
- Work: finish + send mentoring form
- Work: stay on top of email
- Work: Take stock of SEA and make plans
- Personal: exercise at least 5 times at work.
- Personal: fix the eating issue!
- Personal: Journal daily.
- Personal: make 2018 plans iteration 1
- Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system.
- Family: Attend SWI night
- Family: do coding+spelling with N
- Family: do calculus with D
- Family: take photos!
This month’s intention is: Moving on to November: Shine for You: This is your month. Take all the time you need. Shine all your light on yourself. Be kind, practice self-care. Think about the next year and what you want. Think about the rest of this year. You’ve got this. Perfect opportunity to start planning 2018.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Taking stock and making a harsh turn into eating well are my bold activities this week.
- Two: Open: Open to the possibility that I can totally turn things around this week.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: What are other ways I can nourish myself?
I am looking forward to: sitting down to make some 2018 plans.
This week’s challenges: I think taking the time i need for myself and not moving through the week mindlessly will be a challenge.
Top Goals:
- Work: finishing next step of 2018.
- Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
- Family: i want to work with my kids to think of some ideas… more on this next time.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: making plans for next year, thinking about ways in which i want to grow.
This week, I will say yes to: more family time.
This week, I will say no to: going through the days mindlessly.
I am worried that: i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly. i wont be able to take the time to make plans for 2018. i’ll let down everyone. i won’t rest. i won’t get my energy back. i will fall even more off the line i’m trying to walk. i will mess up at work.
This week, I want to remember: that I get to choose how things go. life is not happening to me, i get to choose.

Weekly Intention: This week has the advantage of being no meeting week. Which doesn’t mean I have no meetings, but it does mean I will have fewer meetings. I was about to write that this is the first week in a while I won’t go to the kids’ school twice in the same week but alas I am having to go on Friday for parent conferences so there we are. My intention this week is actually twofold: get what needs to be done and rest. I need some serious downtime.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: finish round 2 of 2018 planning
- Work: start mentoring form
- Work: clean email
- Personal: exercise at least 4 times at work.
- Personal: fix the eating issue!
- Personal: Journal three times.
- Personal: Start December Daily pre-pages
- Personal: Do November OLW
- Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system.
- Personal: Rest more
- Family: do coding+spelling with N
- Family: do calculus with D
- Family: take photos!
This month’s intention is: Moving on to November: Shine for You: This is your month. Take all the time you need. Shine all your light on yourself. Be kind, practice self-care. Think about the next year and what you want. Think about the rest of this year. You’ve got this. I need self-care.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: I think taking time to rest might be my bold move this week.
- Two: Open: Open to figuring out how to change the eating.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: Maybe kicking up the self-care is the right move this week?
I am looking forward to: working on my December Daily.
This week’s challenges: just resting enough will be a challenge.
Top Goals:
- Work: finishing next step of 2018.
- Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
- Family: encouraging my kids a lot
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: taking the time to do self-care and to rest this week.
This week, I will say yes to: letting whatever i need to let go so i can rest.
This week, I will say no to: taking more on.
I am worried that: i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly. i wont be able to take the time to organize my life. i’ll let down everyone. i won’t rest. i won’t get my energy back. i will fall even more off the line i’m trying to walk. i am also worried that jake’s traveling and i want him back home safely.
This week, I want to remember: that things happen in ebbs and flows and it’s ok to be where I am right now.

