Living Intentionally 2017 – 04

Weekly Intention: This week starts with a lot of work, eases up a tiny bit in the middle, ends with a day in David’s school and finally a trip to Reno for skiing. (If all goes well.) I’m still down from the way last week ended and I feel frustrated, sad, and I would like to take some serious time to re-ground myself. I feel like I’ve gone from doing a lot to basically sitting around all weekend. And while I need to rest, I also need to remember what I told David a few weeks ago: life isn’t necessarily about feeling happy. or looking for happiness. it’s about purpose. feeling fulfilled and purposeful. i feel like while my work fills me up, the rest of my life is not as much. i haven’t been feeling it, lately. and i would like to work on this. weekends come and i feel selfish. i want to do nothing. but then, of course, that’s not fulfilling. so i feel empty. i need to work on a balance here. so my goal this week is to journal and get an understanding of how i can re-ground myself, release the frustration and self-disappointment. then i would like to make some plans for the upcoming holidays the kids have. and finally, make some plans for our weekends, as well.

This month’s intention is: Rise and Shine. Hit the ground running.

Ways to Shine this week:

  • One: Bold: I want to take some bold steps for myself this week. Let’s see if I can make a plan.
  • Two: Open:  This is a tough week for connecting with friends but i want to do more here. be more open. create more of a community.
  • Three: Heal/Nourish: I know I said this last week, but i will spend time journaling this week. i need it.

I am looking forward to: skiing. nathaniel’s activity day.

This week’s challenges: a long day on Tuesday this week again. Thursday will also be interesting. And while I am looking forward to the weekend, I also know it will be tiring.

Top Goals:

  • Work: a few more things to get in line this week before I feel like we’ve settled into the routines of this year.
  • Personal:  do more art. journal. get back to being grounded.
  • Family: support N on his activity day. have a wonderful skiing vacation.

I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: journaling this week. i need to see what i am thinking. i really need it. i also would like to be more open, expansive, generous. and not stingy.

This week, I will say yes to: skiing! fun. enjoying it. making the most of it!

This week, I will say no to: being grumpy. judging myself. i will forgive myself. again and again and again.

I am worried that: that i will not get enough art done in preparation for february. that i will never start my big work project or do a bad job of it. i am worried nathaniel’s day will be challenging. i am worried skiing will be taxing. i am worried i will be so tired it will seep into the following week. i am worried i will be impatient and let down the people i love. i am worried i will not feel better. i am worried i will keep carrying this weight that i seem to be carrying in my soul. i am worried i won’t be able to figure out what’s wrong.

This week, I want to remember: that it’s never too late. i can be who i want to be any moment of any day. every day is a new day and every day i get to start over. every day.


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