This week’s page is another one of Tam’s beautiful Life Book lessons. She had these wonderful connected shapes but I was doing assignment on Valentine’s Day and thought it might be fun to just use hearts and see how it turned out. I also decided to use some colors I don’t usually use.
I will admit, I don’t like how it turned out. I don’t hate it, but it’s nowhere near the top of my favorites list. I did love her art and I will have to try this lesson again another time, without the hearts and with different color choices.
The writing says: we are all connected through love.
I’ve been doing this new practice this year where I just assume someone’s snappy comments are not about me. When they don’t say anything and my natural instinct is to go to my head. To make it all about me. To assume this other person is upset with me. But this year, I am doing the opposite. I am assuming it’s not about me. I am thinking of other possibilities. I am even thinking they want to help me. I am thinking they want the best for me. It allows me to expand and not contract. It allows me to be my best self. It allows me to remember that the world is full of abundance. That we’re all connected and can do more together. Always.
Note to self: assume the best of others. assume they want the best for you. they love you. and love them. unconditionally.
Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.