Weekly Intention: So, this week is a mish mosh. My parents are here Monday and Tuesday but I have back to back meetings the whole time. Then Tuesday night is Halloween. Not my favorite. Wednesday has a trip to the kids’ school and then is full of meetings. Thursday also has a trip to the kids’ school. And then a hair appointment and Jake leaves Friday (and the kids have no school!) And of course I am sick! So my intention will be to rest as much as humanly possible.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: do all the stuff i didn’t do last week!
- Personal: exercise every day at work.
- Personal: fix the eating issue!
- Personal: Journal three times.
- Personal: Start December Daily
- Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system.
- Family: do math+spelling with N
- Family: make a plan with D for sure this time!
- Family: Check in regularly with my nephews and my sister.
- Family: take photos!
This month’s intention is: Moving on to November: Shine for You: This is your month. Take all the time you need. Shine all your light on yourself. Be kind, practice self-care. Think about the next year and what you want. Think about the rest of this year. You’ve got this. Ohh how do these always come at the exact right moment!!
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Onward and upward with work this week. Let’s get stuff done!
- Two: Open: Open to resting and recovering.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: I just want to eat better.
I am looking forward to: resting a bit.
This week’s challenges: Meh most of this week feels tough at the moment.
Top Goals:
- Work: moving the ball forward a bunch this week.
- Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
- Family: time with parents + jake + kids
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering what and who matters most this week.
This week, I will say yes to: loving my people.
This week, I will say no to: not resting.
I am worried that: i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly. i wont be able to take the time to organize my life. i’ll let down everyone. i will get sicker. i will fall really behind. ugh.
This week, I want to remember: sick is my body’s way of telling me i need rest.

Weekly Intention: So, this week is a quieter week at work which is lovely because my parents will be here all week! So my intention is to focus on my time with my parents and not take it away from work or me or kids or Jake. I’d like to spend more time with Jake this week too and take advantage of the fact that my parents are here. Patience and slow but continuous progress is the goal.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: clear out email.
- Work: survey for summit
- Work: do posters
- Work: write more down for T and have conversations with C
- Work: get to brainstorming for C
- Work: finish reading and prepping Y
- Personal: exercise every day at work.
- Personal: eat clean clean clean.
- Personal: Journal three times.
- Personal: Start December Daily
- Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system.
- Family: do math+spelling with N
- Family: make a plan with D for sure this time!
- Family: Check in regularly with my nephews and my sister.
- Family: take photos!
- Family: Spend time with mom and dad!
This month’s intention is: Shine On: You’re doing great. You made it through September. The year is starting its countdown and you can do this. Remember to keep going. Shine on. Don’t stop now. Just one day at a time. Last week of October, gotta make this one count!
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: let’s see if i can take solid advantage of this quieter week.
- Two: Open: Open to the possibility that this can be a productive week and not a draining one.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: i’d like to keep track of what i eat and go back to taking photos of things this week.
I am looking forward to: time with my parents
This week’s challenges: Monday is the toughest day this week but it will still in general be hard to balance life this week.
Top Goals:
- Work: one more iteration of plans for 2018 (and catch up on email.)
- Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
- Family: time with parents
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering what and who matters most this week.
This week, I will say yes to: making choices that reflect my values.
This week, I will say no to: feeling bad all the time which i often do when i have visitors because i don’t know how to balance it all.
I am worried that: i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly. i wont be able to take the time to organize my life. i’ll let down my parents. i’ll let down my husband or my kids or myself or something else. i will feel wiped out all week. i will fall really behind.
This week, I want to remember: that one week is not that long and what matters most is to be with the people I love.

Weekly Intention: Assuming all goes okay with my flights, I am in Seattle all week this week for work. I will arrive back home very late Friday nights and hopefully my parents will already be in town. My intention this week (as is always the case when I travel for work) is to get a ton of work done so I feel that the trip was worth being away from my family. I also have the intention to find some form of exercise daily, to eat really well and to take some time for myself to step back and make some schedule changes+plans for the next few months. Let’s see how much of this will be possible.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: stay on top of email.
- Work: have an awesome summit
- Work: do posters
- Work: spend time on T and get set for 2018
- Work: get to the next level of planning for C
- Work: maybe see my friend Radhika if I get lucky
- Personal: exercise every day while in Seattle.
- Personal: eat clean clean clean.
- Personal: Journal three times.
- Personal: Do mapmaker #12
- Personal: Do Brene art 2
- Personal: Start scheduling November art
- Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system. Make sure Jake takes photos.
- Family: do math+spelling with N
- Family: make a plan with D
- Family:Make lunches for when I am gone
- Family: Check in regularly with my nephews and my sister.
- Family: take photos!
- Family: Spend time with mom and dad!
This month’s intention is: Shine On: You’re doing great. You made it through September. The year is starting its countdown and you can do this. Remember to keep going. Shine on. Don’t stop now. Just one day at a time. Just one day at a time, indeed.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Bold at work. Show up. Take advantage of the 1-1 time, ask the hard questions.
- Two: Open: Open to restructuring my life a bit still both at work and at home.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: Find a new class.
I am looking forward to: seeing my work friends in Seattle
This week’s challenges: This whole week will be long and intense. I hope to exercise, take some alone time and kick butt the rest of the time.
Top Goals:
- Work: making 2018 plans.
- Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
- Family: getting kids set up with a plan.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: speaking less, listening more and asking good questions this week.
This week, I will say yes to: prepping for 2018.
This week, I will say no to: quitting exercise.
I am worried that: i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly. i wont be able to take the time to organize my life. i won’t get enough done in Seattle. It will have been a waste. i’ll disappoint even more people. i am still feeling worried in general lately because i feel more disconnected and like i am dropping more things on the floor.
This week, I want to remember: that i am lucky and lucky and lucky.

Weekly Intention: I fly to Seattle for work at the end of this week so I won’t have a solid weekend and lately weekends are where I catch up on my life and even work. I also have promotion committee all Monday which means I have a foreshortened week. More reason to be super-diligent about getting things done this week. My plan is to use my time effectively. To sleep a lot. To eat really super well since who knows what will happen in Seattle. To get solidly on track since I know stuff will pile up while I am in Seattle and when I get home my parents will be here so I will want to spend time with them. So intention is to be productive, spend a ton of time with boys, and self-nourish.
The next few weeks have some culminations for our family. Things we’ve been working on and we’ll get to see the results, so I am also praying and hoping for some good results and the ability to handle whatever comes with grace and self-compassion.
Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.
- Work: stay on top of email.
- Work: do the deck + come up with plan + email.
- Work: do posters
- Work: evaluate form results x2
- Work: finish booking SYD
- Work: make plan for life in SEA
- Personal: exercise 6/7 times.
- Personal: kick it up a notch with eating clean.
- Personal: Journal three times.
- Personal: Do mapmaker #11
- Personal: start Brene’s art
- Personal: November art plan
- Personal: donate + cash check + call for taxes
- Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system.
- Family: do math+spelling with N
- Family: make a plan with D
- Family: go to 3rd grade coffee for Nathaniel
- Family: Check in regularly with my nephews and my sister.
- Family: take photos!
- Family: Make lunches for when I am gone.
This month’s intention is: Shine On: You’re doing great. You made it through September. The year is starting its countdown and you can do this. Remember to keep going. Shine on. Don’t stop now. Just one day at a time. Each time these are the best reminders.
Ways to Shine this week:
- One: Bold: Bold with getting things done this week.
- Two: Open: Open to restructuring my life a bit, my schedule seems exceptionally bad.
- Three: Heal/Nourish: Do at least 2 new self-care items this week.
I am looking forward to: spending time with my boys.
This week’s challenges: Monday will be a long day. Here’s hoping it doesn’t throw off the whole week.
Top Goals:
- Work: getting C+T teams into a routine.
- Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
- Family: time with kiddos.
I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: being kinder when i speak, having some perspective.
This week, I will say yes to: revising my calendar a bit.
This week, I will say no to: wasting bits of time.
I am worried that: i won’t exercise. i’ll continue not eating well. i will fall even more behind. david will be sad. i won’t give enough attention to nathaniel. i will get bad news for me. i’ll disappoint even more people. i am just feeling worried in general lately because i feel more disconnected and like i am dropping more things on the floor.
This week, I want to remember: that i am just one person and while i like to do a lot of things it’s good to be clear on what matters most and give myself grace on doing the other things less well.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects